Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moving In God's Timing by Apostle Adrienne Williams

Moving In God's Timing

People of God, DISCERNMENT is key in this season! You must be sensitive enough to the Spirit of God to know when one season is ending in your life and a new season is beginning. You must be able to discern when God is closing one door and opening another otherwise you may miss an assignment that God has for you!

Jesus Himself was even conscious of the timing of His movements while on earth.

It is written, "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for He did not want to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill Him. Now the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. His brothers therefore said to Him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. For no one does anything in secret while he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.” For even His brothers did not believe in Him. Then Jesus said to them, “MY TIME HAS NOT YET COME, but your time is always ready. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil. You go up to this feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, FOR MY TIME HAS NOT YET FULLY COME.” (John 7:1-8 NKJV).

Jesus knew, without a doubt, that if He moved at that moment, He would be moving too soon regardless of what others were saying. Many people are missing their appointed times and season changes because of the comfort of familiarity as well as allowing other people to determine their times and seasons as opposed to seeking God FIRST themselves.

Your timing may not be parallel to the next person's timing so be very careful of using such as a template to determine your own movements. Don't move too late or too soon! Draw closer to God so that you are readily able to accurately discern the times and seasons in your life. Some of the people that you have been attached to for years WILL NOT enter into this next season of your life and ministry. It is nothing personal and it is not that you do not love them. However, they just do not play a role in this next dimension of your life and will only become a hindrance if allowed to do so.

Now is the time to synchronize yourself to God's timing for your life. This will ensure that you remain well within the timing of receiving and completing mandates issued to you from Heaven.

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams

Find New Strength And Fresh Vision

Do not walk in discouragement but  overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.  Do not love your life but be willing to lay it down for My sake.  Die daily, take up your cross and follow Me.  It is in daily laying down your life for others that you will find new strength and fresh vision.  Let the wind of My Spirit blow and do not fear where it will take you, for I am walking with you, says the Lord.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. John 3:8

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 3/29/11:

Resist the temptation to take on more than you can effectively handle. Any over-extension could deplete your resources physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. Exercise sound judgment when making choices, and you would do well to be conservative. The enemy would love to stretch you beyond your abilities. If you need wisdom ask Me and I will give you the guidance you need, says the Lord.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Glory Of The Lord Is Coming!

The glory of the Lord is coming! The glory of the Lord is coming! The glory of the Lord is coming for those that have ears to hear. Walk softly before! Walk a repentant walk before Me! I am coming to fill Holy vessels with fresh oil. The new wine will be poured forth upon the world and they shall have witness of Me. Those that accept Me will have life and those that do not accept Me will not have life. There is a dividing line in the sand. The Word of the Lord will go forth with new clarity from holy vessels. Vessels that walk in holiness and do not touch the unclean thing will be used for the end time move of God. Nothing that is unholy will make it into the Kingdom of God.

Put aside that which does not profit. Put aside all that is unholy. Put aside the works of darkness for there is no darkness in My Kingdom. I am raising up a holy people who will walk in white. I am looking for those that will walk in white covered in the blood of the Lamb. They shall walk as one. They shall speak with one voice and walk arm in arm. They will come against the works of darkness. They will not break ranks. They will not fear for their lives neither shall they be afraid for Christ lives within them.

They shall behold Me, I am Jesus and am coming for My bride. I am leading you Beloved. Walk in unison and put aside the petty differences that have been used to try and destroy My body. Put aside hatred and bitterness, put aside the works of the flesh. Put aside the love of the dollar, and love Me. I am coming for one bride and she is not divided. When one hurts, all hurt. When one is uplifted and blessed, all should be happy at their blessing. I am coming and I am looking for a bride that is filled with the love of the Lord. My love will touch lives and change hearts, allow Me to change your heart today. Where there has been hardness, let me fill you with My love. I am love and will flow from you in a new way as you walk with a repentant heart before Me. Behold I come quickly. Repent and do your first works.
It is by My love one for another that men will know you are My disciples.

10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:9

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Test Your Fruit Today?

Test Your Fruit Today?

Many are taught by men and this is good that the Lord uses men and speaks through them. We are a body and so speak into each others lives. That said, there is nothing that can replace the relationship of God with His sons and daughters and time with the Father at His feet, will humble and teach one much. There is no more beautiful place to be than with ones heart tuned to the heart of the Father who longs to teach us so many things. First we need to learn the love of a Father and know that we are loved unconditionally and then when we truly realize this, we will minister out of His heart that love to others. Loving unconditionally is so important in ministry today.

Are we loving as Jesus loved or is some of the fruit we see in the body of Christ shriveled and dry? Come aside and take time just enjoying your Father for who He is and not what He will give to you and your fruit will begin to plump up and be ready for others. Dried fruit is never as tasty as the real thing and if you look at a bag of prunes they do not look as nice either. So...test your fruit today. Are you being fruitful in the Kingdom of God? Note you were not asked how many sermons you have preached but is there fruit that will remain coming from your lips, heart and ministry. You see as we go on in Jesus and mature we can forget to be like little children who come running to their Father. When was the last time you ran to your Abba Father and said," Daddy, Daddy. I need you".

The Lord is just waiting for you to drop everything that is not needful and to come running to Him today. His arms are out stretched and waiting for you to run into them. You are never too old or too late but it is now time to come running to Father and just let Him love you. Your journey with the Lord was started as a relationship and over the years you have gotten away from the closeness in your relationship. Today the Lord is calling you back to the basics. Come back to your first love. Remember what it was like when you first fell in love with Jesus before the other things got in the way. True maturity is realizing that without Him you can do nothing. It is His gospel and without Him in your life and ministry it is as sinking sand.

Come to the cross today. Behold the price He paid for you! He rose again that you might have life and have it more abundantly. He has risen and you need to let Him be resurrected in your life today. Arms are out stretched and Jesus is waiting on you. It is out of relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that you minister to others.

