Sunday, April 29, 2012

Answered Prayers

Donna Raphael

Many have been crying out unto the Lord in this hour. There is great intercession on behalf
of others, even nations. With such great mountains to be moved, discouragement can arise
even in the most seasoned of prayer warriors. This is a word to encourage you mighty prayer
warriors of the Lord God Almighty:

You have pleaded your cause before the throne of the Most High, the Judge of all. You have
kept coming before Him but yet see no results of your efforts. Many have gathered together
in agreement to pray for specific requests and have seen no answers yet. The operative word
is "yet". Be not discouraged. Cease not with your intercession. If anything increase the fervency
of your prayers. Continue to come before the throne for you shall surely see answers if you do
not give up. The Lord of Hosts has heard and is actively deploying His forces into the spiritual
battles that are surrounding your requests. Keep bombarding the heavenlies with your requests.
Keep warring in the Spirit for your victory surely comes.

Luke 18:

1And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
3And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
4And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor
regard man; 5Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming
she weary me. 6And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. 7And shall not God avenge 
his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? 8 I tell you that
he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Word of The Lord - Moses Is Dead....


Moses Is Dead....

Many of you have not moved for some time and it seems that you have been stuck in one place.  In your emotions it is as if you were glued to one spot and not able to move forward.  God says, He is setting you free.  Cry out to Me, says the Lord for I will deliver you and set you free from the things in your past that are hindering your moving forward.  It is time to move forward.  It is time to take the sword of the spirit and cut off all that is hindering you.  I am delivering and setting captives free this day.  You do not need to go on in your depression or your sin because God says, repent and I will forgive you.  Forgive those that you need to forgive and move forward into your promised land. 

Moses was dead and the people of God would of stayed camped there but God raised up another.  Joshua spoke to the people and told them arise and go and take that which the Lord was giving to them.  God has spoken certain things to you in the past.  Perhaps out of the Word of God, perhaps through the prophetic word and those things have not yet been fulfilled but they will be as you apply yourself and line up with the Word of God. 

Get ready, prepare yourself, continue to declare and decree what the Lord has spoken and do not forget the still small voice for He is yet speaking.  God is calling you and saying it is time to wake up from your slumber and sleep.  There are a few giants you have yet to fight but with His help and that of the body of Christ you will overcome them.  Begin to seek My face in a new way, cry out to Me and do not take no for an answer because with God His promises are yea and amen and all things are possible when they are prayed according to My Word.  Doubt not that which has been spoken to you, doubt not but trust in My Word.  It is alive and the power of the spoken word in your life is powerful.

Cancel out all words spoken over your life wrongfully and confess My Word for in it is life and life more abundantly.  Take the Sword and cut off all that is coming against you people of God, cut it off now, in Jesus name.  Faith is the victory that overcomes the world and you are created to be an over comer, overcome.  Life and death are in the power of the tongue so line up with My Word for in speaking life you will live, in declaring My Word, according to My Word you shall see it spring to life.  Pray in the Spirit, pray with the understanding, pray, pray, pray and honor those that watch out for your souls.  My yolk is easy and my burden is light.

Declare the Word of God and see it come to pass for My love for you will withhold nothing in My perfect timing that I have ordained for you before the foundation of the world.  Declare My Word believe it and it shall surely come to pass in due time.

 2Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.

 3Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

 4From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

 5There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

 6Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.

 7Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.

 8This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

 9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:3-9

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Utterances of God

The Utterances of God
By Francis Frangipane
(En EspaƱol)
Much of what we are living today we were speaking yesterday. Of course, not everything in one's future is determined by his words. However, in real ways, our words are seeds that bloom in future hopes and fears; they are the trailblazers of our future, the pioneers of our tomorrows.

Still, most of us are too casual, or ignorant, about the weightiness of our words. Recall: it was Jesus Himself who warned, "For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment." He continued, "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matt. 12:36-37 NKJV).

We will each stand before God and give an account for our words. We actually will be justified or condemned by the things we uttered in life. In truth, idle words create idols, false realities and hollow goals, to which we bow down and serve.
The Kernel of Life or Death
There is a weightiness to words, a spiritual substance within our words, and that substance has the power to impact those who receive them. Jesus said His words were "spirit and [they] are life" (John 6:63). The substance in Christ's words is eternal life, and believing His words transforms us.

So also our words can contain either life or, conversely, they can contain death. If I wrote a string of profanities, blasphemies and curses, would not the vileness of such words, at least temporarily, degrade your soul with their toxic affect? Our words, manipulated by hell, can actually become weapons the enemy uses to destroy us and wound others, as Job challenged his so-called friends: "To whom have you uttered words? And whose spirit was expressed through you?" (Job 26:4).

When we slander or gossip, we must ask ourselves: Whose spirit is being expressed through us? You see, Satan seeks to use our words against us. With our words, we criticize but do not pray; we judge without showing mercy. These things immediately affect our future. Satan knows that if he can capture our tongues, he can capture our future. As it is written: "The tongue...sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell" (See James 3:2-6).

The devil can take our careless, insensitive words and literally crush people with them. Although a word has no measurable mass, it can become an unbearable burden on a person's soul, especially a harsh word spoken in anger. It can actually destroy another's life.

