Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stumbling Over Old Rocks by Ron McGatlin

Stumbling Over Old Rocks
By Ron McGatlin
In the past two or three weeks there has been an air of dissatisfaction troubling the peaceful waters of spiritual life around and within at least some, if not many, of God�s people. Something is going on that is bringing change in the spiritual realm and into our natural lives. The peaceful flow of the supernatural river has become turbulent. There is a roaring current rising in the river of God. Debris is being dislodged and carried away by the raging river. Flesh and disorder have challenged the glory of God and hearts have grown dull of Spirit light.
Intense prayer in the Spirit is unleashing supernatural presence of God and releasing the power of God to swiftly carry His people to greater heights of life in the kingdom of God. The challenges and disruptions have come to expose the need within us to breakthrough more debris from the past and move into the kingdom supernatural life.
Stumbling blocks are being removed.
There has been a stumbling over past hardened beliefs or more accurately un beliefs.
In recent decades, the lukewarm dead religion was blasted with powerful works and manifestations of the supernatural power of God. Since the turn of the twentieth century onward through the last decade the century (the 1990s) a massive wave of supernatural power was poured out by the Spirit of God. Powerful revivals and renewals swept across the world.
Two major factions arose against the awesome move of God.
First, the enemy stirred the theologians of the lukewarm era and they became militantly opposed to the move of God. They brought forth strong opposition discrediting the value of the great work of God taking place by His Spirit. This planted the first big stumbling block consisting of hardened rocks of belief in the hearts of people, belief that the move was false and not from God.
Secondly, the enemy stirred many leaders involved in the move into merchandising the glorious supernatural kingdom reality coming forth from God. They built mega churches, ministries and fortunes from the supernatural power flowing from God. Mixture of darkness in some of the leaders and their followers of the great revivals became evident and was severely detrimental to many people.
These things have created severe stumbling blocks in the minds and hearts of people. The pure holy presence of God coming forth in gatherings bringing powerful manifestations of joy in the supernatural reality of God is greatly hindered by the stumbling over the hardened rocks of doubt and unbelief.
The experience of truth can remove our rocks of unbelief and doubt.
The kingdom of God is a supernatural spiritual rule over all creation � all things natural and spiritual are to be under the feet of One King. The word of the kingdom is the seed of the manifesting or coming forth of the kingdom of God (rule of God). The gospel of the kingdom that Jesus taught, preached and demonstrated on earth is the good news of the absolute rule of God on earth as it is in heaven. Heaven is the Spirit realm, the place of the throne of God from which all authority over all creation emanates.  
Supernatural kingdom on earth is brought forth by the Spirit manifesting God�s authority and rule on earth. The kingdom comes forth on earth in the manifest presence of God. Where the manifest presence of God is, the kingdom of God is brought forth. God makes Himself known (reveals Himself) in His manifest presence in and among the saints of God. Supernatural means greater than natural, above and beyond natural. God is supernatural and where His manifest presence is there will be supernatural life reality and activity.
The whole Bible, both Old Testament and New, is filled with many written accounts of the manifest presence of God causing supernatural events and works.
After Jesus was baptized and the Spirit of God descended upon Him and remained, supernatural works and events were evident wherever He went among people who believed in Him as Son of God. Jesus demonstrated the supernatural kingdom of God by the supernatural works that He did.
Where Christ Jesus is, supernatural works take place. Christ abiding in His people by the Holy Spirit is the potential for the presence of God to manifest supernatural works of God demonstrating the kingdom of God. Where believers gather together in unity the presence of Christ and the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is present. That presence of God becomes manifest when the people enter into the spiritual realm together in unity.
The Bible speaks of this as being �in the Spirit�. One person alone can be in the Spirit and experience God�s supernatural reality. Yet, when two or three or more or gathered in the Spirit, there can be a Spirit atmosphere among them � a glorious supernatural manifest presence of Spirit God. In this atmosphere, supernatural occurrences and works are abundant. Holy angels (ministering spirits) working with the people create a present reality of the kingdom of God in action.
Some of you have experienced this supernatural reality and some of you have not yet truly done so. In the past, Barbara and I have been privileged to experience supernatural manifestations in the presence of God changing us and the people present. We have experienced the kingdom of God in action.
In addition, through the website I have heard from thousands of people over the years that have experienced the supernatural manifestation of the presence of God bringing the kingdom of God in action among God�s people. Lives have been changed, addictions overcome, diseases healed and the character and nature of Christ brought forth in people around the world. Thousands upon thousands saved and filled with the Spirit as the result of the presence of God coming forth and making His ministers flames of fire and sending them out to the masses spreading the fire of the presence of God � the kingdom of God in action.
It is my opinion that the current dissatisfaction and disorder of the past few weeks is directly related to the need for the full manifest presence of God in house meetings, business meetings and every place in which believers gather.
Individually and personally walking in the Spirit is awesome and gathering in the manifest presence of a group in unity is literally heaven on earth. The kingdom is spiritual heaven coming to natural earth.
Intense Prayer
Barbara and I have been launched into an intense season of prayer together as one seeking to bring forth the pure and holy supernatural presence of God pouring the light of Christ into every gathering and connection. Our hearts are crying out for God to pour out His Spirit and supernatural love and power beyond measure one more time in our lives. We began Tuesday, May 31, 2011 to break away from all activity and come together in intense prayer at 1pm every day as the Lord leads. Our hearts are freshly knit together and broken in desperation for the perfect presence of God to pour out again in and through us into every connection and gathering of our lives.
 Jesus and His children are coming through. Truly the kingdom is at hand.
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin