Sunday, November 9, 2008


by Patricia Hamel

Divine relationships are being established by Me. I am bringing you together for My purposes. Kingdom alignment is being established even in that place where you live and I am connecting you with others who have the same vision. I am starting a fire burning in your heart that will burn from one to another and then another and shall move throughout the whole earth. The fire of God is beginning to burn even in the hearts of those that have been sleeping in the light and I am going to take those who it seemed would not be used by Me and use them.

I am going to bring about Koinonia relationships between those of like precious faith who will desire My communion and to commune with one another. You will look upon those and love them with My love. You will have a common bond and that bond is Christ. You will look on each other and esteem one another before yourself. You will look and see the common good of the bride of Christ and not look on your own needs. I am taking you and am removing the selfishness that has been in My body and establishing you as the New Testament church I have called you to be.

See the little fires that are burning and kindle them with My love for it is My love that shall burn from one to the other and remove the dross. As the disciples fellowshipped from house to house and broke bread together so you will break bread with one another and be My disciples. How will man know that you are mine? They shall know by the love you have one for the other. It is that love that will draw men to myself. Love one another and be one even as I and the Father are one. With a pure heart have a fervent love one for another.

The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 1 Corinthians 10:16

G2841 koinonia, communion
means to communicate, common distribution, fellowship
Strongs Concordance