Still think words are unimportant? A definite aspect of our salvation unfolds when we "confess with [our] mouth Jesus as Lord" (Rom. 10:9). Our confession takes salvation out of the vague, provisional state and makes it a distinct, effective dimension of our life. Our confession of faith in all things helps chart our lives in a Godward direction.

Prayer itself is the expansion of the heart toward God through words, and when you pray according to the will of God, your words begin to shape your future in God.

Combining Spiritual Thoughts with Spiritual Words
"Now we have received . . .the Spirit who is from God, that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words" (1 Cor 2:12-13).

As we combine spiritual thoughts with spiritual words, the things freely given us by God begin to manifest in our lives. This is not to say that merely repeating words has power, as if by magic. No. However, the Bible calls us to combine "spiritual thoughts with "spiritual words," enabling new dimensions to open in our relationship with God.

Becoming Like Christ, the Word
The church is beginning to realize its singular purpose is to be like Christ. To be like Jesus, however, is to be purified in both heart and speech. James said that "if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man" (James 3:2). Our words, therefore, are a measure of our maturity.

Or consider Isaiah. When this mighty prophet saw the Lord, he was immediately convicted concerning his words. Isaiah said, "Woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips" (Isa. 6:5). Taking a burning coal from the altar, the first thing the Lord cleansed was Isaiah's speech.

Likewise, when we truly see Jesus, our words will also be brought under the burning coal of divine conviction; a process of cleansing will begin. Thus, Peter says, "Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God" (1 Pet. 4:11).

It is an honor to be anointed to speak a timely word; it is a greater honor to speak a timeless message. Christ spoke both. If we were, this day, required to stand before God, would our words justify us or condemn us? Would we be honored for speaking the utterances of God?

Lord, put a guard over my heart that I might not sin with my mouth. Master, purify me that my words might be the expression of Your heart. Help me to crucify my instinct to talk. May I serve You as one entrusted to speak, as it were, the utterances of God.
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The Threshing Floor of Worship by Amanda Leonard

The Threshing Floor of Worship
By Amanda Leonard
This past Sunday I had a vision during a time of intense prayer and worship.  I saw this person who was worshipping the Lord.  Out of nowhere came this rubber-like substance that covered this person and began to try and smother this person.  This person couldn't breathe and was panicking.  Then the Lord blew His breathe on this "thing," and it turned to glass.  The Lord handed this person a rod, and He said, "BREAK IT!!!" He said, "I've given you the authority, so BREAK IT!!!" This person took the rod and drew it back and burst this 'thing' into a million pieces.  Then there was no longer any space between this person and the Lord.  This "thing" that had tried to smother and take out the person was broken and this person entered into the glory of God; His presence was felt like never before.

So this week as I've been in the word, God keeps bringing up the threshing floor and how it relates to worship.  I know that I'm not a bible scholar and that I have so much to learn but I know that God is putting this in my spirit not just for me but for others as well. I know that if God can use me, He can use anyone because I'm just a slave for my King.  I'm an uneducated laid down lover, and that's all I know. So I pray that the Holy Spirit takes over, and that these aren't my words, but His.  If anything written is of me, Lord, I pray that it doesn't cause confusion and that it won't even be remembered.  Amen.

Threshing floors were used to separate grain from the chaff at harvest time.  First, the cut stalks of grain were spread over the threshing floor and a sledge was pulled over the stalks by oxen.  This would break the heads of grain from the stalks.  Then the broken stalks were tossed into the air.  The lighter chaff would blow to the side, while the heavier grain would fall back onto the floor; then the grain could be gathered.  The threshing floor is a place where good is separated from bad, true from false, usually a place of judgment.

The threshing floor is also a picture of worship.  David was told by the Lord to build an altar on the threshing floor.
2 Chronicles 3:1 KJV: "Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in Mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite."
When we enter into worship, we enter into a time of "threshing." 
Micah 4:12 NLT says, "But they do not know the Lord's thought or understand His plan. These nations don't know that He is gathering them together to be beaten and trampled like sheaves of grain on a threshing floor." 
Micah 4:1: "In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be the highest of all-the most important place on earth.  It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship."

With what God has been showing me through recent visions is that He is raising up people who FIRST will worship recklessly abandoned, THEN His glory comes and will transform the earth.  We sometimes, maybe unintentionally, "worship" the glory instead of the One from whom the glory flows. 
Psalm 72:18-19: "Praise the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does such wonderful things. Praise his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory." God wants there to be no space between us and Him.

I believe that we, me included, have at some point in time worshipped other things besides Him. 

Exodus 34:14" Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."

Hosea 9:1: "For you have been unfaithful to your God, bring yourselves out like prostitutes, worshipping other gods on every threshing floor. "
God calls it "adultery" or "playing the harlot" (Ezek 23:37).  Many times we are too worried about other things to truly lay it all down to worship, or we worship these other things; whether it be pride, arrogance, fear, materialistic things, sin, unrepentant hearts, un forgiveness, styles, traditions, our way of thinking, disunity, worldly things.....etc....the list could go on and on of things that can prevent us from entering into that Holy communion with God.

