A Time To Make Throne Room Decrees
Dr. Sandie Freed, Hurst, TX
What To Do When You Feel You Have No Strength
this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven.
And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said,
"Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." At
once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in Heaven
with Someone sitting on it. Revelation 4:1-2 (NIV)
Believer, I
believe that you will agree with me that these days are what Timothy
described as perilous times (see 2 Timothy 3:1). The times are
difficult, so we must "come up" and get direction from the Spirit of
God. I will discuss more on that in just a bit, but first I would like
to be clear about the times that we are now experiencing. (Photo by
Robert Bartow "The Open Door" via elijahshopper.com)
The word
"perilous" is from a Greek word, chalepos (pronounced khal-ep-os'), and
it describes a time which is "dangerous," "difficult," and "fierce." It
is further described as a time where "strength is reduced." I have
written numerous times concerning this passage, but while I was in
prayer recently concerning the events occurring in our nation, as well
as worldwide, I was reminded of the Biblical account of Isaiah 37:3
which says, "...Thus says Hezekiah: This day is a day of trouble and
distress and of rebuke and of disgrace; for children have come to the
birth, and there is no strength to bring them forth" (AMP).
you recall the situation, Hezekiah had been reforming the nation of
Israel, and the people themselves were experiencing the process of
reformation. Though their land had been laid waste by their enemies,
Israel was basically willing to settle with what little restoration was
available to enjoy. In other words, passivity found a place in their
Hezekiah had experienced a rather peaceful period with
Assyria for a while – all which seemed good. Then one day, Sennacherib,
the king of Assyria, decided to infiltrate Hezekiah's realm. Evil
messages were sent and delivered by the king's messenger, Rabshakeh,
with the evil intention to blaspheme God and frighten Hezekiah, as well
as the people.
The speech he delivered was done so in their
familiar Hebrew language – so that all would hear and understand what he
had to say. His speaking in their own language was done so with very
evil intent. Rabshakeh wished to sound "familiar" to them and, by
speaking in a "familiar voice," he could more easily sway them, through
fear, to align with Sennacherib through him. Of course, the enemy of the
Jews is always attempting to seduce their hearts away from God and His
covenant of faithfulness. So, all of this was done in an attempt to
dishonor their king, Hezekiah, and also to dishonor God.
these evil ploys from the Assyrians caused King Hezekiah to run to God,
rather than from God. Again, Hezekiah's declaration of the season he
was experiencing was that it was "...a day of trouble...and of
disgrace...," and he further explains that it was such a difficult
season that those who are pregnant have come to a season of birthing,
yet there is no strength to do so.
Why You Must Battle Against the Contender
I believe it is the same for us today. Many of us are pregnant with the
manifestation of the Spirit. Our spiritual wombs are carrying seeds of
breakthrough and glory – yet, we have lost our strength to deliver the
child (i.e. the breakthrough, the miraculous, a present-day move of
God's Spirit) due to many evil messengers and planned assignments from
the enemy. (Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio "Prince Yeshua Has Your Glass
Slipper" via elijahshopper.com)
We have been contending for the
glory of God to be manifested, and the contending has taken its toll on
us spiritually, mentally, and physically. Yes, there is a "contender"
that is opposing us during this season as we press into more of God's
glory. The word "contender" is another word for "adversary." Therefore I
believe it is safe to say that satan is revealing himself to many of us
as the "contender." Due to the contention in the spirit realm, the
result is a struggle to maintain strength as we seek realms of God's
glory. My main point is this: The contender is furiously opposing us at
the threshold of breakthrough.
How To Recognize and Have Victory Over the Schemes of the Enemy
back a bit to Hezekiah and the warfare against the king of Assyria,
remember that the king's cupbearer and messenger, Rabshakeh, spoke to
the Jews in a "familiar voice." Our enemy, the contender, is like a
familiar spirit of witchcraft that speaks lies to the ears of God's
A familiar spirit, put simply, is a spirit that has
become familiar with us individually, as well as generationally.
Oftentimes a familiar spirit is considered a "personal demon" because it
knows much about us – especially how to ensnare us! We must become
alert to the evil whispers and the familiar spirits in this season. The
enemy will seduce us with all that is familiar to us if we allow fear to
guide our hearts.
When in a "narrow place" (similar in the
natural realm as a "birth canal"), the enemy targets our faith by
speaking lies! I have written extensively about the narrow place and the
familiar spirit in my recent book, The Jezebel Yoke. Allow me to quote
from that particular book as I discuss the "yoke" of "Egypt" which is
used against Believers as they attempt to take ground for the Kingdom of
God: (Photo of "The Jezebel Yoke" via elijahshopper.com)
yoke of 'Egypt' represents not only slavery but, more broadly, a slavery
mentality. Our use of this term represents mind-sets, religious
legalism, patterns of behavior and false beliefs that keep us from
entering into our Promised Land... This yoke...was similar to the yoke
that the Israelites had upon them...(See Leviticus 26:13)... "Egypt"
means, among other things, 'double straits,' and the word 'straits'
describes times of great difficulty...(further translated as) to press,
as though something narrow..."
So you see, dear saint, that
whenever we attempt to be completely free of a slave mentality, we are
being opposed by a contending spirit that attempts to abort all that we
are anointed to birth! And, the enemy uses a false voice to speak lies
during difficult seasons. Once again, this false voice is strongly
linked to witchcraft and the occult. As I have written in so many of my
other books, the occult opposes revelation because it hides the truth
which God is revealing!
Let's press in to His Spirit – let's be
determined to "come up" and hear His voice. There is a higher level of
revelation which He wishes to reveal and speak forth. Don't let your
past dictate your future – and don't stop forward progression simply
because it is "unfamiliar" and uncomfortable.
Precious saint,
God is promising to give us renewed strength and vision so that we can
make what I heard the Lord term as "throne room decrees" that will
empower us with the strength to push into breakthrough and, at the same
time, push through this narrow place. But first, we need to "come up
Come Up Higher
Our destiny in God requires that
we journey with Him on a path which He has laid out before us. Problem
is, as He leads us into new areas or introduces us to new territory, we
often get uncomfortable with the "unknown." And, at the same time, we
are being required to pray Heaven to earth. In other words, we are being
instructed by the Lord to access what is unseen and bring it into
reality. This new realm of accessing God's glory will release miracles,
signs, and wonders. What we pray in faith to receive from Heaven can
become a reality!
There are so many supernatural encounters with
God that await us; therefore, we have to come up higher to spend more
intimate time with Him. He desires to give throne room strategies that
empower us through prayers and decrees that unlock our future and will
shift our lives and nation. (Photo by Robert Bartow "The Key" via
I'm sure you can testify with me that there
is presently a "homing device" in our spirits that continually calls us
to bring the unseen realm into reality. Using the key of faith that we
each have will keep the doors open for accessing what is needed in our
lives. The same key of faith will unlock hidden mysteries that have been
held up until now. Some of the hidden mysteries we are accessing today
are strategies on how to bind the spirits of darkness, especially the
spirit of Jezebel and Belial, in this season.
The Spirits of Jezebel and Belial: Don't Listen To the False Voice of the Enemy
of these spirits are territorial – meaning they influence territories
and regions, as well as individuals. We have been given the victory over
these evil spirits; however, they will still attempt to contend against
us as we press from glory to glory.
Again, I have written
extensively on both of these spirits and how they seduce God's children
into unbelief, especially in my books, The Jezebel Yoke and Breaking the
Threefold Demonic Cord. If you have purchased these books, I encourage
you to do a re-read. For those of you who have not read them, I assure
you they would be excellent books for your warfare arsenal. (Photo of
"Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord" via elijahshopper.com)
and Belial are attempting to steal your inheritance – both in the
natural and in the spiritual. These two spirits team up together, just
as they did when they murdered Naboth and stole his vineyard; they are
attempting the same today (see 1 Kings 21). Belial's name means
"worthless, useless, and valueless." He seduces Believers with a lying
voice which says:
• You are hopeless.
• You will never get a breakthrough.
• You are completely useless – your prayers do not touch Heaven.
• God doesn't care about you.
• You will never measure up.
• You are shameful.
• You have no value – why don't you simply give up?
on guard, dear Believer! Don't listen to the false voice of the enemy.
Though you are in a narrow place, God will turn it around and use it for
your good. He is giving you strength, right now, to birth your future!
You are now being positioned to make what I refer to as "throne room
It Is Time To Make Throne Room Decrees!
