Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Roar Out Of Zion: Fear Not Little Flock

 by Henry Falcone

Beloveds, all day yesterday I kept hearing in my spirit: FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK IT IS THE FATHER'S PLEASURE TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM.

Here is what I got from the Lord. You test and prove it in the Holy Spirit!

Oh my little flock, my remnant, my bride fear not I am with you! This is your moment to draw nearer to me than ever before. I am with you, but more I am IN you. Greater am I that is in you than He that is in the world. This is going to become more than just a rhema word to you. It is going to be reverberating in your spirit, soul and body.

I am the greater one! I am in you. My kingdom is in you and I am reigning on the throne of your hearts. I am about to stand up from my throne in all power, authority, majesty and honor, and that standing up will be in you. For I am about to roar out of Zion, and my roar is going to shake the nations with the voice of the Lord.

I have chosen the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wisdom of the wise. Though you appear to be small and insignificant, I am about to roar out of you to change nations and subdue kingdoms. I am the mighty roaring Lion of Judah and I am roaring in your midst as a mighty man of war.

You have obeyed my commands to know me as Bride and a Lover, but now my little ones you will know me as the Mighty Man of War and you will be my Bride/Warriors filled with my Glory. Nations are about to come forth from your arising. For I am arising in you as a Mighty man of war. My roar is going to fill the heavens and the earth. And that liar that imitates as a lion will be totally defeated and triumphed over through you my little flock.

I am about to reveal my "roar" in you and through you. This is not a little thing. This is kingdom dominion and power like this world or even my church has seen before. I am the roaring Lion of Judah and I am positioning myself before my troops in heaven and in earth. I am about to utter my voice before my army and shake the kingdoms of this world by the Glory of my roar going forth from Zion.

It will not be long now my love, be patient a little longer with my dealings. I am preparing you perfectly for what is about to come. You will be ready my bride/warrior,  and you will be victorious in Me. You will delight in me as I put your enemies under your feet. You will rejoice at my goodness in the land of the living.

I am with your little flock. My roar in you will accelerate and complete your process of preparation. You will know my roar in you for I will arise in your midst as a mighty man of war. I will help you subdue the things of the flesh, and the world, that have kept you from Me.


The voice of the turtle dove will be heard once again in the land. The time is coming to completion. Stay close to me so I can change your wedding gown into my full armor. I am going to cloth you with my own armor and put a two-edged sword in our mouth. My words will come forth from you like fire and you will be My witnesses. You are my Bride/Warrior, always first a Bride and then outworked in you as a Warrior.

I love you so much and as I promised I will be in you and with you even to the end of this age.

Henry J.Falcone
Flame of Fire Ministries

The Olympics' Burdensome Stone

The Olympics' Burdensome Stone

By Jan Markell
July 31, 2012

The Olympics are a little microcosm of the world. The entire 2012 event is hostile to Israel. We can start with Israel's capital, Jerusalem. It was handed over to "Palestine" at the start of the Olympics. Then the International Olympic Committee (IOC) moved Jerusalem to her proper place -- Israel -- but then got cold feet! To avoid all conflict, the IOC removed the name of the capitals of all participating nations so they could be seen as politically correct.

The Jerusalem controversy is not new. Recently the U.S. State Department said the very same thing as the IOC; that is, that they would not come out and flatly state that Jerusalem is Israel's capital. The spokesperson dodged the question over and over. I even played the clip on my radio program that week. It's a position echoed by a majority of modern governments and most nations, including the U.S., who place their embassy in Tel Aviv.

So the IOC was temporarily fine with recognizing a capital in the wrong location and is also fine with recognizing a nation that doesn't exist -- Palestine. This nation that really isn't a nation joined the Olympics in 1996 and they proudly march in the procession of nations, much to the protests of the Israelis. Besides, who cares if Israel is objecting? In the eyes of most, she's an apartheid-promoting reckless state.

The Olympic Games are meant to transcend politics. The creator of the sports festival -- the ancient Greeks -- would actually suspend wars for the event. The IOC today is trying to make a statement that politics and sports actually do mix. We can all get along in the Olympic village -- even though such a delusion was brutally broken in 1972.