So what is God wanting from us? I truly believe that God is preparing a harvest of worshippers who are willing to go through the "threshing."  Those who are willing to be "beaten" or "winnowed" until nothing is left but the good, the holy, the pure worship unto the Lord.  God is saying, "I want pure hearts, humble hearts."  Ones who don't just worship me on Sunday mornings but those who offer worship every second, of every minute, of every day. 
He is looking for those who are willing to become like this broken piece of wheat.  God is restoring this pure unadulterated worship. 
Isaiah 57-15: "The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restored the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts."
Psalm 24:3-6 NIV:  3) Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? 4) He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5) He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his Savior. 6) Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob." 

Psalm 51:15-17 NIV: 15) O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. 16) You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 17) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

God is asking, "Are you willing to go to the threshing floor?"  Are you willing to let God purify you, and are you willing to break those things that have created this space between you and God? 
He is ready, but we have to be willing.  Just like in the vision, we have to be the one to break it.....God is there just cheering us on! He is telling us to break it, because He wants to get closer to us. 
We need to break our ideas of what we think worship should look like.  Worship may look different for each person, but the main question is, "are we giving God EVERYTHING?" Is there something between us and Him that is smothering us and trying to kill us?  That's what the enemy wants. He wants for us to become distracted with other things. 
These "things" will eventually choke the life out of us, because the very essence of life flows from the Spirit of God.  Whatever the enemy can bring in to cause us to lose our focus, he will do to distract us from the King of Kings.  Our worship should be as it is in heaven; worship lifts our perspective from the earthly to the heavenly.  We should be supernatural beings having human experiences instead of humans having supernatural experiences.
Ephesians 2:6 NIV: "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus".
Revelation 4:9-11 NIV: 9) Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever, 10) the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11) You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.

He is worthy, are you willing?

Much Love,
Amanda Leonard


-Andrew Strom.

According to official statistics now published, the "double dip" for
both the Eurozone and the UK began in the last quarter of 2011.

As the UK's Telegraph published this week-
"Britain is suffering the longest peacetime slump in a century,
economists said on Wednesday as figures confirmed a double-dip
recession...  According to Michael Saunders, a Citigroup economist,
Britain is now suffering "the worst recession recovery cycle of the
last 100 years" with the exception of the period of the Second World War."

If anything, the Eurozone is much worse off, with the situation in
Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, France and even Holland seemingly
descending further by the week. I expect the crisis in Europe to
go on and on for decades without end. Literally, we will not see
Europe actually "recover" in our lifetimes. That is the prospect
ahead for the Eurozone.

So what of the USA? There will be no "official" word on any 'double
dip' recession in the US for some months. The NBER is very slow
to announce such things.

But with China in a serious slowdown, Japan in recession, Europe
and the UK in recession, and Australia on the verge, we are looking
at a synchronized global slowdown of huge size and scope.

Already we have spoken of this coming for a number of years now.
I believe we are in a time of great spiritual "purging", and that this
crisis will - in the end - bring a cleansing to places like America,
which have years of crisis ahead of it yet. It will be painful, but
ultimately I believe it will be good for our nations, which have
become so selfish and materialistic. I do not expect America to
even begin to emerge from the worst of this until 2018 or so. (-Even
then, not fully).

The West has some very troubled times in store. But spiritually
I believe it will be for the best in the end.

Keep looking to Him - the author and finisher of our faith, my friends.

-Please comment on this topic at the website below-

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Discouraged Soldier! by Maryam Ziadat

