Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your Maker is Your Husband

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Your Maker is Your Husband
by Patricia Hamel ~ January 13, 2008

Do not be astounded at what I am doing through you but come closer to Me and I will do more through you as the day approaches. Come closer to Me My child. Come ever closer and sit with Me and fellowship with Me more often throughout your day. Come and spend time at My feet for I am calling you to a deep intimacy with Me. Hear the Spirit calling for I am wooing you and drawing you into My presence. Leave all the cares of this world behind and come into the secret place with Me. Burdens will lift, joy will be restored and I will be your strength in the days ahead. Lift up your voice and praise Me today for I am your Lord and soon coming King. Praise Me for I am your maker and your husband. Yes, I am your husband so come to Me and let Me love you with My perfect, holy love, says the Lord.

5For your Maker is your Husband--the Lord of hosts is His name--and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called. Isaiah 54:5 (AMP)