The Testimony Of Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy
Monday, May 24, 2010
Find Favor
Find Favor
Favor is found in serving Me. Favor is found when you abide in My Word through the most difficult of times. There have been moments when you have felt so low and broken but I the Word of God have stood with you. I have given you favor. You have feared that when you served me wholeheartedly that you would go through great trials. Am I not a great God? Am I not able to succor you even at the most difficult of times. I the Lord have taken you from the lowest point in life and raised you up. Look to Me for I have given you favor. I see you! I hear you! You have thought that I had abandoned you. I have not abandoned you but I have stood with you. You have been bound to Me even when you were struggling to see and hear. I am your strength and the light of your salvation. Put your trust in Me and praise My Holy name. I have given you strength when you had none. I have brought you through another day with the gift of life. I have blessed you beyond that you were able to contain. I am your strength and the light of your life. Bless My Holy name and worship Me with pure lips. Praise Me for you are fearfully made. I am your rock and help..I am your God..Keep My presence with you continually. As you keep this attitude of praise and worship I will stand with you and grant your requests.
You are indeed precious to Me. Fear Me. Praise Me. Exalt Me and I will increase that which you need in this hour to go forward. The battle is mine. The victory is mine also. It is assured in Me. Fear not for the finances. They shall work out. Fear not for the salvation of your loved ones. Pray for them. I will do the work. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Hear My voice. Spend precious time with Me in the months ahead for it will fortify you. Trust that which I am doing and know that you have been fortified. I am making you like a strong tower that withstands assault. I will hold you even in the most difficult of circumstances. Know that I am your Father and will never leave or forsake you. I am the Lord. I am God. I am the fire and the light of your life. Sanctify yourself wholly. Forsake all that is not of Me. Rise up and bless Me for I am worthy to be praised.
The day is soon coming when the dead in Christ will hear My voice. The day is soon coming when there shall be wars and there will be all manner of confusion. Fear not but trust in Me and I will lead you home. I am the Lord and I am the victory that overcomes the world. Your faith is the overcoming factor. Fortify yourself in the word of God. Be strengthened in your inner man. I the Lord will help you and uphold you. I am your God and the light of your life. I am your light and salvation. I have told you that I alone am your light. I am the light on the path to life. See Me burning brightly and see Me wherever you walk. Keep your eyes on Me and do not turn from Me. Strength and honor are your clothing. I have dressed you and you are wearing garments from heaven. Strength and honor are yours. Forgive continually. Praise Me for you are a precious child. I am the Lord. Yes indeed this is My voice. I speak. Hear Me.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Heart Of The Father
The Heart Of The Father
The heart of the Father is crying out. He is looking for those that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The Lord is looking for those that will serve Him and not bow to the things of this world. The Lord will save those who will come to Him. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise. The Lord is looking for those that will serve Him with their whole heart.
He looks around for intercessors and it is difficult to find those that will stay on the wall for Him. All have run off and gone astray and there is no intercessor who has stayed the course all of the time. God is saying, intercessors, it is time to repent and stay the course. How do you want to see change if you who are called to intercession are not willing to pay the price. There is a price to be paid. There is a price to be paid for those that are called by My name. I paid the price in full for you and now you must be willing to daily take up your cross and follow Me. This requires that you at times will give up your sleep because you love Me. This requires that out of the love that you have for Me that you sacrifice your time.
You have precious little time left in this world and it is darker than when you first believed. Darkness is here and you must face it with determination so that it does not overtake you. You need fresh determination that can only be found in My presence. The presence of the Lord is the place to be hidden in this hour. Come into My presence My Beloved! Come into My presence and spend time with Me. I am wooing your heart and drawing you with My sweet love. My love is sweeter than honey. Come and taste of My love. Spend time with Me and stay hidden until the calamity is past. Come beloved of Mine and enter into the presence of the Lord. There is no sweeter or more peaceful place to be in this hour than in My presence.
Man will not satisfy the longing of the heart. I satisfy the longing of the soul. Enter into the joy of your salvation. Taste and see My goodness. Taste and see the heart of the Father. Taste and see and hear the secrets of your God. Indeed I will tell you my secrets. I do nothing before I reveal them to My servants the prophets. I will reveal myself to you in the night hours. I will be with you when you stand on the wall and cry out. Cry out and do not relent. Warn My people! Warn them that they need to get right with Me! Warn them to wake up! Warn them to put away the things of this world for darkness is on the horizon. Warn them with your whole heart! It is the wakeup call! It is the midnight hour. Go out and cry out loud and let men everywhere know that they need to make it right with Me.
I forgive but they need to repent of their sin. Do not fear to mention the word sin. Indeed there is a way that seems right to man but the end is death. The way of the Lord is a firm ground. The way of the Lord brings life now and forever. The way of the Lord is straight and narrow and few there be that find it. The way of the Lord is the way of redemption. The way of the Lord is straight and few there be that find it. I say few find it. Preach the whole counsel of God without fear of man. Teach men and they shall know their God. Teach them the ways of the Lord and let them know their days are few on the earth. Teach the Word of God and be instant in season and out. Preach and teach them and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Declare and decree that I set men free from their shackles. I free men from sin. I am the Lord I am the soon coming King. Jesus is My name. I am their freedom. I set the captives free. I indeed am the Lord.
The heart of the Father is crying out. He is looking for those that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The Lord is looking for those that will serve Him and not bow to the things of this world. The Lord will save those who will come to Him. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise. The Lord is looking for those that will serve Him with their whole heart.
He looks around for intercessors and it is difficult to find those that will stay on the wall for Him. All have run off and gone astray and there is no intercessor who has stayed the course all of the time. God is saying, intercessors, it is time to repent and stay the course. How do you want to see change if you who are called to intercession are not willing to pay the price. There is a price to be paid. There is a price to be paid for those that are called by My name. I paid the price in full for you and now you must be willing to daily take up your cross and follow Me. This requires that you at times will give up your sleep because you love Me. This requires that out of the love that you have for Me that you sacrifice your time.
You have precious little time left in this world and it is darker than when you first believed. Darkness is here and you must face it with determination so that it does not overtake you. You need fresh determination that can only be found in My presence. The presence of the Lord is the place to be hidden in this hour. Come into My presence My Beloved! Come into My presence and spend time with Me. I am wooing your heart and drawing you with My sweet love. My love is sweeter than honey. Come and taste of My love. Spend time with Me and stay hidden until the calamity is past. Come beloved of Mine and enter into the presence of the Lord. There is no sweeter or more peaceful place to be in this hour than in My presence.
Man will not satisfy the longing of the heart. I satisfy the longing of the soul. Enter into the joy of your salvation. Taste and see My goodness. Taste and see the heart of the Father. Taste and see and hear the secrets of your God. Indeed I will tell you my secrets. I do nothing before I reveal them to My servants the prophets. I will reveal myself to you in the night hours. I will be with you when you stand on the wall and cry out. Cry out and do not relent. Warn My people! Warn them that they need to get right with Me! Warn them to wake up! Warn them to put away the things of this world for darkness is on the horizon. Warn them with your whole heart! It is the wakeup call! It is the midnight hour. Go out and cry out loud and let men everywhere know that they need to make it right with Me.
I forgive but they need to repent of their sin. Do not fear to mention the word sin. Indeed there is a way that seems right to man but the end is death. The way of the Lord is a firm ground. The way of the Lord brings life now and forever. The way of the Lord is straight and narrow and few there be that find it. The way of the Lord is the way of redemption. The way of the Lord is straight and few there be that find it. I say few find it. Preach the whole counsel of God without fear of man. Teach men and they shall know their God. Teach them the ways of the Lord and let them know their days are few on the earth. Teach the Word of God and be instant in season and out. Preach and teach them and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Declare and decree that I set men free from their shackles. I free men from sin. I am the Lord I am the soon coming King. Jesus is My name. I am their freedom. I set the captives free. I indeed am the Lord.
The Heart Of A Prophet
The Heart Of A Prophet
A true prophet of God desires to please only the Father. This brings him or her to the place of realization that they are on a collision course with this world. The things of God and the things of this world are at complete opposites one to the other. The prophet of God has been spoiled and there comes no joy to them in the things of this world. They are utterly futile and even the things that the average Christian is doing bring no pleasure or lasting joy. One comes to place of realizing that all things of this world are temporal and only the things of God are eternal. Plainly the prophet is fed up with this world and wonders why others do not see it as he does. The Kingdoms of this world are coming to nought and only the things of God bring pleasure to the prophet of God. Again and again the Lord refreshes this in their mind so that they are forever spoiled by even one taste of the presence of God. It is worth more than all the money in this world can buy. The things of this world have as the song said, "grown strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". How the prophet longs for one more glimpse of the Lord. How He or she longs for one more taste of the presence of God.
The things of this world bring no pleasure and He reckons himself dead to this world. The presence of God is what He longs for and he or she desires to see others have this same hunger for God. Oh how we long for His presence. It is sweeter that honey. Sometimes God blesses the prophet and yet they are hungry still for more of Him. There is that realization that the things of this world bring no satisfaction and once they are attained there is still that deep hunger for the Lord. We are told that if anyone is hungry let him come to the word of God without money.
1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55: 1-2
There is nothing that satisfies like the Lord. God is wanting to bring His people higher. He is wanting His people to desire Him alone. His blood and righteousness. There is nothing more precious than the Word of God. Nothing worth hungering for but Jesus. Oh to see His people grow in the things of God and come higher. Oh to see His people desire Him. Come to Him today all you that labour and are heavy ladened and He will give you rest. Cry out to Him and repent of your sin and He will receive you. The world and all that is in it are coming to nothing but the Kingdom of our God will last forever. Desire the Lord! Desire the things of God for they are precious. Desire the Lord and desire to be used of Him. Desire Him and be used in the gifts of the Spirit.
People of God it is time to give Jesus your all. It is time to serve the Lord with diligence. It is time to waken from your slumber for the Lord is calling you. Now is the day of your salvation. The Day of Lord will soon be here. The hour is late. The call is going out. Come to the Lord you who have backslidden. Come to the Lord you who are needy. Come to the Lord and He will forgive you. Come to Him and let Him satisfy the deep longing of your heart. Will you come to Him today and see Him. He is here and will meet with you and you will know peace that passes all understanding. Come to Him today.
A true prophet of God desires to please only the Father. This brings him or her to the place of realization that they are on a collision course with this world. The things of God and the things of this world are at complete opposites one to the other. The prophet of God has been spoiled and there comes no joy to them in the things of this world. They are utterly futile and even the things that the average Christian is doing bring no pleasure or lasting joy. One comes to place of realizing that all things of this world are temporal and only the things of God are eternal. Plainly the prophet is fed up with this world and wonders why others do not see it as he does. The Kingdoms of this world are coming to nought and only the things of God bring pleasure to the prophet of God. Again and again the Lord refreshes this in their mind so that they are forever spoiled by even one taste of the presence of God. It is worth more than all the money in this world can buy. The things of this world have as the song said, "grown strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". How the prophet longs for one more glimpse of the Lord. How He or she longs for one more taste of the presence of God.
The things of this world bring no pleasure and He reckons himself dead to this world. The presence of God is what He longs for and he or she desires to see others have this same hunger for God. Oh how we long for His presence. It is sweeter that honey. Sometimes God blesses the prophet and yet they are hungry still for more of Him. There is that realization that the things of this world bring no satisfaction and once they are attained there is still that deep hunger for the Lord. We are told that if anyone is hungry let him come to the word of God without money.
1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55: 1-2
There is nothing that satisfies like the Lord. God is wanting to bring His people higher. He is wanting His people to desire Him alone. His blood and righteousness. There is nothing more precious than the Word of God. Nothing worth hungering for but Jesus. Oh to see His people grow in the things of God and come higher. Oh to see His people desire Him. Come to Him today all you that labour and are heavy ladened and He will give you rest. Cry out to Him and repent of your sin and He will receive you. The world and all that is in it are coming to nothing but the Kingdom of our God will last forever. Desire the Lord! Desire the things of God for they are precious. Desire the Lord and desire to be used of Him. Desire Him and be used in the gifts of the Spirit.
People of God it is time to give Jesus your all. It is time to serve the Lord with diligence. It is time to waken from your slumber for the Lord is calling you. Now is the day of your salvation. The Day of Lord will soon be here. The hour is late. The call is going out. Come to the Lord you who have backslidden. Come to the Lord you who are needy. Come to the Lord and He will forgive you. Come to Him and let Him satisfy the deep longing of your heart. Will you come to Him today and see Him. He is here and will meet with you and you will know peace that passes all understanding. Come to Him today.
Friday, May 14, 2010
To God Be The Glory!!!
To God Be The Glory!!!
18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18
God is reminding us that He is building His church. It is possible to take credit for that which the Lord is doing.
We are reminded, 5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Cor. 3:5 (NKJV)
Neither he who plants or he who waters is anything. In other words to God be the glory for the church He is building.
8I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. Isa. 42:8 (NKJV)
God is looking for those that will NOT touch His glory. He will do a lot in the man or woman who will give Him the glory. God is going to bring forward those that will not touch His glory. Will you give Him the glory? Let us remember whose name we are elevating! Let us look for praise from God and not from men. It is His prophetic ministry. Lift the name of Jesus higher. Remember the work that is being done through your brothers and sisters is His work and equally important as your own.
Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to you.
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