The Word of the Lord September 2011
and beyond Part 1
by Prophet Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas
This is the time when you will have to look to me for everything from your food, necessities, instructions, life, survival to every aspect of circumstances because the further and further you go through this month the more uncertain some things will be come. You must carry hope to others because this is when they will need your encouragement, admonishment, loving rebuke, truth from My word, and compassion for others to reflect every aspect of me as you navigate through troubled times ahead. For I am the Lord and I am preparing great things in the very midst of this uncertainty, understand you must rule and reign, walk in power and dominion. My leaders must train and prepare others for the lean times and the abundant times ahead, says the Lord. So stand in your place of authority and walk in the fulfillment of your destiny. You must be prepared to follow instructions so that you will not open yourself up to any unnecessary cautions and warnings of fear that others might have coming upon them. You must be able to properly discern when trouble is coming upon the land.
So reach out your hand to render to others the hope that I have established in this hour. Seek me so that you may find me as you walk through the pages of My word for therein you will find the scriptures that define where you currently are and you will understand the reasons for the events that are occurring right now before you. Stand before my presence in love and strength, ready to fulfill the work of the Kingdom that must be done. For I am releasing instructions and writing out My plans in the hearts of My people and I am giving them the grace to endure and be patient because it is important that you take heed to My promptings and allow the discernment that I have placed in you to come forth.
I say to you now you must conquer new ground and possess new territory don’t be limited by what you see and hear from natural sources, but begin to move forward in that which I speak into your spirit. I have positioned you and placed you so that you can utilize the ability and wisdom that I have given you to raise above your circumstances and create that which you need for the time that you are in. For even as the worlds were framed by My word and they were created and shaped. So did My word also preserve a people and when the inhabitants were destroyed in a flood those who were chosen by me were saved. Take the hope that I have placed in you and bring forth the substances of things that are needed to preserve life in the midst of judgment and reform.
Hebrews 11:1-3 Amplified version Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation the title deed) of the things (we) hope for, being the proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality {faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses}. (2)For by {faith---trust and Holy fervor born of faith} the men of old had divine testimony borne to them and obtained a good report.(3)By faith we understand that the worlds (during successive ages) were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.
I have drawn a line of demarcation and I am commanding My people to come up higher, move in closer, to become what I have called you to be. You will not have the time nor the longsuffering that I have given in times past—it is time to rise up to be a part of the kingdom of priest and the Holy nation that must come forth to fulfill your destiny in this hour. I will not allow compromise to be a part of that which I have called to represent my people. “Be ye Holy, for I am Holy” (1 Peter 1: 13-16) says the Lord as you will not be able to walk in the old excuses; carrying reasons that you behave a certain way because of this or that—this is a time of serious accountability. I am weighing words, actions, and trying hearts and reins. My assessment will be rendered on the basis of what I have called you to do, what you really desire in your heart to do; and the level of sincerity and purpose. My grace will be there to bring you through and even to lead you to deliverance and restoration. But if it does not lead you to change, it is not My grace. Many have debated the issue but my grace was never released to be used as a license to sin, nor was it given without the accountability of the truth of My word. This is a time for you to decide, you can no longer halt between two opinions for the time is coming that you will have to deal with occurring events as they happen that will shock you and even trouble you. You must be able to quickly obey and respond.
Declare your position of who you are and for that which you are accountable, even what I have purposed for you to do before the foundations of the earth. Many will look to criticize others even though they have fallen short of the assignments that I have placed before them. Seek me on how you can be more effective being what I have called you to and not just looking around you and assessing everything with great disdain. You can affect your surroundings; you can cause a greater impact upon that which you see, because the souls of men are waiting and inwardly crying out for redemption. Gather in the harvest, press into my presence and you will find a myriad of answers to the questions you seek.
