This is the hour that you must take a stand for
the name of Jesus Christ and against the enemy
of your soul. The time is here and I am separating
My people totally from the world. You are in this
world but not of it. Bring yourselves before Me,
come to Me and allow Me to cleanse your heart.
I will create a clean heart in you. It is only as
you walk with a pure heart before Me that you will be
able to stand against the foe. Come to Me and
come quickly and allow Me to cleanse you. I said
in My word that if you repent of sin I am faithful
and just to forgive you for your sin and cleanse
you from all unrighteousness. Why do you wait?
Why do you not come for the hour is late? Do not
delay but come to Me with a repentant heart and
I will cleanse you, says the Lord.