The Munich massacre is an informal name for an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. Eleven members of the Israeli athletic team were killed when they were taken hostage by the Palestinian terror group known as Black September. The financier of that massacre was the current president of the Palestinian Authority, Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas. Sadly, his photo is proudly displayed at the London Olympics as one of the dignified "heads of state."

Jordan's King Hussein was the only Arab leader in the world to condemn that attack in September of 1972.

This year Israel made an appeal for a minute of silence to commemorate the murder of their eleven athletes four decades ago. It fell on deaf ears!   

British Prime Minister, David Cameron, backed the IOC's decision to not recogngize the tragedy. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke up on behalf of the widows of some of the slain Israeli athletes who pleaded for a public acknowledgement of the slaughter. 

The world would have moved on and collectively forgotten that tragedy had Steven Spielberg not made the 2005 film "Munich." While he

accurately captured the drama of the murders, he distorted the rest of the film. He portrayed the hired Israeli assassin of the killers as having tremendous guilt over his assignment. He sank further and further into a pathological mental state after he killed each of the remaining Islamic perpetrators. Thankfully, most movie critics nailed Spielberg for this.

Now the Israeli Mossad fears a possible "London massacre" at this year's Olympics. London security forces were in a panic as the games began. Israel's 38 athletes are training under tight security at the Olympic Village and British forces have even placed surface-to-surface missiles at six locations.

Whoever would have thought that a nation smaller than a postage stamp placed on a giant globe could cause such alarming events and reactions? And that troubling city to which Jesus will return to rule and reign -- Jerusalem -- has become that prophesied burdensome stone once again.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

As Things Escalate...

DC deVille
As Things Escalate...
We are approaching a day and time that will be like nothing we've seen before. Are you and your family ready? In the past few years we've shared several words that God has given us regarding the days ahead, such as Days of Wonder and Days of Dread, Like Never Before – Prepare Yourself, and Entering a New Day– Everything Will Change (see these below).

Keep Your Eyes on Me and On My Glory
As things escalate and get darker in the earth it is vital the Church has her gaze fixed upon the right things, on her King and the joy set before her! If we are going to carry out and complete our mission in the midst of confusion and chaos in the earth, it will require that we stay very close to the Commander and Chief, and absolutely focused on our mission in the earth.

Several months ago as I (Cindy) was in prayer, I felt somewhat overwhelmed regarding the levels of wickedness in our nation and the world, and grieved for what I saw could be coming to America if repentance didn't come. As I felt almost overcome by this, the Lord spoke these words so clearly to me, He said, "Keep Your Eyes on Me and on My Glory!"

He does not want us to fix our gaze on or be overwhelmed by the darkness in the earth, but we must fix our gaze upon Him and His promise to reveal His Glory in His Church and in the earth for all flesh to see! This is the joy set before us and the greatest thing is we have eternity with Him in Glory to look forward to! This is not a time for us to be overcome by evil, but to overcome it with good as Romans 12:21 instructs us!

Gross Darkness & a Great Light!
As a Christian you may have also felt overwhelmed at times by the sin and corruption in our culture and the world around us. In 2 Peter 2:7 we see that a just man named Lot was also feeling very overwhelmed. Scripture tells us that he was vexed because of the wickedness around him. And Noah, who was a preacher of righteousness probably felt this way as well. Yet, he continued to preach righteousness and continued to carry out the plan of God for him and his family!

Jesus Foretells
In His Word Christ forewarned us of these days so we could be ready and prepared. He does not want us caught by surprise (Matthew 24). We must remember that God has a plan and is in control even when it seems like everything is out of control, even in the midst of gross darkness. This is why we must stay very close to Him. He is our rock, our fortress, our counselor, our joy, and the one who will guide us through to a complete victory. If you want the 411, as some would say, then you need to stay very close to the one who has and knows it all.

