Let Your Faith Be Stirred!
Faith is being stirred to new levels. Think big. Believe for great and mighty things. Believe God for the impossible. Believe cancer will be healed. Believe for all manner of sickness and disease to go in Jesus name. I can do the impossible with one that will yield to me. Yield all doubt and unbelief to Me and move forward in faith. You can move mountains, in Jesus name. My name moves mountains. My name will set free the captives in this nation and in the nations of the world. Hearts will be stirred. Hearts will come to new levels of faith.
Now is the time people of God to take your faith to new levels. Now is the time to be stirred and let the spirit of the Lord take you where you have not walked before. I am the Lord and am moving My people to new levels of faith. Take My Word and read about faith. Read the works of Jesus and then do them. No longer will you just read My Word but appropriate it by faith. Be stirred this night to step out in faith and do the impossible. I the Lord am stirring you to take the Word of God and believe it for it is alive and speaks, says the Lord.
The Testimony Of Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy
Friday, August 20, 2010
I Am The God Of Miracles!
I Am The God Of Miracles!
I am setting into place things that have been out of order. Things are being lined up with My Word. Here a little there a little line upon line, they are being lined up. There will be no more delays. I am moving by My Spirit and you will move at My command. Faith has arisen to a new level in your heart and you are going to believe Me for great and wonderful things for yourself and for others that I put on your path. I am the God of miracles and My healing virtue will flow through you and touch many lives.
Fear not to step out in faith, lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. My Word says these signs follow those that believe. I am the God of miracles and am a miracle working God and this combination with your willingness makes it possible that many will be touched, healed, delivered and set free. Believe My Word for it will surely come to pass.
17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16:17-20
I am setting into place things that have been out of order. Things are being lined up with My Word. Here a little there a little line upon line, they are being lined up. There will be no more delays. I am moving by My Spirit and you will move at My command. Faith has arisen to a new level in your heart and you are going to believe Me for great and wonderful things for yourself and for others that I put on your path. I am the God of miracles and My healing virtue will flow through you and touch many lives.
Fear not to step out in faith, lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. My Word says these signs follow those that believe. I am the God of miracles and am a miracle working God and this combination with your willingness makes it possible that many will be touched, healed, delivered and set free. Believe My Word for it will surely come to pass.
17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16:17-20
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Divine Retribution
Divine Retribution
My hand is not shortened that it cannot save. My ear is not dull that it cannot hear. I have heard your cry for Israel. I have heard your cry. I have heard your cry!
They walk in fear about what the world will think and what the United States in particular will think of them. They are between a rock and a hard place. If they attack they will be looked at as evil and if they do nothing they are still looked down upon. Evil men desire their wealth and their land. I the Lord have given them the land it belongs to them. One cannot deny My Word. What I have spoken I have spoken. What has been written has been written.
They are the apple of My eye and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. Though they have much to go through and tribulation is even at the door they will overcome because My hand is upon them. They will see whom they have pierced and know that I am the Lord. I will not allow a complete end to them but will return and put My feet down on the mount of olives. The day will come as surely as My Word lives and I will put My feet down and it will be over swiftly. In a night when man least expects it there shall be Divine Intervention of great magnitude and I will move swiftly to defend the apple of My eye. Therefore be swift to hear and slow to speak you who take sides against her for in taking sides against her you take sides against Me, says the Lord.
My hand is not shortened that it cannot save. My ear is not dull that it cannot hear. I have heard your cry for Israel. I have heard your cry. I have heard your cry!
They walk in fear about what the world will think and what the United States in particular will think of them. They are between a rock and a hard place. If they attack they will be looked at as evil and if they do nothing they are still looked down upon. Evil men desire their wealth and their land. I the Lord have given them the land it belongs to them. One cannot deny My Word. What I have spoken I have spoken. What has been written has been written.
