Theresa Phillips:
Releasing the Prophetic Eagles
I then heard the Lord speak to me: "Tell your people they will fly and soar like never before."
I shared this, and then a few days later I was driving with my husband to a meeting and there was another bald eagle teaching her young to fly. Again, this got my attention. This time I saw the nest in the treetops and I saw that there was a body of water nearby.
I then became undone.
He spoke again: "Theresa, the new young eagles are coming forth. They will be fed by the Spirit of the Lord. They will soar into high places, and they will declare the realm of the prophetic to many who have not heard it before. These new prophets will have been taught through powerful winds of justice and righteousness that are declared in the Holy Writ! You will begin to see the youth of the Church arise. These young will want to just hang out with leaders who have gone on before them. Let them. Take them under your wing. I am opening up the hearts of leaders to flow in the know-how to grow in the presence of God!
"A new passion in the realm of justice will emerge over the next six months. Prophetic justice. Truth will be released through revelation, through dreams, and through utterance.
"I am sending the youth to grow up with healthy spiritual mothers and fathers. I will bring healing to the Body of Christ who have felt like orphans. I am releasing the leaders to lead once again like knights of the realm of the King. They will cry as one and they will emerge as a force of power, might, love, grace, and humility. I will put in the hearts of My people honor, justice, and righteousness. This has already begun..."
The Bald Eagle
I then wondered, Why the bald eagle, Lord? Why? I am fully aware of the living creature that is the eagle spoken of in the Word around God's throne (Revelation 4). But...? I am also aware the eagle represents prophetic people, but the American bald eagle?
"The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), our national bird, is the only eagle unique to North America. The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. At one time, the word "bald" meant "white," not hairless. Bald eagles are found throughout most of North America, from Alaska and Canada to northern Mexico. About half of the world's 70,000 bald eagles live in Alaska. Combined with British Columbia's population of about 20,000, the northwest coast of North America is by far their greatest stronghold for bald eagles..." []
Then the Lord spoke to me again: "This bald eagle represents the mature, the wisdom, and the glory of the 'movement' that has just begun. The new eaglets represent the need to be near the momma eagle until she releases them to GO. The eaglets also represent the new hidden ones who have been kept for such a time as this. These new 'prophetic eagles' will not be afraid to soar in the heights of spheres of influence. They will be 'connected' to local houses of worship, for they will have learned that they need accountability. Get ready, for this wave is soon upon the earth, and it will move very fast."
A few days after, I heard the following word. I was in my garden and I looked up, and I saw something that astounded me – an American bald eagle flew over the top of my garden. While I stood there in amazement, I heard this: "It's begun; I am releasing the eagles to fly."
I looked about me and I noticed this eagle as out of its normal place of habitation. Then I heard this:
"Go and tell My servant David, 'Thus saith the LORD, "Shalt thou build Me an house for Me to dwell in?"'" (2 Samuel 7:5).
I looked around my garden; I noticed the atmosphere was very still. I felt a holy hush enter in. I wept for a few moments at the powerful visitation and teaching with instruction I had received. I then heard a whisper to my spirit, "Be not afraid. Be not afraid. The young ones will return to nest in your habitation, and they too will train up eagles. Be not afraid. Be not afraid, O leader, O preacher, O prophet, O apostle, O evangelist. Just equip the Body. Be not afraid, for I AM with you even unto the end of the age."
Matthew 28:16-20 (KJV) Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them [eagles love mountains]. And when they saw Him, they worshipped Him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, "All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Note added by writer.)
Let us say a simple prayer: Jesus, You have said in Your Word that we must desire to prophesy. I desire that we all prophesy. I pray for those mothers and fathers who will disciple the many – the thousands of new emerging leaders. I pray for steadfastness, sure footing, and unwavering faith. I ask that You guide, direct, and reveal the possibilities to all new converts and to the young. I pray the mature will be free to love, guide, and release. O Jesus, mighty One of Heaven, bless Your Church and Your prophetess with a FRESH release of wisdom and revelation. I ask Your love to be filling the land with grace to GROW. In Jesus' name, amen.
Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice