Sunday, January 31, 2010


You have read of the greater works. The day is coming when you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Doubt not for you will go into hospitals and lay hands on the sick and they shall arise and walk. Believe My Word and do not doubt and you will do the greater works. I said that signs would follow those that believe. You must believe My Word, step out in faith and do the works of Jesus!!! As you step out in faith you will see miracles happen! You have not because you ask not but ask and receive that your joy might be full. A step of faith builds faith and then as your faith grows you will pray for another and another. Believe My Word and pray for Divine opportunities to touch the hearts and lives of others.

Believe the Word of God for I am that healing physician. I am the Balm in Gilead that sets men free. I am the only one that can raise the dead and do the impossible. With God all things are possible to those that believe! Doubt not but believe that I am raising up a mighty army of those that will walk in that healing anointing that will bring forth miracles in My name. Healings and miracles will take place in My name. Take the name of Jesus and use it as a weapon against the enemy and as a balm of love for those that are sick. The sin sick soul needs deliverance and healing and you will see them freed. Prison doors will open and lives will be transformed by the power of God. I am flowing, I am moving and there is a new move of My Spirit within you.

I am moving and touching every area of your life and you will never be the same again. I have heard your cries, and seen your tears and I am setting you free even from your situation and you will be free to be that woman of God I have called you to be. Fear not but rejoice that I the Lord have come to set you free. Rejoice and do not be entangled in any bondage but stay in the Word and pray, pray and pray more than you have ever prayed. I have stood by and waited for you to run to Me and you are where I would have you to be. Fear not, move forward, align all with Me for I have given you favor and great victory. Joy unspeakable and full of glory will flood your soul as you worship and praise My holy name. The enemy is not happy but I am the Lord and will help you overcome each and every obstacle. Fear not the future for it is not as you have imagined but I am moving even in your situation to bring great victory. Glory to God.