Friday, October 3, 2008

Perilous Times

Perilous times are here but do not fear for I the Lord am
with you. I will never forsake you. In all ways
acknowledge Me and I will direct your path. Look not to
the left or the right but keep your eyes on Me. I have
brought you this far and I will bring you the rest of the

I will bring you through the trials and tribulations
that are coming on the earth and you shall know that
it is the hand of the Lord that has moved on your behalf.
Do not doubt but walk in faith and do not waver. Do not
waver but stand tall and strong in this hour. Stand fast
against the enemy and do not give in to what he throws at
you. You will over come by the blood of the Lamb and the
word of your testimony.

Do not love your life but be willing to give it up for
My sake. Again I say to you, stand strong and be of
good courage and I will strengthen your heart. The day of
the Lord is at hand.