Jude 23 Amplified version“{Strive to} save others, snatching (them) out of {the} fire; on others take pity {but} with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality. (Zechariah 3:2-4)
(I saw a series of visions some concerning the elements and begin to ask about these visions and the Lord said) The earthquake activity in the land has to do with the major shifts* in the atmosphere spiritually and physically in the heavens and in the earth. Every shift affects every occurrence. Things are changing rapidly from every aspect as a result of the sins of the nations, evil treachery within our present financial structure, those who refuse to repent, unwillingness to change, the stubbornness and pride upon the nations, evil rulerships, and unholy covenants. In the midst of these I have heard the fervent prayers of My righteous ones. All of these things have impacted the atmosphere, the land and the people. The battle has ensued and the lives of the nations are hanging in the balance.
2 Chronicles 7:14** (Amplified version) If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of the necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
These words** are very important for this time but there are some who are praying for change in others without yielding change within themselves and prayer without change is not true repentance –pride must suffer a fall. (Proverbs 16:18-19) You are now seeing the results of that fall taking place. Know that I will always have a plan and a people. In the midst of this confusion there are many that I have placed the oil of My anointing upon to cry out between the porch and the altar for truth and righteousness to prevail with power.
For My remnant will continue to prepare and make ready my others who will be willing to do my bidding upon this land and that which I have established in the heavens will come upon this earth. For the time of My reign will come upon this earth in the face of my people. But before that day of great power My remnant will lead, teach and equip My righteous army to go forth and fight in righteousness and honor as they rise up in various nations to heed the clarion call that will prepare them for the days ahead. For I have placed My covenant before them as a foundation, a shield and even a weapon of war to move forward and not to be afraid for I am with them and in them as they walk in strength with My light and dominion says the Lord. And as kingdom’s fall I will raise up My kingdom and My people will march forward and they will not break rank, says the Lord of Host.
Prophetic Intercession:
Israel—there is much trouble surrounding her as her enemies are planning and preparing more attacks against her. We must continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Lord said that His promises concerning her shall be fulfilled.
Had a succession of visions (four of them concerning the elements) in particular: here are the visions and in red my concerns about these particular regions.
1) I saw winds so high that it was uprooting everything in its path. (Although Hurricane Irene is currently being tracked) however I believe that this represented something to come that was more powerful. I asked the Lord are these evil winds? He said: Winds of judgment and winds of change. (See prophetic word on shifts*)
2) I saw a volcanic eruption where lava was rapidly gushing forth with ash so high it was startling. I am concerned about various regions in the US but especially Mt. St. Helens/Yellowstone Park is still on our high red alert list. Hawaii is still on our alert list.
3) I saw an earthquake that the land shook so violently some of the buildings were crumbling and others were toppling it was day time and seemed to be very sunny outside. It seemed to be a hot temperature outside because of how people were dressed. Colorado and Virginia are having many aftershocks and it is affecting the fault area of the New Madrid which is still on our red alert. The west coast concerns are Washington State as they are still on our red alert, as well as New York, also Washington DC for a possible stronger earthquake in that area.
4) I saw a tsunami so violent that cars, various trees, debris and structures were slammed upon tall buildings (these were skyscraper like buildings). And then all of that and parts of the buildings were carried by the same waters that rushed in begin to rush back in the other direction. It occurred with much swiftness and violence of speed. These visions were over a couple days period.
Watch tsunami alert around the gulf coming from east (Puerto Rico region) and from the coastal regions to California.
We had been praying and alerting certain areas and on 8/11 I posted on facebook my concern for an earthquake to occur within the month of August everyone mentioned their concern about September but it occurred in August. The Lord had us praying around New York, Washington DC for since May-June and still we saw the evidence of earthquake activity in these regions this last week. Watch activity around Mexico and New Mexico as well---we are still watching Veracruz and possibility of earthquake and nuclear problems.
One of the major things that the Lord spoke to me about was---He said ---there is trouble in the gulf---hadn’t even thought about but with the sealed bp oil problems last year ---we don’t need an earthquake, tsunami or storm in the gulf region. Also right between Europe and Asia there is another hot spot for significant earthquake activity.
