How Can A Nation Survive!
Prophetic words are speaking volumes in this hour and God's still small voice is speaking. Hear Him. The Word of the Lord is going forth from mouths that are willing to speak. Some have not yet come to maturity but God is never the less raising up prophetic voices that will come to maturity in the days ahead. The voice of the Lord is speaking through things that are taking place in the nations. God is speaking and His voice is resounding through the disasters we are seeing. We are hearing, seeing the need to repent of sin in our land.
How can a nation survive if there God is not the Lord? How can a nation win out over the enemy if she is living in sin? How can a nation survive if it kills its unborn before they come to life? How can a nation survive if they have other gods before Me? How can a nation survive if they do not serve Me, the one true God? Jesus is My name!
How can a nation go on in pretense and not wake up to the times they are living in? How can a nation survive without prayer in its churches and in the hearts of men and women? How can a nation survive if there are no family altars, I ask you how can your nation survive? Cry out, cry loud for the Word of the Lord needs to be spoken from the mouth of God's prophets. Repentance needs to be preached, and do not fear to speak it out loudly. There needs to be a sound throughout the land, crying out. Repent of the sins of the people, repent of the sins in your land. Repent, repent, repent lest a worst thing come upon you.
Now is the day of your salvation, now is the day of deliverance from the hand of your enemies. The enemy is at the door and he is encroaching just waiting for another opportunity to pounce like a thief in the night. Wake up My people! Wake up out of your sleep and I will give you light. There is no better day to serve the Lord, for darkness is on the face of your land. Cry out, for out of this there can be two outcomes. Victory and peace from your enemies or they will control you and you will be brought into a life of servitude to them. Nations were taken captive who did not serve Me but chose to serve other gods. Do you not desire better for your children and your childrens, children?
Repent and come before Me solemnly. Repent of your sin and turn to Me before it is too late. The hour is late but there is still opportunity for repentance in your land though the time is short. Repent and hear My voice, says the Lord.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9