Monday, November 11, 2013

Prayer For The Filipino People

One can hardly wrap their mind around the devastation in the Philippines due to typhoon Yolanda.  Our hearts go out to the Filipino people and their terrible loss.  Tacloban city, in Leyte province in central Philippines is now a pile of rubble and is in desperate need.   

Our daughter in law lives in the Philippines and is safe as are her parents.  This morning we received news that her mother's two sisters, eight grandchildren and daughter in law were all killed in the disaster in Tacloban.  Please pray for the Filipino people and our daughter in laws family.  Your prayers are greatly appreciated.


*  Please Note that the loss family members in our daughter in laws family now stands at 8 people as of November 14. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Coming into the Light!

Coming into the Light!
by James W. Goll

Can you imagine, after Adam and Eve had known God, and He knew them, how quickly the spiritual climate changed? As a result of their disobedience, they experienced instantaneous barriers to their intimacy with Him. Walls shot up. After their sin, they plucked leaves off the nearest bush as quickly as they could and sewed coverings for themselves. They were hiding from the Lord their Creator for the first time in their lives.

But God, in His passionate pursuit, was still drawing close. A new reaction stirred within them as He drew near. Previously they had run toward the sound of His footsteps. Now they ran in the other direction. Before, their response had been joy: “Oh, wow, it’s Father!” Now it was dread and fear: “Oh, no, it’s Father!” They were guilt-ridden. Never had they had such an emotional reaction or even such a thought before! They had not known condemnation or fear or shame. Now, as a result of their disobedience, they ran and hid from the voice of God.

Obviously these were real leaves they picked and sewed together for their coverings, we pick and choose covers and hiding places as well. And the moment we hide behind our defensive “fig leaf” mindsets–from the revelatory voice of God, the heart of God, the acts of God and the power of God–it starts getting extremely complicated. We might not sew actual fig leaves, but the obstructions to fellowship over our hearts and souls shield us just as effectively (or ineffectively) from God’s approaching presence.

May I point out some of the leaves we hide behind? They are progressive; hiding behind one set leads to our concealment behind the next as well.

The Ditch of Guilty Feelings

The first set of leaves that many hide behind is guilt. This hiding place is the breeding ground for condemnation, accusation and other ugly attitudes. But all these can be avoided through old-fashioned confession of sin and cleansing by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are various categories of guilt: real guilt due to real sin; exaggerated guilt due to the combination of real sin and the work of “the accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10); and false guilt as a result of the voice of the destroyer, releasing condemning, lying spirits (1 Kings 22:21–23; John 8:44; 10:10). All these forms of guilt are very real in the realm of our emotions.

The cure is simple and direct. First John 1:7 gives us the remedy: “If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Step into the light. That is where we find cleansing. So I have a “word from the Lord” for you; climb out of the ditch and run to the light of God’s Word. “The truth will make you free” (John 8:32). Forgiveness, cleansing and healing love are waiting for you there.

The Masquerade of Hurts from the Past

The second layer of leaves that hides us from the love of God and keeps us from intimacy with Him is the religious masquerade, concealing deep-seated hurts from the past. Religious people wear masks quite well, pretending all is well with their souls while holding the Lord, the very Lover of their lives, at arm’s length. We become pretenders, masquerading in the parade of hypocritical “churchianity”.

But the real Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and set at liberty those who are bruised (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18–19). Jesus is our Healer. We must take off our masks and let Him dig deep at times, touching the very source of our pain. Let Him probe and even pierce through the festering wounds to allow the light of His unchanging love to penetrate your being. Expose it to the light. Surrender. Forgive. Sow blessings to others instead. This is the way out of the masquerade—remaining open-faced before God, releasing mercy and forgiveness for hurts from the past and letting Him do the same.

The Onlooker’s Bench of Fear

Let’s consider a third tier of camouflage. At times our woundedness–made more raw by the taunts of the enemy–keeps us on the bench looking on while others are enjoying being in the middle of the game. We become cautious observers afraid to run onto the playing field.

This is the area I have struggled with the most. What will I look like if I do this? What will others think of me? How well will I perform? But if we allow ourselves to be held back by the fear of rejection or the fear of authority or the opinions of others, eventually we will become people-pleasers, strangled by the anticipation of their opinions.