They are the apple of My eye and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. Though they have much to go through and tribulation is even at the door they will overcome because My hand is upon them. They will see whom they have pierced and know that I am the Lord. I will not allow a complete end to them but will return and put My feet down on the mount of olives. The day will come as surely as My Word lives and I will put My feet down and it will be over swiftly. In a night when man least expects it there shall be Divine Intervention of great magnitude and I will move swiftly to defend the apple of My eye. Therefore be swift to hear and slow to speak you who take sides against her for in taking sides against her you take sides against Me, says the Lord.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Prophetic Reflection
Prophetic Reflection
A time to reflect, on the things of the Lord.
A time to listen, to the voice, of God.
A time to hear, what the Spirit, is saying.
A time to just, be with, the Father.
It is a time of prophetic reflection, to wait, on God and hear Him.
Oh how I long to hear, His still small voice.
Oh how I long, to patiently, wait, on Him.
To lay aside, the cares of life and just know that He is God.
Patiently, quietly, I wait, for His still small voice.
My heart stirring, for more, of Him.
Gently, I hear Him speak, into My Spirit.
Gently, I hear, His still small voice.
Saying child, I am here and it will be all right.
Though I am a prophet, I am a child, that needs to hear, My Fathers voice.
August 16, 12:03am
Patricia Hamel
A time to reflect, on the things of the Lord.
A time to listen, to the voice, of God.
A time to hear, what the Spirit, is saying.
A time to just, be with, the Father.
It is a time of prophetic reflection, to wait, on God and hear Him.
Oh how I long to hear, His still small voice.
Oh how I long, to patiently, wait, on Him.
To lay aside, the cares of life and just know that He is God.
Patiently, quietly, I wait, for His still small voice.
My heart stirring, for more, of Him.
Gently, I hear Him speak, into My Spirit.
Gently, I hear, His still small voice.
Saying child, I am here and it will be all right.
Though I am a prophet, I am a child, that needs to hear, My Fathers voice.
August 16, 12:03am
Patricia Hamel
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Prophetic Refreshing
Prophetic Refreshing
There fast comes a place in every prophets life for prophetic refreshing. There is the need to have the wind of His Spirit take you higher and you must leave many things behind to spend quality time with the Father. He is calling you higher. He is calling you to leave many things aside to come and meet with Him. There comes a time when the reading of prophetic words is not enough. Nor is meeting daily online with those of like precious faith. Divine appointments set by Him do not come without a price and He is calling you to spend time with Him and seek Him for those appointments.
Do not compromise the Word of God by settling for less than He has for you. Do not settle for less than the times of refreshing Jesus has to offer you. Do not settle for those that call themselves apostles and prophets and desire to see and hear the accolades of men. Desire only the presence of the Lord and let His joy and refreshing flood your soul. Sometimes you must break away and leave certain connections not because they are not of the Lord but because He is calling you in another direction. When you hear the call of the Spirit to take you higher you must be obedient. This obedience will not be understood by all but those that hear Him will understand your need to meet with your Maker and that you desire only Him in this season.
The hunger in your heart will not go away until it is satisfied and it will only be satisfied by more of Him. Not more of ministry, not more of fellowship but more of Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Desiring to meet with the Father more than men is what it all about for how can you continue to give out if you have not first met with Him. Softly tenderly the Spirit of God is calling you and saying come into the secret place and meet with Me in this season. Softly and tenderly the Spirit of God is saying give it all up to meet with Me. I will give you divine appointments in due season but now is your time with Me beloved. Now is your precious time with Me, reach out and take it for it is now being offered to you and in it you will find a rich blessing.
There fast comes a place in every prophets life for prophetic refreshing. There is the need to have the wind of His Spirit take you higher and you must leave many things behind to spend quality time with the Father. He is calling you higher. He is calling you to leave many things aside to come and meet with Him. There comes a time when the reading of prophetic words is not enough. Nor is meeting daily online with those of like precious faith. Divine appointments set by Him do not come without a price and He is calling you to spend time with Him and seek Him for those appointments.
