Thursday, October 4, 2012

Horses Hooves

Horses Hooves
Thru Priscilla Van Sutphin
 Oct 4th, 2012

“ Can you hear the thundering of horses hooves ?  Can you imagine the depth of fear & tears that will be released as people see the results of their sinfulness?  Who can stand in the fire and burning and not be changed ? You worry about those around you, and many are praying for loved ones to change.  But you can’t imagine in your sorrow and grief over their abandoning Me how much they will change when they are touched by My burning fire.  There is a tsunami of My fire coming!  It is not a little wave. It is a huge, and powerful wave that will sweep into all nations.

I am not lax concerning My promises. You however have trouble believing because many of you have waited so long and endured so much affliction and persecution from your own family, that you have still pockets of unbelief in your heart. I guarantee you that I can burn all that unbelief out of your heart in a moment’s touch !  I can do anything. Remember I am the God Who created the universe. There is nothing too big for Me.  You have too small a vision of what is coming. I know it’s hard to imagine considering all the doubt and unbelief around you.  You are fighting the spirit of this age, the unbelief and antichrist spirits abound.

But I have had a plan from the beginning that is much greater than anything you can imagine. Tomorrow’s troubles are nothing to underestimate, yet I AM WITH YOU. I AM lives inside of you ! Greater am I than the one who prowls around seeking whom he may devour.  I know with all the struggles and demonic oppression you have seen, it’s hard to believe. Don’t see only with your natural eyes. But remember the Word, and all that is in there about what I have done, and what I’m going to do. PROPHESY it to the demonic realm. Yes, that is what you are doing when you speak it out, and declare it outloud !  As you do it, I will establish it .

STAY your mind on Me, and keep close to ME in the secret place of your heart, for I will NOT ever abandon you. Though men resist, and demons trouble you, I am with you and will fight with you and for you when it gets to be too much.  The cup is almost full, and the light is shining in the darkness. Your cup will be filled as you REST IN ME, and worship Me in spirit and truth.  Do not be afraid beloveds. My grace is sufficient for you. I am waiting for you and here for you at all times. Stop running away from my presence.

There is much resistance now compared to before, but I have loosed My kingdom in proportionate measure above what the enemy is trying to do. I am here, even when you can’t FEEL Me. I AM working in you more than you can see. Don’t be afraid. Climb in My lap, and sit with me a while. I will calm all your anxieties within you, and heal the pockets of unbelief, and empty them out, that they can be filled with My LOVE and compassion.

I am making you my strong horse in battle, and I am loosing those heavenly horses, that will carry you to the end. The riders on horses are carrying out their duties as I see fit. Do not be impatient for Me to answer or work in your situations. All is at hand beloveds. TRUST in Me completely. Let go of all you can hold in your hands.  This world is fading away, but you know there is one already established which will replace it.  In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.”