Word of
the Lord
through Patricia Hamel
March 11, 2014
I am
indeed speaking to my servants the prophets for they are to come up
higher. I am calling on My servants to
lay aside all the cares of this life and come higher for I am indeed looking
for intercessors that will stand in the gap for many. I am calling you by name and in the night
hours you will answer me. There is no
more time for delay but it is time to seek Me with your whole heart. Intercessors lay aside all that is not of me,
the frivolities of daily life and seek My face for the suddenlies of daily life
will soon be upon you. What will you do
then but say, I missed God because I was too busy? I missed the Lord because I spent too much
time doing this or that! I say unto you
seek Me while I may be found! Seek me
with your whole heart.
The enemy
has sought to destroy those that have a heart for Me. He has sought to drain you of strength
through daily attacks but I say to you I am raising up a standard and the gates
of hell will no longer prevail against you because you will take the sword of
the Lord and do battle against the foe.
You will take the sword of the Lord and fight against all that is not of
have been times when many of mine have been ready to give up but I say to you
do not give up but stand. Stand in the
gap and be that intercessor I have called you to be. Take time and come aside with Me my
beloveds. Take time and come away with
me into the prayer chamber. I have
called you into the bridal chamber and would speak words into your heart. I would speak to you about the issues of life
that are coming against mankind and give you answers to lay before My
people. The key is will you take time
and be the intercessors I have called you to be. Will you take time to lay on your face before
me and seek me with your whole heart?
distractions, distractions, this is what has been coming against my servants
the prophets! They are distracted and
the enemy is no longer going to be able to defeat you as you stand
together. My body needs to stand
together and not be as lone rangers.
Come together, close ranks and seek My face. Time will soon be no more and all that seems
so important will no longer be. Seek Me
while I may be found and I will answer you.
I will show you deep and wonderful things and you will have the fear of
the Lord in your hearts.
I will place you before men, many of them are
in places of trust in this hour and need guidance. You will stand before kings and those that
are in authority and will speak the Word of the Lord and counsel men great in
this world and their hearts shall be turned and they shall hear the Word of the
Lord. Not all will come but they will
hear and either reject me of accept that which I say for I am God. There is no other beside me and it is time
that man know that I am God. I am
the Lord, stand in awe of Me for I am the Holy One and your soon coming
King. Rise up and give praise to Me for
I am holy. Praise My holy name. Indeed, I come quickly so rise up and do the
work of the evangelist and see them come in as you lay out My plan of
salvation, that I am the only way, truth and life. I am truth and life and Jesus is My
name. Come to Me and come quickly, for I
am the Lord, and behold I come quickly.
He saw
that there was no man, And wondered that there was no intercessor; Therefore
His own arm brought salvation for Him; And His own righteousness, it sustained
Him. Isaiah 59:16