If you will call on Me I will answer you.
I will show you great and mighty things.
You will know Me and know My heart for mankind.
Is this not the desire of the true prophet of God?
Seek Me now while I may be found and come to
Me desiring truth in the inward parts.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Pray for wisdom and desire it above all else.
Out of the heart flow the issues of life.
Call on the Lord your God with all your heart,
soul, mind and strength and you will receive
answers to your questions. I am
the Lord your God and desire to fill your
heart with My wisdom. The intercessor
needs My heart so that they may pray accordingly.
I will give you the heart of the Father and you
shall know My heart for I Jesus am the one that
lives to make intercession for you. I am the
one whose life you need to follow.
Take up your cross and follow Me.