Setback In The Gulf
There was a setback in the gulf. Man tries to fix what only God can. The cap has been removed. Oil gushes without the cap. There is a prophetic parallel here. Can man stop the moving of Gods Spirit. Can man cap the moving of the Holy Spirit throughout the land? Is this a prophetic picture of people attempting to stop God and put Him in a box. God says, no longer will man put Him in a box. Think outside of the box. See what man has done in trying to fix the worlds woes and see that it is to no avail. Only the Lord has the power to fix the problems of men.
Only the Lord has the ability to move on mans behalf. A quick fix will not work. Only the mercy of the Lord can fix the problem in the gulf. Only repentance on a large scale will fix this situation. God is saying, it is time to repent of sin and allow the Lord first place in your life. Will you come to the Lord today and repent of the sin in your nation? Will you fast and pray and seek the face of the Lord and see if He may turn and relent of the judgments that are facing your nation? Let the nations of the earth call on the name of the Lord and ask for His mercy and divine intervention in this situation.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14