Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watch and Pray!

Watch and Pray!

Last night and this morning I saw 11:11 on the clock. Meanings of 11:11 are 11 = incompleteness; disorganization; disintegration; disorder; lawlessness; disorder; need for apostolic fullness (11 apostles left after Judas hanged himself) as per Joni Ames Ministries

Each time I see 11:11 a heaviness comes over me and my heart is burdened to pray. We can see that this world is one of disorder and disintegration and that the church needs to come into His Divine order.

The Lord is speaking to His church to come aside with Him. We are living on the verge of something of much larger scale than we can handle without more of our God. The days of sitting on the fence are over and the Lord is saying that we need to choose this day whom we will serve. God is calling those that are His to come aside and wait on Him, too fast and pray and get your next instructions. You are living in dark days and some are not even aware of the darkness they are facing. It has entrenched many and many are living in clouds of depression and discouragement. The Lord wants to lift this from you and they only way is to sit at His feet, in the quiet place and allow Him to wash your heart clean in His blood.

Sin will not enter the Kingdom of God but when you repent He is faithful and just to forgive you your sin. Let Him work in your heart and life. Hear the voice of the Spirit entreating you to come ever closer. Shut out the distractions for they are many. Much of it seems good but I desire your undivided attention. Shut off the television is a must for many for you spend more time with it than you do with Me. Shutting off the computer for a time is a must for many. More hours are spent online reading about Me more than time with Me and I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy. Reach out to Me and I will reach out to you, says the Lord. Darkness is here and gross darkness is at the very door. Do you not see? Do you not hear? Do you not perceive what is going on in this world? Do you not yet discern the times and seasons?

Are you yet so very blind when I have given you the light of My Word? My light is shining in the darkness and you are one of the vessels I long to use to remove the darkness. Shine in the darkness beloved of mine. Shine in the darkness My beloved church. Shine in the darkness and be lights all over this lost world. Let your lights shine before men and glorify your Father in Heaven. I am knocking at the door of hearts. I am calling you! I am calling you! I am calling you to come aside till the calamity is past.

Even now evil men plan the demise of those that are called by My name. Evil men plan the demise of the Jewish people. Evil men plan with evil means to bring down many. Those of you that are watchman need to maintain your posts. You that are lax need to awaken to your calling and get on your watch. Many have been so distracted that they have missed what I have been saying, but you beloved are not so deceived. So...beloved arise and do your first works. It is always out of ministry to Me that ministry to others takes place.

I am sharpening the swords of My servants the prophets. I am sharpening the swords of those in apostolic ministry as well as the swords in the hands of those of like precious faith. Swords are being sharpened and this is why you have been going through such times of testing and great trial. Your swords are being sharpened that you might lead others in their darkest hour for it is yet ahead. There are those that need to be helped and you will go and bring them in. Time with Me is time well spent and will bear fruit. Time with Me is needed, to be prepared for the onslaught that will come. It will come in a night and last for an extended period of time. Be prepared in My Word. Prepare the way of the Lord and make the crooked places straight. Prepare, beloved of Mine prepare in the Word and prayer and let intercession be your passion for indeed the hour is late and the day of the Lord is at hand.

Behold I come quickly. Behold I come. Do your first works for behold I come quickly.