23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. 24 Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. John 13:23-24 (NKJV)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Positioned Right To Hear

Positioned Right To Hear

You need to be positioned right to hear what the Lord is speaking to you. There has been much disarray in the circumstances around you that have prevented you from hearing clearly from the Lord. Divine positioning is everything. Take time to be repositioned and let your heart have correct posture before the Lord. Humility in all things is the key. Learn to bend for you will not break. Yield in your situation and continue to bend and I will honor it. Do not be hardhearted or stiff necked but go with the flow of My Spirit and I will bless you, says the Lord.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4:10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

T. Austin-Sparks The Battle for the Throne Ch. 3

The Battle for the Throne
by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 3 - Recovery in Christ

Reading: Psalm 8:1-6; Hebrews 2.

The effects of the fall are in two realms:

1. Inward, spiritually and morally. Our thought is particularly in connection with government. While we speak about the prophet and the priest, it is the king, the governmental side of things, which is mainly in view, and here the fall has brought about this inward loss spiritually and morally in the realm of government, authority, dominion.

2. Then outward. Of course, that is obvious, that man has lost the dominion which God gave to him and entitled him to have over the world in every kingdom.

Man has all these centuries been seeking to recover that mastery, and inasmuch as the government of this world is purely upon what is spiritual and moral, when man has attained his greatest success outwardly he finds himself a defeated man, and still incapable of governing the world. Is it not a remarkable thing that in this day when outward mastery has attained such a considerable point of advancement, the moral government of this world is so very backward? The real government and dominion is a spiritual and a moral thing before it can be wholly and fully according to God's mind.

Let us note the course of things. Man created and constituted for dominion, but conditioned. The condition, even when he is constituted for dominion, is absolute obedience and allegiance to God. Then that dominion lost in the fall, and the consequences of that.

Now we come to two other things which are fresh points from now onward.

Recovery in Christ

All that was lost in the fall in man's constitution and in man's appointment or calling or vocation, has been recovered in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want you to get behind that, because here we touch the magnificence of this whole matter. I said at the commencement that in the eternal intention of God the whole issue of universal dominion was centred in His Son, the Lord Jesus. It was not first of all centred in Adam. If it had been, when Adam surrendered it, it would have gone for ever, there would have been no recovery at all, but it was centred in Christ. Therefore, although the means brought in for its expression may fail, its source will remain. The Head in which it is gathered up abides, it is not lost. God's security against the total loss by the fall is His Son, and Christ is eternally God's security and ours. It was preserved in Him. These elements are eternal elements; that is why I have been so careful to stress that these are not mere phases, and these are not merely temporary or periodic things. They are eternal, they came out of the very nature of God when He said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," and proceeded to do so. He 'made' with these constituents: prophet, priest and king. That is what God is—a spiritual mind, a righteous heart, a spiritual government; and He constituted man upon that basis, according to those principles in His own Eternal Being.

Man may fail, but God never fails, and so these things, being eternal, are indestructible, and they are secured for expression in the Lord Jesus, as above time and above history. Do you not see what a great revelation it was that was given to the apostle Paul about the eternity of Christ, and the eternity of God's purpose? That revelation was lifted clean out of history, clean out of the course of this world, and put back into eternity. That revelation points to and links two eternities.

The first chapter of the letter to the Colossians is matchless, putting the Son right back in eternity, and showing everything as related to Him, not as incarnate but as eternal. Man was brought in as a means to be used for this expression. What a calling! What an honour! What a glory, that man should be chosen in relation to that eternal thing which was in the very being of God, to express it and to be constituted for that by God. But man fell, and that race lost it all in Adam. But it was not lost. It was still secured in that Eternal Head; it was still preserved as indestructible in God's Son. These things were not first in man, but in God. Man is but the means for expressing them.

Then Christ came, because God had not abandoned and was not going to abandon His intention as to the method of universally expressing that. He could have chosen angels to universally express these things. He could have made some special order other than man, but He had decided that it should be man. The Psalms and the Apostle use strange and wonderful words: "When I consider the heavens, the works of thy hands, the moon and the stars which thou hast made, what is man that thou makest mention of him, or the son of man that thou puttest him in charge" (that is the literal translation). That is God's eternal thought, intention, and even though Adam may fail, God does not abandon that thought, and so it must be recovered for man and it will be recovered for man by Man, but what a Man! The Lord Jesus came to recover—not for God, not in the Being of God, not something that God had lost out of His Being by Satan's interference—but to recover for man that which God purposed for him. Here is grace. Here is the wonder of salvation.

I think, beloved, if only we had a fuller presentation of the positive side of salvation it would not be necessary to preach hell fire to frighten people into salvation. Of course, the New Testament puts a very strong emphasis upon that, but, oh! to see what we are called to, what God has chosen us unto! Is not that an adequate motive for us to appreciate the grace of God in salvation? "So great salvation!" That is the word. It is the loss of that, which can make hell for us; and to wake up to what we have lost. Christ's work on the Cross was vicarious in this three-fold realm of prophet, priest and king. It was not only dealing with sin. It was that, but it was the recovery of the lost function of man. And when the Lord Jesus has accomplished His work in the Cross, and is raised by the Father from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is there as the Representative, Prophet, Priest, and King. And then the saints through being raised together with Him, are brought into fellowship with Him in that ministry.

The Cross — the Way to the Throne

Let us take that a bit at a time. THE issue, the final issue of Christ's work on the Cross is not only that our sins have been dealt with and put away. It is ultimately and pre-eminently and all-inclusively that it is made possible for us to come back to the Throne, to come back to all that the Throne means; to be kings and priests unto God, to be restored to spiritual dominion in this universe. And when any child of God through resurrection union with the Lord Jesus is linked with Him as there at God's right hand, and comes under the government of the Holy Spirit, their education begins in the school of how to reign, how to gain spiritual dominion. That is the whole explanation of our remaining here. It explains everything that the Lord allows to come into our lives.