Maryam Ziadat

The discouraged solider!
While praying at the Chapel, I saw a vision of a solider sitting down on the ground and his sword lying down on the ground in front of him.
Oppression, hopelessness and discouragement were clear signs that you can read on his face. A white horse was standing there beside him, waiting on him to ride on its back!
I heard my self prophesying in the spirit �Rise up, rise up and strengthen your self in the Lord. Don�t lean on your own understanding. Trust the Lord and know that it is not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord! It is not what you are seeing with your eyes but the hidden mysteries of the Lord that will be revealed in its perfect timing seasoned by his wisdom and understanding! �
I started hearing this song in the spirit �It is well with my soul, it is well with my soul� and Psalm 45:3 was quickened to my spirit �Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty.�
 I then heard the Lord saying �If you don�t hold your sword and go take back your position in God�s army, the position will be taken from you and will be given to someone else ( the parable of the good steward was quickened to my spirit (Matthew 25:14-30)) Those who has been given much, much is required from them. There are levels of spiritual authority in the kingdom of God and not all believers are in the same level.
Set a focus for your self and let it always be JESUS. Don�t compare yourself, your attitude , actions or reactions to other peoples in authority. Your example is JESUS! This is how you are going to grow from glory to glory. You have been called for �EXCELLANCE�. In all things, so excel my child!
Arise, hold your sword, get on the back of your horse, you mighty man of war, take back your position in the army of God and do what you have been called to do! There is no time to linger or delay. Now is the time!
�Rise up with my strength� Says the Lord! ARISE!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The God Factor
Francis Frangipane
Rarely does a night pass without my wife and I praying for the Muslim world, and increasingly so for Iran. We are praying in agreement with millions of other Christians around the world.
I'm sure everyone knows that the world is moving toward a pivotal juncture in time. Iran's leaders are aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons while simultaneously pledging to destroy Israel. Israel, on the other hand, has sworn that Iran will not get nuclear weapons. The watching world has increased crippling sanctions on Iran, but to no avail. It seems inevitable that these two nations will meet in a war that will leave few survivors.
America, meanwhile, has pledged to stand with Israel. The Muslim world knows America (and its European allies) are weakened economically and tired of war, yet the U.S. is resolved to face Iran militarily if sanctions do not stop Iran's ambitions.
Though the stage is being set for a massive conflict, I do not believe this dreaded confrontation is inevitable. Let me explain: Islam is divided into two major sects. Approximately 80% of the Muslim world is Sunni and the rest mostly Shiites and some smaller sects. These two major groups have coexisted but have an historical hatred and mistrust for each other.
Iran is part of the smaller Shiite sect. Thus, Iran's determination to develop nuclear weapons is not only a threat to Israel, but it is an unacceptable advantage that threatens most of the Sunni world. A nuclear Iran has the potential, not only to ignite a catastrophic war with Israel, but it could easily spread chaos and conflict throughout the Muslim world and beyond.
Christianity in Iran
However, there is always a third component to determining the future, and that is the "God factor." The fact is, in recent years Christianity has experienced explosive growth in Iran. I recently met by email a remarkable Iranian woman. Nasrin was born a Muslim in Iran; however, she found Christ through supernatural dreams and visions of Jesus, which led to her study of the Word of God. She now lives in the USA. In a recent email she said,
God is working in Iran in a mighty way. Before the 1979 Islamic revolution, there were approximately 500 known converts in Iran. However, today many mission leaders believe that now close to one million Iranian converts serve Christ in underground house churches. The Lord is exposing the dark side of Islam to the people in Iran and Jesus is being revealed through visions and dreams. People in Iran have come to associate Islam with hate and war, and they are opening their hearts to the Prince of Peace.
Her testimony gives insight into one reason why Iran has been arresting Christians, especially pastors, as they try to slow down the rapid growth of the Church in Iran.
Additionally, I had another experience with an Iranian who sat next to me on a flight to Atlanta. As he squeezed into the middle seat, he put a large book in the seat pocket in front of him. I thought the book was the Koran, so I began to talk with him about Islam. He interrupted me and said, "This is not a Koran, it is the Bible. I am an Iranian. Many of my fellow Muslims have become Christians. I too am interested in learning about Jesus."
God is doing something in Iran. It is this divine initiative that gives me hope that a military option will not be needed. Therefore, I speak to you as people of prayer, faith and vision: let us join intercessors around the world in prayer for Iran! The focal point for our intercession should be the Muslim world in general, but in particular for the leaders of Iran. Let us also pray fervently for the Church in Iran, and also Israel.
Can we dare to hope for such breakthroughs? Absolutely. It was not too long ago when the Soviet Union collapsed before our eyes. Since its fall more people have come to Christ worldwide than the sum of all conversions prior to its demise. We are close to the times of judgment, but we are not there yet. The Holy Spirit has yet to be poured out upon ALL nations (See Acts 2), and that includes the Muslim world!
I believe a great harvest is going to occur in the Muslim world. The first stage of an outpouring is the awakening of intercession in God's people. Indeed, let us beseech the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into this harvest field, and beyond into the entire Islamic world. Let us, as followers of Jesus Christ, never forget the God factor when we pray about the future.
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Friday, April 20, 2012

God's Plumb Line - The Word of God

God’s Plumb Line – The Word of God
Patricia Hamel

One just has to do a little reading online and realize that it is imperative that we abide in Jesus with ever increasing diligence out of our love for Him alone.  I was concerned at things that I read today and realized that there is great deception on many fronts.  Except man know the Word of God he is going to be deceived.  We cannot/must not rely on dreams and visions, but in His Word and it is out of relationship with Jesus alone that these other experiences happen.

I am all for dreams and visions of the Lord.  All for God speaking to His people and our seeing the supernatural works of God as in the books of Acts.  What I am not for and will speak out against is people getting involved in things that are contrary to His Word and stumbling blocks for others.

We are living in a time when sin is rampant, deception is ever increasing and a great falling away is taking place.  We need to know His voice out of relationship with Him.  Jesus alone is the author and finisher of our faith.  Do not put your hope in men but in the Lord.  Pray for the discerning of spirits and that you will know the moving of God and that He will teach you and bring all things to your remembrance.

Always judge the prophetic word and be in the Word daily so that you are not deceived.  Much is spoken that is a counterfeit and unless you clearly hear Me, wait and put it on the back burner to be prayed over and discerned.  Guard against following big names and follow Me.  There are many that will become embroiled in following organizations but I said, follow Me. Christ alone is your plumb line in this world.  He is the standard and the Word of God.  Put My Word first and spend time in it, rather than seeking supernatural experiences.  It is out of relationship with My Word that any other experience must flow.  The Word of God will abide forever, follow Me and I will teach you and lead you into all truth.