The Greatest Days of the Church
We do believe the greatest days of the Church are ahead of us! We also know that as we move forward we are going to see a greater divide (see When Lines Are Drawn in the Sand), a greater contrast between darkness and light – a greater separation. Isaiah 60: 1-3 in action. We may also experience greater persecution, yet in the midst of it, the Glorious Church will rise up and shine with the the only answer for the nations – the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." Isaiah 60:1-3

The Glory of God Being Revealed
God is calling us to rise up and reveal Christ and His Glory in the earth, to seek and save the lost, and to be a shining light in the darkness. We can only do this when our hearts, our eyes and lives are completely fixed on Him, filled with light, which is Jesus Christ and His message of salvation. He said “I am the light of the world (John 8:2)” We must keep the JOY of His glory set before as we move forward! We must keep our focus on the promises of God. Yes, things will continue to escalate in the earth, but in the midst of it all His Glory will be revealed in and through His Church! This is the joy set before us. Let's keep our eyes on Christ and His Glory! Let's believe to see the nations on their knees crying for His salvation!

Below are some key related words from the past 4 years regarding 4 main areas to provide insight and help you prepare for the days ahead. You can see more here.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Calling All Intercessors!


16 He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded. Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him. Isaiah 59:16 (CJB)

I am calling forth My intercessors to take their place in the battle.  There are many that are not in position and now is the time for you to take your place.  It is a time of high alert in the land and you are being called now to do battle for the souls of men.  Battles are taking place for the nations of the earth and the souls of men.  Now is the time for you to lay aside all that is not important and to spend time with Me that you might see and hear.  Then you can pray according to My Word and see the Word of the Lord go forth in the earth.  My Kingdom is within you.  I live within you.  Not for the pleasures of this world but to be that one I have called you to be.  Hear My voice and move into position.

I am the light of this world.  It is my light and fire that men must see and be saved.  I am calling you to pray men into the Kingdom of God.  Nations stand in the balance, souls stand in the balance and many are going to hell daily.  I say to you pray, and intercede for the souls of men and for all that are in authority over you.

You can see that battle has heated up greatly and there is gross darkness on the land.  The rights of those that are mine are being taken away daily and you must stand your ground, first in the prayer closet.  Be on high alert and vigilant.  Have your spiritual periscope up and searching for all that is not of me that you might defeat the enemy.  I would have your eyes staid on Me for only then as you truly fellowship with Me will you see and hear.

Be alert in prayer.  Wake up My church for many are yet asleep in the light.  Hard times are coming and the enemy would try and bring about a third world war.  Be alert and pray for the situation in the middle east.  The situation with Iran and Syria are a powder keg about to go off and you must pray.  Keep your eyes on Russia for it is again raising its head.  Call on Me and I will intervene as you move My hand in prayer.  There is great need for intercessors praying for Israel and you need to surround her with your prayers of intercession.  Pray that they have wisdom and come to the knowledge of the truth that indeed, I am their Messiah.

Pray for President Obama for wisdom and that he will come to hear My voice.  I have been speaking but He has not yet heard My voice.  Pray for the protection of those in authority that no weapon formed against the United States of America will prosper.  Pray that the spirit of Behemoth be brought down for it is arising worldwide.  Men have thought that they can do it their way and self must be brought down.  I am doing a work in the hearts of men but there is a red star rising and it is Russian and you must be in prayer concerning her for her position in the middle east is not by accident but by design.  There are those you that will be shown how to pray and take down the kingdoms of the enemy in corporate prayer.  Come together in corporate prayer.  I have designed you and created you for this time and hour. 

Be the prophetic intercessors that I have called you to be.  Shoot the arrows of My Word and hit the target.  Take the Word of God and fight for all that is good and true and decent for the spirit of deception is moving rapidly to deceive even the very elect if this were possible.  Pray for truth in the body of Christ to be revealed.  Pray for deliverance from deception.  If it were possible all could be deceived.  But My Spirit is all powerful and as you cry out for the truth of My Word you will see the deceptions of men.  Fear not that which I am speaking to you but fear the Lord and know that I am moving.  I am the light of the world the fire that needs to burn in the hearts of men.  Run this race with great care and diligence, putting aside all but that which is important for the Kingdom of God to be furthered in the earth.  Lay aside all that is not of Me.  Walk in love and let the love of Christ flow through you to the hearts of men.  Arise and let Me be your first love.

Prayer Alerts

Yesterday morning I heard the words, " behemoth is rising!. I searched out the scripture in the book of Job 40:15-25 and also Behemoth means something of oppressive or monstrous size, power, or appearance in Mirriam-Websters dictionary. The Lord also showed me a black submarine on the surface shortly afterwards.  Several hours later after praying He had me look and see that there was a Russian nuclear sub by that name and also other nations had subs of this kind as well.  Later that day I heard storm clouds were on the horizon and also the words, "red star rising".  As I searched online there was a photo of a Russian sub above surface very near a beach there.  All the people were going about their business as usual with but a very few even concerned.  Now is the time for man to wake up and realize that the cold war is not over.  We need to see with the eyes of the spirit so please pray accordingly.

We are entering a time of the 9th of Av. starting tomorrow evening.  It is a time throughout history where many catastrophes have happened throughout Jewish History.  Let us be prayerful during this time for Israel and also for the Israeli team at the 2012 Summer Olympics as it is a concern of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.   Also that God would have His way and touch the hearts of men and women in London, England. 

Let us be praying for the drought and severe weather situations throughout the US and some of Canada.  Let us pray for a spirit of repentance to fill the hearts of men and that mercy of God would send rain first in the hearts of men and then on the land.  Scripture tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust.  Your prayers do make a difference so do not doubt but pray in faith believing.
Be praying for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to arise and be all she has been called to be and that His glory would be seen in His people.  

Patricia Hamel

July 27, 2012 1:20 Eastern


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dust Of His Feet

Donna Raphael


When you see the dark clouds gathering on the horizon, do not falter or fear.  Know that those clouds are but the dust of the Lord’s feet.  Wherever there is a storm or whirlwind He is in control and command.  He is more than able to keep His in and through the storms, and He will use the storms to remove obstacles that have stood in the way of the advancement of His plans.  The Lord will have His way in the whirlwind and the storm.

Nahum 1:
3 The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Hope In The Lord!

Hope In The Lord!

Many of you are feeling a sense of discouragement and some are in despair because of circumstances.  The Lord is asking you to keep on trusting in Him and not to be discouraged.  He is standing with you and though you are going through some very deep things right now, know that He will never leave or forsake you.   Trust in Adonai with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths. Prov. 3:5-6 (CJB)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Here's Your Pen! by Joni Ames

by Joni Ames

Dear Friends,

I just awoke from a most amazing dream and ensuing conversation with the Lord which I pray inspires and catapults His creativity within each of you!

I saw a huge desk in an office in heaven where boxes of thousands upon thousands of pens were open and being released and sent out to many. They were pens of many colors, and each color represented the emotion or purpose of that pen. I'm talking about the trunk or casing of the pen, not the color of the ink. So don't get stuck on that. Perhaps the ink was the same color. I do not know. Anyhow....

The red pen meant that what was to be written with it was of utmost importance in timing and content. Even that color had a variety of meanings as well. Some were red for redemption, like the blood of Jesus, for they would be used to set someone free. Some were red because of the important nature of it's use. Some were red because God was angry and would use it to pour forth His Godly Fury about a situation.

Some pens were blue because a person was sad, and it would bring comfort. Others were blue because it would bring forth revelation. Others were blue because it would announce that a storm was over, and a clear blue sky was ahead.

Some pens were green because they would pour forth teaching, knowledge, and growth. Some were green because God was giving a “Green light; Go!” word to someone.

Some pens were gold, for they would pour forth words of wisdom.

Some pens were silver, because someone had been tried like silver, and redemption was given.

Some pens were purple, for they would bring forth royal decrees.

Some pens were black, for what was written would bring forth something clear, plain and simple, yet needed.

I continued to walk around the room and look into all of the boxes of pens - there were so many! And every pen and each color had meaning.

Please note: Don't get overly "stuck" on the color. It's only symbolic. I believe He gives us what we need, when we need it, per the occasion He calls us to write about.

First of all, let me say that there are writers of all kinds who God inspires. There are writers of books and writers of songs. There are writers who draft constitutions for nations - like ours! There are writers who write columns in newspapers, or a writer that sends one simple "Letter to the Editor" that will bring a thing to the attention of a city and change it's way of thinking or it's destiny. There are writers who simply pick up a pen and send an occasional note to a friend that arrives "at the right time" to bring hope and encouragement in letting someone know they are loved and thought about.

This word is for writers of all kinds, in every nation, to let you know that the drought is over, and the pens of the ready writer are being released to each who ask for it! We each need to be diligent and obedient with ours!

“Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.” (Jer. 33:3)

Let me also say that this is not about some "magic" thing of divination, like demonic "automatic writing." The enemy has a counterfeit for all the Lord has. Let's not go there.

The idea of pens is symbolic, to represent the leading and inspiration in the anointing of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the task Father God wants to release in and through us via writing. So, lets not get "stuck" on the use of the word "pens." He clearly showed me that it was okay to use our computer keyboard!

Don't get trapped in the "paralysis of analysis" by any of this. That would stifle the Holy Spirit's creativity. Instead, allow Him to speak to your heart, and give to you the understanding through His Word via the scriptures as well.

Before I go any further, it is important to say here that God is perfect, but we are not. Even when writing under the unction, we are still human and make mistakes in grammar or spelling. Therefore we still need to proofread and edit things, for the purpose of clarity and function.

Anyhow - I wish you could feel what I feel in my heart and spirit about this! A myriad of emotions and tears came forth as a result of my experience. For it was very clear in this experience that, through our obedience, He can and will change the lives and destinies of many!

How This Came About...

As I was praying about the current events in the news, I asked the Lord what I should say to bring peace and comfort and hope to people. In my heart, I "put myself down," and said, "Lord, I don't know what to say in order to do that! Please help me!"

The Lord made it clear that it wasn't just me that He wanted to use, but many. Including those that He would have me send this to.

Anyhow, He responded in the following way....


Overnight, the Lord met with me in a dream, and began to show me that there are many that He has called in this time to speak forth His Heart. But we must trust in Him, not ourselves, to do that. And it is important to not ignore the "urge" to write out what He speaks to us when He begins to release the anointing to do so. Also to be rid of all other distractions as that happens. He gave me this scripture:

"My heart is indicting a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Psalm 45:1 KJV)

He then said this to me....

“You need to pay attention to the voice that speaks as the words wrap around the corner at the end of each sentence. Always be ready to explore the adventure, as if you were climbing upon a beautiful rainbow!”

“My words have life and meaning, and through them, I will paint pictures of hope and destiny that will be more powerful than any situation, and outlast many generations.”

“Release them (My Words) from the captivity you've placed them in, and you will see the captives set free, and the promises of a lifetime unfold before your very eyes - for yourself AND for others! “

“I have kind words to speak to those who need them, and harsh words to say to those deserving of such. Be ready and listen for both, for each will accomplish my intended purpose to rescue, heal, and set that particular one free."

“Even in this time, I shall give words to heal a nation and cause them to come to Me.”

“So hold fast. Hold tightly to My Hand. Don't ignore the small still voice I send to you when the oceans of anointing are stirred and ready to roar and be released. For pictures will be painted through the words I give to you that will remind my beloved ones to hold on, remain strong, and survive and thrive in the days ahead."

“Be ready, for the season of drought is now done, and my steady, constant rains shall refresh many through the written word - through you.”

As He said this, I saw beautiful paintings of futures of people and lands  birthed simultaneously as words proceeded from His mouth, to and through typing hands, and onto each page.


The Lord wants to use you to speak to others. He does that, you know. Words are important. He used Words to form the whole earth and all of creation!

He has released the armies of pens to the “ready” writers. “Ready” means, “Immediately available,” “Willingly disposed,” “Likely to do something indicated,” “Spontaneous,” “Prepared for immediate use.”

These “Ready Writers” shall spark nations to change and come to their knees before Him. Do not hold back nor ignore using your “pen” when it begins to tap and to dance in your heart, by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It's time! Go forth! And win many battles!

Constitutions will be written, new nations spring forth, and new histories released at the stroke of these pens.

Grab one, as if a sword or a rifle, and use it with all your might! For the pen truly is mightier than the sword, and the results are full of hope and life!

