Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Are You Dissatisfied?

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Are You Dissatisfied?
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 31, 2008

Dissatisfaction of where you are at is a good thing for it will make you draw ever closer to Me. Do not be satisfied but come closer. Pray in the Spirit and seek Me and you will find Me when you seek Me with your whole heart. Winds, of war, adversity and change will not defeat you as you live in that secret place with Me, says the Lord.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91:1,2 (NKJV)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where is Your Treasure?

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Where is Your Treasure?
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 30, 2008

I am knocking at the door of your heart today. I am asking you to make more room for Me. I desire to live within you in My fullness but there are many things in the way. The things of this world will grow strangely dim as you truly see Me as I AM. I Am the treasure that needs to fill your heart. Nothing else will satisfy. Search your heart today and see if your find the treasures of the Kingdom. I am working to remove Egypt from your heart. You cannot serve two masters. Choose today whom you will serve for where your treasure is your heart is sure to follow. Choose this day to follow Me.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Word for the Church for 2009

Word for the Church for 2009
by Patricia Hamel
December 28, 2008

2009 will be a year where the world and the church will know the goodness and the severity of God. It will be a year of separating the wheat from the chaff and light and darkness will become more pronounced. The grey areas will become clear.

I am calling my church to a high standard in 2009 and there will be no more sitting on the fence. The Lord is saying choices will have to be made either for or against Him. Either serve the Lord wholeheartedly or you will know the severity of God. Where the Lord has been patient and longsuffering no longer will he permit His children to go along in flagrant sin and wrong life styles. God is saying this year you will need to make a choice to follow Jesus.

In the area of finances the Lord is saying that the finances are His. They do not belong to you. They belong to the Lord your God. He is looking for hearts that are going to give to Him and give for Kingdom purposes. No longer will he allow those that are called by His name to withhold and He is breaking that withholding spirit off those who truly have a heart for Him.

In the area of education. - God is saying that He is wanting His children to become educated in the Word of God. There has been a lack in My people and My children have erred because they do not know My Word. The Lord is saying you who are called by My name it is time to get back into the Word of God and spend time there. He says you spend time doing things that do not profit and now it is time to spend time with Me.

In the area of family. - The Lord is saying, Look well to the ways of your household. You have been busy about much and not about caring for your family. Do not neglect your family but act as the head of your home Fathers and turn your heart to your children. Mothers be supportive and children honor your parents which is the first commandment with a promise.

Teachers – Those of you that teach My Word teach it with wisdom and diligence and do not twist My word to meet your needs for you will be more harshly judged as teachers of My Word. Apply the Word of God in truth and accuracy and teach the whole counsel of God.

Prophets - It is time to speak the truth of My Word and spend time in My presence before you do so. It is time to take a fresh word to My people and not a stale word for past seasons or from others but it is time to prophesy what I give you and deliver it without fear of man. I am raising up voices that will speak the truth in love. Prophets I will hold you to accountability for every word that you speak so let your words be few unless they are of Me, says the Lord.

Apostles – You have a job to do and it is soon coming that the doors will be opened and you will find new favor. The ground is being prepared and there will be much work to be done. I am bringing those together for My purposes and it is the time where I am bringing things into Kingdom alignment. There is yet much to be done to bring in the harvest so be busy about your Fathers business in intercession and seek My face before you make alignments. I am bringing those together for My purposes not yours so seek Me carefully before you join together. Wait on Me and then act when you hear from Me.

Intercessors - You are being called to the front lines and need to spend much time in your prayer closet. There is much to be done and the souls of many depend on what you do in your spare time. Your spare time needs to be spend with your Father and I would have you to seek Me wholeheartedly for Israel and for the nations of the earth. I am now separating the sheep from the goats and this is the time for you to be calling on the name of the Lord for the souls of men. I have seen your faithfulness and am looking for continued faithfulness in this year for there shall be many suddenlies that will prick the hearts of men. Pray, pray and pray again and call on Me and travail until you give birth to the things you have been called to usher into being. I have called you so do not give up. Continue to press in and receive knowledge from My hand. I will tell you the secrets of the Kingdom.

