of unclean lips? Did He not ask Me to
put hot coals on his lips? He cried out
to Me in his uncleanness and asked Me
to burn out all that was not of Me. I
am holy and when man is in My presence
My holiness will make him feel unclean.
Any little thing however small will be
revealed in the presence of God. I am
pure and I am holy. Desire purity,
desire holiness without it no man will
see the Lord. Come ever closer to
the fire and allow Me to burn up the dross.
My fire will not hurt you but it will
heal you. It will turn your life around.
Allow Me to burn out all that is not of
Me and your will have joy untold. Come
child of mine, come closer to Me.
Drink from the cup that I drank from.
In that cup there is mercy. In that cup
is life. The cup brings holiness as death
to self comes to you. Be willing to die
to all that you are or ever will be.
Let My death on Calvary remind you daily
the price I paid to set men free.
Come now and come quickly. Come hither
to Me. I know your are lonely but look
and see Me. I shall comfort you in all
your loneliness. I will take you and love
you. Set your heart to follow Jesus
and do not look back but look to Me.
Give Me your whole heart and tenderly
I will make it holy and pure and one
with Me.