A Vision of Europe
Julia C. Loren
During a long and revelatory worship set on November 20, 2011, the Holy Spirit took me up and into a vision where I flew over Europe and saw the territory the Lord had marked out for the outpouring of His Spirit in the coming years.
On the first pass through Central Europe, the Lord took me back to places where I had been in recent years - particularly in Germany and Italy. He then rolled back the memories and said that ministry will look very different in the years to come in Europe. A sovereign move of God will flow like a spring snow melt that begins with a trickle as the initial snow pack melts, then gains strength and rushes and roars into various watersheds for a season that will change the face of European Christianity.
The Lord showed me that as Germany is the first nation to fully embrace the move of God, the rivers of Germany will carry the rushing waters into other countries. I saw Germany come alive in the Spirit. And as the fire of God's love consumed them, they spread the word through Austria and the spring thaw rushed over the Alps into Northern Italy. I also saw the Swiss-Italy border watershed capturing the flow of the Spirit. Then, I heard the Lord say, "Look to the university towns of Germany and Northern Italy for a revival among the youth who will carry it throughout Eastern Europe." I believe this includes Heidelberg University in Germany and Padua in Italy (the second oldest University in Europe where Galileo taught).
As I flew along the Danube into Budapest I saw the crystalline image of a silvery angel hovering above Budapest. Showers of silver rained down upon the Danube and flowed to the east. And wherever the river flowed, revival flowed. For the Lord is redeeming His people out of the ravishes of oppression and into the total freedom of the Holy Spirit. The silver and the gold are His to give where He pleases, and it is time for the Eastern European Bride to step forward out of the ashes and into the adorning grace of redemption. He has set His gaze upon you. This is the time of your favor - Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania - you who live where the Danube flows.
The Lord Will Be a Ring of Fire Around England and Wales
Then the Lord took me over the United Kingdom where the Cross was superimposed across the landscape. I saw four fires being lit - one in the north, one in the south, one in the east and one in the west of England. And the Lord said, "I am lighting a ring of fire around England and Wales. And I will be a ring of fire around them." Look to four churches to become well-known Apostolic Resource Centers in the coming years. They will release the torches that all of England will either be drawn to or repelled by. And the fire of God will protect them.
Then the Lord said, "Look to the locks that are opening canals long closed." The re-opening of locks in the U.K. is a sign that the ancient waterways are opening that have held back a move of the Spirit of God. New pathways of the Spirit are opening, new opportunities to spread the Word within the region are opening. As the locks become unlocked, the restored waterways of revival and evangelism will emerge and flow.
I looked this up online after receiving the vision, and read a note of significance concerning the ancient locks: "The Droitwich Canals opened Friday, 1 July 2011, 72 years after they were officially abandoned... 240 years after they first opened on 27 June 1771, the newly restored waterway is the final link in a brand new 'cruising circuit' - the Mid Worcestershire Ring. The Ring allows boats, cyclists and ramblers to make a 21-mile circular journey through some of the UK's most beautiful and historic countryside, from the Worcester & Birmingham Canal to the River Severn, through the city of Worcester and back to Droitwich."
In the 1770s, when many locks were being built or restored, England was in the middle of the John Wesley revival. It is also interesting to note that in 1939, when many canals and locks began closing, history records that WWII broke out that year. Also, religious historians believe that in 1939, one particular man brought Wicca out of the woods of England and spread its popularity throughout Britain and America, launching a Wiccan revival. It seems like 1939 was a good year to close off the waterways of the natural and spiritual enemy. But now is the time to reopen the waterways of the Spirit and let revival break out!
A ring of fire around the country and a ring of locks within it speak of the coming invasion of Heaven becoming more manifest than ever before to ordinary Believers and unbelievers. Both speak of complete circles - like a wheel within a wheel - and both are signs that the Lord is moving to restore the rich heritage of the Spirit in the U.K.
The vision ended and two questions rumbled through my mind. The first was this: Will Europe experience its Spring thaw in 2012? And the second question was this: As the Lord sovereignly and suddenly lights the fires of revival and evangelism, who will rise up and carry the torch to the neighboring nations?
I believe it will be those who say, "Here am I, send me!" who will go to the surrounding nations, and many who are displaced or students living outside of their home countries in Central and Eastern Europe will find themselves riding the rivers and carrying the torch wherever the river flows.
Julia Loren
Julia Loren Ministries