GO to our website to read my daughter Rachel Ford visions about the east coast and trouble in the coming stock market.
and beyond Part 1
by Prophet Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas
This is the time when you will have to look to me for everything from your food, necessities, instructions, life, survival to every aspect of circumstances because the further and further you go through this month the more uncertain some things will be come. You must carry hope to others because this is when they will need your encouragement, admonishment, loving rebuke, truth from My word, and compassion for others to reflect every aspect of me as you navigate through troubled times ahead. For I am the Lord and I am preparing great things in the very midst of this uncertainty, understand you must rule and reign, walk in power and dominion. My leaders must train and prepare others for the lean times and the abundant times ahead, says the Lord. So stand in your place of authority and walk in the fulfillment of your destiny. You must be prepared to follow instructions so that you will not open yourself up to any unnecessary cautions and warnings of fear that others might have coming upon them. You must be able to properly discern when trouble is coming upon the land.
So reach out your hand to render to others the hope that I have established in this hour. Seek me so that you may find me as you walk through the pages of My word for therein you will find the scriptures that define where you currently are and you will understand the reasons for the events that are occurring right now before you. Stand before my presence in love and strength, ready to fulfill the work of the Kingdom that must be done. For I am releasing instructions and writing out My plans in the hearts of My people and I am giving them the grace to endure and be patient because it is important that you take heed to My promptings and allow the discernment that I have placed in you to come forth.
I say to you now you must conquer new ground and possess new territory don’t be limited by what you see and hear from natural sources, but begin to move forward in that which I speak into your spirit. I have positioned you and placed you so that you can utilize the ability and wisdom that I have given you to raise above your circumstances and create that which you need for the time that you are in. For even as the worlds were framed by My word and they were created and shaped. So did My word also preserve a people and when the inhabitants were destroyed in a flood those who were chosen by me were saved. Take the hope that I have placed in you and bring forth the substances of things that are needed to preserve life in the midst of judgment and reform.
Hebrews 11:1-3 Amplified version Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation the title deed) of the things (we) hope for, being the proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality {faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses}. (2)For by {faith---trust and Holy fervor born of faith} the men of old had divine testimony borne to them and obtained a good report.(3)By faith we understand that the worlds (during successive ages) were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.
I have drawn a line of demarcation and I am commanding My people to come up higher, move in closer, to become what I have called you to be. You will not have the time nor the longsuffering that I have given in times past—it is time to rise up to be a part of the kingdom of priest and the Holy nation that must come forth to fulfill your destiny in this hour. I will not allow compromise to be a part of that which I have called to represent my people. “Be ye Holy, for I am Holy” (1 Peter 1: 13-16) says the Lord as you will not be able to walk in the old excuses; carrying reasons that you behave a certain way because of this or that—this is a time of serious accountability. I am weighing words, actions, and trying hearts and reins. My assessment will be rendered on the basis of what I have called you to do, what you really desire in your heart to do; and the level of sincerity and purpose. My grace will be there to bring you through and even to lead you to deliverance and restoration. But if it does not lead you to change, it is not My grace. Many have debated the issue but my grace was never released to be used as a license to sin, nor was it given without the accountability of the truth of My word. This is a time for you to decide, you can no longer halt between two opinions for the time is coming that you will have to deal with occurring events as they happen that will shock you and even trouble you. You must be able to quickly obey and respond.
Declare your position of who you are and for that which you are accountable, even what I have purposed for you to do before the foundations of the earth. Many will look to criticize others even though they have fallen short of the assignments that I have placed before them. Seek me on how you can be more effective being what I have called you to and not just looking around you and assessing everything with great disdain. You can affect your surroundings; you can cause a greater impact upon that which you see, because the souls of men are waiting and inwardly crying out for redemption. Gather in the harvest, press into my presence and you will find a myriad of answers to the questions you seek.