4:1-2 speaks about a door opening into Heaven and then a trumpet
sounding. Take a moment and reread that particular passage and you will
notice three important facts which relate to us now, in this season:
1. A door opening into Heaven
2. A voice as a trumpet speaking
3. Come up here...to the throne!
as John was being called up to a higher place, so are we also! We are
being called up higher – to hear God's voice – and to be equipped with
the voice which speaks from the throne. Why? Well, I believe it is time
to make "Throne Room Decrees!" These are decrees that we receive by
accessing the prayers from Heaven and also from God's throne.
throne has always represented a high and elevated place where one in
authority is seated as a king, queen, ruler, etc. It also speaks of
power and dignity. Isaiah 6:1 speaks of Jehovah's throne being "high and
lifted up." Therefore, as God calls us to come higher, we are also
being empowered to sit at His feet and listen to His divine directives.
God is calling us nearer and empowering us with throne room decrees that
will shift the atmosphere in our spheres of influence, such as our
families, workplaces, etc.
As we come up higher, we will also
become ever more cognizant of the fact that we are seated with Christ in
heavenly places and that Jesus gave to us, as Believers, all power and
authority over the enemy who contends against us as we demonstrate God's
Kingdom on earth. (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "Arise, Shine" via
Decrees Are Using Your Voice as an Instrument Against the Injustice on the Earth
decree is a written command that has the effect of law. When we
verbally declare a written decree, we are using our voice as an
instrument against the injustice on the earth. Queen Esther saved an
entire nation by issuing decrees. King Cyrus issued decrees that
empowered the Jews to rebuild the Temple. There are several examples in
the Bible that discuss the importance of decrees.
Again, we are
being called to a higher level. This is our season to spend time with
the Lord – in intimacy...in prayer – and at the throne. God desires to
equip us with fresh prayer strategy which will silence and defeat the
I have provided some Throne Room Decrees for you to
speak forth in faith. Expect the Lord to deal with your contender and
defeat your enemies as you speak forth these decrees. As you spend time
with the Lord, He will add to this list; I'm sure of it! For now, I'm
supplying you with a "jump-start" list of Throne Room Decrees. Expect
Him to multiply your decrees. He is faithful and He is giving you
strength to birth and fulfill divine destiny!
Throne Room Decrees For Our Nation
decree that the kingdom is the Lord's and that He is the governor of my
nation (Psalm 22:28). (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "Out of the Darkness"
via elijahshopper.com)
I decree that the leaders of my nation will come into the light (Isaiah 60:3).
I decree that our leaders are just and that they will rule by the fear of the Lord (2 Samuel 23:3).
I decree that my nation will serve the Lord (Psalm 72:11).
I decree that all wickedness is cut down and rooted out of our land (Proverbs 2:22).
I decree that my nation is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and all that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1).
I decree that my nation will submit to the rule and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ (Daniel 7:14).
I decree that my nation be sprinkled by the Blood of Jesus (Isaiah 52:15).
I decree that the glory of the Lord will be revealed to my nation (Isaiah 40:5).
I decree that every covenant with death and Hell be broken in our nation (Isaiah 28:18).
I decree that the Lord's dominion is established in my nation (Psalm 72:12-13).
Throne Room Decrees of Blessing
decree a blessing over you that you will know who you are in Christ;
that you are the righteousness of Christ; that you are holy and that you
are God's child called to reign in life (2 Cor 5:21; 1 John 3:1; Romans
5:17). (Photo by Jennifer Page "His Joy" via elijahshopper.com)
decree a blessing over you that you will be transformed from glory to
glory into the image and character of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans
I decree a blessing over you that God will heal you
physically. I decree that you will walk in divine health and prosper in
all that you do (Acts 10:38; 3 John 2).
I decree a blessing over
your finances; that God will give you the power to gain wealth
(Deuteronomy 8:18, 28:11; Proverbs 11:25).
I decree a blessing
over you that God will grant you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in
the knowledge of God's love (Ephesians 1:17; 1 John 4:19).
I decree a blessing over your family, relationships, co-workers, employers, and all that concerns you (Acts 16:31).
I want you blessed! I also want our nation blessed! I desire for God to
move powerfully in other nations and bless them as well, don't you?
Let's all be obedient to the Lord as He calls us higher. It's time to
make godly decrees once again!
In Christ,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas