A WORD IN SEASON ~ The Fellowship of His Sufferings
by Patricia Hamel ~ January 24, 2009
It is an honor to partake of the fellowship of My sufferings. You are suffering and it is only a little portion of the cup of suffering I drank on this earth. Rejoice in your sufferings and know that I will not allow you to be tested and tried beyond that you are able without a way out that you can bear it. Rejoice and praise Me in your suffering for in doing so you will raise up a standard against the enemy and he will be defeated. Arm yourselve as a soldier of the cross and rejoice for you have not yet resisted unto death. Rejoice and praise Me, says the Lord.
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
Philippians 3:10