The Lord is perfectly able to keep every bit of trouble out of our lives, every bit of opposition, persecution, suffering, trial, to keep it all out. Have you been asking Him to do it? You are asking Him to take your crown away if you do. By it He is teaching you to reign, He is developing in you and in me spiritual and moral government. Why has He left the devil about, and his whole hosts? To teach us how to reign! Are you sitting down under him, accepting him? God's thought for you is that you should have power, authority over all the power of the enemy. That is our calling, our vocation, and our function in union with the risen and ascended and enthroned Christ. That is the top stone of the testimony of Jesus. It is to that everything else points and leads in our relation to Him. What the Lord is seeking is to possess a people who, in relation with Him as enthroned, govern spiritually now. They will govern manifestly in the universe later.

Christ's work on the Cross was primarily in relation to man's fall and lost dominion, in order to recover it, He fought a battle in the Cross. It was not just meeting wrong, it was not only dealing with the fact of sin. This was not an abstract thing, to set up a standard of morality, an ideal for life. It was meeting hell; it was a conflict with the whole range of those principalities and powers, those spiritual intelligent forces which had wrested the dominion from man, and that dominion had to be restored. It was done in the Cross of the Lord Jesus, and it is in the hands of Christ, now risen and ascended: "All authority has been given unto me in heaven and in earth."

Fallen Man Cannot Reign

Now we must go back a bit. The fallen—now known as the natural—man can never occupy the Throne nor have dominion. He, as such, is fully and finally set aside. He has sought to exercise kingship. The devil has tried to make him a king: "All these will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me." While that was said to Christ, it represents a principle of Satanic effort from the beginning. The devil has always followed that line in trying to make men kings without God, and the full expression of that effort of his will be Anti-Christ, Super-man; man representing universal government, control, authority, apart from God. But, as history has proved, and will prove right to the end, even Anti-Christ, that fallen or natural man, even Satanically energised, cannot have dominion according to God's thought. God has taken pains to make that clear. His inability to have dominion has all the way through been exhibited by God. His unfitness has been displayed. Oh! how God has, as it seems, gone out of His way to show man's inability in himself to reach any Divine standard.

We must keep to this one point of dominion, but look at the long dispensation of law. Did not God know right at the beginning when He gave the law what the end would be? Being God, He knew that the end of the dispensation of the law would be utter failure, because He knew man, and yet He gave the law. He gave the law deliberately, knowing full well what the end of it would be. Then, you say, if God knew that the end would be failure, why did God do it? God did it in order that man might come to know himself, his inability. It has taken centuries of history in man's experience to bring him to the place where he knows that this thing is not in him. And so God paves the way for His Son. Somehow or other the Lord has to bring that home to us, with a period of experience, before we fully accept it. We might take it mentally, and say we agreed with it, but then God puts us into the place for a few months where we are tested out, and the end of that severe test is, Lord, if you do not do this thing it will never be done! Put me up against the devil and see how much good I am! Put me up against the law and see if I can keep it! No! it is not in man. That is the verdict. God has demonstrated that through long periods of practical history, based upon that very fact. And we have outstanding illustrations of it.

An Historic Example

We might take one example in the particular realm in which we are moving, as to dominion. Look at Saul, the king. He is a good illustration. Saul humanly and naturally is a very fine specimen. When they looked at Saul they saw that he was head and shoulders above any other man in Israel, and the naturally minded acclaimed Saul a magnificent specimen of what a king ought to be, and they shouted, "God save the king." Well, that is man at his best. Now he has come to the throne. How will it work out? I know that there is a problem as to the anointing of Saul, that God anointed him to be king, and I want you to recognise a difference. There is always a big difference between God's sovereignty and God's grace, or between common grace and saving grace. God acted in sovereignty over Saul, in what we call "common grace." God is Sovereign of this universe, and He can do as He likes, and within the compass, the range or realm of His sovereignty He operates in common grace, that is, what He does in sovereignty is to work in a general way toward His ultimate end, in order to bring in what is according to His mind. That is common grace. Christ is governing this whole thing, and His government is in common grace. The end will be to the glory of God, the end will be that Christ comes back into His own. That is common grace.

Saving grace is quite another thing. It is in the universe at large that sovereignty operates and common grace is at work, but it is only amongst the saints that saving grace is at work. I am touching Saul; the problem of his anointing. In the sovereignty of God and in the common grace of God he was anointed at the command of God. How will this common grace in sovereignty turn out? It will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the natural man at his best cannot govern, and when you have come to that conclusion you have opened the way for saving grace. Do you see that? That is, you have cleared the way for God's king when you have got man's king out of the way, but you will never have a way for God's king until man has tried and failed. That is the nature of things, that you are never prepared to have God's thought until your own thought has broken down. That is how this world is in the fall. God will never get a chance until all other chances have been tried out by man, but that is the common grace of God. He lets them try it out, with a view to establishing His own thought eventually. There is no question about it when you get there. You will say, with a good deal of experience, I have come to the place where I have tried everything else and it has failed, but this is it. If this had come first I might have had something in the background, something up my sleeve.

And so God, in common grace and sovereignty allows Saul to be anointed as a very bright specimen of men. And it is not very long before this natural man at his best is shown to be quite incapable of ruling. He represents the trial of the natural man in relation to government, his unfitness to rule is very soon manifested. He is given a few tests, and what comes out? The word of the Lord through Samuel is: "I remember that which Amalek did to Israel." "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy..." He is put to the test, as to whether he will govern, whether he is fit to govern. Spiritual government is conditioned by absolute obedience and allegiance to God. That is the principle of spiritual government. Now he is being tried on that principle. You know the result. He did not utterly destroy Amalek, he spared the best of the flock and the herd. He excused himself by saying that he spared the best of the flock and the herd for sacrifice, but Samuel said: " obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." And Saul lost his office before God because he had proved that spiritually he was unfit to hold it, that is, he could not keep the kingship because he was not constituted for it.