He wants to use His Creativity to touch and breathe on your sanctified imagination. Don’t let the enemy speak condemnation to you about it. Remember, His Word says,

“Casting down imaginations [reasonings], and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)

He also reminded me of Psalm 68:11, which speaks directly to women. I'm going to give you several versions, for it enhances the meaning. It says:

King James version:
"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it."

Through this, I believe He showed me that He will literally use His anointed women to literally publish what He releases to them.

NIV Version:
The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng (army).

NASB - New American Standard Bible

(11) The Lord gives the command; The women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host (army):

And let‘s not forget verse 12:

“Kings of armies flee, they flee, And she who remains at home will divide the spoil!”

I added that last part because I want to make it clear that there are those of you women out there that are AT HOME that He will use as well. In your "quiet" time, however short or long, as you place your hands on the keyboard or pen, He will speak words through you that will go forth and be like the rudder of a ship, and change the course of history in the lives - and even nations - of many. - Even via a free blog on the Internet that will reach into many nations. Let God be your publisher! Instantly! As soon as He gives you a new word!


So grab your “pen,” whether a literal pen or computer keyboard, and your “ready” self, and Go forth!

Writers of songs, God will give you prophetic songs of the Lord that will melt the hearts of un-believers and bring deliverance and hope - even to nations!

Writers of notes and letters: God will speak to your heart about someone who needs a word of encouragement, and your email or note in the mail will arrive at just the right moment, and bring great peace and joy to the heart that needs it!

Writers of scholastic materials: God will give to you the ability to impart amazing knowledge and wisdom to His children!

Writers of business plans and contracts: The Lord shall give you the exact wording to avert danger and bring forth clarity of purpose and destiny.

Writers of political speeches and documents: God will enhance your ability and anointing to convey His Heart and meaning and release and set your nation free!

Writers of blogs, books, and articles: The dam of dryness has been broken! Write books that will mark the times and change lives!

Writers of all kinds - arise and speak life and hope and healing to people and nations and generations that need your obedience! It’s time!!!!

Father, by the power and authority of the name and blood of Jesus, please release to all who read this your heart and hope and anointing, and give to them their “pen of the ready writer.” We thank You and, in advance, give to You all the glory and honor due to You for any good that is accomplished! Amen.

- Joni Ames

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Donna Raphael

On the evening of July 4th, a blood red moon silently rose in the darkening sky. I doubt many even noticed the silent moon as it held its position right beside our city’s fireworks display, but I could not take my eyes from it.  As the patriotic music played, and the fireworks burst forth; I was filled with such a sense of bitter-sweetness at the acknowledgement of glories past and of coming troubles that would force a peoples into glories future. Since that night I have sought our Lord to show me more.  This is what I share with you.  I preface this word by reminding you that our God is a merciful and loving God.  His judgments are His mercy.   He wills that none of His should perish but that they all come to repentance and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And He always-- always commands us to FEAR NOT!


There is a drought of My righteousness and My justice across the land. Men seek to follow their own ideas of righteousness, and little true justice comes forth for the oppressed. The mighty afflict the just, and the poor are trampled down. Too many who call themselves Mine have grown hard of heart in their own ease and comfort.  They seek to assemble themselves together in structures built of man’s hands, but in which there is no life or power of the Holy Spirit for I AM not there.  They take no stand for My righteousness or My justice.  They slumber in pews lulled by man’s words that comfort them into their state of self-righteousness.   I AM building My temple of living stones.  It is a structure that is alive and moves and has its being in Me.  It is powered and lead by the Holy Ghost and filled with My righteousness and My justice.  Mine cry out for the land before Me night and day.  I hear and send forth My judgments which suddenly burst forth on the drought-stricken land. Nothing will hold them back as they roll forth one after another until My purpose is accomplished. They will sweep through the cities, through the country, and through the dwellings of rich and of poor. Men will seek every means of escape, but there shall be none of themselves.  I shall shake them and wake them from their slumber and leave them with no comforts of man. As My justice runs down and My righteousness springs forth, Mine shall stand and shine in the glory for they are held in My hand. Mine shall be as beacons and draw many forth out of the darkness and into My light.  Repentance shall bring restoration.