Man’s experiences are many, and they tout their horn but it is My Word that must have the preeminence.  It is not the glitter and glory of this world that will stand.  Katrina was My judgment.  The Mardi Gras was the most sinful thing happening and it fed this city rampant sin regularly.  I am saying, that sin will not be tolerated.  It will not be accepted among those that bear My name but is to be repented of daily at the moment you realize you have sinned.

What you hear from God is as valid as any big time prophet with a name.  Do not follow them but follow Me for I am the Lord and the prophets, my servants.  Many false prophets are abounding, pray to discern.  Leave all to Me and pray, for I will expose the works of darkness.  There is a river of information flowing and mans knowledge, but not His love for Me, has increased.  There is nothing new under the sun and My Word is more up to date than any news cast.  Oh that my people would spend time with Me.  Men and women of prayer are needed.  It is time to sort out that which you believe.  The confusion and muddle in the minds of many would be cleared quickly if they spent but a short time in My Word.  Voices are speaking.  Many voices are calling out hear Me.  I say to you, hear the Word of the Lord.  Hear Me when I speak to you through My Word.

Hear Me, the Lord your God and let My still small voice speak.  The world is like a vacuum sucking in all that will turn to it and if you do not guard your mind in My Word many of you will be forever taking in by its lure.  It is beckoning and calling and you are in this world but not of it.  You are to be a separate people, separated unto Me.  Always abounding in My Word and work.  You are not to fellowship with the world but with those of like precious faith but are to be a witness for Me.  You must turn your back on the world for those that love the world do not have the love of the Father in them.  All that is of the world, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life are not of Me.  I am calling My children, come out of the world, the hour is late, the deception ever deepening and you need Me.  The cross is where you began, stay close to the cross.  I died and paid the price in full being raised from the dead for you.  Take up your cross daily and follow Me.

Thus he showed me: and, behold, the LORD stood on a wall made by a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand.  Amos 7:7

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Talebearer

The Talebearer

by Adrienne Williams

People of God, talebearers (one who spreads malicious stories or gossip) DO NOT have the capacity to speak into your Spirit to edify you! They can only CONTAMINATE your Spirit and make you become as much of a talebearer as they are!  It is written," 22The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." (Proverbs 26:22 KJV).

Beware as talebearers are beginning to increase themselves in the land.  Whereas, at one point, they were spreading the message of the Gospel which is hope, they have abandoned the message of "Good News" and now only spread lies, deception and cause further divisiveness in the body of Christ. These are the ones who will always "take a tale" to someone else and try to point a finger at YOU as the originator or the "bad person", however, a talebearer will NEVER be truthful about "what THEY contributed" themselves concerning a tale.  They are truly cowards who will, quickly, throw another "under the bus" for the sake of making themselves look noble.

This is why you should be QUICK to listen and SLOW to speak! Let your words be FEW when people begin to talk about others and, even more importantly, DO NOT PARTAKE! A talebearer is typically one who is miserable in their own lives. They have not yet learned to humble themselves to be honest with God concerning their own personal issues so they ignore their own problems and project the havoc in their own lives into the lives of others.

Talebearers are miserable when they find themselves alone because, at that point, they realize they have no other choice but to deal with their own madness. Therefore when they can no longer stand being alone with themselves, they proceed to seek acceptance, approval and backing from those whom they can find to listen to their "garbage" and agree with their error.

So you see, people of God, the root issues of talebearing goes far beyond simply "gossiping." DO NOT BUY IN and DO NOT become caught in a web of contaminating others.  It is written, 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29 NKJV) And most importantly, ALWAYS know that the ones who talk to YOU about others will talk to others about YOU!

A talebearer is, by no means, beyond being delivered. God can do ANYTHING and ALL THINGS!  However, they MUST humble themselves, ADMIT their error and STOP GOSSIPING. While they may be able to deceive people, they will NEVER be able to deceive God. And at the end of the day, GOD is ultimately who they must deal with to give account for EVERY WORD that proceedeth from their mouths. Continue to pray for them and love them, but DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP! Out of YOUR BELLY shall flow rivers of living water! NOT cesspools of gossip and false accusations.

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams

Friday, April 13, 2012


 A Word For Tucson Az. And Our Nation!
by Henry Falcone

This morning I was in the book of Jeremiah and reading the first few chapters and I was overwhelmed in the Lord and what He said to Israel and Judah. How sad the Lord had to bring such judgement to His people. What were the two major reason that He had to judge them? Jeremiah 2:13 "For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. "

What a word of the Lord to this nation, the USA. Though we go to church and do lots of things for the Lord, this nations heart has grown fat and our hearing has grown dull. Why? Because we to have "forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water."

Today we go listen to a 35 minute sermonette on Sunday on how we should feel good about ourselves, be blessed and prosper. We enjoy our 7 songs, 20 minutes of announcements, and we love to be entertained by every Christian entertainer there is. Yet the house of God is full of sin and idolatry in this nation.

We are not unlike Judah in Jeremiah's time giving God our "religious motions," but never giving him the fullness of what He desires, our entire life. He is the fountain of "living water." If we were truly drinking that "water" we would be such a light in the midst of darkness. The Glory of the Lord would fill our shadow as it did with the Apostle Peter.