The Kind to Reign

Who is the man that will reign? It is significant to notice that it was for forty years that Saul kept the name of king. Spiritually he had never held the position, but even under God's recognition in that realm he had only held it for three years, and then thirty-seven years he was spiritually and morally out of that realm altogether. But he kept the official title for another thirty-seven years, making forty years in all. Forty is always a time of probation, and here is the natural man at his best, proving his unfitness to reign throughout a perfect period of testing. That is an illustration, a type. Now the man who will reign, who is he? I will not take a type at this point, but will take the principles. He is the one who is joined to the Lord inwardly. There is the Lord Jesus exalted to the right hand of the Majesty on High, a Prince and a Saviour. Who will reign? Who will come to spiritual dominion? Those who are joined to Him inwardly. Cover the whole range again—the prophet, the priest and the king. We have said that these all go together, and form a whole, and the two lead to the other, the third, the throne.

The Prophet

The Prophet leading to the throne. What is that spiritually in the New Tesatment? It is simply this, "We have the mind of Christ." The prophetic function is the spiritual mind. The spiritual mind is related to the throne, it leads on to the Throne, and that is what Paul meant when he said, "We have the mind of Christ." "To be spiritually minded is life..." Now, go back to your New Testament with the spiritual mind in your thought, and you will see that it is a feature of the Throne, it brings you to a place of spiritual ascendancy. Let us put that quite simply. Who are the people who will really be in the place of advantage, of spiritual power, who will be looked up to? Amongst men they may be the weakest, the most foolish, nothing to look at; everything that man would set aside and ignore, and yet something about them that demands attention, something about them that cannot be ignored, something to be reckoned with. You have to say, there is something about them, and when they speak there is something in what they say, and it comes to pass, it is true, you cannot get away from it, you cannot close your eyes to it. What is it? They know the Lord. They have a spiritual knowledge of the Lord. Despise them if you will amongst men, but that thing is something dominant spiritually, and you have to bow to it. There is the prophet, the spiritual mind. The spiritual mind represents something of the Throne, it relates to the Throne.

The Priest

It is a matter of the heart, righteousness, or that abandoning of the heart to what God desires. It is a quality, but it is a mighty quality. Righteousness is a strong thing, it is always represented as a strong thing in the Word of God. It is the brass, and brass is a very powerful thing. You cannot resist brass, the fire cannot overcome the brass, the altar of whole burnt offering is of brass, and the fire is kept burning perpetually. It is righteousness, and there is something about real righteousness of the heart which speaks of the Throne. It is a governing thing.

Now you see that these two things represent spiritual links with the Lord Jesus inwardly.

The King

He is King there, because He was so utterly abandoned to God's will. Who are those who reign? Those who are one with Him in the will of God, who have the Spirit of Christ in them, consuming them unto the will of God! Find the men and the women who are wholly, utterly in the will of God, and you cannot do anything with those men and those women. On the plain of nature they may be nothing, but they are a dominating factor in the spiritual realm, and you know quite well that you cannot turn those lives round as you like, they are in the will of God and they govern spiritually, morally. It is the Lord Jesus in what He is as Prophet, Priest and King, exercising Himself, expressing Himself in and through the saints spiritually.

Spiritual Dominion is Universal

It is not merely in this world of flesh and blood. What can the devil do with a man or woman who knows the Lord? What can the powers of darkness do with a man or woman who has the righteousness of Christ as a breastplate over the heart? What can the adversary do with a man or woman who is utterly bound by the will of God? What can he do with the Lord Jesus? When we come into that position, we reign in the spiritual realm. If you are going to try and find some defence against the enemy as the Accuser in yourself, as to your goodness, well, the Lord has taken a big lump of history to prove that that cannot be done and in the end man is hopeless. Are you still trying to find some good with which to beat the devil? You had better give it all up. Do not go on for he will worst you, he will pulverise you, in the end you will be good for nothing. The sooner you stand with both feet on what Christ is there for you, the sooner you are coming into spiritual dominion over the devil. Then you will be in the place of, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" — even the Accuser — "and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." That is an impregnable position against the devil. It is the way of the Throne, it is dominion!

Reigning by Christ

Now, this man, to reign, is reconstituted by Christ. That is, that constitution for government in the new creation is the Holy Spirit making Christ over to the believer. We are reconstituted, created anew, and we are created anew for this ultimate purpose — dominion. It is not going to be office. Do not get an external mentality about reigning on thrones later on. This thing is intensely real as a spiritual thing. The throne, the crown, the dominion, is fundamentally and preeminently spiritual, and we are to be constituted for it, not appointed to it, and we are constituted for it by Christ. You see what I said at the beginning, that out from what God was, there came into man that which constituted him for dominion. Now in the new creation, out from what Christ is as in the Throne there is brought by the Holy Spirit the constituents for dominion. "Strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inward man." That is a constituent of Christ to make us govern. The Holy Spirit taking of His things and revealing them unto us. That is spiritual revelation, to bring us into a governing position spiritually, the Holy Spirit making good for us, to us, His righteousness, the righteousness which is of God by faith. That brings you to the throne, dominion over the power of the enemy. It is a very real thing, it is not just a picture. That is what is going on in us. It is simply that we are being constituted according to Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit. Those things which are in Christ there, are being imparted to us, and developed in us, and what we have to do day by day and hour by hour is to draw upon Christ, in order to maintain our position of spiritual ascendancy.

Am I weak? That is not the criterion. He is strong, and by faith I reach out to make His strength perfect in my weakness. Am I foolish? Am I in a quandary? That is not the thing. He is perfect wisdom, made unto us from God, wisdom; and therefore I take from Him the wisdom that He is, to bring me up out of this position. It is what Christ is made over to us, constituting us to govern, and it will all be a matter of the measure of Christ as to how much we reign. The rank that we are going to hold in the coming universal reign of the Lord Jesus will just be the measure of Christ that we have. Let the Lord have a large place, live on Him, live out from Him, draw upon Him, make Him your everything. Learn day by day how to appropriate Christ by faith, how to repudiate what you are in yourself, and make what He is everything to you. That is the way of victory. Circling around yourself, looking into yourself, trying to find something; all that is simply grieving God, it is saying, in effect, to the Lord, 'Your Christ is not what You have said He is'. We must not malign God by bringing up our own natural state, continually holding it in view and hoping for something from it. We have got to learn to live on Him, the Christ of God. There is no other way of deliverance. Christ is the way, not has just made the way. He is the way, and as we apprehend Christ we shall move on in triumph, in victory.

He is the King. We have to live by His Kingliness, in dominion over every kind of force that would tyrannise here on this earth. The Lord give us to believe that the natural man has been set aside, and not to bother too much about him, not to take him so much into account in trying to find, hoping to find, something good in him. He is set aside and God has demonstrated that he is worthless through long generations, he cannot reign. But there is One Who can reign, and because of Him we can reign in life by that One Man, Christ Jesus.

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by Mary Lindow through Holy Spirit - “ I Have Anointed You Even in Times of Sorrow”

“ I Have Anointed You Even in Times of Sorrow”

by Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit

As the days begin to change and the seasons take their course,
so am I also beginning to adjust the path you have been treading out.

"I have been keeping track of all of your sorrows,
Collecting them and all of your tears in a bottle.
I have written down your tearful sorrows in My journal."
Psalm 56:8

Many have passed you by on the road of sorrow that you have had to bear, too busy to stop and comfort, too concerned about what others might think of your condition. Others are only focused on their own forms of grief and have yet to learn to comfort others in their weariness and tiredness.

"I have encouraged all of you when others are happy,
Be happy with them!
If they are sad, share their sorrow."
Romans 12:15

Even the Samaritan, one least likely to reach out, stopped and cared for the man battered, hurt and sorrowful, left on the road.

Many who claim spiritual piety and goodness turn their heads and hearts
when they see another brother or sister aching in sorrow or tragedy.

Let it not be heard about you my child in the heavenly realm, that you protected your own comforts or your own position and turned away from a brother or sister in their prolonged agony.

I have been testing the hearts of many who lay claim to a willingness to do anything I ask of them, but sadly then ...
...“Pass by on the other side" in order to avoid involvement with what "appears to be" one who is struggling or failing.
As you do to others, so in your time of need will it be done to you!

I your faithful redeemer have heard the heart wrenching cries from your prayers and I am even now giving you strength and empowerment to stay firm and continue to believe that I will restore all to you that has been shattered, stolen, or shamed!

"It is God who gives us, along with you,
the ability to stand firm for Christ has commissioned us,
He anointed us!"
2 Corinthians 1:21

I have anointed you even in this season of sorrow!

...I will bring a fresh and pure expression of Godly living and giving into the earth through those we who see that they are being prepared as good Samaritans, and who themselves are also being cared for by others who require nothing in repayment.

Many are hearing my voice calling to them to bring relief to those
who have been faithful in obeying my voice, but have been persecuted heavily for doing so!

Obey my command quickly! Act now!
Bless them, help them heal, providing for them like I would!
You will be greatly rewarded for this effort.

"As you give them even a cup of cold water in my name,
you have done it for Me!"
Matthew 10:42

As you have been faithful to believe that I have better plans and a better way than the schemes of men,
very very soon I will wipe away your bitter tears and despair.

You have begun to understand what it
is to fellowship with My sufferings!

In the days ahead, you will also share in the first fruits of harvest.

"God, who has called you into fellowship
with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."
1 Corinthians 1:9


You will see that the time of sorrow and weeping will pass,
and a breaking through
into the greater plan for you is in motion.
I have been into the future for I AM all that you will need.

Your one simple act of obedience sets into motion...
...waves of my redemptive grace,
and pure holy cleansing.
The Nations are waiting for those who will only speak
out of clean motives and pure hearts.

I have prepared you for this time in the earth,
and I will fulfill all I have planned concerning you.

Enter in by humbling yourself further by doing simple acts of
mercy and selfless giving.

Remaining anointed…

… Even in times of sorrow.

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed
provided that complete source and website information
for Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You
Copyright © 2011 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Thursday, March 10, 2011

T. Austin-Sparks The Battle for the Throne

The Battle for the Throne
by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 2 - The Fall

Reading: Psalm 8:1-6; Hebrews 2.

We have now to speak of the Fall and to notice three things about it, namely, its object, its nature, its consequences.

The Object Behind the Fall

What was the object of the fall, so far as the Adversary was concerned? It was nothing else than world dominion. It was not just to mar God's work, not just to spite God, not just to gratify some unholy and malignant whim. It was to possess a position, to obtain a place. What Lucifer has failed to achieve in heaven he will seek to achieve in earth. What he has failed to accomplish against God directly he will now seek to accomplish against God indirectly through man. He was aware that dominion was vested in Adam; spiritual dominion and the government of the Kosmos. He was aware of the conditions upon which that dominion rested and was held, namely, faithful obedience and allegiance to God. He was also aware of the threefold faculty of that dominion, the faculty of prophet and of priest and of king. His object was to secure that Kosmic and spiritual dominion which was vested conditionally in Adam, and for which Adam had been constituted. The thing in view with the adversary was world dominion. We know from the rest of the Scriptures, and especially from specific statements in the New Testament, that he got it, and even Christ did not dispute that he had it.

The Nature of the Fall

The nature of the fall makes very clear that the adversary directed his attention, firstly to the condition of the dominion, and then to the character of the dominion. The condition was faithfulness, obedience, allegiance to God. He struck at that. That is so familiar that we need not analyse it nor say any more about it. It is quite clear that it was in the direction or in the realm of Adam's relationship to God in the obedience of faith that the enemy directed his attempt, his effort, his energies.