Amos 5:
 24 But let justice run down like waters and righteousness as a mighty and ever-flowing stream. (AMP)

Acts 17:
 24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
25 Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

Isaiah 26:
 8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee.
9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
10 Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord.
11 Lord, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see: but they shall see, and be ashamed for their envy at the people; yea, the fire of thine enemies shall devour them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Israel blames Iran for deadly Bulgaria bus blast | CTVNews

Israel blames Iran for deadly Bulgaria bus blast | CTVNews

Please pray for those wounded in this terrible terrorist attack and that the Lord touch them and totally heal them. Also for those that have lost precious loved ones.  We ask the Lord to give Israels Prime Minister as well as the Bulgarian government wisdom to bring the attackers to justice swiftly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ten Scriptural Reasons to Speak in Tongues

One of the great blessings of the Pentecostal experience is the gift of a spiritual language (or languages) known as speaking in other tongues.
All of God's gifts are given for specific purposes and all are so the people of God and the Church "can profit withal" (1 Corinthians 12:7, KJV).

Rather than Spirit-filled Christians being caught-up in arguing with negative believers over the "rights and wrongs" of tongues (God told us way back in Isaiah His people would refuse to accept Him speaking via the avenue of tongues - Isaiah 28:11-12), we need to know the positive purposes of why we should speak in tongues regularly. Let the Scriptures speak and let us receive with an open heart all that He desires for us in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have discovered in Scripture why believers should speak with other tongues:
1. God Speaks to us Through Tongues: "For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people ..." (Isaiah 28:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:21).

2. We Speak to God: "For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not to man, but to God" (1 Corinthians 14:2).

3. In the Spirit we Speak Mysteries ("secrets between friends; what is known only to the initiated"): "For he that speaks in an unknown tongue ... speaks unto God ... in the Spirit he speaks mysteries" (1 Corinthians 14:2).

4. We Edify ("build up") Ourselves: "He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself" (1Corinthians 14:4 and Jude 20).

5. Tongues and Interpretation are Gifts of The Holy Spirit: "To another many kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:10).
The nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 are given to unite and build up the Church via the individuals who exercise (or manifest) them in the love of Jesus. These two gifts are specific gifts which not every Spirit-filled believer exercises, while general speaking in tongues is for all. "I would that you all spake with tongues" (1 Corinthians 14:5).

6. Tongues is our Spirit Praying: "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays" (1 Corinthians 14:14).

7. Tongues are for Speaking, Praying and Singing unto God: "What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also ..." (1 Corinthians 14:15-17).

8. Tongues are to Bless ("to speak well of, praise, as men toward God") and Give Thanks to God: "Else when you shall bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupies the room of the unlearned ("one who has no professional knowledge" - of the Spirit; has not been initiated or sealed - Ephesians 1:13) say Amen at your giving of thanks, seeing he understands not what you are saying" (1 Corinthians 14:16-17).

9. Tongues are for a Sign to Unbelievers: "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not" (1 Corinthians 14:22).

10. Tongues are for All to Benefit Spiritually: "I would that you all spake with tongues ... I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all ... Wherefore, brethren ... forbid not to speak with tongues" (1 Corinthians 14:5, 18, 39).

Let me encourage ALL to "press in" to the Holy Spirit more and more to gain the benefits of "speaking mysteries to God."
"Now on the final and most important day of the feast, Jesus stood forth and He cried in a loud voice, 'If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me - who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me - as the Scripture has said, Out from his innermost being springs and rivers of living water shall flow (continuously). But He was speaking here of the Spirit, whom those who believed - trusted, had faith - in Him were afterward to receive. For the (Holy) Spirit had not yet been given; because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honour)" (John 7:37-39, Amplified Bible).

Jesus has now been glorified!
The Holy Spirit has now been given!
You and I can now be gloriously filled with the Spirit and speak forth in other tongues to fulfil the purposes of God for our day!

Jesus said: "These signs shall follow them that believe; In My name ... they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17).

In Jesus' Name I am doing it!
How about YOU?