Sunday, July 29, 2012

As Things Escalate...

DC deVille
As Things Escalate...
We are approaching a day and time that will be like nothing we've seen before. Are you and your family ready? In the past few years we've shared several words that God has given us regarding the days ahead, such as Days of Wonder and Days of Dread, Like Never Before – Prepare Yourself, and Entering a New Day– Everything Will Change (see these below).

Keep Your Eyes on Me and On My Glory
As things escalate and get darker in the earth it is vital the Church has her gaze fixed upon the right things, on her King and the joy set before her! If we are going to carry out and complete our mission in the midst of confusion and chaos in the earth, it will require that we stay very close to the Commander and Chief, and absolutely focused on our mission in the earth.

Several months ago as I (Cindy) was in prayer, I felt somewhat overwhelmed regarding the levels of wickedness in our nation and the world, and grieved for what I saw could be coming to America if repentance didn't come. As I felt almost overcome by this, the Lord spoke these words so clearly to me, He said, "Keep Your Eyes on Me and on My Glory!"

He does not want us to fix our gaze on or be overwhelmed by the darkness in the earth, but we must fix our gaze upon Him and His promise to reveal His Glory in His Church and in the earth for all flesh to see! This is the joy set before us and the greatest thing is we have eternity with Him in Glory to look forward to! This is not a time for us to be overcome by evil, but to overcome it with good as Romans 12:21 instructs us!

Gross Darkness & a Great Light!
As a Christian you may have also felt overwhelmed at times by the sin and corruption in our culture and the world around us. In 2 Peter 2:7 we see that a just man named Lot was also feeling very overwhelmed. Scripture tells us that he was vexed because of the wickedness around him. And Noah, who was a preacher of righteousness probably felt this way as well. Yet, he continued to preach righteousness and continued to carry out the plan of God for him and his family!

Jesus Foretells
In His Word Christ forewarned us of these days so we could be ready and prepared. He does not want us caught by surprise (Matthew 24). We must remember that God has a plan and is in control even when it seems like everything is out of control, even in the midst of gross darkness. This is why we must stay very close to Him. He is our rock, our fortress, our counselor, our joy, and the one who will guide us through to a complete victory. If you want the 411, as some would say, then you need to stay very close to the one who has and knows it all.

The Greatest Days of the Church
We do believe the greatest days of the Church are ahead of us! We also know that as we move forward we are going to see a greater divide (see When Lines Are Drawn in the Sand), a greater contrast between darkness and light – a greater separation. Isaiah 60: 1-3 in action. We may also experience greater persecution, yet in the midst of it, the Glorious Church will rise up and shine with the the only answer for the nations – the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." Isaiah 60:1-3

The Glory of God Being Revealed
God is calling us to rise up and reveal Christ and His Glory in the earth, to seek and save the lost, and to be a shining light in the darkness. We can only do this when our hearts, our eyes and lives are completely fixed on Him, filled with light, which is Jesus Christ and His message of salvation. He said “I am the light of the world (John 8:2)” We must keep the JOY of His glory set before as we move forward! We must keep our focus on the promises of God. Yes, things will continue to escalate in the earth, but in the midst of it all His Glory will be revealed in and through His Church! This is the joy set before us. Let's keep our eyes on Christ and His Glory! Let's believe to see the nations on their knees crying for His salvation!

Below are some key related words from the past 4 years regarding 4 main areas to provide insight and help you prepare for the days ahead. You can see more here.