The Testimony Of Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy
Monday, October 29, 2012
Watch and Pray
Scripture tells us to watch and pray and that the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.There is great power in prayer and it changes situations and Nations. Let us believe the Lord together for His hand to move in the US as hurricane Sandy comes ashore and that it will NOT cause great destruction. Also for divine protection over God's children and that all fear be removed. We can move the hand of God IF we pray. Let us pray that people will call on the name of the Lord during this time and see that He (Jesus) is real. We know that Father God uses circumstances to draw men and women to himself. We ask Jesus that the enemy would not have his way but that you somehow get praise and glory out of this situation, in Jesus name.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Flipping The Switch
By Ron
In the scope of
time and eternity the western world has fleeting moments remaining to flip a big
switch that will change the destiny of nations.
I was awakened a
little after three in the morning (Wednesday October 24) with a full out scream
coming from the depths of my being. I felt no urgency of fear or pain in any
form. It came from deeper than my soul. The primal scream came from the Spirit
realm as an urgent warning with a promise of glory.
Like a train
rolling down a track will continue on toward the destination of that track
unless a rail switch is thrown that changes the train to another track and
toward another destination, so it is with the nations of this
“Chose you this day
whom you will serve.”
Just before Joshua
passed away he called the people together and gave them a strong word from God.
Basically God set before them life and death.
God reminded them
of all that He had done for them as a nation throughout their journey of
history. He reminded them of how their fathers had lived on the other side of
the river and served other gods and how He had brought them across the river to
serve Him in the land He gave them. God reminded them how He drove out before
them the enemies who had possessed the land so that they lived in cities they
had not built and ate from orchards and vineyards they had not planted. God had
blessed and prospered the people. They had victory in all the wars they had
fought against those who hated them and their God.
God is again
speaking to us as He spoke through Joshua. I
hear the Lord speaking similar things to us today as Joshua spoke to the people
before he died.
therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put
away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River,
and in Egypt; and serve you the
LORD. And if it seems evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day
whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the
other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell:
but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to
serve other gods.
Joshua said unto the people, You cannot serve the LORD: for he is a holy God; he
is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your
the people said unto Joshua, Nay; but we will serve the
you forsake the LORD, and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm,
and consume you, after that he has done you
Joshua said unto the people, You are witnesses against yourselves that you have
chosen the LORD, to serve him. And they said, We are
therefore put away, said he, the foreign gods which are among you, and
incline your heart unto the LORD God of Israel.
the people said unto Joshua, The LORD our God will we serve, and his voice will
we obey.
Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and set them a statute and an
ordinance in Shechem.
it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD
your God promised you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things,
until he has destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God has
given you.
When you have
transgressed the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and have
gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them; then shall the
anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from
off the good land which he has given unto
related enormous fundamental problems face the western world
first and most significant problem is that the western world has largely turned
from the one true God to other gods.
second problem stems from the first.
second most significant problem that threatens to end life as we have known it
among the western nations is a rapidly approaching Islamic takeover attempt.
nationally, if the first problem is not remedied quickly the second problem will
rapidly come to pass with catastrophic results.
speaking as a nation, this train is already on the track and rolling ahead
toward an apocalyptic event.
Kingdom is coming forth it is the nations that will be train
final end destination is the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
However, our nationally turning away from the true God to our many other gods
has caused a great cavern to be opened ahead for western nations completely
severing the track so that if the train continues on it will plunge into the
cataclysmic cavern before reaching the final destination.
train must be slowed and a big switch thrown to direct the train of western
nations on to another track that will bypass the huge cavern and avoid the
gigantic train wreck. The Lord must become the engineer moving us as a nation
down a yet difficult but much better track route toward the final destination of
the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in
don’t think it necessary to define here the many gods western nations have come
to worship instead of the one true God. They begin with the god of self and go
on through gods like mammon, pleasure, materialism, intellectualism, sports
religious forms, and so on. Lust of the eyes and pride of life have caused us as
nations to make gods of the things of this world.
