Divine Retribution
My hand is not shortened that it cannot save. My ear is not dull that it cannot hear. I have heard your cry for Israel. I have heard your cry. I have heard your cry!
They walk in fear about what the world will think and what the United States in particular will think of them. They are between a rock and a hard place. If they attack they will be looked at as evil and if they do nothing they are still looked down upon. Evil men desire their wealth and their land. I the Lord have given them the land it belongs to them. One cannot deny My Word. What I have spoken I have spoken. What has been written has been written.
They are the apple of My eye and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. Though they have much to go through and tribulation is even at the door they will overcome because My hand is upon them. They will see whom they have pierced and know that I am the Lord. I will not allow a complete end to them but will return and put My feet down on the mount of olives. The day will come as surely as My Word lives and I will put My feet down and it will be over swiftly. In a night when man least expects it there shall be Divine Intervention of great magnitude and I will move swiftly to defend the apple of My eye. Therefore be swift to hear and slow to speak you who take sides against her for in taking sides against her you take sides against Me, says the Lord.