Prophets of God, Love One Another!
Something came to my attention today that deeply saddened me. There was one that had gone and done ministry and shared their testimony. Their work if done with the right motive was good before the Lord but that is where they left off. They then started to write and condemn others who had not gone. We need to do whatever we do with love. We need to encourage those that have not gone to go and minister. That said, we should never condemn those that have not gone. It is to God that we rise or fall. As a prophet or prophetess of the Lord we are to equip the body of Christ to go and do His work. True equipping is never done under the spirit of condemnation but with the love of Christ.
Then I heard the Lord saying, Prophet of God if you want to win souls be wise. Prophet of God if you want to set an example to the body of Christ use wisdom. You are called, to edify, exhort and comfort and as you have shared with others that are hurting so you must also use that same Spirit to encourage those that are in My body. My body is in need of love, and many are hurting. They need to be built up and encouraged in the faith so that they can go and do likewise. If you have gone and done, praise the Lord but do not become self-righteous in your work that you are doing for Me. Judge righteous judgment. The Lord looks on your brothers and sisters with love and sees their need to walk with a spirit of excellence but there is not no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. God is calling all of His own to get healed, delivered and set free so that they can ministry to the hurting and the downtrodden but they will do so and be better equipped when they are encouraged to go and do likewise. Take heed prophet of God that you do not put a spirit of condemnation on those that are mine and serve Me. Judge them not for if you judge them harshly you to will also receive the same judgment. Walk in love for in doing so men shall know that you are My disciples.
8Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: 1 Peter 3:8