Big Switch
from degradation to spiritual moral revitalization is a small step for man but a
giant leap for the western nations and the world. The switch is in your heart
and mine. It is completely and forever switching from the track of self, from
“me and my” to His.
my needs to His supply,
From my religious views and ways to His kingdom,
From my lack to His abundance,
From my fears and insecurities to His HOPE,
From my doubt and unbelief to His FAITH,
From my apathy and uncaring to His LOVE,
From my discouragement and depression to His JOY,
From my obsessive stress to His PEACE,
From my striving to His righteousness,
From my life in this past world to His life in His kingdom.
From my religious views and ways to His kingdom,
From my lack to His abundance,
From my fears and insecurities to His HOPE,
From my doubt and unbelief to His FAITH,
From my apathy and uncaring to His LOVE,
From my discouragement and depression to His JOY,
From my obsessive stress to His PEACE,
From my striving to His righteousness,
From my life in this past world to His life in His kingdom.
will not eliminate the past by focusing upon it and running on the same old
track. We will forever leave the past to live in the now by switching the train
from the old track to the new track by spiritual transformation to sons of God
crucified, with Christ but alive unto God as Christ lives abundantly within
kingdom of God involves all life spiritual and natural as
switch to the track of kingdom living now in this world and the rule of God on
earth over all the nations of the world involves the powerful life of God
working by His love in and through every child of God in every area of natural
life on earth education, media, governments, agriculture, energy, manufacturing,
distribution, transportation, housing, health care, and every other area of
human production to meet the needs of mankind and the world around
is as spiritual does.
The Spirit of Christ is to invade ALL areas of life in this world. Every working
structure or organism will have its center and its root firmly in the DNA of
Christ by the Holy Spirit of God. It will be under the headship of Christ the
King in mature sons of God doing all the works to reform or transform the world
into the kingdoms of our God.
national spirit that is not so, will not survive and will be dissolved from the
earth by the fire of the love of God. The spirits over nations must be changed
to the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Anything else ruling over nations is a spirit of
anti-Christ and such God will destroy.
the switch now to the Spirit of God and receive the abundant HOPE and JOY of the
kingdom reality now manifesting on earth. Shout for JOY and PRAISE God for the
peace that passes all human understanding and exceeds all human desires with the
GLORY of God covering the part of earth upon which we walk, that which is under
the feet of Christ Jesus in us. Come to the Spirit gathering taking place
are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that
speaks better things than that of Abel.
that you refuse not him that speaks. For if they escaped not who refused him
that spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape, if we turn away from him
that speaks from heaven:
voice then shook the earth: but now he has promised, saying,
once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
this word,
Yet once more,
signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of
things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may
we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, by which we may
serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:22-26)
Joy of the Lord is Our Strength.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
His Presence Is A Refuge For The Weary
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His Presence Is A Refuge For The Weary
By Mary Lindow
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning,
And let the discerning get guidance.
Proverbs 1:5
It doesn't take a genius mind to know that we are in some terrible times here in the earth! Wars wars and more threats of wars! Economic pressures, ungodly rulers, missiles aimed and ready to blow up other countries, child abductions and murders are on the rise and we have had odd and bizarre weather patterns! And these events all can occur in just one week's worth of change!
I hear the Holy Spirit bringing a clear word of comfort and help to His people who have ears to hear what He is saying to them. Those that are determined to follow the voice of the Good Shepherd and not strange voices.
John 10:5
And a stranger will they not follow,
But will flee from him:
For they know not the voice of strangers.
The days have seemingly turned darker, uncertain, and frenzied as media reporters shell out the hyped newscasts of doom and despair. And although much of what is being reported may be actually happening, it is intentionally ratcheted up to keep viewing polls well oiled and operating.
All of the noise pollution and the droning voices of the media personalities can weary and weigh down the heart of those who have a compassionate and sensitive spirit or heart. And. Often through all of the pressure filled „minute by minute live‰ reporting, people can become restless and fearful, anxiety ridden, and heavy laden with so much hitting them.
Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down,
But a good word makes it glad.
Although we are not to be totally ignorant of what is occurring around us and live in recluse mentalities, the Lord does have a greater plan and focus for us during such tough times.
You and I as children of God will never really feel at home here on planet Earth. We have been Divinely implanted with a spiritual device deep in our spirits that longs for the "Home of Heaven".
No more tears, no more night, no more longing to fully be-long! We have been walking a pathway of preparation, each of us in different stages of our lives, to transition from this decaying world and body into a heavenly place of resurrection and eternal abundant life.
It's the living here now that is so like rough grit sandpaper to our nerve endings!
2 Timothy 4:18
The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack
And will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.
To him be glory for ever and ever
Psalm 61:3
For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me,
A strong tower against the adversary.
We are in much need of a directional adjustment as believers right now, a redirecting of the compass, as the world turns itself upside down with malice, dictatorships, and political posturing.
We need to be certain that nothing of the world and its behaviors is hidden in our own hearts. We must hear that Magnetic pulling voice of the Holy Spirit, and obey it without turning left or right.
Deuteronomy 5:32
So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; Do not turn aside to the right or to the left.
The Spirit of the Lord is calling out to His people in this very very serious and crucial moment to allow Him your ears that hear and your eyes that see to discern where the compass for your soul is located! It points to a dwelling place of Divine Rest and Protection.
There is a hidden deep place of safety only revealed to those of pure motive and clean hands.
"Come to Me! Run to Me! I know that you are heavily burdened by all of the concentrated pressures mounting around you. Run to the Dwelling place of Divine Rest and Protection! It will require you laying down the things that so easily set you off and get you weighed down with concern and anxiety.
1 Peter 5:7
Casting the whole of your cares
All your anxieties,
All your worries,
All your concerns,
Once and for all on Him.
For He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
"Come to the simple place.
Huddle into the shadow of My Wings for,
I AM the Refuge for the child that heeds My voice and runs to Me, abandoning self made plans for protection and self-preservation.
I AM your shield,
I AM your Fortress.
But you must come to the Refuge with no agenda in your heart or a Message on your lips. You come to the Resting Place of Safety from the Storm to WAIT, Ponder, Rest and rethink your Life call.
Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
Let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
That those who love your name may rejoice in you.
When we walk in the way of surrender and tenderness with our ears attuned to the still small voice of God, we actually walk in the Overshadowing safety of the Presence of God. Training our spiritual ears to hear the voice of the Father is a lifetime guarantee of knowing when the storms or troubles will arise and is a promise for direction to a place of Divine Protection and direction whenever needed.
Psalm 16:9
Therefore my heart is glad
And my tongue rejoices;
My body also will rest secure
Rest Child of God. REST!
It is the hardest thing for the mind and body to do! Learning to rest when the world is screaming at a fevered pitch, "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW" is a hard-learned yet reachable discipline if we will lean into it and ask for God‚s help.
Hear the Voice of God calling you to enter into His rest. It is a place of pleasant simplicity and uncluttered doctrine. His Presence silences all of the noise of the day and noise of the Head.
Dear child of God! There is no judgment or shame there.
It is a restful place of learning to take up an easy yoke and a light burden.
Perhaps right now, as you listen to this audio podcast or read this...
...You might just sit back and "Enter in to the Refuge of God".
Lay down the weight of worry and frustration. The anger at life all bottled up in rage and gloom! All you need to take with you into the shelter is a willing heart. Ready to trust the Divine Protector and Provider.
...Into His Rest.
Psalm 33:22
May your unfailing love rest upon us,
O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.
Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is
welcomed provided that complete article and website information for Mary Lindow
is included.
Thank You
Copyright © 2012 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow
Thank You
Copyright © 2012 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Please Pray About This Situation
Video Link>
CBN News
CAIRO, Egypt -- Recent attacks against churches are driving thousands of Egyptian Christians to seek asylum in the West.
Many of them are women who fear they are targets for abduction, forced conversion, and forced marriage by Muslims.
CBN News traveled to Cairo to investigate the trafficking of young Egyptian Christian women.
The Abduction of Mary
Magda Kaiser, a Coptic Christian, is distraught over her missing daughter, Mary.
"She was our only daughter, so we spoiled her," she explained. "She got whatever she wanted, but she was very shy."
"We were close friends," Kaiser continued. "She never went anywhere without me. She always asked me to go with her because she was afraid of being alone, by herself."
Mary, an exceptional student, won mathematical achievement awards. At the age of 19, she entered university to study pharmacology. That's where she befriended a Muslim classmate.
One night when the two women went out together for pizza and a movie, Mary suddenly fell ill. Friends last saw her entering a taxi.
"We knew she was missing because she didn't come home that night," Kaiser said. "We believe her Muslim friend put drugs in her food and hired people who abduct young Christian girls to kidnap her."
A day later, police informed Mary's family they had located her not far from Cairo, in the town of Kerdasa. They said Mary had converted to Islam and had married a Muslim vendor.
Foul Play?
Magda and her husband suspected foul play. They believed their daughter had become a victim of a vast, Islamic human trafficking network - one targeting young Christian women.
"All this was coordinated between the government, police, the Wahhabis, Salafis. Everyone was in on it," Kaiser said.
Officials summoned Mary to the police station where her father waited to see her.
"Four veiled ladies and four bearded men walked in to the police station, accompanied by two policemen with machine guns," Kaiser recalled.
"As they walked by, my husband screamed out our daughter's name, 'Mary!' As Mary turned around to acknowledge him, one of the bearded men pushed her away and punched her in the face," she said.
Overcome by rage, Mary's father demanded to talk to his daughter. The police refused and ordered him to leave.
They said they closed the case because Mary was now a Muslim.
The Kaiser home used to be one of much joy, laughter, and happiness. But five years after Mary's disappearance, her bed remains empty.
The emotional hurt still lingers. Her family said that she was a devout Christian - there's no way she would have willingly embraced Islam.
A Common Occurrence
Abduction cases like Mary's are now common place in Egypt.
A new study found the number of disappearances and abduction of Egyptian Christian girls is increasing. Kidnappings of underage females and mothers of young children are also on the rise.
George Washington University professor Michele Clark is one of the authors of the study. She testified recently before the Helsinki Commission, debunking arguments that suggest Christian girls are leaving their faith and families simply for romance.
"They say yes to friendship, romance, to hope, a future, safety and security. Nevertheless, (they) did not consent to being ripped from their family without ever being able to see them again," she said.
Nor, she added, did these Christian women consent to being forcibly converted to a religion other than their own, or consent to a life of captivity.
Expert: US Must Intervene
So, what should be done? Middle East analyst Walid Phares said the Obama administration must openly discuss the matter with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.
"The perpetrators in Egypt must know from the media, from public discussion, that our officials are demanding from the president of Egypt and demanding from the future, or current parliament, that these issues be at the table, that the constitutional committee that is looking at the future constitution take in consideration these elements," Phares told CBN News.
Clark also said the Egyptian government needs to create a national registry documenting the disappearance of minors.
"The Egyptian government will request an annual accounting of all cases of disappearances, including open and ongoing cases as well as prosecutions that resulted from these investigations," she said.
Meanwhile, Egyptian leaders are still debating the possibility of imposing a strict interpretation of shariah on the society, law that tolerates forced conversion and forced marriage for non-Muslim women.
As for Magda Kaiser, she said she will not give up searching for her daughter.
"She will still be my daughter no matter what happens to her," Kaiser said. "I will keep trying to get her back. I believe in God's promises and I trust the Lord will never forsake us."
"And I ask everybody to pray for us," she continued. "I am confident the day will come when I will see her or meet her again."
Related Stories:
US Embassy Warns Women Missionaries in EgyptEgypt's Coptic Women Abducted in the Name of Islam
Source: CBN News
Friday, October 5, 2012
Gathering Unto Him
Gathering Unto Him
By Kriston Couchey
During the 2009 economic crisis I had a dream in which Father showed me a picture of a tight/sharp loop in a road like a racetrack that banked around and went back in the opposite direction. He told me �I will place no sharper correction upon My people at that time as it is more than they can bear.� Twice the picture of the track appeared and He spoke the same words twice. The sharp loop represented sharp course correction that the church was unable to navigate. I understood that the crisis happened as correction for His own people. Seeing and hearing it twice meant that it was settled in the courts of heaven. I asked Father what was needed in order to bring about the correction needed. He needs "Overcomers", to bring healing and restoration to His people, but they are few.
