The Testimony Of Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy
Friday, December 12, 2008
God Has Chosen You
There are those that have been chosen by Me that are not rich in the things of this world but they are rich in the things of God. Have I not called those that the world deems foolish to confound the wise. I have called you to walk and to stand and to take My word even to the nations. You have been called to take the Word of the Lord and speak it to My people. You are not mighty but in God you are one of My mighty warriors. Do not despair but stand with your face like flint against the enemy and against the lies that he speaks. I have called you by My name and you are but dust but you are mine. In your weakness you will have my strength. In your weakness you will have My power and it shall flow through you. Call on Me and I will answer you. Call on Me because you bear My name. Call on Me for I have called you to represent Me to the nations of the world. Call upon Me for I have called you to speak faith filled words and be a mouthpiece for Me. Stand tall before the Lord your God because you do indeed represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Worship Me in that you have been chosen as one of the foolish things of this world but it is you who have been chosen to confound the wise.