(1) The Spiritual Mind

He also recognised this three-fold basis or faculty in dominion, that of the prophet, the priest and the king; and, seeing that in the first case it was the spiritual mind which was the feature of his dominion he struck at it, and dealt with man along the line of reason. Thus he countered spiritual-mindedness with merely human reasoning. There is a big history attached to that. You notice how he argues. (The very fact that man will listen to the devil arguing is a sure way to his being dethroned. Argue with the devil and you will lose your spiritual position. And do not let the devil argue with you. The Lord Jesus had none of that. When Satan would argue with Him, He said: "It is written...." That is final; He does not argue, the thing is settled.) The realm of the mind was assailed by the devil. God had said, and that ought to have been enough (it was enough for the last Adam). But the mind was assailed and the mind was opened. Beloved, there is never anything wrong in having your mind assailed, the wrong is when you give the mental assent to the assault. Demas departed from Paul and went back into the world, and we are told that it was because he loved this present evil world. But that is only the end of a history. The world made its appeal. Demas could have shut the door and said, I will have none of it; but he assented to the appeal, and that is where his fall came. In the same way Adam, instead of at once closing the door to such arguments as were bringing into question God's known mind, assented to the assault in that realm and lost his prophetic faculty. You see the first realm of the attack.

(2) The Pure Heart

Then the priestly faculty was assailed—the heart, the desire. The whole thing, of course, was very beautiful, dressed up, gilded as not to appear wrong and unrighteous, but something to be desired. Oh! what a lot that gives away—"to be desired." The heart, the desires, the whole direction was unrighteous, wrong, but the priestly function was assailed in the heart with an unrighteous desire.

(3) The Holy Will

Then the dominion, the kingly faculty, the will. Once the mind and the heart are captured, it is not far to go to catch the will, and that is the order. Reason over on the side of the devil, desire over on his side, and it will not be long before the will follows. So the authority is assailed, the dominion. But there was a deep-seated principle of spiritual holiness.

That is the nature of the fall. The prophet, the priest, and the king, in all that that means spiritually, as spiritual features, were assailed and, by consent, surrendered to the enemy.

The Consequences of the Fall

What are the consequences of the fall? They are quite obviously and naturally in keeping with the nature. They are, in the realm of the spirit or the spiritual mind, blindness and darkness. And that is how we find fallen man: "Having the understanding darkened". The whole teaching of the New Testament on spiritual blindness, spiritual darkness—"the god of this age hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving"—is bound up with the fall.

The spiritual mind is not in the natural man. He has lost the knowledge of God, spiritually. He has no spiritual understanding. That is the prophet.

In the realm of the priest, the heart, there is malice or enmity against God. That is the natural man. You see the opposites. The true priest represents the love of God, the heart side of things. Aaron always represents the heart aspect of things. God read Aaron's heart right at the beginning. The very first thing that you have said about Aaron as he comes into fellowship with Moses is, from God to Moses: "Aaron thy brother... when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart." That is the Lord having read Aaron's heart, and Aaron comes in on the heart side of things. He always represents the affections, just as Moses represents the government. But now you see the heart, or the priestly feature and faculty, has been interfered with, overthrown, and now, instead of love toward God, it is enmity against God. That is the natural man, and it does not matter what you say about multitudes of good people unsaved in this world not being at enmity with God, and repudiate strongly any such suggestion, the fact remains. There is not a man or a woman who has ever been on this earth who, if put into certain given circumstances, would not manifest enmity against God. It only wants circumstances to do it. Try them on Job's line and see!

The will—the king? Where is the natural man if he is not in bondage in the realm of his will? Say what he may about liberty, freedom, there is no man free. There is no such thing as liberty in this creation. Bondage to sin and to death, and also—unconsciously with many—to the devil.

The prophet, the priest and the king in spiritual meaning has simply been overthrown in the fall, and these are the consequences; consequences with which we are all too sadly familiar.

The Spiritual Battle of all Time

Now, in the realm of the three-fold function of man according to God's mind the fact and nature of the fall is continuously manifested. This will head up to and in Anti-Christ for its full expression. What I mean is this; whenever God has raised up an instrument, either individual or collective, of this character, and with this object, to fulfil this function of prophet, priest and king in principle, to express the Divine government, the battle has immediately commenced along these three lines.

THE PROPHET—The battle commences along the line of the prophetic function, that is, along the line of the spiritual mind. What is the nature of that assault? Unbelief! Unbelief is the first step in the assault upon the spiritual mind. That is the first step, therefore, in the assault upon the prophetic function, as an expression of God's thought. But then it intensifies, and history is full of it from its first phase of—shall we say—simple unbelief, through all its intensified phases of rationalism.


Rationalism is a direct assault upon the spiritual mind, and therefore an assault upon the prophetic faculty. That is, God's thought represented and expressed. Rationalism is against that. Atheism resulted. Unbelief, rationalism, atheism; these are the direct methods of attacking that which is meant by the prophet—a spiritual revelation of God's mind. It is tremendously illuminating if you follow it out. Put on one side spiritual revelation of God's mind, the expression of the mind of God as given by the Holy Spirit. Over against that you have positively set, unbelief, rationalism and atheism. Is that not so? It assails the prophet, which every man and woman in living relationship to God is called to be. The prophet is not a specific office, but an inherent constitutional faculty in every man according to God's will. That is, you and I and every child of God—all the Lord's people—are called to have the spiritual mind, the knowledge of God by revelation of the Holy Ghost. That constitutes a prophet. I know that there are various aspects of prophetic expression, but that is the principle, whatever the aspects. If it is forth-telling, well, the only forth-telling that comes within the compass of God's appointing is by revelation of the Holy Ghost. That the fore-telling is that, it goes without saying, but it is the unveiling of God by the Holy Spirit. Over against that are positively set these things mentioned.

While that is the direct method, there are less direct methods. The apostle speaks and warns about philosophy: "lest any man SPOIL YOU through philosophy." That word "spoil" is an exceedingly interesting word in the Greek. It means, to separate you from the source of your life. Now think of that! The devil was out to spoil the Lord Jesus, therefore the Lord Jesus was out to spoil the devil, and spoiling there means, cutting clean in between the object and his base of operations, and cutting him off. Now, "lest any man spoil you through philosophy," cut you off and separate you from your true source, your true life. There is nothing more materialistic in its effect than philosophy.


