The Talebearer
by Adrienne Williams
People of God, talebearers (one who spreads malicious stories or gossip) DO NOT have the capacity to speak into your Spirit to edify you! They can only CONTAMINATE your Spirit and make you become as much of a talebearer as they are! It is written," 22The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." (Proverbs 26:22 KJV).
Beware as talebearers are beginning to increase themselves in the land. Whereas, at one point, they were spreading the message of the Gospel which is hope, they have abandoned the message of "Good News" and now only spread lies, deception and cause further divisiveness in the body of Christ. These are the ones who will always "take a tale" to someone else and try to point a finger at YOU as the originator or the "bad person", however, a talebearer will NEVER be truthful about "what THEY contributed" themselves concerning a tale. They are truly cowards who will, quickly, throw another "under the bus" for the sake of making themselves look noble.
This is why you should be QUICK to listen and SLOW to speak! Let your words be FEW when people begin to talk about others and, even more importantly, DO NOT PARTAKE! A talebearer is typically one who is miserable in their own lives. They have not yet learned to humble themselves to be honest with God concerning their own personal issues so they ignore their own problems and project the havoc in their own lives into the lives of others.
Talebearers are miserable when they find themselves alone because, at that point, they realize they have no other choice but to deal with their own madness. Therefore when they can no longer stand being alone with themselves, they proceed to seek acceptance, approval and backing from those whom they can find to listen to their "garbage" and agree with their error.
So you see, people of God, the root issues of talebearing goes far beyond simply "gossiping." DO NOT BUY IN and DO NOT become caught in a web of contaminating others. It is written, 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29 NKJV) And most importantly, ALWAYS know that the ones who talk to YOU about others will talk to others about YOU!
A talebearer is, by no means, beyond being delivered. God can do ANYTHING and ALL THINGS! However, they MUST humble themselves, ADMIT their error and STOP GOSSIPING. While they may be able to deceive people, they will NEVER be able to deceive God. And at the end of the day, GOD is ultimately who they must deal with to give account for EVERY WORD that proceedeth from their mouths. Continue to pray for them and love them, but DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP! Out of YOUR BELLY shall flow rivers of living water! NOT cesspools of gossip and false accusations.
Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams
Beware as talebearers are beginning to increase themselves in the land. Whereas, at one point, they were spreading the message of the Gospel which is hope, they have abandoned the message of "Good News" and now only spread lies, deception and cause further divisiveness in the body of Christ. These are the ones who will always "take a tale" to someone else and try to point a finger at YOU as the originator or the "bad person", however, a talebearer will NEVER be truthful about "what THEY contributed" themselves concerning a tale. They are truly cowards who will, quickly, throw another "under the bus" for the sake of making themselves look noble.
This is why you should be QUICK to listen and SLOW to speak! Let your words be FEW when people begin to talk about others and, even more importantly, DO NOT PARTAKE! A talebearer is typically one who is miserable in their own lives. They have not yet learned to humble themselves to be honest with God concerning their own personal issues so they ignore their own problems and project the havoc in their own lives into the lives of others.
Talebearers are miserable when they find themselves alone because, at that point, they realize they have no other choice but to deal with their own madness. Therefore when they can no longer stand being alone with themselves, they proceed to seek acceptance, approval and backing from those whom they can find to listen to their "garbage" and agree with their error.
So you see, people of God, the root issues of talebearing goes far beyond simply "gossiping." DO NOT BUY IN and DO NOT become caught in a web of contaminating others. It is written, 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29 NKJV) And most importantly, ALWAYS know that the ones who talk to YOU about others will talk to others about YOU!
A talebearer is, by no means, beyond being delivered. God can do ANYTHING and ALL THINGS! However, they MUST humble themselves, ADMIT their error and STOP GOSSIPING. While they may be able to deceive people, they will NEVER be able to deceive God. And at the end of the day, GOD is ultimately who they must deal with to give account for EVERY WORD that proceedeth from their mouths. Continue to pray for them and love them, but DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP! Out of YOUR BELLY shall flow rivers of living water! NOT cesspools of gossip and false accusations.
Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams