Friday, February 27, 2009

God's War Room
by Patricia Hamel

Battleplans are being drawn up by the Lord himself and you are to follow them in fighting your battles. Your weapons are not carnal but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The Lord will reveal to you what weapon to use and how to keep it in good condition for use. Your weapons of warfare must be kept ready at all times. This is not a time for slackness but a time for diligence. God is saying, "to diligently seek Him and that He will be found when you seek Him with your whole heart". The war room of heaven is busy preparing for the greatest of all battles against the onslaught of the enemy. As you bring your petitions to the Lord even that simple prayer is heard in God's war room. Remember in God's army there are soldiers and there are generals and that you need to know where you stand in the body of Christ. You can only function effectively if you know who you are and where you are to function.

Hearing Me will reveal My plans to and for you. Spend much time at My feet and put aside the sins that so easily beset you. Many of you spend too much time in front of the television set and it has become your god. Put away this god for it will not satisfy and only burn you in the end. Many of you spend too much time online doing things that do not satisfy. Many of you have been snared by the sin online and on the television and need to repent and be set free.

I am speaking to those of you that want to remain in the army of God.
Even now there is a seperating going on and the wheat is being seperated from the chaff. Choose this day to serve Me and be blessed or choose the ways of this world and be cursed. The laws of sowing and reaping are written in My Word. Choose the blessings of the Lord and live.

Shall not the son and daughter of God do right. Will you tell Me who formed you what to do. Many of you serve Me on your terms. You look at me as an old father who is sitting in a rocking chair and not as the King and King and Lord of Lords. Read My Word and then you will know Me. I am the one who set the universe into being. I hold life and death and the keys to hell in My hand. I hold all power and will not give My glory to another.

It is time for there is a sorting of My Kingdom going on and the enemy is battling for souls. Do not allow your soul to be taken because you played too long in the enemys camp. Come out of your sin and turn your life over to Me. I want all of your heart and not just the portion that you give to Me. It is time to repent of sin and lay all on the altar.

What you give to Me will be given back to you now and in the Kingdom to come.

Be a wise steward of what I have given to you and redeem your time because the days are evil. Line up with My Word hear My battle plans and then take action to correct that which is wrong in you life.

Take heed and do not doubt that I speak and that I am the Lord.
Take heed and allow Me to lovingly help you to clean up your life.
You have much to be done and it will require diligence on your part to bring into line all that you have let slip.

Great wisdom is required and you need to come to Me daily and avail yourself of it. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation is available for those who will take time to hear. Love My wisdom like a sweetheart
and live at the well that does not run dry.

Come those of you who are hungry and thirsty and come now and drink from the waters of life and you will thirst no more.

Come today and repent of your sin.
I Jesus am calling and say come to your Father. Prodigal come home and I will not cast you out. The choice is yours. Choose to walk away from you sin and enter in to the joy of your Lord.

Prophets, Speak Without Fear of Man

Prophets, Speak Without Fear of Man
by Patricia Hamel

I am calling My servants the prophets to speak My Words without fear of man. It is time to speak My words in love. Do not candy coat My words but speak the Word of the Lord just as I speak it into your spirit. Hear what I am saying and speak the Word of the Lord without candy coating it. The time is here and the hour is short and I am returning soon for a church without spot or wrinkle. How can My people be changed into My image if they do not hear My Words without a true ring to it. It must have the scarlet threat throughout My Word and I am calling My prophets to speak and declare the whole consul of God. Do not water down My Words. Do not sell My Word but honor Me and walk softly before Me, listen to Me and then speak the truth in love.

You have been chosen to speak for Me so do not speak with a forked tongue but speak and declare the Word of the Lord. Speak it clearly,
speak it concisely and speak just what I give you and no more. You are declaring My Word to a people that are in need of lovingly being corrected and there are course changes necessary that will effect the very destiny of people and nations. Fulfill your calling without fear of man for I have called you to speak the Word of the Lord.

Warning to Prophets and Intercessors

The Word of the Lord
Warning to Prophets and Intercessors
by Patricia Hamel

The lion has come up from his thicket and is seeking to distract the prophets and intercessors from doing what they are called to do. The Lord is saying,"do not get distracted from your calling in Christ. I have given you a mandate to fulfill and the enemy is doing his best to cause interference so that you do not intercede. He has also set himself to cause discouragement with circumstances that are coming your way". Things are happening day and night but the Lord says,"it is time to arise and stand where I have called you. Plant you feet and stand and having done all stand. Do not back down but press into what I have called you to do. The enemy is on the run and is running to and fro. Go after Him in the name of the Lord and take him out. Do not settle for less than I have for you but go after the enemy and defeat him in My name".

Friday, February 20, 2009

Persecuted For Righteousness

Persecuted For Righteousness
by Patricia Hamel

My hand alone will keep you and your tears I will dry. Trust in Me and do not lean to your own understanding. Continue to press in and know that I see the tears, I see the abuse and My hand is not shortened that it cannot save.

Continue to pray and believe Me for the salvation of your loved ones.
Continue to press in and believe that I can melt the hardest of hearts.
Do not look at your situation but look to Me and I will protect and sustain you.
Dry your tears and know that I see and hear all. I the judge of the whole earth will do right. I am perfecting Christ in you. Weeping will endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. It is through this trial that you are coming to understand what it is to be persecuted for your holy stand for Me. You have stood in the hard place and persevered and the enemy is not happy at your success in Christ.
I am your victory. Continue to press in and do not let the enemy get the better of you. Continue to believe Me for though the enemy rants and raves his time is short in the earth. His time is short for My coming is soon and it is sooner than when you first believed. Trust Me and apply the blood of Jesus to your home, belongings and family.
Rise up and take the sword of the Lord and do battle for you are well equipped to slay him and are walking as an overcomer. Trust in Me that what you are going through your brothers and sisters are also going through in different ways. You have not yet resisted unto death so persevere, persevere, persevere for I will have the last say, says the Lord.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You Have Been Called For Such A Time As This

You Have Been Called For Such A Time As This
by Patricia Hamel

Always remember that from dust you have come and from dust you will return. At the same time know that you have been called for such a time as this. You have been called to My Kingdom to do work and touch the lives of many. You will stand in the gap and as Esther did save many from destruction. You will move as that true intercessor standing in the Office of the Prophet and move from this position rearranging things in My Kingdom. Things that are out of order will be put in order and things will line up with Kingdom alignment. There is order is the body of Christ and I am bringing My people into divine order. All that is out of order will soon be put in order and My children will march together to heavens drum. I say to you that the Kingdom of Heaven will be manifest in the earth through My children and My Bride will come to the place of maturity. She will be arrayed as Esther was arrayed and come into the unity of the Spirit and come before the King. Authority was given to her and she walked as one that stood in the gap and that authority was from My hand. Indeed I kept My hand on her life for My Divine purposes and I shall keep My hands on you for My future purposes.

You will walk with great favor throughout the land and walk as one that has found favor in My sight. How good it is when one has the favor of the King. Rejoice that you have found favor in My sight. I am taking you and working out the wrinkles and bringing all into line with My Word. You are becoming a sharp new threshing instrument in My hand. I will take you and use you as a battering ram against the enemy and he shall be defeated. He will be cut down as you take My name and use it from the position of authority you will be set into and you will remove his head. Yes, you shall pull down the enemy from the heavenly realm and deal with Him in faith. Power has been given to you to tread on serpents and scorpions and all power of the enemy. People will say ah hah but I say that they shall eat their words as they see me working through you and you will touch the lives of others and touch others that they cannot touch. Bow down low and I shall bring you into a high position. You shall minister to leaders. You will minister to My precious sheep and touch the lives of many. Non will gainsay or resist when they see what I can do with one that will yield to Me. Yield to Me in a greater way in this season. Call on Me and I will answer you. See the great and mighty things I will do. I am taking down barriers. I am moving in family and am bringing things into My Divine order. The chopping block is there for you through My name to deal with the enemy and indeed you shall decapitate him. He fears you and knows His time is short even in that place you live and he fears and this is why he has attacked. You are that warrior from God that will take Him out and enable the gospel to be preached. Yes, you will go where I send you without fear for you shall know the hand of God and do exploits in My name. I will take you and send you and you shall go in the power of My Spirit. Yes, the anointing that I carried on this earth is arising in you and you will fulfill your destiny. Rejoice this day for the work that I am doing and be willing to forsake all, take up your cross and follow Me. You will live at the cross and die at the cross, says the Lord. The cross will daily work in your life and your love of the cross will be you key to success in My Kingdom. Embrace the cross for it will bring resurrection power to you. Embrace the cross for it will touch many.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Famine of Food, Famine of Hearing the Word

The Word of the Lord
Famine of Food, Famine of Hearing the Word

I sound the alarm in advance so that My children may prepare for the days ahead. The hour is coming when there will indeed be a famine in the earth. There will be a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord and a famine of food throughout the land. Prepare your hearts for that day and seek Me while I may be found. Call on Me now and I will answer you. Call upon Me now and repent of your sin. I am knocking at the door of your heart and it is time to open up the deep recesses of your heart and not withhold anything from Me. Open your clenched fists that have held onto that which is not yours. Open your heart that has kept what is hidden inside for yourself. Open the eyes of your understanding and I will shed light into your heart. The hour is coming when the dead in Christ will rise first and those that are alive and remain will be caught up and forever be with Me.

