Don Atkin
The Fruit of Apostolic Ministry
Not everyone who says to me, "I’m an apostle! I’m an apostle!" is an apostle.
Losing sight of the fact that apostles are displayed last, as men condemned to death, and made a spectacle to the world ~ fools for Christ’s sake, it seems that many would like to claim this role. Others, who may be legitimately called to apostleship, are eager to rush headlong, and ahead of God, into what requires years of patient preparation.
There is usually a significant time lag between the calling and the commissioning, which often include seasons of temporary appointments to specific spheres under the direction and oversight of a seasoned man. Learning to walk yoked with Jesus at His pace is usually preceded by learning to walk with Jesus’ representative authority in one’s life.
Not only the American dollar is being devalued in our day The apostolic ministry is being devalued by those who are not apostles indeed, or those who are running ahead in the process. Satan tried to resist the emerging of apostles and apostolic companies who are threats to his waning authority Unsuccessful, he now is trying to dilute and subvert apostolic authority by tempting sincere Christians to go where God has not (yet) led.
The bottom-line-fruit of apostolic ministry in apostolic churches!
Everything reproduces after kind. Prophets raise up prophetic churches. Worshipers raise up worshiping churches. Teachers raise up teaching churches. Evangelists raise up evangelistic churches. Intercessors raise up interceding churches.
Apostles raise up apostolic churches that are fivefold in gift mix, and mission focused.
Let’s look at some characteristics:
A. Apostles govern; task-focused. Gifted by God, and graced according to the measure of Christ’s gift, apostles are master builders who lay the foundation of Christ, the anointed One, in the lives of people. Their objective is to see a church come forth in every city/region that is a many-membered functional body that is doing the work of Christ in that area, to the end that God’s government and glory are established.
B. Prophets guide; word-focused. Standing alongside the apostles in the foundation of the church (Jesus Christ being the chief Cornerstone), prophets keep the church moving in a manner that is consistent with the revealed word of God. When properly linked with governing apostles, there is a powerful grace to guide the church toward her destiny.
C. Evangelists gather; soul-focused. Passionate for the conversion of people to Christ, evangelists (1) preach the gospel of the kingdom (often with signs and wonders confirming the word), (2) heal the sick, (3) cast out demons, and (4) equip the saints to do the work of the evangelist.
D. Pastors guard; people-focused. A more functionally understood word for this gift is "shepherds." Shepherds are not always able to hang onto the vision because of their burden for people and heart for their well-being and safety. Contemporary religious tradition has confused this biblical role with that of CEO’s. But, today’s reformation process will align true shepherds within the fivefold equipping ministry where they will be freed from trying to do what God gave others to do. Then, they will be able to focus upon the flock.
E. Teachers ground; detail-focused. Appointed third in order by God, teachers are intended to put the meat on the bones that are provided through the revelation ministries of apostles and prophets. They are not to build denominations around their pet doctrines. Rather, they are to function under authority on apostolic teams, grounding the body of Christ with the details of apostolic doctrine and guided by prophets.
The great hindrance to the work of the kingdom is independent "Lone Ranger" ministries who have not found their place of peace on the team!
A. Fathers of the families. Paul referred to the Corinthians as my beloved children, and told the Thessalonians, you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children. He identified Timothy and Titus as sons in the Lord. John wrote: My little children. Not all fathers are apostles. But, all apostles are fathers.
B. Leaders of the tribes. Paul was sent to the Gentiles, Peter to the Jews. Paul refers to his sphere which God appointed us - a sphere which especially includes you. John wrote as Jesus dictated to the seven churches in Asia. This tribal concept is expanded upon in the New Testament, where we see apostolic companies formed.
C. Generals of the army. We are still too fragmented to realize the potential that awaits us as God puts together the global communion of apostles. Regional spirits will be cast down by the church standing together in cities and regions. The full release of apostolic authority will also bring revelations of gifts that are hidden beneath the surface of these cities and regions by the influence of darkness. The light is coming!
D. Architects of the church. Wise master builders understand the blueprint and strategy for building the church under Christ’s headship. We have not yet seen the glory of God on the church of His heart. We can cry to heaven for revival, and for that glory to be released. But, our cries will be in vain until God’s order is established. He will not breathe on scattered bones!
A. Fivefold in ministry. A person may call or title himself whatever, but the fruit of apostleship is churches that are enjoying the anointing and impartation of all five gift ministries in balance. This will not come from the sweat of the brow. It will be the natural flow of the apostolic gift in the mix, drawing the other gifts around him, and raising up and releasing ministry.
B. Built from a New Testament blueprint. Apostles appoint elders in every church (city/region). There will be a gathering and distribution of wealth. There will be the enablement and function of the gift variety within the body as described in I Cor. 12-14.
C. Built upon a proper foundation. This is a study of its own. For additional insight into this proper foundation, read: I Cor. 3:11; II Cor. 13:5; Gal. 4:19; Col. 1:27; I Jn 4:1-4.
D. Function with proper government. Revelation Chapters 1-3 outline proper governmental flow. Jesus speaks to the heart of John, who has apostolic responsibility for Asia. Jesus dictates specific instructions for the messenger (apostle?) of each church. It is obvious that the governmental division of the church is to be within geo-political spheres - cities and regions. This does not mean that local apostles and elders ~ or individuals ~ cannot hear from God for themselves. It does indicate that there is a higher purpose for the church that will only be accomplished on a corporate level and under proper apostolic government.
E. Produce kingdom fruit. This includes reproducing after kind both at home and abroad, people coming to Jesus and being discipled into maturity, believers operating in the gifts of the Spirit, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
1. Vision – Ephesians 3:5, 10
2. Order – I Corinthians 14:33, 40; Titus 1:5
3. Fatherhood – I Corinthians 4:15; I Thessalonians 2:10-12
4. Cohesive Team Leadership – I Thessalonians 1:5-6, 2:1-12
5. Master Plan - Architect - Taskmaster – I Corinthians 3:10
6. Place of Appeal – I Corinthians 6:5
7. Oversight; Accountability – Hebrews 13:17
A final word. Some are resisting this kind of teaching because of past abuses and/or present "flesh." The Faithful One who called us is the One who must accomplish all of the above. The flesh cannot please God. This is not something that we can do for Him.
Only as we yield ourselves as individuals to the Holy Spirit, and He aligns us with others, will we see the emerging of the apostolic church that will honor and reveal Him to the nations. Only in such a way will He fill the earth with His government and glory through His sons.
Maturity is finding our place of rest in His yoke.
Following is a Teaching sent earlier:
(I want to preface this Teaching with some necessary and important observations and explanations. What I am teaching here is intended to be envisioning, helping to encourage us in our journey toward the restoration/reformation of the church.
It is not my intention to invalidate everything that is going on in what we call "church" today. Rather, I hope to bring into question some practices and priorities. I, with you, am glad that our Father is patient and slow to anger. None of us is exempt from the great need for grace, even mercy.
Yet, if no one speaks up, we will continue to drift along in our comfortable religious ruts and traditions, and continue to nullify the word of God by them. How will they hear unless someone preaches?
God’s divine order for the church must be rediscovered before His divine power will enable the church to disarm principalities and powers, and set our cities free.
My wife and I are blessed to attend a rather traditional denominational fellowship from time to time. It has all of the appearances of success. The senior minister is a godly man who preaches the need for repentance, the power of the Spirit, etc. They are doing many things right. While traditional in approach, the ministry exudes light and life.
We are all at different places in our experiences and understandings. I desire to be helpful and constructive, not critical and judgmental. Please prayerfully give consideration as I share from my heart. - Don Atkin)
I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. - Jesus.
I’m a part of that church - Jesus’ church - the one that He is building.
This is the church that is courageously and victoriously marching against the strongholds of Satan, the gates of hell, driving demons from our cities and regions. This is the church that is proclaiming and demonstrating the kingdom of God on earth, expanding His territories to the uttermost parts. This is the church that is filling the earth with God’s government and glory!
God is love. The church that Jesus is building manifests the glorious love of God. Through faith (faith works by love) and obedience, many sons are being brought to glory, that Jesus might be the firstborn among many brothers. Creation is standing at attention, awaiting the full revealing of these sons, who will deliver her from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
This church is geographical, not denominational, in identity. Paul wrote, to all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints . .. to the church of God which is at Corinth . . . to the churches of Galatia (a territory made up of more than one city/region) . . . to the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus . . . to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons . . . to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse . . . to the church of the Thessalonians.
Peter wrote, to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. In The Revelation, and at the direction of Jesus, John wrote to the angels (messengers) of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
The epistles were all written to people, not to institutions. Some of these apostolic letters were directed to the saints, including their overseers and servants. Others were addressed to the people as bodies of believers. Still others were directed to individuals or groups, apart from any geographical identity.