Most unbelievers in our nation don't see much difference in our lives than theirs accept religious talking. They call us hypocrites because we say one thing and do another. For the most part that is the true assessment of the church in America accept God has left a remnant in this nation of those who are drink that living water.

The other thing the Lord says against Judah is that the "built their own cisterns." We are surely doing this today with the expansion of our mega churches, satellite churches, and all our religious works. Most of what we do in our nation is no different than what they did in Babel. Though we love God, our SUCCESS, the SUCCESS OF OUR MINISTRY is what is most important to us so we CAN PROVE OUR WORTH TO GOD. That is "false ministry idolatry."

That is why our works will be tested by fire as 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 says. That is why 1 Corinthians 13 says, we can give our bodies to be burned, all our money away to feed the poor, and have faith to move mountains, but without God's love doing these things in us we are a useless nobody and a clanging bell.

If the root of what we do for God is for "Our success" or "justifying ourselves" before God instead of the "true love of God," that is an abomination to God and we may hear, "Depart from me you worker of iniquity I never knew you. " But Lord have we not done this in your name, or that in your name, they cried out? Beloved the "quality must go in before the name goes on." The quality is the "heart we do the work for the Lord and the heart that truly loves the Lord first and drinks that living water."

Little churches or ministries are looked down upon as not being "anointed." God must be the "big churches." The size of the church big or small does not reflect the "anointing." What brings forth the true anointing of God is if they can say of us as they had said of Peter James and John, "that these men have "BEEN WITH JESUS."

In this nation, we have built our own cisterns in our own lives and in the church. We make our own water to fill ourselves with the best of this world and the best of God has to offer, not realizing that we are compromising and becoming luke warm and being ready to be spewed out of God's mouth. Mega church Pastors are saying, "we don't have to preach against sin, we just have to tell people that they can be successful with a positive message."

People ask me all the time is judgment coming to America? Beloved, It is coming to the whole world including America? Our nation who claims to be "one nation under God," is just a shell of that statement with no substance in it at all. Why? Because of the state of God's people, His church, in this nation. Our politicians are not the only ones to blame, they are a reflection of us.

The church in America are a majority of believers who have made our own cistern. We call it Christianity, or religion, or I go to church mentality, but in reality we are not reflecting the life of Jesus or showing forth His Glory. I am afraid much of the church in our nation has a "form of godliness" but denies the power thereof."

Much of what we have done in the Lord's name in this nation for the "Gospel" has been for our needs and not the Lords. How can you tell? Ask this question, "is our nation better or worse off now then 10 years ago? How can that be?

It is because we have "hewed out" for ourselves, cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. We go to church to build "God something instead of BECOMING SOMETHING! We go to church instead of being a church. Very few live a life a true life of a disciple any more. We play our Christian music, but we don't have true worshiping hearts that pant after God.

We may go to church activities and watch the super bowl in church on Super bowl Sunday, or do marches for Jesus, or evangelism in our towns, but we don't spend quality time with God to get His heart, know His ways or even His desires.

Why is the our nation in such a mess? Because we have forsaken the Lord. We have put the second commandment above the first one which is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and put no strange God's before Him. We have shifted the churches priority from being "God seeking" to "men seeking." We have even made "seeker friendly" churches where people feel welcomed but God does not.

How can say that? How many people in the churches in America have an intimate abiding relationship with the Lord? How many can hear His voice clearly every day? How many know His plans and desires for their lives and are living their entire live for His desires? How many have signs and wonders following them as signs of a true believer? Why are couples living together in sin not dealt with or gossip, backbiting, and no one correcting them.

In one church, a wife was encouraged to divorce her husband and marry someone else when the husband wanted to be reconciled to the wife. In another church the Pastor felt to take the cross out of the church remove everything in the church that looked like church to bring in the young people. So he pierced his whole body and got his body covered in tattoo's just to reach the youth. I am not making this up.

In another church they boast about being not confrontational, we will get you out in an hour. We are the fastest growing church in America. We have jumping jacks for the kids, horseback riding and we guarantee to get you out in an hour. Another church hired a marketing specialist to find out what the "people wanted for a church. " So they found out.

They wanted service under an hour. An upbeat friendly service no hard words given. A bowling alley, a recreation center was desired, and to do nice charitable works in the community and have fun events each week. That church did it and they have 10,000 members. So tell me if what God said to Jeremiah about Judah could not be said of our nation at this time.

In our city Tucson, it is surely of a truth. Today we have a "man made" unity outreach that is trying to bring the church together, prayer leaders together. Pastor's have left their positions in their own churches to take new positions in this organization. People have to pay a fee to join and be a leader so "they can help others do the work of God." Yet the real crying out prayer of repentance for city is not happening.The real returning to the Lord is not being preached. The sin in the camp is not being dealt with.

Yet they are planning events, outreaches and doing all they can to bring the "body of Christ together! To do what? More stuff? You can't even do what God wants you to do unless you "bring it under this new organization." The plan for this city wide unity in the church is to come up with "new ideas" new ways of changing our city and meet the needs of our community. It sounds great doesn't it, but it is rooted in the works of men and not the power of God."