In March 2011 I woke up from a dream crying out to Father to �Delay it for 21 months, your people are not prepared for it!� At that time I came to understand that financial and world crisis in Europe and the Middle East were threatening to throw the world in a deep depression and cause great turmoil upon the earth.
The loving discipline of Father is surely coming to His own house where His people have become dependent upon this worlds systems and manner of operating for their provision and security.The judgment of God is that these will no longer be a place in men�s systems which the children of God can trust. We have not been prepared because we have not truly sought and established the government/kingdom of God in our midst, which is a kingdom that is not like the ruling systems of men, but is preeminent over them.
These fading systems are subject to the government of God, not the other way around, and it is in the government of God being established that true provision and security are realized.
I want to share with you what I believe is a very serious directive of the Spirit for this hour. I had a dream this week in which all the systems and institutions of men had become hostile to the children of God and the children of God had to flee those systems. When I awoke I prayed about it and the Spirit of God told me �Gather my people and prepare them for what is coming.� I took that as a personal directive for my own sphere of influence, but also was convinced through discussing this with others that it is a directive being proclaimed to all the remnant of God for this specific hour.Father is calling us to gather unto Him in our places of influence as men and women to receive individual and corporate mandates and authority to rule and reign in our spheres of influence with the power of heaven.
The cry of the Spirit is to gather to receive in Father that which is needed for this hour to overcome. He is not calling us to gather around a man, a teaching, or an organization. Many have come to know His presence in them, but the government of God is established as His people are finding IN HIM the authority to establish His righteousness and justice in their places of influence. He is calling us to come together to receive the directives, mandates, decrees, and judgments of heaven. Whether we are a group of thousands or just one lone person in a city, Father is calling us unto Himself to be our ark of safety, supply, and security.The great trouble we are about to face is a symptom of a church that has abdicated its kingdom governmental authority to meet the needs of men over to the world�s systems. The governments of men are but a shadow compared to the light of His kingdom.
Father is calling His own to Himself that He may establish what His desire has been all along; the government of Heaven on earth.The call to gather is for His own to stop their activities and order of business to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.It is in the courts of God that He is judging our flesh and releasing Heaven�s mandates to men. Here His decrees are spoken forth with authority through His people to changes the course of history. In this place He sends sons forth with kingdom authority confirmed with power. This gathering is intended to release through His sons the power of the age to come; the Power to restore and renew creation itself.His desire is that the atmosphere of heaven�s court establish justice in His own house and then to all creation.He is calling His own to embrace fully the sovereign empowerment and assignments prepared for them in this hour.
The people of God have been positioned and placed; the connecting has begun and the power is being turned on. I truly believe He is asking us to gather without any agenda or expectation except to meet with Him that He might set the agenda of His house for the unfolding age. As His government is established among His own, the fear of the Lord is returning. As He takes His rightful place as Lord of His house we will understand the justice and mercy of God in a new light, the light of His Glory.
In Him
Kriston Couchey
By Kriston Couchey
During the 2009 economic crisis I had a dream in which Father showed me a picture of a tight/sharp loop in a road like a racetrack that banked around and went back in the opposite direction. He told me �I will place no sharper correction upon My people at that time as it is more than they can bear.� Twice the picture of the track appeared and He spoke the same words twice. The sharp loop represented sharp course correction that the church was unable to navigate. I understood that the crisis happened as correction for His own people. Seeing and hearing it twice meant that it was settled in the courts of heaven. I asked Father what was needed in order to bring about the correction needed. He needs "Overcomers", to bring healing and restoration to His people, but they are few.
In March 2011 I woke up from a dream crying out to Father to �Delay it for 21 months, your people are not prepared for it!� At that time I came to understand that financial and world crisis in Europe and the Middle East were threatening to throw the world in a deep depression and cause great turmoil upon the earth.
The loving discipline of Father is surely coming to His own house where His people have become dependent upon this worlds systems and manner of operating for their provision and security.The judgment of God is that these will no longer be a place in men�s systems which the children of God can trust. We have not been prepared because we have not truly sought and established the government/kingdom of God in our midst, which is a kingdom that is not like the ruling systems of men, but is preeminent over them.
These fading systems are subject to the government of God, not the other way around, and it is in the government of God being established that true provision and security are realized.
I want to share with you what I believe is a very serious directive of the Spirit for this hour. I had a dream this week in which all the systems and institutions of men had become hostile to the children of God and the children of God had to flee those systems. When I awoke I prayed about it and the Spirit of God told me �Gather my people and prepare them for what is coming.� I took that as a personal directive for my own sphere of influence, but also was convinced through discussing this with others that it is a directive being proclaimed to all the remnant of God for this specific hour.Father is calling us to gather unto Him in our places of influence as men and women to receive individual and corporate mandates and authority to rule and reign in our spheres of influence with the power of heaven.
The cry of the Spirit is to gather to receive in Father that which is needed for this hour to overcome. He is not calling us to gather around a man, a teaching, or an organization. Many have come to know His presence in them, but the government of God is established as His people are finding IN HIM the authority to establish His righteousness and justice in their places of influence. He is calling us to come together to receive the directives, mandates, decrees, and judgments of heaven. Whether we are a group of thousands or just one lone person in a city, Father is calling us unto Himself to be our ark of safety, supply, and security.The great trouble we are about to face is a symptom of a church that has abdicated its kingdom governmental authority to meet the needs of men over to the world�s systems. The governments of men are but a shadow compared to the light of His kingdom.
Father is calling His own to Himself that He may establish what His desire has been all along; the government of Heaven on earth.The call to gather is for His own to stop their activities and order of business to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.It is in the courts of God that He is judging our flesh and releasing Heaven�s mandates to men. Here His decrees are spoken forth with authority through His people to changes the course of history. In this place He sends sons forth with kingdom authority confirmed with power. This gathering is intended to release through His sons the power of the age to come; the Power to restore and renew creation itself.His desire is that the atmosphere of heaven�s court establish justice in His own house and then to all creation.He is calling His own to embrace fully the sovereign empowerment and assignments prepared for them in this hour.
The people of God have been positioned and placed; the connecting has begun and the power is being turned on. I truly believe He is asking us to gather without any agenda or expectation except to meet with Him that He might set the agenda of His house for the unfolding age. As His government is established among His own, the fear of the Lord is returning. As He takes His rightful place as Lord of His house we will understand the justice and mercy of God in a new light, the light of His Glory.
In Him
Kriston Couchey
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Horses Hooves
Horses Hooves
Thru Priscilla Van Sutphin
Oct 4th, 2012
“ Can you hear the thundering of horses hooves ? Can you imagine the depth of fear & tears that will be released as people see the results of their sinfulness? Who can stand in the fire and burning and not be changed ? You worry about those around you, and many are praying for loved ones to change. But you can’t imagine in your sorrow and grief over their abandoning Me how much they will change when they are touched by My burning fire. There is a tsunami of My fire coming! It is not a little wave. It is a huge, and powerful wave that will sweep into all nations.
I am not lax concerning My promises. You however have trouble believing because many of you have waited so long and endured so much affliction and persecution from your own family, that you have still pockets of unbelief in your heart. I guarantee you that I can burn all that unbelief out of your heart in a moment’s touch ! I can do anything. Remember I am the God Who created the universe. There is nothing too big for Me. You have too small a vision of what is coming. I know it’s hard to imagine considering all the doubt and unbelief around you. You are fighting the spirit of this age, the unbelief and antichrist spirits abound.
But I have had a plan from the beginning that is much greater than anything you can imagine. Tomorrow’s troubles are nothing to underestimate, yet I AM WITH YOU. I AM lives inside of you ! Greater am I than the one who prowls around seeking whom he may devour. I know with all the struggles and demonic oppression you have seen, it’s hard to believe. Don’t see only with your natural eyes. But remember the Word, and all that is in there about what I have done, and what I’m going to do. PROPHESY it to the demonic realm. Yes, that is what you are doing when you speak it out, and declare it outloud ! As you do it, I will establish it .
STAY your mind on Me, and keep close to ME in the secret place of your heart, for I will NOT ever abandon you. Though men resist, and demons trouble you, I am with you and will fight with you and for you when it gets to be too much. The cup is almost full, and the light is shining in the darkness. Your cup will be filled as you REST IN ME, and worship Me in spirit and truth. Do not be afraid beloveds. My grace is sufficient for you. I am waiting for you and here for you at all times. Stop running away from my presence.
There is much resistance now compared to before, but I have loosed My kingdom in proportionate measure above what the enemy is trying to do. I am here, even when you can’t FEEL Me. I AM working in you more than you can see. Don’t be afraid. Climb in My lap, and sit with me a while. I will calm all your anxieties within you, and heal the pockets of unbelief, and empty them out, that they can be filled with My LOVE and compassion.
I am making you my strong horse in battle, and I am loosing those heavenly horses, that will carry you to the end. The riders on horses are carrying out their duties as I see fit. Do not be impatient for Me to answer or work in your situations. All is at hand beloveds. TRUST in Me completely. Let go of all you can hold in your hands. This world is fading away, but you know there is one already established which will replace it. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.”
Thru Priscilla Van Sutphin
Oct 4th, 2012
“ Can you hear the thundering of horses hooves ? Can you imagine the depth of fear & tears that will be released as people see the results of their sinfulness? Who can stand in the fire and burning and not be changed ? You worry about those around you, and many are praying for loved ones to change. But you can’t imagine in your sorrow and grief over their abandoning Me how much they will change when they are touched by My burning fire. There is a tsunami of My fire coming! It is not a little wave. It is a huge, and powerful wave that will sweep into all nations.
I am not lax concerning My promises. You however have trouble believing because many of you have waited so long and endured so much affliction and persecution from your own family, that you have still pockets of unbelief in your heart. I guarantee you that I can burn all that unbelief out of your heart in a moment’s touch ! I can do anything. Remember I am the God Who created the universe. There is nothing too big for Me. You have too small a vision of what is coming. I know it’s hard to imagine considering all the doubt and unbelief around you. You are fighting the spirit of this age, the unbelief and antichrist spirits abound.
But I have had a plan from the beginning that is much greater than anything you can imagine. Tomorrow’s troubles are nothing to underestimate, yet I AM WITH YOU. I AM lives inside of you ! Greater am I than the one who prowls around seeking whom he may devour. I know with all the struggles and demonic oppression you have seen, it’s hard to believe. Don’t see only with your natural eyes. But remember the Word, and all that is in there about what I have done, and what I’m going to do. PROPHESY it to the demonic realm. Yes, that is what you are doing when you speak it out, and declare it outloud ! As you do it, I will establish it .
STAY your mind on Me, and keep close to ME in the secret place of your heart, for I will NOT ever abandon you. Though men resist, and demons trouble you, I am with you and will fight with you and for you when it gets to be too much. The cup is almost full, and the light is shining in the darkness. Your cup will be filled as you REST IN ME, and worship Me in spirit and truth. Do not be afraid beloveds. My grace is sufficient for you. I am waiting for you and here for you at all times. Stop running away from my presence.
There is much resistance now compared to before, but I have loosed My kingdom in proportionate measure above what the enemy is trying to do. I am here, even when you can’t FEEL Me. I AM working in you more than you can see. Don’t be afraid. Climb in My lap, and sit with me a while. I will calm all your anxieties within you, and heal the pockets of unbelief, and empty them out, that they can be filled with My LOVE and compassion.
I am making you my strong horse in battle, and I am loosing those heavenly horses, that will carry you to the end. The riders on horses are carrying out their duties as I see fit. Do not be impatient for Me to answer or work in your situations. All is at hand beloveds. TRUST in Me completely. Let go of all you can hold in your hands. This world is fading away, but you know there is one already established which will replace it. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.”
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Saying Is Seeing
Donna Raphael
Now is the time to line up what you are speaking with what the Lord has spoken to you regarding the matter. Do not be influenced by the circumstances that you can see and feel in the natural. Just keep saying what the Lord has said and you will see the results of His words in your lives.
Mark 11:
21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.
22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Donna Raphael
Now is the time to line up what you are speaking with what the Lord has spoken to you regarding the matter. Do not be influenced by the circumstances that you can see and feel in the natural. Just keep saying what the Lord has said and you will see the results of His words in your lives.
Mark 11:
21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.
22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
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