Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Upon Rising by Phyllis Ford

Upon Rising
by Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas

Upon rising on the other side of tomorrow I say unto you
Set your face before Me and press in because there is much I must reveal to you
And release upon you in this hour, For as you are now seeing many signs before you
Know that I have chosen the path that you must travel, and you will find it narrow in its’ making
But the narrow path is the preferred path in this hour, Carry no extras,
No burdens, No baggage, No regrets with you,
Because you have never been this way before and what lies ahead of you may be difficult to process
But Remember in Me, through Me nothing is impossible for you.
The higher you go, the more you will be aware of what going on around you
For You will be an essential key to helping prepare others
to be ready despite the challenges that are before you with My peace, My power, and My prudence.
Remember I have made you and through Me know that all things that are in operation will carry you forth,
Keep your heart pure before me—placing no evil upon any man
Do not taint your spirit with the things of the world and
that which work against the divine nature of My love and patience towards others.
Pray, Wait before my presence and make no major decisions without seeking me first.
Because the enemy is lying in wait. Your dependence and reliance upon me
is key to your transition from one level to the next.
In humility you will find my anointing and access into doors not previously open.
I am setting an open door and no man can shut it,
Proceed but be watchful, prayerful, says the Lord.