I have stood on guard for your Nation and
many times I have thwarted the plans of the
enemy. I have used Canada and will yet use
her. Difficult times are coming and your
Nation needs to hear My voice and bent it’s
will to mine.
No longer will I tolerate the flagrant sin and
the laws that have reinforced them. I cannot
look on sin for I am a holy God. The sin of
your Nation comes up as a stench before Me
and the killing of the unborn is an abhorrence
to Me.
The Nation of Canada will incur judgment for
sins if there is not true repentance on
a large scale. Laws need changing that can
only be changed by the church arising and
doing their first works. Yes, I have somewhat
against you for My church has not prayed
faithfully but has let down their guard. Many
have fulfilled their own pleasures when time
could have been spent in intercession for
It is time. Judgment is at hand even at the
door. You are not exempt for I will treat
Canada no differently than any other Nation.
My people it is time to arise. I say to you,
“arise and turn your hearts to Me”. Worship
Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
Get up from your pews and out of the four
walls of your buildings and do the works
of Jesus. Only then will you see the blind with
sight, the maimed walking and your cities
and towns with peace.
There are strongholds that need removed and
few have been removed. My people you have
become complacent. Rise up from your
complacency and become the one I intend you
to be.
Put on your armor church for you are at war with
the enemy of your soul. The harvest will only be
brought in through prayer and intercession and
going and doing My work. I Jesus am speaking to
the church in Canada. It is time to arise and repent
of your sin of lukewarmness. Repent and repent
Canada you are not exempt from judgment. Those
that love Me know that this is true and you have
seen My mercy. Now take that mercy and extend
it to others. Go and preach the gospel of Christ.
Tell people in love that their sin needs to be repented
of and that idolatry is as the sin of witchcraft.
Pull down your idols and turn to the living God who
is not willing that any should perish but that all should
come to the truth. My Word is truth. Come to the
truth and live. There is no other name where men
may be saved and come to the truth. Church in
Canada arise and do your first works.
Patricia Hamel
September 9, 2008