Do not compromise the Word of God by settling for less than He has for you. Do not settle for less than the times of refreshing Jesus has to offer you. Do not settle for those that call themselves apostles and prophets and desire to see and hear the accolades of men. Desire only the presence of the Lord and let His joy and refreshing flood your soul. Sometimes you must break away and leave certain connections not because they are not of the Lord but because He is calling you in another direction. When you hear the call of the Spirit to take you higher you must be obedient. This obedience will not be understood by all but those that hear Him will understand your need to meet with your Maker and that you desire only Him in this season.
The hunger in your heart will not go away until it is satisfied and it will only be satisfied by more of Him. Not more of ministry, not more of fellowship but more of Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Desiring to meet with the Father more than men is what it all about for how can you continue to give out if you have not first met with Him. Softly tenderly the Spirit of God is calling you and saying come into the secret place and meet with Me in this season. Softly and tenderly the Spirit of God is saying give it all up to meet with Me. I will give you divine appointments in due season but now is your time with Me beloved. Now is your precious time with Me, reach out and take it for it is now being offered to you and in it you will find a rich blessing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Do Not Receive The Lie!
Do Not Receive The Lie!
26. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
Sometimes when we go through things it is so very easy to think that we are the only ones suffering. This is not true. Many in the body of Christ are going through suffering in some form or another to different degrees. The Lord knows what you can handle. Does God bring suffering? No, but He does allow it and it works together for good for those that love God.
We look at Job and how satan went before the Lord and received permission to come against Job. Is today any different? God may very well be saying, "that you His servant are doing all the right things". Then like Job the enemy comes along and says but God if you take away this or that he or she will not serve you. They will curse you and quit walking with you.
Do NOT receive the lie! You have come this far by faith and need to keep on going. Though the enemy tries to destroy your faith, it will not be destroyed because what the enemy meant for evil God is going to turn for good. Today you may be going through the fellowship of His sufferings but know that the Lord is for you so who can be against you. Remember to pray for your brothers and sisters who are also going through this season with you and that you are all part of ONE body. When one suffers we all suffer. We are NOT just suffering on our own. Let us get our eyes off of ourselves and place our eyes firmly on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and keep our eyes open to the needs that are around us. It is amazing that as your pray for others even during your own time of suffering that grace is there to overcome.
You are an overcomer and have faith to move mountains. See those mountains moved now, in Jesus name. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Overcome beloved, overcome.
9Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
1 Peter 12:9 (NKJV)
26. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
Sometimes when we go through things it is so very easy to think that we are the only ones suffering. This is not true. Many in the body of Christ are going through suffering in some form or another to different degrees. The Lord knows what you can handle. Does God bring suffering? No, but He does allow it and it works together for good for those that love God.
We look at Job and how satan went before the Lord and received permission to come against Job. Is today any different? God may very well be saying, "that you His servant are doing all the right things". Then like Job the enemy comes along and says but God if you take away this or that he or she will not serve you. They will curse you and quit walking with you.
Do NOT receive the lie! You have come this far by faith and need to keep on going. Though the enemy tries to destroy your faith, it will not be destroyed because what the enemy meant for evil God is going to turn for good. Today you may be going through the fellowship of His sufferings but know that the Lord is for you so who can be against you. Remember to pray for your brothers and sisters who are also going through this season with you and that you are all part of ONE body. When one suffers we all suffer. We are NOT just suffering on our own. Let us get our eyes off of ourselves and place our eyes firmly on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and keep our eyes open to the needs that are around us. It is amazing that as your pray for others even during your own time of suffering that grace is there to overcome.
You are an overcomer and have faith to move mountains. See those mountains moved now, in Jesus name. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Overcome beloved, overcome.
9Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
1 Peter 12:9 (NKJV)
Monday, August 2, 2010
I AM The Word, Your Healer!
I AM The Word, Your Healer!
There are many who are standing where you are standing. They are discouraged and needing to know that I am seeing all that they are going through. There are many who are going through serious battles with health issues and need to again hear that I am their healer. Tell My people that I the Lord their God am their healer and will heal all their diseases. There are those that have doubted and need to again feed on the word of faith, which is the Word of God. They need to take My Word and devor it and stand on it and not doubt that which I have spoken. I have spoken before the foundation of the World. My Word was there. Do not doubt My Word but declare it much more as you see the day approaching. My Word will stand forever and My Word died on the cross for You. I Jesus Am The Word of God and I died and paid the price in full for your healing. l The price was paid on full. Do not let the enemy rob you of that which was accomplished for you but take My Word and run with it. Yes, run with the Word of the Lord and do not tarry. Take it and run with it and tell all that Jesus Christ is Lord.
8Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
There are many who are standing where you are standing. They are discouraged and needing to know that I am seeing all that they are going through. There are many who are going through serious battles with health issues and need to again hear that I am their healer. Tell My people that I the Lord their God am their healer and will heal all their diseases. There are those that have doubted and need to again feed on the word of faith, which is the Word of God. They need to take My Word and devor it and stand on it and not doubt that which I have spoken. I have spoken before the foundation of the World. My Word was there. Do not doubt My Word but declare it much more as you see the day approaching. My Word will stand forever and My Word died on the cross for You. I Jesus Am The Word of God and I died and paid the price in full for your healing. l The price was paid on full. Do not let the enemy rob you of that which was accomplished for you but take My Word and run with it. Yes, run with the Word of the Lord and do not tarry. Take it and run with it and tell all that Jesus Christ is Lord.
8Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
Overcome, Prophet, Overcome!
Overcome, Prophet, Overcome!
Stop and assess your situation. Look clearly at what you are fighting. You are an over comer and have chosen the way of the Lord. You have chosen to walk on the narrow path. Those that have chosen this path will go through many battles but know that I will deliver you out of them all. The day is evil and the battle you fight cannot be fought with conventional methods. It is not by might nor by power but by My spirit, says the Lord that you will overcome. Stand strong! Stand fast and do not be deterred but come closer to Me and cry out to Me. Did you think you would walk in the office of the prophet and not go through even deeper trials? Did you think that it would all just fall into your hand? You are my battle axe and weapon of war and need to dig even deeper to see the victory. Overcome, prophet, overcome!
Declare and decree the Word of God and fight the good fight of faith. You are fighting on many fronts right now but one by one they will be overcome. It seems that the storm is raging but know that much of the battlefield is in the mind and you must gird up the loins of your mind continually. Cease from all discouragement by choosing to instead praise Me continually and put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. You have accomplished much this day by pressing in. Continue to press and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. Faith in My Word will move mountains as you press into Me. Doors will open in My good timing, pray for the doors to open and pray for that which I speak to you and declare the Word of the Lord. You are on the narrow path that leads to life and there are many trials on this path but you are one that will overcome and stand before Me and hear well done you good and faithful servant.
Tags: Prophetic Word
Stop and assess your situation. Look clearly at what you are fighting. You are an over comer and have chosen the way of the Lord. You have chosen to walk on the narrow path. Those that have chosen this path will go through many battles but know that I will deliver you out of them all. The day is evil and the battle you fight cannot be fought with conventional methods. It is not by might nor by power but by My spirit, says the Lord that you will overcome. Stand strong! Stand fast and do not be deterred but come closer to Me and cry out to Me. Did you think you would walk in the office of the prophet and not go through even deeper trials? Did you think that it would all just fall into your hand? You are my battle axe and weapon of war and need to dig even deeper to see the victory. Overcome, prophet, overcome!
Declare and decree the Word of God and fight the good fight of faith. You are fighting on many fronts right now but one by one they will be overcome. It seems that the storm is raging but know that much of the battlefield is in the mind and you must gird up the loins of your mind continually. Cease from all discouragement by choosing to instead praise Me continually and put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. You have accomplished much this day by pressing in. Continue to press and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. Faith in My Word will move mountains as you press into Me. Doors will open in My good timing, pray for the doors to open and pray for that which I speak to you and declare the Word of the Lord. You are on the narrow path that leads to life and there are many trials on this path but you are one that will overcome and stand before Me and hear well done you good and faithful servant.
Tags: Prophetic Word
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