Hear me in this; if God can help me off the spectator’s bench, He can help you, too. Fear can paralyze us while authentic faith propels us forward. So trade in those fears and exchange them at the cross (Isaiah 8:12–13). Be bold like a lion for Jesus’ sake. Jump off the bench, tread on those spirits of intimidation (Luke 10:19), and be more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).

Truly, the remedy is our Father’s great love. Bask in the light of His unfathomable devotion—what the King James Version calls lovingkindness. Soak in the reality that “if God is for us, who is against us?” (Romans 8:31). He does not just tolerate you. You were created in His image and for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11). You are the object of His consuming love.

Negative Criticism

There is a fourth layer of fig leaves that we can use to protect our image. Before you know it, you are not only a spectator sitting on the bench, you are the umpire of the games. First you develop an old wrinkled-up prune face, then you begin operating out of a religious spirit called criticism. You have your ten points by which you judge everything around you. Like the judges at the Olympics, you even give scores to the participants of the games. You leave a particular gathering or event and say, “Well, it could have been better, if only. . . .”

Sorry, but these are the has-beens of yesterday’s moves of God. They stopped moving forward and now they hold the job of negative, critical overseers of the playing field of today.

Ouch! Those are some tough words, but it takes the penetrating light of truth to blast away our protective shields. Truth may hurt for the moment, but when it is prayed and spoken with the motivation of love, it cleanses and sets us free.

The Stronghold of Imposed Limitations

This brings us to the fifth layer of leaves we hide behind; that of imposed limitations. In this stage we start believing the ridiculous lies of the devil about ourselves, and those lies become negative strongholds of the mind (2 Corinthians 10:4–6). Words not in alignment with the will and Word of God are transmitted from the enemy’s camp to attack our minds. Their effect is to confine us in spaces with low ceilings and false expectations. As we believe those evil reports or actual word curses spoken against us as “the way it will always be,” we are shut into cramped, dark boxes.

A spiritual stronghold is “a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of God.” (Rev. Ed Silvosa)

As we acknowledge as hopeless what God declares is changeable, we have come into alignment, at least in part, with the devil’s thought processes and plans for us. In this fifth stage, we go way past the realms of guilt, woundedness, fear, and criticism. We no longer want to step out into the light. We flat-out don’t even think He accepts us, loves us or has any plan for us; not even a Plan B.

But this is simply not true. God loves you and He loves a fighter. You need to know that there are times you will have to wage war with the name and blood of Jesus to break out of your box of imposed limitations. But there is a way out. The gateway is the cross of our lovely Lord Jesus!

Opportunities and Temptations

As we back up in the book of Genesis, we hear the serpent telling Adam and Eve, “God knows that in the day you eat from [the fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God . . .” (Genesis 3:5). So what did Eve do? “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise” (verse 6), she partook.

There are three statements here that represent both opportunities and temptations: the forbidden tree was good for food; it was a delight to the eyes; and it was desirable to make one wise.

We find similar enticements in 1 John 2:16–17: “All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.” The original temptation is still centered in these very things: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life.

The Lust of the Eyes

God wants our vision to be clear and single. He wants His eyes to burn brightly through our own (Ephesians 1:17–19; Revelation 1:14). But when we give our eyes away to the enemy’s camp, we are allowing tainted filters and visual obstacles to block the prophetic presence. We are hiding, and the revelatory seer dimension in which the Lord wants us to walk becomes hindered. As we give ourselves to the lust of the eyes, the seer realm starts getting cloudy.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,” Jesus taught in the Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5:8). This it why it is imperative that we guard the “eye gate” and keep the eyes of our heart clean and pure. This is why the god of this world (John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4) is sending a barrage of filth for the eyes of the world to behold. A battle is raging, the battle of passions. Will we let our eyes get filled with junk and poke out the prophetic gift of the seer in our midst? But if we keep pure eyes, a realm of visionary revelation will open up with greater clarity for us.

I am not trying to advocate earning God’s grace and gifts. We cannot earn a present. But we must keep ourselves clean from the lust of the eyes in order to gracefully receive what the Father has to offer.

The Lust of the Flesh

The second tempter mentioned is the lust of the flesh. Oh, the impulses and temptations that this body creeps up and speaks to each of us! We must go through the cleansing and crucifying of the lust of the flesh. Do you know why? Because God wants His power to move through human vessels. He wants our hands to be clean and our hearts to be pure, as Psalm 24:3–4 describes: “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. . . .”

Romans 6:13 exhorts us not to “go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.” The issue becomes one of presentation. To whom you present your members, they become a slave. If unto the Lord, then they become a slave to the Holy Spirit; if unto sin, they become slaves to sin. What a promise! What a warning!

Yes, what a promise. God wants to use our little hands to impart the power of His great presence. Isn’t that crazy?—your hands and mine used to release the power of His presence!

As we present, He sanctifies. What He sanctifies, He empowers. Then, like Isaiah, as we are touched by authentic fire, He will touch others through our lives with His miraculous fire. It doesn’t get much better than that.

The Boastful Pride of Life

Then there is the boastful pride of life. Who gets the credit? Who receives the glory? Eve saw that the fruit was desirable to make one wise. But wise in whose eyes? Wise in comparison to ourselves, yes, and wise in comparison to others, but not wise in comparison to God.

If you are walking in the boastful pride of life, ultimately it is an issue of self-exaltation. The basic meaning of worship in the Hebrew language means “to bow down in prostration before.” Pride is the antithesis of worship. Worship exalts another, while pride sits on its own self-appointed throne.

The act of worship is one of our most powerful tools of spiritual warfare. It builds a throne in the heavenlies where Jesus’ rule can be released and the demonic powers of darkness dismissed. Worship displaces darkness. So when you are walking in extravagant, passionate worship, guess what happens? Your passionate praise of our Lord pushes the throne of pride out of the way, and He comes to take His seat of honor. He draws near. Worship is prophetic action that releases the spirit opposite to the boastful pride of life.

Praise and worship has a whole lot to do, therefore, with a prophetic lifestyle of intimacy and ministry. It is connected with our giving God His rightful place in our lives, in our congregations and even in whole cities. In fact, extravagant praise is a key that unlocks His presence with us.

Take and Eat

As we close today’s reading, let’s return to Genesis, where the first “take-and eat” is given in the Bible. “Take and eat” was first spoken by the enemy to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1–5). They disobeyed God and did as the sly serpent connived them into doing. Sin came, and with it, barriers to intimacy. But the next “take-and-eat” in the Bible is the remedy for us all: Jesus is talking with His disciples.

Jesus said, giving them the bread, “Take it; this is my body” (Mark 14:22). The one great cure for all the barriers we hide behind is the take-and-eat of the cross of Jesus. It is “Take and eat” of the life of God’s only Son. “Take and eat” of this glorious Man, Christ Jesus. He has already done it all. He gave His blood to purchase us all. As we revel in who Jesus is, God the Father wraps His arms around us, and we have this warm presence called passion within our hearts, and this thing called revelation that starts bubbling up and happening.

Jesus’ friends will draw close to His chest to hear His very heart beat. The lifestyle of a prophet is marked with intimacy, and an intimate life with Christ is available to you.

Jesus is looking for new recruits who will hear the passionate sound of His love beating through their beings. Do you want to lean your ear His way?

Devotional Prayer

Dear Father, I desire to lean in with eager anticipation when I sense You are drawing near to me by Your Holy Spirit. I have covered myself in the past with my own version of fig leaves. I am now coming into Your light—the gracious light of Your countenance that shines upon me. I confess that I have been enticed by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Forgive me. In response I praise You and thank You for the body and blood of Jesus that have been given for me so that I can walk in newness of life for the glory of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

James W. Goll

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Pinhole of Light is More Than Enough In The Darkness

A Pinhole of Light is More Than Enough In The Darkness
By Mary Lindow


...By evil pressures and nightmarish reoccurring losses? Only a pinhole.

One pinhole of Godly light is stronger than a universe of darkness.

It is enough for a surrendered believer to cling to and depend on

when all else has failed.

Psalm 89:15

“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,

Who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.”

When we focus upon the Light of God’s enduring and

endearing Presence, all darkness will eventually be

swallowed up into the Light of His Fountain of light.

His Light is victorious over the darkness.

Psalm 36:9

“For with you is the fountain of life;

In your light we see light.”


Our strength is not enough.

Accept that and know that God’s light comes to dispel

darkness. His strength and Righteous arm smashes dark

deeds, enemies, and deceivers and He will bring out into the

light the things men think that they have hidden or have

“justified” away.

Psalm 90:8

“You have set our iniquities before you,

our secret sins are in the light of your presence.”


Just as a caterpillar in a cocoon must experience a time of

confinement and seeming darkness, there comes a time

when it is lead out of darkness into light to stretch its newly

found wings of liberty and gracefulness to soar and express

resurrection power to those who gaze upon its beauty. Few

will fully understand the pain of this difficult process, unless

they too pass through it.

Isaiah 42:16

"Along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;

I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the

rough places smooth.

These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”


There are those who do acts of benevolence and kindness

whose aim is gain personal gratification and a sense of

power when they “stoop” to help others in times of distress

and sorrow. Often times, folks with this fleshly behavior,

although claiming a form of godliness, “test” those whom

they share with. This can be either in monetary gifts,

spiritual gifts, or in counsel.

This is NOT a Worker of A Righteous deed.

This is a form of selfish ambition and control.

To be righteous means to be:








It does not expect performance or groveling in return. Nor

does it hold others accountable for their actions in regards to

the “act” of Righteousness. Imagine if Jesus held us all

accountable to the acts of His goodness towards us and how

often we have failed and disrespected His grace. Yet…

…He continues in love, and acts of Righteousness.






The common thread I see among all of these beloved

Righteous givers of grace and care is that they have all,

experienced a time of great loss, depravation, near death, or

sorrow, and…they understand the need for a pinhole of light.

Jeremiah 9:24

“But let him who boasts - boast about this:

that he understands and knows Me,

that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and

righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.”


and they foolishly accuse you; know that there are others

whom God will place in your life that will bring sober and

Godly counsel, as well as loving kindness and help.

Proverbs 27:9

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,

and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest



The testing in this hour of the hearts of men & women will

only grow more intense as the Lord examines the intentions

of the hearts of those who call Him Lord.


to fall upon any of your Family in Christ and

have yet to openly apologize and make the situation you

were a part of rightly corrected, also know that the risk of a

deep darkness of the soul is reserved for those who choose to

walk in self-deception. Quickly while you have time, humble

yourself in the sight and the light of the Lord and HE will lift

you out of your darkness.

Isaiah 53:11

“After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life

and be satisfied; by his knowledge My righteous servant will

justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.”



Psalm 45:7

“You love righteousness and hate wickedness;

therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions

by anointing you with the oil of joy.”

Psalm 33:1

“Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;

it is fitting for the upright to praise him.”



“I the Redeemer of those who cry out to Me day

and night compel you to hold on to My hand of

Faithfulness and Light. Keep your eyes on the

light I provide for you in the darkness. Hold fast

to it and I will stir the hearts of the Righteous and

faithful in me to reach out a hand of compassion

and they will obey Me with acts of blessing,

restoration, and supply. They will do this

willingly for they have tasted of sorrow and know

the secret of My abundant Joy!  They have gone

out weeping themselves. Sowing seeds they didn’t

understand, growing up in compassion, only to

produce a harvest, abundant in Joy.

Psalm 126:6

“He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow,

will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves

with him.”

I the Lord have tasted sorrow, loss, torment, and

death. Yet in one act of Righteousness, mankind

was brought the opportunity for the fullness of

Joy and the open door from darkness into light,

when they too, choose call upon My salvation,

cleansing, and light.

Quickly. Cleanse your hearts of any act of

unkindness, false humility, and the use of a heavy

hand over your brothers. 

The pinhole of light...

...My Light.

Is drawing you into a New Day.”

Psalm 112:4

“Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,

for the gracious and compassionate,

And for the righteous man.”

Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed

provided that complete article and website information for

Mary Lindow is included. Thank You.