Then there is mysticism, an indirect assault upon the spiritual mind. Oh! how subtle it is! You can have a mystical presentation and interpretation of the New Testament and of all the Scriptures, which is very beautiful. It makes a tremendous appeal to the artistic faculties and temperament. Some far-reaching, mighty religious systems owe the whole of their strength to mysticism, the mystical representation of Christian truth, appealing to the aesthetic, the artistic. Mysticism is not spirituality. But, oh, the multitudes carried away by that beautiful, artistic, mystical presentation of Christianity! It is an assault upon the spiritual mind, and this is where our peril so much lies in relation to truth; the appeal so wonderful, beautiful, and our own natural, rational response to it; the sublime ideas, these wonderful conceptions; and then grasping it like that, holding it in our aesthetic sense, in our soulical mind, and thinking we have got the truth and always talking about it, how wonderful it is, and yet there being a background of fundamental contradiction.

We are in dangerous realms. When God by His Spirit breaks clean through and reveals a thing He turns the life upside down and inside out, and you can never be the same again. Do not talk about the wonderful, sublime, beautiful things. These things have become something far, far deeper than that. You know quite well that there is a sense in which they are terrible things, marvellous but terrible. You can never contemplate God as a beautiful work of art, about which you talk sublimely. He is wonderful, He is marvellous, but, oh! He is awe-full! Those two things always go together. Mysticism is one of the devil's most cunning inventions and means of side-tracking from real, genuine spirituality. It is a blow at the spiritual mind, a substitute for it and a delusion.


Forgive me if I add one other of these indirect means of attack upon the prophetic function of man according to God. It is educationalism.

Now that wants guarding. Let no one think for a moment that that means that we are against education. I have not said "education"; I have said "educationalism." What I mean by that is this; the theory that you can educate people up to a Christian standard and into acceptance with God, and that education can become a way by which you come into the Kingdom of God. Today there are great Christian institutions labouring under that lie, that deception. They are out to educate, educate, educate, by slow absorption of Christian knowledge, Christian ideas and ideals, along the line of education. Thus shall we bring in the Kingdom of God, they say. And that, being what we mean by educationalism, is a blow of the devil at this very thing, spiritual-mindedness. You and I can never by searching, by study, or by education, by the development of our brains along any academic or scholastic lines enter the Kingdom of God, nor even apprehend the very minutest degree of spiritual truth. That is only possible along spiritual lines by the action of the Holy Spirit. Educationalism as such, used in relation to the things of God, is in the same category as mysticism and philosophy, and they are only other aspects of unbelief and rationalism.

I hope I am not tiring you, but I do feel that the foundations of God's people have got to be well and truly laid, so I am going on. The natural and carnal mind, at their very best, are still enmity against God. Nothing—mysticism, educationalism nor philosophy—alters the basic fact, nothing changes the nature of man as the result of the fall. Now that deals with the line of the prophet, or the spiritual mind.

THE PRIEST—We are saying that the nature and fact of the fall are continuously manifested through history in this three-fold realm.

Mixture and Loss of Distinctiveness

Then, in the second realm of the priest, where do we trace these marks of the fall? In the loss of distinctiveness between good and evil, right and wrong. "If thou shalt take the precious from the vile." You see, God demands a separation. But in Israel, when those words were uttered, there was no clear apprehension of the distinction between the two, the precious and the vile. It became so mixed up that the people in general could not discriminate between the two. And then in the upsetting of standards, calling evil good, and good evil. Do you see that at work today? It is spreading through this earth like a disease. Those old standards are being cast down, those land-marks are being removed, and evil is being called good, and good is being called evil. Why, right across the whole of the system of Communism, religion, Christianity, God, are called evil things. That is, in its intensive form. In less intensive form the same thing is going on in the world today, and in a very general way. Good is being called evil, and evil is being called good, and so the standards are being upset. The sinfulness of sin is being modified or extracted. With what object? It relates to the heart, that is, it is an easing of the way for human desires and passions. Men desire, want, and have passions for certain things, and therefore they must modify the sinfulness of those things, or extract from them—for their own satisfaction, and say they are either good or, "necessity knows no law." Do you see it is a heart matter? You are touching the priest here.

THE KING—The fall is shown continuously through history in the realm of the kingly, or dominion calling and constitution of man. Firstly, along the line of substitutes for the pure, Divine, kingly faculty of government. What are they? Despotism on the one hand, and, on the other hand, democracy. Again, autocracy and communism. These are substitutes for the true, Divine government and faculty. What do they lead to? Anarchy! What does that represent? The overthrow, the destruction of a true Divine order of government as represented by the king.

The Spiritual Background of World Dominion

Now what have we done in this survey? We have seen that at the back of history there is a spiritual thing going on. At the back of history as seen, there is a history which is not seen, and it is in that realm back of the seen that the real issue is to be fought out. Do you understand why the Lord Jesus put back and put back all suggestions and attempts to set up a kingdom amongst men, when He came, when they would take Him by force and make Him King, and when they would talk about the Kingdom? "Dost thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel." They expected that the Kingdom would immediately appear, but all the time He is thrusting it away. "Art thou a king then?" "My kingdom is not of this world." Why? The issue was not in the foreground, it was behind, and He was going to deal with the whole question of the curse, in the spiritual realm. In His Cross and by His Cross He stripped off principalities and powers, He got behind everything. He starts behind things. He will finish in the foreground with the Kingdom and dominion restored, but that is where you and I are, beloved. We are in the background at present, we are not setting up a kingdom before the eyes of men, we are not out for this Kingdom of Heaven which is a seen thing that can be displayed to the eyes of men. What you and I are in is the great spiritual conflict back of everything else, the issue of which is the dominion of this universe. "Our warfare is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, the world rulers of this darkness, the SPIRITUAL hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies." That is where our vocation is as prophets, priests and kings. It is back there that you and I have got to have the spiritual mind, the spiritual knowledge of God, by revelation, the only thing that counts. It is back there that you and I have got to stand in that righteousness which is of faith, as a mighty thing against the assaults of the enemy, having on the breastplate of righteousness. It is back there that you and I have got to reign as kings, to know what spiritual dominion over the enemy and all his forces is. That is our calling. Later it will be displayed to the universe, later on it will come into full view. When He is manifested we shall be manifested together with Him, but now it is spiritual.

THE WHOLE vocation of the Church in this dispensation is spiritual, and in the realm of principalities and powers, and, mark you, you will never be able to deal with souls of men only in so far as you know ascendancy over the power of the enemy behind. You will never be able to deal with situations which arise only in the measure in which you know how to deal with that situation behind as the work of Satan. The whole issue is one of spiritual dominion, and we are in the battle for the Throne. Blessed be God, we know the issue, but the battle is a very sore one, at times it is a terrific one. Every time there is going to be a little addition to the saints along the line of spiritual revelation, which will constitute them prophets in that spiritual sense, or an addition to the saints of righteousness by faith, which will constitute them priests unto God, those two things directly point on to the Throne, and the spiritual ascendancy of the saints and dominion; and so every time there will be a strange, a mysterious, unaccountable—unless you know the spiritual history of things—conflict to start with. Yes, before the thing begins, perhaps weeks before. The enemy knows our programmes and he knows what the issue of spiritual people coming together for a season means for him, therefore ahead he starts the battle, and we know days, sometimes weeks, before we are coming together what it is to enter into a terrific conflict, a withstanding, and every attempt is made to destroy that thing in advance, to make it impossible. You see what the issue is. It is dominion. We ought to be reaching out to see that we are going to move into whatever God is after. They that have the abundance of grace shall reign in life by that one Man, Jesus Christ.

[ Previous Chapter ] [ Contents ]

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'What Is YOUR Measure?' by Apostle Adrienne Williams

'What Is YOUR Measure?'
by Apostle Adrienne Williams

People of God, many times we weaken our own anointing and authority in God by overextending ourselves in areas where we HAVE NOT been granted functional grace by Heaven. Although some may be apostles or prophets to the nations, that still DOES NOT mean that the dimension of their apostolic or prophetic authority extends to every one in every nation that they go to!

Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles and He very well understood where His mantle was most effective as to bring glory to our Father and strengthen the Kingdom of God.

For it is written, "For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God appointed us—a sphere which especially includes you. For we are not overextending ourselves (as though our authority did not extend to you), for it was to you that we came with the gospel of Christ; not boasting of things beyond measure, that is, in other men’s labors, but having hope, that as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our sphere, to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man’s sphere of accomplishment. But “he who glories, let him glory in the LORD.” (2 Corinthians 10: 12-17 NKJV).

Contrary to what many believe, we are not "called" to everybody! Each one of us has been given a "measure" of functional capacity in a pre-destined area in the body of Christ. Our job is to spend QUALITY time with GOD that we may KNOW our measure so that we do not find ourselves "intruding" or "overextending" in areas that God may not have called us to be! To operate in a place of authority in God, we MUST know our place and remain there until God instructs otherwise.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pathetic or Prophetic


Pathetic or Prophetic

We need to raise up the standard in today's prophetic ministry. Much that is being posted online is a poor example of what the Lord intends prophetic ministry to be. Too often we are reading warnings that are not coming to pass. Yes, intercession does change things but when one declares on a certain date that something will happen with a thus saith the Lord and it does not happen, it is not God. How hard is it to see this? We make excuses and are often not using the Word of God as our prophetic boundary. It is the only standard for the prophetic word and we see clearly that there are guidelines for us so that we might function in the body of Christ and maintain prophetic integrity. God has spoken clearly that the prophets are to speak two or three and that the others are to judge. Yet, it seems to ruffle many feathers when one judges the prophetic word. We are not to judge the prophet but we are to judge the prophetic word.

Daily we read warning after warning of things that are going to come to pass and these warnings are bringing much fear into the body of Christ. God is not the author of confusion and fear is created, especially in the hearts of young, or immature believers. The prophetic word is to edify, exhort and comfort and we need to look and see in each word if there is that scarlet ribbon flowing through it. Do we hear the voice of God? Often people have been wounded and in prophesying from a broken heart they can prophesy wrongly out of that hurt and we need to see the pure prophetic word from the heart of the Father.

How does a Father speak to His children? He is love and speaks the truth in love. It will not always be a word that is sweet and sugary because sometimes we need to be corrected but it will be done with the utmost love and not bat someone over the head with the Word of God. You might think that many do need to be hit over the head but this is not the heart of the Father. Gods words have a clear sound! A sound that will be so clear that the believer will say, "that is my Father speaking". God is longing to speak to His children if only His children would come aside they would hear from Him. If only they would take time at His feet they would hear His voice. God is longing to talk to you! He is longing for you to come and sit with Him for He wants to speak into your Spirit. Will you take time aside with Father so that He can speak to your heart? Brokenness will be healed, tears dried and new joy and zeal will come into the life of one that is willing to sit at His feet.

God is saying it is enough with the doom and gloom because there is a Word straight from the heart of the Father that will come forth in love and will edify, exhort and comfort. Yes, it may warn also of danger ahead and at times God's prophets will warn the body of the need to pray, but it will not be a word that will devastate you but instead it will draw you to Him and encourage you to come running to Jesus and into the prayer closet. At times God may also warn His intercessors of things to come but it is for His body to pray and these warnings should not bring fear. Instead they should bring forth faith and the need to pray.

It is time for those of you that are called to or in prophetic ministry to come higher. Food that is fit for the King is to be served and it is found after spending time in His presence. Come into the presence of the King and find food to serve God's people that is prophetic and not pathetic. There is fresh food from the Fathers heart available for those that are willing to pay the price of waiting on Him. Come aside and wait on Me and I will speak to you. Come aside and draw from the well that never runs dry. Come higher and draw ever nearer to Me and you will hear Me, says the Lord.