Without doubt, the church is people, the body of Christ, identified by cities and regions, not by buildings, institutions, denominations or groupings. This clarification of both form and function is necessary for the church to cleanse the earth of all evil and demonic influence. Heaven calls out for us to repent from minimizing this issue, to join forces with one another, and begin to work together as one body in each geo-political sphere.
We can begin where we are. The first and necessary change has to do with vision and direction. While restoration and reformation may call for totally scrapping some parts of what we have been doing, we do not need to "throw the baby out with the bath water." We begin by evaluating everything we believe and practice in light of apostolic revelation. Perhaps the deepest changes will begin in the hearts of men and women - particularly those in leadership roles.
The Church’s Government
God appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
- I Corinthians 12:28.
Human nature would prioritize these differently, perhaps: first miracles, second healings, third tongues, after that who cares? But, we are not discussing human government; we are discussing divine government - the government of God!
So much of what we are calling church is governed by human thought. We must face the issue - perhaps the biggest issue in restoration/reformation - of leadership and government. We must clarify the difference between government and ministry. Leadership emerges in both government and ministry. But, not all leaders are governmental.
In New Covenant context, it is evident that God’s appointed governmental authority rests upon apostles and those whom the apostles appoint as elders Apostles govern, prophets guide and teachers ground the church in the foundations of the faith. Prophets and teachers are our ministers for good as they function under the architectural government of apostles regionally, nationally and internationally. They function locally under the caring and protective government of elders.
Apostles appoint elders in every city (not in every little grouping of believers). One of the more beautiful metaphors of the church and her Husband is found in Proverbs 31. This caring, providing, shepherding, enterprising, entrepreneurial, culture-impacting woman/community glorifies (the woman glorifies the man) her Husband as He sits among the elders in the gates
Walled cities are ruled by elders (who rule well) as they sit in the presence of the Lord of lords, determining what and who gains approved passage through the gates. There is a God-constructed invisible wall surrounding our cities and regions, and apostolically appointed elders will be enthroned on duty, as one inevitable result of this present day restoration/reformation.
You may be surprised, even troubled, that I have not mentioned pastors. I am in good company! Luke, who penned the Book of Acts under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, did not mention pastors in any of the 28 chapters!
The Church’s Structure
Nothing in Acts or the epistles supports the present-day pastor-led form of church. Clergy/laity distinctions are not Biblical. Neither are denominations and local church identities that function independent of the church in the city/region, and its legitimate elder government. (These are hard sayings. But, I ask you to patiently walk with me as we address these vital issues.)
I believe that God’s love and wisdom require us to find His strategies for transitioning from what and where we are to what and where we should be. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
1. Acknowledge the contradictions between your understanding and your practice.
2. Seek God for even greater vision, understanding and wisdom.
3. Seek apostolic counsel from one of God’s master builders who is graced with revelation on God’s divine order and methodology.
4. Pursue relationship with valid fivefold ministry people for fully-orbed insights.
5. Begin to share vision with primary and secondary leadership.
"The larger the ship, the longer it will take change course!" It is important to turn the ship at a pace that will not unnecessarily endanger those who wish to stay on board. Yet, if we don’t change course, we are in danger of missing out on God’s purpose, choosing rather the false security of religious and traditional ruts.
While some larger expressions of "church" are simply gathering places and/or evangelistic centers, others offer a broader expanse of ministries that are aimed at bringing the saints into maturity. Most of these are probably led by an apostle, who is called "pastor," because of traditional molds. (Some of these may not even believe in modern-day apostles. Yet, we can know them by their fruit.)
Bigger is not necessarily better. But, it may truly be better, if leadership is pursuing kingdom order and fruit. Bigger translates into greater capacity for significant ministry, including outreach ministry.
I am not nullifying the validity of the present "house church movement." But, we must understand that some people are graced to "captain" larger numbers than others. It is not so much a question of where and when we meet as it is a question of how we meet when we meet. Those with greater measures of grace must righteously administrate their charge in a manner that facilitates proper discipling that brings people into their individual destinies, and incorporates them as functionaries in the body of Christ.
Leaders of larger groups of people should inquire of God on how to reach out and serve the fellow leaders in their communities. Apostolic leadership should be drawing the body of Christ together in each city/region, to impact the world with kingdom culture. It will take this kind of envisioned servant-leadership to further the purpose of God, to see His kingdom come, and His will be done, in our spheres.
The Church’s Ministry
The ministry of Christ will flourish among and through His people under this kind of government. No more audience. No more performers. Rather, we will see the church in Acts replicated as people are recognized for who they are becoming in Christ, then equipped, raised up and released to the nations.
This equipping begins with apostles. Through wisdom a house is built. While apostles are governmental men - first in order (not importance), they are also graced with the wisdom of master builders to both foundationally undergird, and also to be ministers of wisdom for the process of bringing the church into fruition.
Secondly, the prophets are graced to guide. By understanding it (a house) is established. Prophets share with apostles in the ministry of foundational undergirding, and also bring expanding understanding regarding the structure, purpose and mission of the Lord’s church.
Teachers build upon this foundation of Christ. By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Teachers are graced to bring the knowledge of God, His church, and His kingdom (in conjunction with apostles and prophets) with great detail, rounding off the highs and filling in the lows, so that God’s sons and daughters may walk victoriously above their circumstances.
I have combined the language of Proverbs 24:3-4 and I Corinthians 12:28 to demonstrate the consistency of the Bible, when rightly divided under divine illumination. God is a God of order - a place for everyone and everything, and everyone and everything in its/his/her place!
The Church’s Mission
Unity is not the objective of ministry. Unity is the fruit of ministry. The objective of ministry is maturity. Jesus prayed, The glory which You gave to Me I have given them, that they may be one. Christ will be glorified as mature sons find their placement in Him. We will recognize the glory of Christ in one another, acknowledge and affirm one another, and unity will be the result.
Mature saints will walk in the Spirit, enjoy the unity of the Spirit, and bear the fruit of the Spirit. They will be revealed as sons of God, filling the earth with His glory, and manifesting the glorious liberty of the children fo God, thus redeeming the earth from the bondage of corruption.
We are not to prepare people to escape. We are to prepare people to live victoriously as kings and priests. We are not to simply stoke their brains with proof texts and Bible memory verses. The overcomer needs to know more than Bible history. Kings need to know their King! Priests need to know their High Priest. We need to be able to examine (look into) our own hearts and know - without doubt - that Jesus Christ is in us, lest we fail the test of authentic Christian faith. (See 11 Corinthians 13:5.)
We need, with Paul, to be able to confess, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Galatians 2:20.
We need to know - without doubt - that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, that we are of God, and have overcome the world, the flesh and the devil - because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. (See I John 4:1-4.)
The Church’s Lifestyle
This kind of faith is caught, more than it is taught. This is why Jesus lived life with His disciples, and didn’t simply hold classes a few times a week. It is normally the fruit of impartation through those who are examples to the flock.
The earliest record of the church shows us that they lived life together They were the communion of saints, borne out of the ministries of the communion of apostles. They were daily in the temple and from house to house, living life together.
When they did come together, each one had a psalm, had a teaching, had a tongue, had a revelation (I Corinthians 14:26). They were practicing life together, in the Spirit, that would lead to a level of maturity where the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love (Ephesians 4:16).
There was not one person doing the edifying and the rest sitting passively in the audience. (The exception would be occasional apostolic meetings such as that one when Paul preached all night. We need to know the difference between body meetings and apostolic meetings.)
They were not to forsake assembling themselves together. (See Hebrews 10:23-25) The purpose of assembling was to stir up love and good works, and to exhort one another. There was much more "life" than attending a performance and/or listening to a message. There is no mention of leadership in this context. There is a clear emphasis on words such as "themselves" and "one another."
I also notice that there is a difference between simply gathering and assembling. We can gather all of the parts of a car in one place, but we don’t have a functional car until all of the parts are assembled. There is a lot of gathering these days, but not a lot of assembling. Assembling requires the full team of ministry gifts that the church is being graced with in these days.
I pray that "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation (apostolic ministry) in the knowledge of Him (teaching ministry), the eyes of our understanding (prophetic ministry) being enlightened; that we may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ" (who is in us, the hope of glory). (See Ephesians 1:17-20.)
I pray that sincere servant-leaders in the present-day church will gain the courage to do what they know in their hearts is right, trusting in God for their security. Reward their selfless bravery as they step out in faith in making Your kingdom and righteousness their first priority. Grant them the fruit of their labor.
I pray that church leaders in each geo-political sphere will embrace one another, be willing to be who God made each one to be, and submit to one another in love and the fear of God - until Your ordained governmental leadership becomes evident to all.
I pray for those upon whom You have placed the mantle of apostleship to also mature, becoming cleansed of every impure motivation and clothed with selfless humility, that we may embrace one another in the full communion of apostles that will release the church into reformed beauty. This should be our posture:
"For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death, for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored.
To this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. And we labor working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.
I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I urge you, imitate me." - I Corinthians 4:9-16
Don Atkin
The Fruit of Apostolic Ministry
Not everyone who says to me, "I’m an apostle! I’m an apostle!" is an apostle.
Losing sight of the fact that apostles are displayed last, as men condemned to death, and made a spectacle to the world ~ fools for Christ’s sake, it seems that many would like to claim this role. Others, who may be legitimately called to apostleship, are eager to rush headlong, and ahead of God, into what requires years of patient preparation.
There is usually a significant time lag between the calling and the commissioning, which often include seasons of temporary appointments to specific spheres under the direction and oversight of a seasoned man. Learning to walk yoked with Jesus at His pace is usually preceded by learning to walk with Jesus’ representative authority in one’s life.
Not only the American dollar is being devalued in our day The apostolic ministry is being devalued by those who are not apostles indeed, or those who are running ahead in the process. Satan tried to resist the emerging of apostles and apostolic companies who are threats to his waning authority Unsuccessful, he now is trying to dilute and subvert apostolic authority by tempting sincere Christians to go where God has not (yet) led.
The bottom-line-fruit of apostolic ministry in apostolic churches!
Everything reproduces after kind. Prophets raise up prophetic churches. Worshipers raise up worshiping churches. Teachers raise up teaching churches. Evangelists raise up evangelistic churches. Intercessors raise up interceding churches.
Apostles raise up apostolic churches that are fivefold in gift mix, and mission focused.
Let’s look at some characteristics:
A. Apostles govern; task-focused. Gifted by God, and graced according to the measure of Christ’s gift, apostles are master builders who lay the foundation of Christ, the anointed One, in the lives of people. Their objective is to see a church come forth in every city/region that is a many-membered functional body that is doing the work of Christ in that area, to the end that God’s government and glory are established.
B. Prophets guide; word-focused. Standing alongside the apostles in the foundation of the church (Jesus Christ being the chief Cornerstone), prophets keep the church moving in a manner that is consistent with the revealed word of God. When properly linked with governing apostles, there is a powerful grace to guide the church toward her destiny.
C. Evangelists gather; soul-focused. Passionate for the conversion of people to Christ, evangelists (1) preach the gospel of the kingdom (often with signs and wonders confirming the word), (2) heal the sick, (3) cast out demons, and (4) equip the saints to do the work of the evangelist.
D. Pastors guard; people-focused. A more functionally understood word for this gift is "shepherds." Shepherds are not always able to hang onto the vision because of their burden for people and heart for their well-being and safety. Contemporary religious tradition has confused this biblical role with that of CEO’s. But, today’s reformation process will align true shepherds within the fivefold equipping ministry where they will be freed from trying to do what God gave others to do. Then, they will be able to focus upon the flock.
E. Teachers ground; detail-focused. Appointed third in order by God, teachers are intended to put the meat on the bones that are provided through the revelation ministries of apostles and prophets. They are not to build denominations around their pet doctrines. Rather, they are to function under authority on apostolic teams, grounding the body of Christ with the details of apostolic doctrine and guided by prophets.
The great hindrance to the work of the kingdom is independent "Lone Ranger" ministries who have not found their place of peace on the team!
A. Fathers of the families. Paul referred to the Corinthians as my beloved children, and told the Thessalonians, you know how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children. He identified Timothy and Titus as sons in the Lord. John wrote: My little children. Not all fathers are apostles. But, all apostles are fathers.
B. Leaders of the tribes. Paul was sent to the Gentiles, Peter to the Jews. Paul refers to his sphere which God appointed us - a sphere which especially includes you. John wrote as Jesus dictated to the seven churches in Asia. This tribal concept is expanded upon in the New Testament, where we see apostolic companies formed.
C. Generals of the army. We are still too fragmented to realize the potential that awaits us as God puts together the global communion of apostles. Regional spirits will be cast down by the church standing together in cities and regions. The full release of apostolic authority will also bring revelations of gifts that are hidden beneath the surface of these cities and regions by the influence of darkness. The light is coming!
D. Architects of the church. Wise master builders understand the blueprint and strategy for building the church under Christ’s headship. We have not yet seen the glory of God on the church of His heart. We can cry to heaven for revival, and for that glory to be released. But, our cries will be in vain until God’s order is established. He will not breathe on scattered bones!
A. Fivefold in ministry. A person may call or title himself whatever, but the fruit of apostleship is churches that are enjoying the anointing and impartation of all five gift ministries in balance. This will not come from the sweat of the brow. It will be the natural flow of the apostolic gift in the mix, drawing the other gifts around him, and raising up and releasing ministry.
B. Built from a New Testament blueprint. Apostles appoint elders in every church (city/region). There will be a gathering and distribution of wealth. There will be the enablement and function of the gift variety within the body as described in I Cor. 12-14.
C. Built upon a proper foundation. This is a study of its own. For additional insight into this proper foundation, read: I Cor. 3:11; II Cor. 13:5; Gal. 4:19; Col. 1:27; I Jn 4:1-4.
D. Function with proper government. Revelation Chapters 1-3 outline proper governmental flow. Jesus speaks to the heart of John, who has apostolic responsibility for Asia. Jesus dictates specific instructions for the messenger (apostle?) of each church. It is obvious that the governmental division of the church is to be within geo-political spheres - cities and regions. This does not mean that local apostles and elders ~ or individuals ~ cannot hear from God for themselves. It does indicate that there is a higher purpose for the church that will only be accomplished on a corporate level and under proper apostolic government.
E. Produce kingdom fruit. This includes reproducing after kind both at home and abroad, people coming to Jesus and being discipled into maturity, believers operating in the gifts of the Spirit, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
1. Vision – Ephesians 3:5, 10
2. Order – I Corinthians 14:33, 40; Titus 1:5
3. Fatherhood – I Corinthians 4:15; I Thessalonians 2:10-12
4. Cohesive Team Leadership – I Thessalonians 1:5-6, 2:1-12
5. Master Plan - Architect - Taskmaster – I Corinthians 3:10
6. Place of Appeal – I Corinthians 6:5
7. Oversight; Accountability – Hebrews 13:17
A final word. Some are resisting this kind of teaching because of past abuses and/or present "flesh." The Faithful One who called us is the One who must accomplish all of the above. The flesh cannot please God. This is not something that we can do for Him.
Only as we yield ourselves as individuals to the Holy Spirit, and He aligns us with others, will we see the emerging of the apostolic church that will honor and reveal Him to the nations. Only in such a way will He fill the earth with His government and glory through His sons.
Maturity is finding our place of rest in His yoke.
Following is a Teaching sent earlier:
(I want to preface this Teaching with some necessary and important observations and explanations. What I am teaching here is intended to be envisioning, helping to encourage us in our journey toward the restoration/reformation of the church.
It is not my intention to invalidate everything that is going on in what we call "church" today. Rather, I hope to bring into question some practices and priorities. I, with you, am glad that our Father is patient and slow to anger. None of us is exempt from the great need for grace, even mercy.
Yet, if no one speaks up, we will continue to drift along in our comfortable religious ruts and traditions, and continue to nullify the word of God by them. How will they hear unless someone preaches?
God’s divine order for the church must be rediscovered before His divine power will enable the church to disarm principalities and powers, and set our cities free.
My wife and I are blessed to attend a rather traditional denominational fellowship from time to time. It has all of the appearances of success. The senior minister is a godly man who preaches the need for repentance, the power of the Spirit, etc. They are doing many things right. While traditional in approach, the ministry exudes light and life.
We are all at different places in our experiences and understandings. I desire to be helpful and constructive, not critical and judgmental. Please prayerfully give consideration as I share from my heart. - Don Atkin)
I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. - Jesus.
I’m a part of that church - Jesus’ church - the one that He is building.
This is the church that is courageously and victoriously marching against the strongholds of Satan, the gates of hell, driving demons from our cities and regions. This is the church that is proclaiming and demonstrating the kingdom of God on earth, expanding His territories to the uttermost parts. This is the church that is filling the earth with God’s government and glory!
God is love. The church that Jesus is building manifests the glorious love of God. Through faith (faith works by love) and obedience, many sons are being brought to glory, that Jesus might be the firstborn among many brothers. Creation is standing at attention, awaiting the full revealing of these sons, who will deliver her from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
This church is geographical, not denominational, in identity. Paul wrote, to all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints . .. to the church of God which is at Corinth . . . to the churches of Galatia (a territory made up of more than one city/region) . . . to the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus . . . to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons . . . to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse . . . to the church of the Thessalonians.
Peter wrote, to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. In The Revelation, and at the direction of Jesus, John wrote to the angels (messengers) of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
The epistles were all written to people, not to institutions. Some of these apostolic letters were directed to the saints, including their overseers and servants. Others were addressed to the people as bodies of believers. Still others were directed to individuals or groups, apart from any geographical identity.
Without doubt, the church is people, the body of Christ, identified by cities and regions, not by buildings, institutions, denominations or groupings. This clarification of both form and function is necessary for the church to cleanse the earth of all evil and demonic influence. Heaven calls out for us to repent from minimizing this issue, to join forces with one another, and begin to work together as one body in each geo-political sphere.
We can begin where we are. The first and necessary change has to do with vision and direction. While restoration and reformation may call for totally scrapping some parts of what we have been doing, we do not need to "throw the baby out with the bath water." We begin by evaluating everything we believe and practice in light of apostolic revelation. Perhaps the deepest changes will begin in the hearts of men and women - particularly those in leadership roles.
The Church’s Government
God appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
- I Corinthians 12:28.
Human nature would prioritize these differently, perhaps: first miracles, second healings, third tongues, after that who cares? But, we are not discussing human government; we are discussing divine government - the government of God!
So much of what we are calling church is governed by human thought. We must face the issue - perhaps the biggest issue in restoration/reformation - of leadership and government. We must clarify the difference between government and ministry. Leadership emerges in both government and ministry. But, not all leaders are governmental.
In New Covenant context, it is evident that God’s appointed governmental authority rests upon apostles and those whom the apostles appoint as elders Apostles govern, prophets guide and teachers ground the church in the foundations of the faith. Prophets and teachers are our ministers for good as they function under the architectural government of apostles regionally, nationally and internationally. They function locally under the caring and protective government of elders.
Apostles appoint elders in every city (not in every little grouping of believers). One of the more beautiful metaphors of the church and her Husband is found in Proverbs 31. This caring, providing, shepherding, enterprising, entrepreneurial, culture-impacting woman/community glorifies (the woman glorifies the man) her Husband as He sits among the elders in the gates
Walled cities are ruled by elders (who rule well) as they sit in the presence of the Lord of lords, determining what and who gains approved passage through the gates. There is a God-constructed invisible wall surrounding our cities and regions, and apostolically appointed elders will be enthroned on duty, as one inevitable result of this present day restoration/reformation.
You may be surprised, even troubled, that I have not mentioned pastors. I am in good company! Luke, who penned the Book of Acts under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, did not mention pastors in any of the 28 chapters!
The Church’s Structure
Nothing in Acts or the epistles supports the present-day pastor-led form of church. Clergy/laity distinctions are not Biblical. Neither are denominations and local church identities that function independent of the church in the city/region, and its legitimate elder government. (These are hard sayings. But, I ask you to patiently walk with me as we address these vital issues.)
I believe that God’s love and wisdom require us to find His strategies for transitioning from what and where we are to what and where we should be. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
1. Acknowledge the contradictions between your understanding and your practice.
2. Seek God for even greater vision, understanding and wisdom.
3. Seek apostolic counsel from one of God’s master builders who is graced with revelation on God’s divine order and methodology.
4. Pursue relationship with valid fivefold ministry people for fully-orbed insights.
5. Begin to share vision with primary and secondary leadership.
"The larger the ship, the longer it will take change course!" It is important to turn the ship at a pace that will not unnecessarily endanger those who wish to stay on board. Yet, if we don’t change course, we are in danger of missing out on God’s purpose, choosing rather the false security of religious and traditional ruts.
While some larger expressions of "church" are simply gathering places and/or evangelistic centers, others offer a broader expanse of ministries that are aimed at bringing the saints into maturity. Most of these are probably led by an apostle, who is called "pastor," because of traditional molds. (Some of these may not even believe in modern-day apostles. Yet, we can know them by their fruit.)
Bigger is not necessarily better. But, it may truly be better, if leadership is pursuing kingdom order and fruit. Bigger translates into greater capacity for significant ministry, including outreach ministry.
I am not nullifying the validity of the present "house church movement." But, we must understand that some people are graced to "captain" larger numbers than others. It is not so much a question of where and when we meet as it is a question of how we meet when we meet. Those with greater measures of grace must righteously administrate their charge in a manner that facilitates proper discipling that brings people into their individual destinies, and incorporates them as functionaries in the body of Christ.
Leaders of larger groups of people should inquire of God on how to reach out and serve the fellow leaders in their communities. Apostolic leadership should be drawing the body of Christ together in each city/region, to impact the world with kingdom culture. It will take this kind of envisioned servant-leadership to further the purpose of God, to see His kingdom come, and His will be done, in our spheres.
The Church’s Ministry
The ministry of Christ will flourish among and through His people under this kind of government. No more audience. No more performers. Rather, we will see the church in Acts replicated as people are recognized for who they are becoming in Christ, then equipped, raised up and released to the nations.
This equipping begins with apostles. Through wisdom a house is built. While apostles are governmental men - first in order (not importance), they are also graced with the wisdom of master builders to both foundationally undergird, and also to be ministers of wisdom for the process of bringing the church into fruition.
Secondly, the prophets are graced to guide. By understanding it (a house) is established. Prophets share with apostles in the ministry of foundational undergirding, and also bring expanding understanding regarding the structure, purpose and mission of the Lord’s church.
Teachers build upon this foundation of Christ. By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Teachers are graced to bring the knowledge of God, His church, and His kingdom (in conjunction with apostles and prophets) with great detail, rounding off the highs and filling in the lows, so that God’s sons and daughters may walk victoriously above their circumstances.
I have combined the language of Proverbs 24:3-4 and I Corinthians 12:28 to demonstrate the consistency of the Bible, when rightly divided under divine illumination. God is a God of order - a place for everyone and everything, and everyone and everything in its/his/her place!
The Church’s Mission
Unity is not the objective of ministry. Unity is the fruit of ministry. The objective of ministry is maturity. Jesus prayed, The glory which You gave to Me I have given them, that they may be one. Christ will be glorified as mature sons find their placement in Him. We will recognize the glory of Christ in one another, acknowledge and affirm one another, and unity will be the result.
Mature saints will walk in the Spirit, enjoy the unity of the Spirit, and bear the fruit of the Spirit. They will be revealed as sons of God, filling the earth with His glory, and manifesting the glorious liberty of the children fo God, thus redeeming the earth from the bondage of corruption.
We are not to prepare people to escape. We are to prepare people to live victoriously as kings and priests. We are not to simply stoke their brains with proof texts and Bible memory verses. The overcomer needs to know more than Bible history. Kings need to know their King! Priests need to know their High Priest. We need to be able to examine (look into) our own hearts and know - without doubt - that Jesus Christ is in us, lest we fail the test of authentic Christian faith. (See 11 Corinthians 13:5.)
We need, with Paul, to be able to confess, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Galatians 2:20.
We need to know - without doubt - that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, that we are of God, and have overcome the world, the flesh and the devil - because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. (See I John 4:1-4.)
The Church’s Lifestyle
This kind of faith is caught, more than it is taught. This is why Jesus lived life with His disciples, and didn’t simply hold classes a few times a week. It is normally the fruit of impartation through those who are examples to the flock.
The earliest record of the church shows us that they lived life together They were the communion of saints, borne out of the ministries of the communion of apostles. They were daily in the temple and from house to house, living life together.
When they did come together, each one had a psalm, had a teaching, had a tongue, had a revelation (I Corinthians 14:26). They were practicing life together, in the Spirit, that would lead to a level of maturity where the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love (Ephesians 4:16).
There was not one person doing the edifying and the rest sitting passively in the audience. (The exception would be occasional apostolic meetings such as that one when Paul preached all night. We need to know the difference between body meetings and apostolic meetings.)
They were not to forsake assembling themselves together. (See Hebrews 10:23-25) The purpose of assembling was to stir up love and good works, and to exhort one another. There was much more "life" than attending a performance and/or listening to a message. There is no mention of leadership in this context. There is a clear emphasis on words such as "themselves" and "one another."
I also notice that there is a difference between simply gathering and assembling. We can gather all of the parts of a car in one place, but we don’t have a functional car until all of the parts are assembled. There is a lot of gathering these days, but not a lot of assembling. Assembling requires the full team of ministry gifts that the church is being graced with in these days.
I pray that "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation (apostolic ministry) in the knowledge of Him (teaching ministry), the eyes of our understanding (prophetic ministry) being enlightened; that we may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ" (who is in us, the hope of glory). (See Ephesians 1:17-20.)
I pray that sincere servant-leaders in the present-day church will gain the courage to do what they know in their hearts is right, trusting in God for their security. Reward their selfless bravery as they step out in faith in making Your kingdom and righteousness their first priority. Grant them the fruit of their labor.
I pray that church leaders in each geo-political sphere will embrace one another, be willing to be who God made each one to be, and submit to one another in love and the fear of God - until Your ordained governmental leadership becomes evident to all.
I pray for those upon whom You have placed the mantle of apostleship to also mature, becoming cleansed of every impure motivation and clothed with selfless humility, that we may embrace one another in the full communion of apostles that will release the church into reformed beauty. This should be our posture:
"For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death, for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored.
To this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. And we labor working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.
I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I urge you, imitate me." - I Corinthians 4:9-16