Pastors - Continue to call on Me and believe Me for your congregations. Call on Me and be attentive to the flock you have been given. Many of you have the Father’s heart but many of you do not. Many of you have hearts that have been turned by the dollar and I say to you turn your hearts back to your first love. Turn and turn quickly, says the Lord. Repent and do your first Works.

You who have listened to that spirit Jezebel in your churches it is time to come together and pull that stronghold down. Pull it down in Jesus name.

I am calling My body into unity and calling you to walk together in harmony. I am calling you to come out of Babylon and serve Me. I am calling you to walk together with the love of the Father and calling you to love and care for one another. Be sensitive to the needs of others. Stop being selfish. Stop withholding finances from those that have deep need. Pray over your giving church and give where I would have you to give. There will be a shift this year in giving and I would have you to care for those that are poor. Look at them and do not despise them but give to them as they have need. One day soon you may be in need and so freely you have received and freely give.

This is the day that the Lord is calling His body together and saying no more of little clicks in My body. He is saying that it is time and past time for you to love one another. Division is a spirit and not of Me says the Lord. Love one another for this is how men shall know you are My disciples.

Discipline is a word that needs to be in your vocabulary and it is time that my children become more disciplined in the use of their time.

Repentance is needed – deep repentance of sin in the church. Pray for a spirit of repentance to fall on the church. As it was in the days of Ananias and Saphira so I would have the fear of God to be in My Church. It is time that men fear Me and know that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Fear Me for it is the beginning of Wisdom.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Warrior Spirit
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 26, 2008

I have given you a warrior spirit from Me to fight the battle and that is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. You are not defeated but an overcomer that walks with Me in white. Do not be discouraged but overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. Do not love your life but be willing to loose it for My sake for in doing so you will save it unto eternal life, says the Lord.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11 (NKJV)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Take Firm Steps

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Take Firm Steps
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 25, 2008

Go forward today in the power of My Spirit and put your feet firmly on the ground that I have given to you. The enemy fears you and knows the sound of your firm step as he watches your actions and reactions. Be on guard and plant your feet firmly where I have you step this day, says the Lord.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Psalm 37:23 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Come to the Waters

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Come to the Waters
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 24, 2008

You are not rich in the ways of this world but you can be rich in the Word of God. Come and drink and spend time in the wealth of My Word. You will be satisfied and come away with peace in your heart. This season you are busy about many things but only My new wine will satisfy you.
Come and drink without delay, says the Lord.

"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price." (NKJV)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Capture Your Thoughts

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Capture Your Thoughts
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 23, 2008

Capture your thoughts today and bring them into subjection for many things are bombarding your mind and demanding a place there.
Bring all thoughts captivity to Christ. You have the mind of Christ so tear down imaginations and everything that exalts itself against me, says the Lord. Peace will reign in your heart as you bring all thoughts into subjection.

casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2 Cor. 10:5 (NKJV)

You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

A WORD IN SEASON ~ You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 22, 2008

Times ahead are not easy beloved but I am walking with you. Put your hand in mine today and hold on to Me. This walk is not for the faint of heart. I am strengthening your inner man even as you spend time with Me and sit at My feet. The hand of the Lord is upon you and My ear is open to your cry. Stand fast beloved know that I am working all things in your life out for My glory. I will not give My glory to another so give Me honor and praise Me for what I am doing. Indeed you will see My hand there daily working on your behalf. Today praise Me for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Praise Me for My hand is on your life. Lift up your hands and sing praises to the Lord most High. I am worthy to praised and you will be delivered from your enemies. Delight in Me this day. Delight in Me. Delight in Me and you will see the desire of your heart come to pass. I am the Lord and nothing is too great for Me. I am the all sufficient one and My strength is made perfect in your weakness. When you are weak then you are strong. Your help comes from the name of the Lord who makes the heavens and the earth. Trust Me. Worship Me. Lift you heart before Me for I the Lord have My hand on your life.
Times ahead are not easy beloved but I am walking with you. Put your hand in mine today and hold on to Me. This walk is not for the faint of heart. I am strengthening your inner man even as you spend time with Me and sit at My feet. The hand of the Lord is upon you and My ear is open to your cry. Stand fast beloved know that I am working all things in your life out for My glory. I will not give My glory to another so give Me honor and praise Me for what I am doing. Indeed you will see My hand there daily working on your behalf. Today praise Me for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Praise Me for My hand is on your life. Lift up your hands and sing praises to the Lord most High. I am worthy to praised and you will be delivered from your enemies. Delight in Me this day. Delight in Me. Delight in Me and you will see the desire of your heart come to pass. I am the Lord and nothing is too great for Me. I am the all sufficient one and My strength is made perfect in your weakness. When you are weak then you are strong. Your help comes from the name of the Lord who makes the heavens and the earth. Trust Me. Worship Me. Lift you heart before Me for I the Lord have My hand on your life.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well. (NKJV)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Are Your Words Sweet?

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Are Your Words Sweet?
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 19, 2008

Let Me use you today. Let your words be sweet. Speak faith filled words to those around you. Be used to encourage others. I will fill your mouth with words that are sweet even though they are words of exhortation. Find honey in My Word to share with others today, says the Lord.

24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24 (NKJV)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Remain Focused

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Remain Focused
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 18, 2008

Beware of the distractions during this season. Remain focused.
The enemy is sending many curve balls to frustrate you. Keep your eyes open and listen intently to hear the still small voice of God. I am speaking to you but you will need to shut out the distractions to hear my voice.
Remain focused on Me, says the Lord.

4 Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
Psalm 4:4 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keep Your Heart Pliable

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Keep Your Heart Pliable
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 17, 2008

I am searching hearts to find those that are pliable before Me. Be flexible in My hand and not easily moved by the enemy. As you remain pliable in My hand I will greatly use you to touch those whose hearts have been hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Their hearts will be softened as they meet with you and My Spirit will tenderize their hearts. Guard your heart diligently for out of it flow the issues of life. Let Me work through you to touch the lives of others, says the Lord.

12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 312,13 (NKJV)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Will Make You Whole

A WORD IN SEASON ~ I Will Make You Whole
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 17, 2008

I alone can make man whole. I alone can make man wise. I alone can take your fragmented soul and make it whole. Allow Me to take you, mold you and make you whole. Do not wait but come to Me today. Come and sit by the still waters and enjoy My presence. There is healing and freedom in knowing Me. Come.

He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Psalm 23:3 (NKJV

Keep Your Patience to the End

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Keep Your Patience to the End
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 15, 2008

You have fought long and hard in this battle and there are days that you have felt like you were loosing ground. You are not loosing ground but the things of this life have been slowly removed from you.
What you loose in this world count for gain in the kingdom of God.
In your patience you possess your soul. Put great value on your soul and not the things of this world for the things of this world are passing away, says the Lord.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1Jo 2:16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world.
1Jo 2:17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:15,16,17 (NKJV)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Repent of Your Sin

Repent of Your Sin,
by Patricia Hamel

Oh that My people would hear Me. Oh that they would know when I am speaking. Oh that they would know My voice and obey Me. It is time now to bring in the harvest for the day is soon coming when no man can work. I say this is in the natural and in the spiritual. Times of great difficulty lie ahead. Oh that man would come to me now before it is too late. Oh that My church would wake up and shine as the light of the world.

Come to Me now and put aside the sins that so easily beset you. Come to Me and run the race for I am calling you to repentance and saying "do your first works". It is time, It is time, It is time. I have repeated this many times and still My children do no hear that it is time to come in and come out of the world. The world is tumbling and My Kingdom will last forever. I bid you to come and enter into the joy of your Lord.

Do not delay. Do not put it off for the hour is late. The hour is later than when you first believe. Get ready for you will see what I am about to do in the earth. I am moving by My Spirit and all that is not of Me will be burned up. Come in now before it is too late.

War is comiing. Famine is coming. I am returning soon. Get prepared beloved of mine. Prepare your hearts and clean your garments for the day of the Lord is coming. The day of the Lord is coming soon. It is now time to repent of sin. Repent of your sin. Repent of your selfishness. Repent and come back you backsliders before it is too late.
I will receive you in My love with open arms if only you will come to Me. Come to Me O backslidden one and I will take you and once again you will know Me. I will take you and clean you off and wash you white as snow. It is time now that My grace is reaching out and My Spirit is drawing you. Do not put it off for you do not know what tomorrow holds. You do not know if tomorrow you will die so do not put off your salvation but come with fear and trembling before your God. Get down on your knees and repent of the filth that is in your life and the Lord your God will take you and clean you and was you whiter than the snow. Your sin will be thrown into My sea of forgetfulness and I will remember your sin no more. Come now for I am calling the backslider, and the lukewarm to repentance.

I am calling the leaders of nations to come to Me. I am calling those in government to come to Me. I am calling you from the least to the greatest and saying get ready for the King of Kings to return. Prepare your hearts and rend your garments and get ready for the return of the Lord. I am soon coming and My judgment seat will be the place that you will stand if you do not repent. Would you not rather hear well done you good and faithful servant. Otherwise you will hear depart from Me I never knew you.

O my precious backslidden one return to Me before it is too late. Put away your adultery. Put away your fornication. Put away the sin of covetness. Put away all sin. Put it away and the place it must go is under My precious blood. Bring all your sin to the foot of the cross. Bring you sin and be washed clean today. If you repent of your sin I am faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousnes. Come now and come before it is too late. I Jesus and calling you to come to Me today.

Patricia Hamel
December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

God Has Chosen You

There are those that have been chosen by Me that are not rich in the things of this world but they are rich in the things of God. Have I not called those that the world deems foolish to confound the wise. I have called you to walk and to stand and to take My word even to the nations. You have been called to take the Word of the Lord and speak it to My people. You are not mighty but in God you are one of My mighty warriors. Do not despair but stand with your face like flint against the enemy and against the lies that he speaks. I have called you by My name and you are but dust but you are mine. In your weakness you will have my strength. In your weakness you will have My power and it shall flow through you. Call on Me and I will answer you. Call on Me because you bear My name. Call on Me for I have called you to represent Me to the nations of the world. Call upon Me for I have called you to speak faith filled words and be a mouthpiece for Me. Stand tall before the Lord your God because you do indeed represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Worship Me in that you have been chosen as one of the foolish things of this world but it is you who have been chosen to confound the wise.

Word of the Lord Concerning Israel

Word of the Lord Concerning Israel

There is an army of warriors that I am preparing to do battle and they will stand with Israel in their greatest time of need. You are being called into formation to stand with My chosen people in their time of great distress. Will you arise and stand with them for I am calling you into formation? You are being called to stand with My people in intercession for their very existence is at stake. The price is high My children and My Word must come to pass. You need to take My Word and declare and decree it according to My Word. Declare the Word of the Lord concerning the peace of Jerusalem. Declare the Words of the prophets that they will come to pass. Declare what has been spoken and declare it in faith. I would have you to take the Word of God and read it and hear the call that is going forth throughout the land. I am calling small and great everywhere to stand in the gap for Israel. She is small but she is mine. Israel is mine and My chosen people will come to know Me. There is a remenant of My people that are being called who do not yet know Me.
They shall know Me from the least to the greatest as you who are intercessors arise and do your duty declaring My Word.
Times of sorrow and great difficulty are at the door and I would have you to stand guard for the enemies of Israel seek to destroy My people. The enemies are even now preparing to take My people and annihlate them. Will you allow this to happen or will you arise and do your first works? Will you allow My people to be broken or will you stand with them in intercession?

