Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse

My heart was touched and very encouraged this morning by a PRAYER ALERT: reading as follows: Gov. Perry Issues Proclamation for Days of Prayer for Rain in Texas. God is moving the hearts of leaders to pray and call upon the people of the nation to ask the Lord for rain. I know one family who knew one of the firefighters that died fighting these fires. How very sad for all concerned!

We know prayer and intercession is the answer for all nations as we need to repent of sin to see the hand of God move. We need mercy instead of judgment as we see such devastation in Texas and elsewhere. Where can we go but to the Lord and cry out, Lord have mercy!

In scripture God used drought as a way of dealing with his people. We see in 1Kings 17:1 that Elijah the Tishbite said to Ahab, As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." What a solemn word to hear out of the mouth of God's prophet. Yet it came to pass just as he had spoken. Are we seeing the judgment of the nations in many of the devastations we are seeing? The floods, the hurricanes, tornadoes and the earthquakes seem to be increasing. There is such loss of life. We see things of biblical proportions taking place before our eyes. The birth pangs are coming closer together and unless we cry out to the Lord in repentance we will not see His hand move. God's hand of protection is slowly being lifted and we must cry out now.

Nations have gone on, business as usual, doing it their way, instead of God's way. Yes, there are those that have prayed and stayed on their faces before God and He will honor it, yet we also need to see many MORE who are righteous, holy people crying out on behalf of America and the nations. We need to rise and shine in this hour.

We see Abraham going before God and petitioning Him on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. The sin had gone up before a Holy God and today I would suggest to you that our sin is overflowing and the cup is indeed full. Yet, we have see the hand of God stay, judgments because He is a loving God and not willing that any should perish. We see corruption at the top, right on down. God is looking for a people who will serve Him on His terms. Those that live by the Word of God. We can be a hearer of the Word and not a doer and this needs to be changed.

America, you have seen yourself in the glass and walked away from it, not knowing that you need the Lord God each day. You have taken prayer out of the classrooms and wonder why there is such disaster in the schools. Our own nation has experienced the same devastation. We have allowed the trojan horse in the door and wondered why the enemy is slowly stamping out our liberties. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. What are you going to do today to do your part to see the trojan horse taken apart and totally dismantled?

We have permitted others to immigrate to our country and God bless those that desire to immigrate to our nation and live peacefully in the land. When you come to America you become American. You do not come here trying to uproot the American way of life. Whatever happened to the basics, like looking at the constitution rather than letting judges rule, reign and call the shots even in matters of sharia law.

God help us if we do not stand up now and be counted for. There is no tomorrow except we turn to the Lord. There is no freedom except we follow the boundaries of the Word of God. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation stone of any great nation and the degree to which the Lord is removed will be the degree to which she crumbles and falls like past empires. God help us to arise and get it together. Let us get back to the Word of God. Only prayer and intercession will bring change. Yes, there is a timing according to God's word for things to come to pass. Antichrist is rearing his ugly head and was doing so back in bible days also. It will not be long before he is revealed. Let us pray and restrain things until God's timing. Let us see the harvest come in. Let us go and do the Works of Jesus and see revival come to places in our land. Do I think we will have large scale revival as in the Welsh revival. Perhaps it is a lack of faith but seeing rather people in all pockets of life coming to the Lord and not a nation as a whole. How wonderful it would be to have another great revival, men and women down on their knees, crying out to God in repentance!

Yet, I ask you what will it take for this to happen. God is shaking all that can be shaken and the worst and the best is to come. The worst for those that will not bow down to the Lord and the best for those that serve Him. Not because there will be no trials or tribulations or hardship but the best because we serve the Lord and know His love. The angel of the Lord encamps around about those that fear Him and delivers them. So...we must not fear, but trust in the living God, Jesus is His name and cry out to Him for deliverance as things worsen let us become more like Jesus and let Him use us for His glory. Come Lord Jesus.

Blessed [is] the nation whose God [is] the LORD; [and] the people [whom] he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12

by Patricia Hamel