Overcome, Prophet, Overcome!
Stop and assess your situation. Look clearly at what you are fighting. You are an over comer and have chosen the way of the Lord. You have chosen to walk on the narrow path. Those that have chosen this path will go through many battles but know that I will deliver you out of them all. The day is evil and the battle you fight cannot be fought with conventional methods. It is not by might nor by power but by My spirit, says the Lord that you will overcome. Stand strong! Stand fast and do not be deterred but come closer to Me and cry out to Me. Did you think you would walk in the office of the prophet and not go through even deeper trials? Did you think that it would all just fall into your hand? You are my battle axe and weapon of war and need to dig even deeper to see the victory. Overcome, prophet, overcome!
Declare and decree the Word of God and fight the good fight of faith. You are fighting on many fronts right now but one by one they will be overcome. It seems that the storm is raging but know that much of the battlefield is in the mind and you must gird up the loins of your mind continually. Cease from all discouragement by choosing to instead praise Me continually and put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. You have accomplished much this day by pressing in. Continue to press and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. Faith in My Word will move mountains as you press into Me. Doors will open in My good timing, pray for the doors to open and pray for that which I speak to you and declare the Word of the Lord. You are on the narrow path that leads to life and there are many trials on this path but you are one that will overcome and stand before Me and hear well done you good and faithful servant.
Tags: Prophetic Word