Once again we are forsaking the Lord, yet doing these things in "his name" to gain His approval, bu not in the power "of His name," of coming forth from the deep abiding presence of the Lord that must worked in the lives of God's people before they do these things.

Men and women are being given positions of power and influence in our city and now everything being done in this city has to go through them? Who appointed these people? Are they truly five fold ministers? Does this look like the books of Acts where the Holy Spirit said, "separate unto me Paul and Barnabas" for My purpose? Is this birthed in real fire filled prayer where the Holy Spirit speaks or flair prayers or petitions rooted in our flesh? Was their fasting, praying, weeping and true crying out to the Lord for our city and even appointing these people?

I have not seen or heard any of that happening I am afraid. What I see in hear is "man" once again trying to build a babel instead of "waiting upon the Lord" and bringing true repentance to God's people and only doing what He desires.

This new city wide unity is built on the premise, I'm OK and your OK, there is nothing wrong with us." Yet, we have not did what David did and cried out "search me Oh God and see if there is any wicked way in me, try me and know my thoughts." We have not realized that we have "forsaken the Lord of the works." We have not realized we are not "drinking the living water" from the Lord,  or even that we have built our own cisterns. This is true in our city of Tucson and in our nation.

I am not trying to be critical or judgmental but speaking the truth in love. Judah was doing all the "religious things" as well at the time of Jeremiah and they thought they were right with God also, and the false prophets were saying peace, all is well, nothing will happen to our city of Jerusalem.
Yet the true prophet of God brought a "word" they didn't want to hear. He told them of their spiritual condition and to repent. He told them they had forsaken the Lord. He told them they worship idols and God was going to judge them if they didn't repent. The religious leaders hardened their hearts and didn't obey. They did much evil to this Man of God, and rejected the Word of God through him, accept a Holy remnant of God's people who did listen and obey.

I pray in our city there is a true remnant in this land. I pray there is a true remnant in our nation that is hearing the "true cry of the Lord" and will return to Him the "fountain of life and will allow the Lord to dig and make the wells instead of what "our hands can build."

Lord, hear our cry today for our city, our nation and we your people. Lord we have forsaken you. You are not first in our lives. Your kingdom and your righteousness is not the first thing we seek. Lord we are guilty of deserting our intimate relationship with you. We are guilty of turning away from you and going after other lovers. We are guilty of idols in our hearts. We are guilty of building our own wells, broken wells that can't hold water. Please forgive us. Please forgive the religious leadership in our city and in this nation. Please forgive us of our "man made" efforts to do your work. Forgive us Holy Spirit for not seeking your wisdom and guidance though we say we do.

Forgive us for putting men and women in places of power that you never chose. God remove this from our midst. Tear down everything that is not of you. Let everything that can be shaken, shake, so that which can't be shaken can remain. Lord do it in our own lives, do it in your people, do it it your church in this city and have mercy on this nation for abandoning your our First love. Grant us grace and mercy to truly repent and change and give us the spirit of tears once again to cry out for your church, us your people in this nation and turn to you with our own hearts.

I ask this in Jesus name!

