The Heart Of A Prophet
A true prophet of God desires to please only the Father. This brings him or her to the place of realization that they are on a collision course with this world. The things of God and the things of this world are at complete opposites one to the other. The prophet of God has been spoiled and there comes no joy to them in the things of this world. They are utterly futile and even the things that the average Christian is doing bring no pleasure or lasting joy. One comes to place of realizing that all things of this world are temporal and only the things of God are eternal. Plainly the prophet is fed up with this world and wonders why others do not see it as he does. The Kingdoms of this world are coming to nought and only the things of God bring pleasure to the prophet of God. Again and again the Lord refreshes this in their mind so that they are forever spoiled by even one taste of the presence of God. It is worth more than all the money in this world can buy. The things of this world have as the song said, "grown strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". How the prophet longs for one more glimpse of the Lord. How He or she longs for one more taste of the presence of God.
The things of this world bring no pleasure and He reckons himself dead to this world. The presence of God is what He longs for and he or she desires to see others have this same hunger for God. Oh how we long for His presence. It is sweeter that honey. Sometimes God blesses the prophet and yet they are hungry still for more of Him. There is that realization that the things of this world bring no satisfaction and once they are attained there is still that deep hunger for the Lord. We are told that if anyone is hungry let him come to the word of God without money.
1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55: 1-2
There is nothing that satisfies like the Lord. God is wanting to bring His people higher. He is wanting His people to desire Him alone. His blood and righteousness. There is nothing more precious than the Word of God. Nothing worth hungering for but Jesus. Oh to see His people grow in the things of God and come higher. Oh to see His people desire Him. Come to Him today all you that labour and are heavy ladened and He will give you rest. Cry out to Him and repent of your sin and He will receive you. The world and all that is in it are coming to nothing but the Kingdom of our God will last forever. Desire the Lord! Desire the things of God for they are precious. Desire the Lord and desire to be used of Him. Desire Him and be used in the gifts of the Spirit.
People of God it is time to give Jesus your all. It is time to serve the Lord with diligence. It is time to waken from your slumber for the Lord is calling you. Now is the day of your salvation. The Day of Lord will soon be here. The hour is late. The call is going out. Come to the Lord you who have backslidden. Come to the Lord you who are needy. Come to the Lord and He will forgive you. Come to Him and let Him satisfy the deep longing of your heart. Will you come to Him today and see Him. He is here and will meet with you and you will know peace that passes all understanding. Come to Him today.