A prophetic question: How long?
by Henry Falcone
This early morning as I am waiting upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit prompted a question in me and then an explanation of why He asked me this question. The question begins with "how long?" Please pray over this prophetic question and explanation to see if you get a witness to it for our nation"
How Long?
I wonder how long so many preachers are going to continue to preach about the Body of Christ reaching her destiny in this nation, when their is such a need for true and genuine repentance of the sin that is in the church that has left us powerless, sick and anemic? I wonder how long the prophets can prophesy over a city they are the city that is going to bring revival to our nation, when there is never a call for repentance? Look at our nation? Look at the sin in our lives? How long will it be before we see we have allowed the sin of allowing "foreigners" to minister before God and His Holy Things like Ezekiel saw in Chapter 44 and bringing idols into the House of God.
Yet these modern day man made preachers still want to preach about us reaching our destiny without holiness? Have they read 2nd Chronicles 7? how about up to the 14th verse. Look at our nation and what do you see? We say it is the sin of the ungodly that our nation is this way, no beloved it is the sin in the church our nation is this way. How long before our spiritual eyes are open to our condition?
The word of God says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Beloved, We have forsaken our first love. We don't understand how far we have fallen away from the One true God. How long before we Pastors and leaders will it take before we realize that we have quenched and shut down the Holy Spirit from operation in our church because He was to bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment. We want His gifts, His power and His blessings as long as we don't have to repent from our sins or even look that we have them.
Judgment begins in the house of the Lord? Where is the Holiness in any of our lives that reflect Jesus like the moon reflects the Glory of the sun. Where is His Glory that shadows are filled with it like Peter's was and people get healed just by walking in our shadow? How long will it be before we understand that we are to be Holy as He is holy?
Jesus warned us that the false prophets would arise in our day and say Peace, all is well, then sudden destruction. "Just fulfill your destiny? When 80% of Christian teenagers are engaging in premarital sex. Over 70 % of Christian marriages in this nation end up in divorce? How long will Pastors allow their worship leaders and team, go to the bars, the youth musicians smoking pot on Saturday and playing on Sunday? How long my people how long before the Priest will rise up and teach once again the difference between the Holy and the profane?
What I hear today being preached against sin is always directed to the unsaved, never to the saved. How long will it be before we the sin of Achen in the house of God, or the sin of Ballam? What about the sin of idolatry in the house of God? How long will it be we realize that we have forsaken our first love as in Revelation chapter 2? Yet it is time for these "modern day" preachers just preach about reaching our destiny? How long will this nation survive without RUE AND GENUINE REPENTANCE!
How long can we continue as a church without us humbling ourselves as in Joel chapter 2 with fasting and weeping over our sin? How long before we recognize "we" the church in this nation have been bewitched like the church in Galatia dependent upon the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit?
How long will it be that we pray that God would give to each one of us the "true spirit of repentance or tear," that we would humble ourselves under the Mighty hand of God so He can lift us up. How long until we cry out to God to remove the pride and arrogance in our hearts that says, "I'm OK and your OK and we don't have any sin in us?
How long before we believe that the Word of God says if any man says, "he has no sin, he is a liar." Lord wake us up to our true spiritual condition in your church in this nation so we can turn to you while there is still time, so you can hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our Land. God that includes me, my family, ministry and all of us your body in this nation! Forgive our sins and heal our land. Church in America, HOW LONG? THE SPIRIT OF GOD SAYS TO YOU, HOW LONG? HOW LONG?
by Henry Falcone
This early morning as I am waiting upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit prompted a question in me and then an explanation of why He asked me this question. The question begins with "how long?" Please pray over this prophetic question and explanation to see if you get a witness to it for our nation"
How Long?
I wonder how long so many preachers are going to continue to preach about the Body of Christ reaching her destiny in this nation, when their is such a need for true and genuine repentance of the sin that is in the church that has left us powerless, sick and anemic? I wonder how long the prophets can prophesy over a city they are the city that is going to bring revival to our nation, when there is never a call for repentance? Look at our nation? Look at the sin in our lives? How long will it be before we see we have allowed the sin of allowing "foreigners" to minister before God and His Holy Things like Ezekiel saw in Chapter 44 and bringing idols into the House of God.
Yet these modern day man made preachers still want to preach about us reaching our destiny without holiness? Have they read 2nd Chronicles 7? how about up to the 14th verse. Look at our nation and what do you see? We say it is the sin of the ungodly that our nation is this way, no beloved it is the sin in the church our nation is this way. How long before our spiritual eyes are open to our condition?
The word of God says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Beloved, We have forsaken our first love. We don't understand how far we have fallen away from the One true God. How long before we Pastors and leaders will it take before we realize that we have quenched and shut down the Holy Spirit from operation in our church because He was to bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment. We want His gifts, His power and His blessings as long as we don't have to repent from our sins or even look that we have them.
Judgment begins in the house of the Lord? Where is the Holiness in any of our lives that reflect Jesus like the moon reflects the Glory of the sun. Where is His Glory that shadows are filled with it like Peter's was and people get healed just by walking in our shadow? How long will it be before we understand that we are to be Holy as He is holy?
Jesus warned us that the false prophets would arise in our day and say Peace, all is well, then sudden destruction. "Just fulfill your destiny? When 80% of Christian teenagers are engaging in premarital sex. Over 70 % of Christian marriages in this nation end up in divorce? How long will Pastors allow their worship leaders and team, go to the bars, the youth musicians smoking pot on Saturday and playing on Sunday? How long my people how long before the Priest will rise up and teach once again the difference between the Holy and the profane?
What I hear today being preached against sin is always directed to the unsaved, never to the saved. How long will it be before we the sin of Achen in the house of God, or the sin of Ballam? What about the sin of idolatry in the house of God? How long will it be we realize that we have forsaken our first love as in Revelation chapter 2? Yet it is time for these "modern day" preachers just preach about reaching our destiny? How long will this nation survive without RUE AND GENUINE REPENTANCE!
How long can we continue as a church without us humbling ourselves as in Joel chapter 2 with fasting and weeping over our sin? How long before we recognize "we" the church in this nation have been bewitched like the church in Galatia dependent upon the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit?
How long will it be that we pray that God would give to each one of us the "true spirit of repentance or tear," that we would humble ourselves under the Mighty hand of God so He can lift us up. How long until we cry out to God to remove the pride and arrogance in our hearts that says, "I'm OK and your OK and we don't have any sin in us?
How long before we believe that the Word of God says if any man says, "he has no sin, he is a liar." Lord wake us up to our true spiritual condition in your church in this nation so we can turn to you while there is still time, so you can hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our Land. God that includes me, my family, ministry and all of us your body in this nation! Forgive our sins and heal our land. Church in America, HOW LONG? THE SPIRIT OF GOD SAYS TO YOU, HOW LONG? HOW LONG?