Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Fragrant Aroma

A Fragrant Aroma

Jesus paid the ultimate price for you and me. He died on the cross, an act of sacrificial love that would put demons to flight as they saw Him rise again on the third day. All hell would look on and see that they had lost the battle. Yet, we see hell still rages on as if in total unawareness that indeed they lost the battle that day. So...we go on and continue to fight the good fight of faith, as soldiers of the cross and await our soon coming King. We need to pray in the Kingdom of God. Come Lord Jesus! needs to be our cry.

Indeed Jesus was an offering and sacrifice to the Father that satisfied Him with the fragrant aroma that Jesus had paid the price in full by shedding His blood for mankind. How glorious how wonderful that such a one should die for your sin and mine.

This leaves us with a need to walk in love as children of the King. We truly do need to love one another and realize that when one member of the body hurt, all hurt. When one cry's out in need all need to hear that cry and discern the Lords body. We need to hear the heart of the Father when it comes to our brothers and sisters. The body of Christ needs to put away its guns and stop shooting their wounded! The good Samaritan portrays vividly to those who take time to read it the need to cross religious barriers and walk in Kingdom love. We are hearing much about the Kingdom of God and Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you. We are also told to seek the Kingdom first and His righteousness and everything will be added to us.

How do we seek the Kingdom of God? First and foremost by spending time with the Lord who inspired all scripture. Taking time to love the Lord first makes everything else fit into place. We also need to fellowship with those of like precious faith and pray for His divine connections to be put on our path, in His good timing. Jesus said, we would be known as His disciples by our love, one toward another.

We are also admonished to let His fragrant aroma work in our life. We need to walk in love and walk carefully without sin in this present world. At the same time we are told that if we sin we have an advocate with the Father. When we repent of our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let us pick up our cross and follow Jesus! Let us know without doubt that on that day, a fragrant aroma went up before the Father and that we too are to be that fragrant aroma to our brothers and sisters and to a lost and dying world.

Today ask of the Lord, "how may I be a fragrant aroma to those around me and walk in Kingdom love knowing the price paid by our soon coming King".

Come Lord Jesus!!!

2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Eph. 5:2