It is time to do your first works. Feed the poor. Take away the pointing of the finger. Live in unity brothers and sisters for you are all children of your Father in heaven. Open your eyes, clean out your ears that the Word of the Lord can penetrate deep within your heart. You will hear Me and I will answer you. I will bless you as you open up you heart to Me.

Deal with the sin in your life and allow Me to help you. I will abundantly pardon. I will take you and after you repent you will be washed whiter than snow. The day is coming suddenly when they that are in the graves will hear My voice. Do not say as the scoffers to that it is a long way off. Do not say that it has been said for thousands of years. Tonight your soul could be required and tonight could be the moment that you will stand before Me. Live today in light of eternity. Live today as if it is your last. No man ever thinks that this day may be his last on the earth. Live as the wise and not as a fool for today could be the day you stand before Me. Search your heart for in doing so you will save yourself much trouble now and in the day to come when you stand before Me. There is a way that is common to man and he thinks all is right and good. I say only My blood will make you right and good and you cannot trust in anything that you do to bring about your salvation. There is no under way under heaven where you can be saved. The blood of Jesus alone cleanses you from all sin. Come now. Come today. Come quickly and be cleansed from all your sin and I will receive you, says the Lord.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Posting Prophetic Words Without Hope of Financial Gain

by Patricia Hamel
Posting Prophetic Words Without Hope of Financial Gain

I am deeply troubled over those that put out a word whether it be prophetic or any other and at the bottom of the word that goes out to others sights have put a place of payment at the bottom, so that you can send them money. I am aware there can be exceptions i.e. for missions etc but this should never be done at the bottom of a prophetic word.

I am not speaking of those that have a pay pal on their site. This is different. Also in giving a prophetic word it is to be freely given. If given in a church service and the church collects an offering for the one ministering that is good.

I recall an apostle ministering in a church. A woman gave him some money before he prophesied. He said that the Word of the Lord could not be bought and so in front of her he took the money and in view of everyone put it in the offering plate. Then the Lord told Him not to prophecy to this woman. She was upset but the prophet said the Lord could not be bought. This is not to say that one cannot buy a tape for 3$s for the cost of the tape with your word printed on it after the service. This apostle/prophet whose ministry we know well has an ministy of integrity that has been for some thirty years and they have ministered for many more than forty years.

Perhaps its time that we glean from those whose ministry has stood without blemish and stood the test of time.

The prophetic word is a word given by the Lord through an instrument and should not have a mode of payment at the bottom of the page. Freely you have received and freely give.

The church needs to get back to the basics. I think the apostle Paul would have shuddered had he seen some of the practices that are going on today in Christian circles.

As a church we need to clean up our act, search our hearts and realize that the Lord is quite capable of providing for the needs of His ministry.

God is faithful and will not have us beg bread. The prophetic word has been freely given and it needs to go out with no mode of financial hope at the bottom of it. We should not be trying to make a buck at the bottom of a Word from the Lord.

We need to fear of the Lord for it is the beginning of wisdom. Judgment first starts at the household of God and now is the time that we need to be hearing His voice.

Put the Word of the Lord out on its own and it will stand. God will provide what you need without your having to add a click on in hope of receiving finances.

Prophets need to come to a high standard of integrity in this hour if we are going to be seen as anything different than the word.

Lets raise the standard today and ask the Lord what He is asking us to do and than with His grace do it.

I pray that the Lord bless your ministry and bring in all that He intends you to have to do His Work.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Use The Name of Jesus

Use The Name of Jesus
by Patricia Hamel

This morning a woman of God headed toward her washer to put the laundry in and just as she was about to do so she was attacked with a severe migraine.

Definition of Migraine from Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

1 : a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting 2 : an episode or attack of migraine

I sensed the Lord saying,” this is what is happening to My children. Many are attempting to get up and start the day with Me and cleanse their garments and are blocked from getting into My Word. The enemy is setting up ambushments to stop My people from going forward.

This attack of the enemy is preventing My children from doing their days work for Me. They are being laid low and often needing to lay down and sleep when I would have My church up and vibrant for Me. He is causing reoccurring sickness,attacking and is trying to take out the child of God and make them ineffective.

God is saying “that you need to come against all that is coming against you. I have given you authority in My name over all power of the enemy.You are the head and not the tail and I have given you My full authority. You need to wield the sword of the Spirit and use it offensively and defensively against the foe. As you speak My Word, he will back down.Use My name and cover yourself and your household in the blood of Jesus.
I am teaching you to stand even in the difficult place and having done all you will stand. You will walk as one with that warrior Spirit. The enemy knows that his time is short in the earth. He knows the power that lives within you and wants to make you think you are defeated. I say to you that you are not defeated and the power that created heaven and earth is lives in you. Take My authority,walk and stand in it. Do not back down and you will have victory, says the Lord.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19