Jude 23 Amplified version“{Strive to} save others, snatching (them) out of {the} fire; on others take pity {but} with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality. (Zechariah 3:2-4)
(I saw a series of visions some concerning the elements and begin to ask about these visions and the Lord said) The earthquake activity in the land has to do with the major shifts* in the atmosphere spiritually and physically in the heavens and in the earth. Every shift affects every occurrence. Things are changing rapidly from every aspect as a result of the sins of the nations, evil treachery within our present financial structure, those who refuse to repent, unwillingness to change, the stubbornness and pride upon the nations, evil rulerships, and unholy covenants. In the midst of these I have heard the fervent prayers of My righteous ones. All of these things have impacted the atmosphere, the land and the people. The battle has ensued and the lives of the nations are hanging in the balance.
2 Chronicles 7:14** (Amplified version) If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of the necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
These words** are very important for this time but there are some who are praying for change in others without yielding change within themselves and prayer without change is not true repentance –pride must suffer a fall. (Proverbs 16:18-19) You are now seeing the results of that fall taking place. Know that I will always have a plan and a people. In the midst of this confusion there are many that I have placed the oil of My anointing upon to cry out between the porch and the altar for truth and righteousness to prevail with power.
For My remnant will continue to prepare and make ready my others who will be willing to do my bidding upon this land and that which I have established in the heavens will come upon this earth. For the time of My reign will come upon this earth in the face of my people. But before that day of great power My remnant will lead, teach and equip My righteous army to go forth and fight in righteousness and honor as they rise up in various nations to heed the clarion call that will prepare them for the days ahead. For I have placed My covenant before them as a foundation, a shield and even a weapon of war to move forward and not to be afraid for I am with them and in them as they walk in strength with My light and dominion says the Lord. And as kingdom’s fall I will raise up My kingdom and My people will march forward and they will not break rank, says the Lord of Host.
Prophetic Intercession:
Israel—there is much trouble surrounding her as her enemies are planning and preparing more attacks against her. We must continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Lord said that His promises concerning her shall be fulfilled.
Had a succession of visions (four of them concerning the elements) in particular: here are the visions and in red my concerns about these particular regions.
1) I saw winds so high that it was uprooting everything in its path. (Although Hurricane Irene is currently being tracked) however I believe that this represented something to come that was more powerful. I asked the Lord are these evil winds? He said: Winds of judgment and winds of change. (See prophetic word on shifts*)
2) I saw a volcanic eruption where lava was rapidly gushing forth with ash so high it was startling. I am concerned about various regions in the US but especially Mt. St. Helens/Yellowstone Park is still on our high red alert list. Hawaii is still on our alert list.
3) I saw an earthquake that the land shook so violently some of the buildings were crumbling and others were toppling it was day time and seemed to be very sunny outside. It seemed to be a hot temperature outside because of how people were dressed. Colorado and Virginia are having many aftershocks and it is affecting the fault area of the New Madrid which is still on our red alert. The west coast concerns are Washington State as they are still on our red alert, as well as New York, also Washington DC for a possible stronger earthquake in that area.
4) I saw a tsunami so violent that cars, various trees, debris and structures were slammed upon tall buildings (these were skyscraper like buildings). And then all of that and parts of the buildings were carried by the same waters that rushed in begin to rush back in the other direction. It occurred with much swiftness and violence of speed. These visions were over a couple days period.
Watch tsunami alert around the gulf coming from east (Puerto Rico region) and from the coastal regions to California.
We had been praying and alerting certain areas and on 8/11 I posted on facebook my concern for an earthquake to occur within the month of August everyone mentioned their concern about September but it occurred in August. The Lord had us praying around New York, Washington DC for since May-June and still we saw the evidence of earthquake activity in these regions this last week. Watch activity around Mexico and New Mexico as well---we are still watching Veracruz and possibility of earthquake and nuclear problems.
One of the major things that the Lord spoke to me about was---He said ---there is trouble in the gulf---hadn’t even thought about but with the sealed bp oil problems last year ---we don’t need an earthquake, tsunami or storm in the gulf region. Also right between Europe and Asia there is another hot spot for significant earthquake activity.
GO to our website to read my daughter Rachel Ford visions about the east coast and trouble in the coming stock market.