Wake Up Call!!!
Today we had an earthquake in Canada that registered 5.0 in Ottawa our capital. God is speaking. He is letting us know our need to wake up and call on Him. This week the G8 is being held in Toronto and Huntsville. We need to pray for this meeting. God is giving us a wakeup call. As the earthquake took place my woodstove let out a loud noise as it clanged and rattled. It was enough to wake one up if they were sleeping.
In the same way as we near the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ we are told that there will be an increase in earthquakes. They are all signs of His coming.
Church it is time to wake up and hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church! The Lord is saying no more delays for that which was spoken will come to pass. Read My Word, declares the Lord and hear what the Spirit has spoken to the church. Hear what I have spoken to My people Israel and hear that they have forgotten me days without number. No more, for the end shall surely come as men are eating and drinking and being given in marriage. I am knocking at the doors of hearts and it is time to bring in My harvest.
The fields are white to harvest. Bring them in. Call on Me and ask Me for mercy in the days ahead. Surely I will protect those that are mine, as they call on Me. This does not mean that you will not be affected for it rains on the just and the unjust but you can pray and ask Me to protect you and believe My Word and I will honour your faith. According to your faith be it unto you. God is speaking Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Those pastors who have not walked in the integrity of their hearts. Repent and turn around and see if I will yet use you. It is time now to see the needs of the sheep. It is time now to hear the voice of the Lord. It is time to walk in love one toward another. It is time for the walls to come down. I am breaking the walls asunder and all men shall know that I am the Lord. Men shall know before the end that I am God and judge the righteous and the unrighteous and only My blood will stand in the judgment. The day of the Lord is coming swiftly. Hear My heartbeat for this lost world for I am not willing that any should perish. Come to Me and come quickly, says the Lord and repent and do your first works.