Seven Demons That Attack the Church

Seven Demons That Attack the Church

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hideaway in His Presence

Hideaway in His Presence

By Ron McGatlin

God is speaking an urgent message – a call of emergency to the people of God.
We may be going about our daily routine of business as usual when our phone rings with an emergency call of extreme and urgent importance. Time seems to stand still and everything changes in that moment. The urgency involved in the emergency causes us to leave our routine of daily life. We alter all of our plans and address the urgent issue at hand. The routine issues of the day that seemed important a moment ago quickly become almost insignificant in the light of the urgent message received.
Our routine business may involve important service to man and God. It may involve issues of natural importance and spiritual significance to our family and others around us. However, the emergency of the message received may involve the continued well being and effectiveness of our service to God and man.
Such a message is coming forth from God today.
Broad spectrums of the body of Christ from the nominal believers to the maturing leaders of groups, congregations, and ministries are hearing the call to deep intimate oneness with God. However, many of us either do not know how, or we are failing to implement what we know to enter and remain in this intimate place of spiritual depth in oneness with God.
Words are powerful seeds but are useless if unheard or not believed. Hear what the Spirit of God is saying and live abundantly in everlasting life now and forever.
 Being in love with God opens our ears and tunes our hearts to hear clearly the desires of His heart. Experiencing God’s love and reflecting it back to Him also produces obedience to His desires and every word He speaks to us.
The urgent word from God is a call to extreme and deep worship one-on-One alone with God today and every day.
In this season, the coming forth of the kingdom on earth and our very lives – our well being rests upon our finding our secret place of deep worship and communion with God. Some of us have heard this word before. We may have walked in it for a season. So you ask, what is new about it? It is the urgency of the time we have entered and the existing lack in our spiritual oneness with God that has created this life or death emergency call to personal worship and communion alone with God.
Corporate Meetings Do Not Replace Personal Worship
We may have looked to powerful corporate worship and praise in weekly gatherings, and from time to time larger conferences or gatherings, to replace our daily abiding in true worship and communion with God. In so doing we may have neglected our true intimacy with God in our spiritual secret place with Him. Abiding in Christ is daily personal one-on- One living in His presence, fully connected as the branch to the vine.
Some of us may have substituted gathering in small fellowship groups in place of our abiding in our secret place alone with Him. The exciting times of sharing together may have become so service or socially focused that most of the time together is spent in discussion of personal and natural things about natural life. While we so sweetly address one another with hugs and smiles, it is as if Jesus stands in the corner desiring to spiritually embrace us and watching while we socially embrace one another. The Spirit of God jealously waits while we do our pleasantries and acknowledge one another instead of acknowledging Him.
Fellowship in small groups, corporate worship in large groups, and loving on one another are very important parts of life in God on earth. However, the primary and most important thing is one-on-One worship and communion with God alone in our secret place. The group things will never, never, never be what they could be if we are not one with Him alone. We may find ourselves from our souls pretending loving affection to one another or just going along with the motions of corporate worship. False smiles and hugs along with shallow or pretended worship are an abomination to God and are pleasing to the devil.
The Secret Place
The secret place refers to a spiritual place with God more than a prayer closet.  However, it is needful that there be a time and place of being entirely alone to worship and commune with God. The depth of our time in God is increased by our praying in the Spirit and meditating the written word of God. Praying in our prayer language and waiting to hear from God by the Spirit leads to our entering and abiding in the spiritual secret place. Our longing hearts are fulfilled and contamination from daily life in a fallen world is cleansed, thus opening the windows of heaven for greater revelation and intimate fellowship with God in the Spirit.
Distractions may need to be removed. If we can’t seem to find the time and place but do find time to watch the TV, we may need to get rid of the TV or any other distraction that robs our time in personal worship and communing with God.
This closeness with God must become our lives to the point that all day long we are connected in the Spirit speaking to and hearing from God in our hearts. We will find ourselves communicating with Him about everything that is going on in our work or personal lives as it happens. We must find our secret place of alone worship and communion with Him daily.
We are kept in the spiritual secret place with God.
Cataclysmic events will bring great travail upon the people of the world in the seasons of transformational judgments upon all that exalts itself against God. We shall not fear the treachery and devastation of world cleansing judgments. Whether we live long lives on earth or are martyred in His service, we are at perfect peace and shall be with Him now and forever. In His shadow in our secret place, the children of the kingdom shall survive to bring forth the glorious kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Psa 91:1-9: He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place.

When we see the urgency of personal worship and communion alone with God, we will drop other things to seek the secret place with God.
We will no longer busy ourselves working or ministering, seeking to do good things to the point of neglecting our one-on-One communion with God. The enemy would have us to be running about in our natural compassion and strength seeking to put out fires of difficulties in the lives of suffering people who are experiencing transformational judgments.

When we truly grasp the urgency and value of remaining in our spiritual secret place, we may no longer take on additional jobs and extra hours of work to try to get things for the family.
The answers we need, the power and guidance that will unlock the resources of heaven to overcome every situation of life, will only be found in the secret place. We must meet with Almighty God and have His direction and empowerment before seeking to deal with the needs of our world. We must spend time close to Him, if we are going to be anointed to bring forth His life in the world.

Jesus went from one isolated place of prayer and communion with God to another, and released awesome miracles to meet the needs of people in between. Jesus today in us will do the same as He did in His natural body.

The world will not be changed – the kingdom of God will not be established – by our running around trying to put our fires. The fires of hell will be quenched in the lives of believers as we find the secret place of power and guidance of God.

We must find our secret place with Him. The first priority of disciples of Christ must be to love God with our whole heart.

The secret place is that space in the Spirit in which all the world grows dim and leaves our awareness as we intimately bask in His embrace of love and glory. The comfort of the Holy Spirit in His embrace is awesome and complete. We are totally comforted no matter what our circumstances.

Our reason for living becomes to express our love for Him – to worship Him with deep all- consuming love. Our mouths and lives are filled with praise for Him as we exceedingly and lovingly admire His glory. Our hearts are melted as He pours the liquid fire of His love upon us.

This outpouring of His love brings a great desire to obey Him – to serve Him at all cost. The greatest desire of our heart is to please Him – our only fear is that of disappointing Him. We are motivated to fully serve Him and carefully obey Him.
Supernatural Impartation in the Secret Place

The empowerment and wisdom imparted to us in the secret place of intimacy with Him enables us to change the world. Wise creative ideas and solutions to unsolvable problems can be imparted into our hearts.
Supernatural powers begin to work in the world to change natural circumstances, to cause them to come into alignment with the will of God and the assignment He has given to us. Miracles are just God working in ways we cannot explain. Nothing is impossible to the one who believes (Mark 9:23). The one in intimate love with God will believe in Him without reservation and limitation.

There remains a season of great beauty as the powerful presence of God changes the people of God and subsequently our world. Eventually the perilous persecution will give way to a time when God’s people will live in a world filled with the peace of God. All who have escaped in the secret place with their lives through the time of transition and judgment will be holy – cleansed of the Lord. The kingdom of God coming forth in our world is worth all the cost.

Isa 4:2-6: In that day the Branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious; And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and appealing For those of Israel who have escaped.
Keep on pursuing Love. Love never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin