Sunday, January 15, 2012

Love Will Carry You Through

Love Will Carry You Through
15th January, 2012
Lana Vawser
Manasseh Christian Ministries

“So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith--that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19 ESV)

My precious Church, I am drawing you into a season of deeper revelation of My love. For many of you have been looking ‘here’ and ‘there’ for answers, for guidance and for direction, and My people I say unto you that the answer is in the revelation of My love for you.

For as I lead you deeper into this place of revelation, you will begin to live at a level of revelation of who I am in you and who you are in Me, that will begin to release the impossibles, to become possibles.

For many of you are being caged by wrong thoughts of yourselves, or wrong thoughts of who I am that is locking you into mindsets of death that are reaping things in your life that are not of My heart and Spirit for you.

My people, there is a great breakthrough that is beginning to come into you My Church in this area. This year will be a year where many of you will be set free into deeper areas of healing, deeper areas of freedom, and deeper areas of understanding, as you are plunged deeper into the revelation of My love for you.

For without the revelation of My love at a deep level My people ,the door is open to the enemy and fear has taken up residence. Fear has taken up areas of your heart, minds and lives that I am longing to pour My revelation into.

My people, come to Me, those of you who are tired, who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest, I will give you rest in My love. No more striving, no more trying to attain through your works, no more perfectionism, no more efforts from areas of your hearts that are wounded, so you are being left disappointed, full of despair and hopelessness.

This is not My heart for you My People. My heart for you is that you will walk in My fullness, that you will walk in the deep revelation of who I am, and MY love for you, the price I paid for you, so that you can see My love demonstrated and KNOW that you are Mine.

It’s time to position yourselves like never before. It’s the moment of sacrifice My people, to come before Me, to lay aside things that have held you back from positioning yourselves before Me and waiting in My presence, shake them off, and simply come, come before Me without agenda, sit in My presence and let Me minister to your weary, burdened, hurting hearts.

Many of you are burdened, tired from the journey, with hearts full of disappointment and unfulfilled dreams. My people, the dreams that I place in your heart, will come to pass, you will not be disappointed.  My timing and My ways are not your ways, but I am always working for your best.

Before I release many of you into a new land, into new areas, into new promises lands, you must be girded with the truth of this revelation of My love for you, for if you are not, when the giants in the land come against you, you will fall, you will crumble at their schemes.

So I am preparing you now My Church, ridding areas of your life that have been harbouring unbelief, areas that have not known My love, and healing those so that you will move into these new lands and new areas without areas in your heart that these giants can pull you down in.

As you wait in My presence My people, wait in worship, just rest in Me, I WILL MEET YOU! I will not turn away a hungry heart, I will not turn away a thirsty heart, I will not turn away those who seek Me in Spirit and in truth. I WILL meet with you!

Encounters will increase in you My Church, there will be a vast growth of many within My Church experiencing My heart and revelation of My love, that will usher forth the miraculous into your lives.

Do not seek the breakthrough’s alone My people. Know that as you begin to position yourselves before Me simply to know My heart and see My love for you, BREAKTHROUGH, PROVISION, HEALING, FREEDOM, MIRACLES will be an overflow of this encounter with My heart.

Many of you are running to the left and to the right, trying to find your answers.. My people, the answer is in MY LOVE. The answer is in grabbing hold of this revelation.

Seek Seek Seek Seek to know My love, seek by resting before Me with a heart that will not move until you have received and seen the love of your Heavenly Father.

This is the moment My Church! This is the season of uprooting. Of weeds being removed, of unbelief being taken out, so that the revelation of My love may be poured in.

What would take years in the natural My people, in My presence, will take but seconds. Radical transformations are occurring. Healings in a moment! Revelations received in a second! This acceleration is occurring to bring you further into alignment with Me and My purposes My people.

Rejoice, for your bellies shall be full of joy, full of laughter as you begin to walk in a fullness in Me, that you have been crying out for, and not known before.

I WILL MEET YOU and out of the DEEP encounter with My love, will ALL ELSE you seek be added unto you.