Update: Execution orders may have been issued for Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani
(Source: American Center for Law and Justice)Please pray for Pastor Youcef! Photo: Present Truth Ministries |
It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. The head of Iran's Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public -- most executions in Iran are conducted in secret.
Please pray that the Lord will intervene and that Pastor Youcef will be freed from prison. Pray that Youcef and his family will remain faithful to the Lord in all situations. Pray that the Lord will be exalted through Pastor Youcef, whether in life or in death (Philippians 1:20).
Go to the Iran Country Report for more on the trials Christians in Iran face.