Sunday, October 30, 2011

Investing Christ into This World

Investing Christ into This World

By Ron McGatlin

As natural fallen human beings, we have a very tiny window of perhaps 86 years through which to view only a microscopic speck of the vast existence of creation from its origin to its end of time. Only a micro portion of created history is visible from our tiny natural window. The wisdom of the ages past and future is not in view through our tiny window.

The knowledge of natural man is less than trivial in the scope of all that is and was and shall be. Even with serious study of stored historical data and our best future casting that is based upon our limited understanding of the past, we remain clueless of the reality of the spiritual kingdom of God.

Spirit to Spirit Enlightenment

In great contrast to our fallen natural state is the redeemed state of becoming one with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God. The wisdom of the ages past and future is opened and available to redeemed man. As a son of God, our available light from our spiritual window comes from the fullness of God from eternity past to eternity future. There is no end to the potential of available light of heavenly wisdom, love, and power flowing from the open-heaven connection in the Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Connecting, becoming one with the life and light of heaven is for those who truly and completely love God – those who have become living sacrifices unto God. The beauty of holiness is measured out in our love from God and for God. The more love, the more holiness – the more holiness, the more access to the potential of heaven now on earth. Holiness does not produce love; love produces holiness.

To live and walk in the Spirit is to live and walk in love with God. The walk of faith begins and ends with walking in God’s love. All wisdom and power are available to those who believe (walk in faith) – those who live and walk in the Spirit – those who walk in love with God.

With God all things are possible. If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. ~ Jesus

The living Spirit of Christ in us is the only source of heavenly love, holiness, faith, wisdom, and power. This powerful heavenly Christ-Life in us always leads to true humility of soul. There is a complete absence of pride and fear. Perfect love removes all fear and pride and replaces it with humble rest in righteousness, peace, and joy. To live and walk in the Spirit is to live and walk in love with God.

Localized Tribal Villages of Love

The Spirit of Christ in us will draw us together with others who also live and walk in the Spirit. As we connect and gather with others walking in the Spirit, the presence of the glory of God increases. A spiritual radiant glow of the light of the life and love of God emanates from the villages and shines among men (Mat 5:14-16).

Sadly, many people in the world today have witnessed a lot of religious mixtures and counterfeits. Many will be greatly encouraged by experiencing the true manifestation of Christ appearing in His people on earth. Evangelism will be easy as people are drawn to the light and will seek out those who are walking in the Spirit to help them find the way to the fullness of Christ and become living sacrifices to God.

God’s investment will produce the fruit of the kingdom of God on earth.

God has invested the life of Christ Jesus into His many sons. Our lives are to be invested into serving one another in kingdom villages that are, in turn, invested into the world to establish the love economy of the kingdom of God on earth. God has also invested special spiritual gifts and holy angels (ministering spirits) to help us to disciple people into the reality of the kingdom of God under the headship of Christ.

God’s investments will pay off. All will not be lost. His word will not return to Him void. His purpose will be accomplished. However, we have a vital part in whether or not we will be part of what God is doing. It is possible for us to waste the investment God has put in our hands. The greatest investment is the cross and the potential of the resurrected Christ in us by the Holy Spirit.

In my opinion, one of the most grievous sins is to rob God of the offering of our lives as a living sacrifice to Him – to steal from God by wasting or misusing our lives and the gifts that He has given. Using our lives and gifts for the god of self or any other god is to waste God’s provision and sacrifice our God-given kingdom potential to another god. To turn our backs to the potential of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit and turn to fulfilling the lust of our flesh with the things of this world or to a man-centered religion that denies the Spirit of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit is grievous spiritual harlotry.

Many Christian people today are beginning to see that they are not walking in the reality of the kingdom in the Holy Spirit. They are beginning to sense that there are some among them who are filled with the Spirit of Christ and living a humble life of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit that they do not have. They are recognizing that their lives currently consist in the self-fulfillment of satisfying natural desires for self aggrandizement and pleasure. Ultimately, though, they do religious things; their life is wasted in a form of godliness without the reality of the life of Christ manifest in them by the Holy Spirit.

In the increasingly difficult times of judgments in the very near future, there will become a greater contrast and separation between those who both live in and walk in the Spirit and those who do not. The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. There is no kingdom of God outside the Holy Spirit. There is a major difference from having only the earnest or gurantee of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the Holy Spirit by being submersed, saturated, and filled with the Spirit of God. The difference is like the difference in having a seed or experiencing the full fruit of that which was in the seed.

Gal 5:24-25: And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Rom 8:9: … Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

Rom 14:17: for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Mark 1:8: "I (John the Baptist) indeed baptized you with water, but He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

We do not worship the gifts or the process. We worship the Giver and use the gifts wisely according to the leadership of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit.

Those who receive and are baptized in the Holy Spirit are filled with the fullness of the Spirit of Christ and have the potential to live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit, to establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

The Sword of the Lord comes,
Ron McGatlin