Patricia Hamel
April 20, 2012
One just has to do a little reading online and realize that it is
imperative that we abide in Jesus with ever increasing diligence out of
our love for Him alone. I was concerned at things that I read today and
realized that there is great deception on many fronts. Except man know
the Word of God he is going to be deceived. We cannot/must not rely on
dreams and visions, but in His Word and it is out of relationship with
Jesus alone that these other experiences happen.
I am all for dreams and visions of the Lord. All for God speaking to
His people and our seeing the supernatural works of God as in the books
of Acts. What I am not for and will speak out against is people
getting involved in things that are contrary to His Word and stumbling
blocks for others.
We are living in a time when sin is rampant, deception is ever
increasing and a great falling away is taking place. We need to know
His voice out of relationship with Him. Jesus alone is the author and
finisher of our faith. Do not put your hope in men but in the Lord.
Pray for the discerning of spirits and that you will know the moving of
God and that He will teach you and bring all things to your remembrance.
Always judge the prophetic word and be in the Word daily so that you
are not deceived. Much is spoken that is a counterfeit and unless you
clearly hear Me, wait and put it on the back burner to be prayed over
and discerned. Guard against following big names and follow Me. There
are many that will become embroiled in following organizations but I
said, follow Me. Christ alone is your plumb line in this world. He is
the standard and the Word of God. Put My Word first and spend time in
it, rather than seeking supernatural experiences. It is out of
relationship with My Word that any other experience must flow. The Word
of God will abide forever, follow Me and I will teach you and lead you
into all truth.
Man’s experiences are many, and they tout their horn but it is My
Word that must have the preeminence. It is not the glitter and glory of
this world that will stand. Katrina was My judgment. The Mardi Gras
was the most sinful thing happening and it fed this city rampant sin
regularly. I am saying, that sin will not be tolerated. It will not be
accepted among those that bear My name but is to be repented of daily
at the moment you realize you have sinned.
What you hear from God is as valid as any big time prophet with a
name. Do not follow them but follow Me for I am the Lord and the
prophets, my servants. Many false prophets are abounding, pray to
discern. Leave all to Me and pray, for I will expose the works of
darkness. There is a river of information flowing and mans knowledge,
but not His love for Me, has increased. There is nothing new under the
sun and My Word is more up to date than any news cast. Oh that my
people would spend time with Me. Men and women of prayer are needed.
It is time to sort out that which you believe. The confusion and muddle
in the minds of many would be cleared quickly if they spent but a short
time in My Word. Voices are speaking. Many voices are calling out
hear Me. I say to you, hear the Word of the Lord. Hear Me when I speak
to you through My Word.
Hear Me, the Lord your God and let My still small voice speak. The world is like a vacuum sucking in all that will turn to it and if you do not guard your mind in My Word many of you will be forever taking in by its lure. It is beckoning and calling and you are in this world but not of it. You are to be a separate people, separated unto Me. Always abounding in My Word and work. You are not to fellowship with the world but with those of like precious faith but are to be a witness for Me. You must turn your back on the world for those that love the world do not have the love of the Father in them. All that is of the world, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life are not of Me. I am calling My children, come out of the world, the hour is late, the deception ever deepening and you need Me. The cross is where you began, stay close to the cross. I died and paid the price in full being raised from the dead for you. Take up your cross daily and follow Me.
Hear Me, the Lord your God and let My still small voice speak. The world is like a vacuum sucking in all that will turn to it and if you do not guard your mind in My Word many of you will be forever taking in by its lure. It is beckoning and calling and you are in this world but not of it. You are to be a separate people, separated unto Me. Always abounding in My Word and work. You are not to fellowship with the world but with those of like precious faith but are to be a witness for Me. You must turn your back on the world for those that love the world do not have the love of the Father in them. All that is of the world, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life are not of Me. I am calling My children, come out of the world, the hour is late, the deception ever deepening and you need Me. The cross is where you began, stay close to the cross. I died and paid the price in full being raised from the dead for you. Take up your cross daily and follow Me.
Thus he showed me: and, behold, the LORD stood on a wall made by a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. Amos 7:7