Children you spend so much time doing that which does not profit.
Will you arise and do your first works? You are called to intercession to move My hand. Will you move the hand of Almighty God on behalf of My people or will you continue to do nothing? Yes, you are being provoked to good works. You are being provoked to prayer and intercession. Many of you are slothful and lazy and do not deserve the blessings of the Lord but many of you are also walking in ignorance. You are now beng told to seek Me on behalf of My people.
You are now hearing the Word of the Lord.

Will you open your ears and hear or will you continue to be dull of hearing? Pray for Israel. Pray for My chosen people. Hear the Word of the Lord for I am calling those that bear My name to pray and intercede. You say that you love Me. Then love those that I have chosen. Decide now whose side you are on and if you are on My side then choose to line up with My Word and seek My face. No longer will I have those that bear My name sit on the fense idly and do nothing while My people are in danger of being annihilated from the face of the earth.

Arise and pray. Arise this night those of you that bear My name and pray.

December 12, 2008
by Patricia Hamel

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Move Into This New Season

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Move Into This New Season
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 11, 2008

Move into this new season with confidence knowing that you are not limited in Christ. Go forward without fear having total confidence that I will lead you and bring you through this time of great challenge. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Walk softly before Me and redeem your time for I will make a quick work in the earth. Gather the harvest for My Kingdom, The angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner that repents. Enter into the joy of your Lord as you labor for Him today.

8 “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!’ 10 Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:8,9,10 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Are Standing On Holy Ground

A WORD IN SEASON ~ You Are Standing On Holy Ground
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 10, 2008

You have found this battle difficult. I would teach your hands to war and give you wisdom to fight this battle. You are on My side and I am the Lord of battles. I win all battles and so you too shall win. Stand tall before Me as a soldier of mine. You represent Christ and are standing on holy ground. From this position of holiness take out your sword and fight against all that is coming against you for you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you. I am your strength and the rock of your salvation. Do not be moved but advance and take the territory that I show to you. Fight the good fight of faith today.

He teaches my hands to make war,
So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
Psalm 18:34 (NKJV)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Honed Sharp For My Purposes

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Honed Sharp For My Purposes
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 9, 2008

The refining process has been difficult but is for My purposes. You are being honed sharp for purposes that you do not yet see. The work being done in your heart will benefit the future work of My Kingdom. The refiners tool has been removing excess flesh so that you will walk in the power of My Spirit and destroy the works of the enemy. You are being brought to a place of excellence and completion. You will walk as one that can zero in on the plans of the enemy and thwart them. Rejoice that you are being sharpened and that excess baggage is being removed. Continue to allow Me to work and hone you sharp for My purposes, says the Lord.

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16 (NASB)

Friday, December 5, 2008

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 5, 2008

There are those of you that have been walking under a
depressive spirit and the Lord says that He is breaking
it off you in Jesus name. He says, begin to praise Him
and put on the garment of praise for the spirit of
heaviness. As you do this it will lift and you will
walk in new victory. Take time today to speak a word
in season to that one that is weary and your words will
be as apples of gold in pictures of silver.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures
of silver. Proverbs 25:11

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A WORD IN SEASON ~ In God We Trust
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 4, 2008

What do you trust in today? Do you trust in the Lord who made the heavens and earth and formed you in your mother’s womb? Ask yourself this question? Do I totally trusting God to be all things to me? Do I trust Him for finances. Do I trust Him for the salvation of loved ones? Do I truly trust Him to be all that I need? The Kingdom of God is love, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. At this time of year do you trust that it is your relationship with Him that will bring you through the difficult times? Perhaps this is a season for you where things are not going as well as expected. Many families go through some very difficult times as they plan to get together. There are rifts and divisions in many families that only the Lord can heal.

You have come to the place where you realize you can do nothing and apart from the Lord’s Divine intervention the things that you have hoped and dreamed about will just not happen.

What should you do? You have asked yourself where will I turn to for help. There is one whose arms are always wide open and his hear is open to your cry. Jesus is his name and He is saying to you today. Trust Me. Do not look at your situation but look to Me for I am the author and finisher of your faith. Give up trusting in yourself. Give up trusting in things and trust Me. I have brought you this far and you need to grow in trusting Me. You are being stretched and God is asking you to put complete confidence and His ability to bring you through to His heavenly Kingdom. Meanwhile you must occupy till He comes.

Your walking as an over comer is based on one thing only and it is your ability to trust in God. Decide today that you are going to put total trust in Him for He is saying to you "Trust in Me".

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Be Set Free From the Religious Spirit

A WORD IN SEASON ~ Be Set Free From the Religious Spirit
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 2, 2008

You are being taken to a new level in your thinking. You are being reconstructed from the inside out. You are being changed and that religious spirit that has come against you and troubled you is being broken in Jesus name. No longer shall it have place in your life. Where the Spirit of the Lord is moving there is freedom and no restriction. Break loose from that spirit and do not allow it to bind you. Be set free in Jesus name.

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3: 17,18 (NKJV)

Come Now and Come Quickly!

Come Now and Come Quickly!

Difficult times are coming beloved. Now is the time to prepare for them. Now is the time to sit at My feet and be refreshed. Now is the time to seek My face and not just My hand. It is time to come to Me and bring all your needs to Me and yet at the same time
praise Me for who I am and what I am doing in your life. It is time to rejoice in God your Saviour and rejoice that I am Lord of your life. Do not wait to spend time in the quiet place. Do not wait or put off till tomorrow what you can do today. I am calling you into alignment with My Word. All must be put into Divine order now. Do not delay but spend precious time seeking Me. It is now time to intercede and seek Me on behalf of mankind. It is now time to call on Me for souls. It is time to call on Me for governments and nations. It is time to call on Me for the redeemed of the Lord. It is time to cry out in the quiet place and seek Me on behalf of man. Today is the day of their salvation and tomorrow may be too late. Cry to Me today on behalf of those that do not know Me. You know them for they are your neighbors and some call them friends.
Seek Me while I may be found for tomorrow is a time of great unrest. Seek Me now and be strengthened while I may be found. I delight in the man that seeks Me and will leave nothing unturned to find Me. It is My delight when you come deeper into My presence.
Come deeper and deeper until I am all that you see. Come deeper into the presence of your Lord and soon coming King. Cry out and cry loud for I hear the voice of My prophets and intercessors. Cry out and cry loud for I hear you this day. I have seen your tears and love for My people. Cry out and cry loud for you are heard. Expect great and wonderful things as you enter into the joy of your King. Your prayer closet is My delight and I am looking indeed searching for those that will enter in and spend time in the gap for the world. Spend time in the gap My child. Spend time seeking Me for the woes of man are many. Time is far spent and the day is at hand when even those things nuclear are coming on the earth. Time is at hand when there are wars and rumors of wars. Time is here when the only safe shelter is in Christ. The only safe place is to hide in Me till the calamity is past. There is only one shelter from the storm and that shelter is the Lord your God. Come into the shelter of My love. Come now and come running into the shelter of My love. I delight as you come. Come now and come quickly.

Monday, December 1, 2008

There is Power in the Name of Jesus

A WORD IN SEASON ~ There is Power in the Name of Jesus
by Patricia Hamel ~ December 1, 2008

There is no greater name in heaven or earth than the name of Jesus. You have been given authority in My name. I gave you the keys of the Kingdom and you are to use those keys to open and shut doors. Shut the door to the enemy by binding and loosing in Jesus name. Rise up and fight the battle knowing that you have power in My name over all power of the enemy. Nothing shall hurt you as you learn how to wield the sword of My Spirit. The name of Jesus is yours to use. Use it and see victory today.

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 (NKJV)