Copyright 2013 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Monday, November 4, 2013

Partnering With The Holy Spirit Changes Everything!

Partnering With The Holy Spirit Changes Everything!
Victoria Boyson
"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God" Romans 8:26-25.
Saturated with jealousy, Satan has been consumed by his lust for power. God created humans and chose to give them a free will. Satan continually, without rest, pushes to steal that free will away from God's creation. He will stop at nothing to gain power over humanity. Through his unquenchable thirst for power, he's ravaged the earth in his war for dominance.

Satan coveted what belonged to God and fell from the exalted position God had given him. He burned with envy then and has not changed his tactics since this war began. He is still emboldened by jealousy - it's the way he works - he can't stand for you to have anything God wants to give you.

While subverting our destiny, Satan seeks to align us with his twisted agenda. When we open ourselves up to trying to control others, we allow the enemy to use us. It must give Satan great pleasure to use us, the humanity God loves, as a weapon against the Father's own Kingdom.

The strongholds of evil that we allow to have place in us can so easily beset us from the plans and purposes of God. So, like the generations before us, we must wage war for the control of our own hearts.

Every time we allow control, manipulation and accusation to work through us, we are being used by the enemy and opening the door for Satan's traits to take hold in us. Even our thoughts against a brother can generate demonic energy that draws demons to us to use us. If we give him an open door by our hatred, we send him an invitation to
hate through us.
Who's Controlling Who?We all have choices to make in this life and for those choices we will definitely be held accountable. We reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). We will have to answer for every word we speak (Matthew 12:36).

The enemy wants to use us to hurt one another. Taking full advantage of any open door available to him, he pressures and manipulates people into becoming what he is. Molding them, he uses them as tools to work for his evil schemes and, though they feel like they have control, they are ultimately the ones being controlled.

Those who are driven to control or manipulate are themselves being controlled and manipulated as well, yet, they may not even realize they are. They don't understand why they have the feelings of jealousy or competition toward others, but they are pressured, even tormented, by their emotions. They are led from irritation, to offense, suspicion, anger and hatred, resulting in acts of cruelty they would not normally allow themselves to practice - at all costs, they want to dominate and they want to win.

What they don't realize is that as with all competition, as they are winning, someone else has to lose. It's this general process that should raise red flags in our heart that somewhere we've gotten off from God's design.
Soulish PrayersMany years ago, I was invited to join a prayer group. At the time, I remember thinking the people in the group seemed so super spiritual, real "hard-core" intercessors - I was impressed. Plus, they flattered me and expressed their desire to have me with them and even their great need for my participation. It was all quite tempting for me at the time.

Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to seek the Lord before joining them. I naturally thought any prayer group would be of God. Looking back however, I can see Father God was trying desperately to stop me. I had no idea, but He knew that I was walking into a trap. I was young, inexperienced and gullible. I fell for it - hook, line and sinker! Sigh.

At the meeting, the person in charge began to talk about a woman who was not in attendance. They wanted prayer for her, but went on and on about how "wrong" this woman was, until we were all fired up with fear-laced determination to pray for her. The only problem was, instead of praying for, we were actually led to pray against her, to rebuke her, as if she were the enemy. What we were praying were soulish prayers of control and condemnation.

I don't think most Christians realize what the outcome of soulish prayers are or that they even exist and so fall prey to using them. Soulish prayers are prayed from a selfish, self-seeking attitude, to get what they want, even revenge. Unfortunately, some prayer meetings seem more like complaining and whining meetings, and prayer itself is only an after thought if someone insists that it's done.

In short, soulish prayers are man's attempt to use human power from the soulish realm (mind) to manipulate and control another human person or organization through prayer. The problem with that is that God refuses to be a part of controlling His creation. It's not that He couldn't, He just will not. Our ability to choose is extremely important to Him.

So, if you are trying to control someone through prayer, trying to force them to do something you want them to or think they should, God will not be a part of it. He won't answer your prayer, but the spirit of control will. The spirit of control loves to be party to such actions, along with his friends, condemnation, guilt, fear, self-hatred, discouragement and his many other cohorts.

Soulish prayers do have power. God may not answer them, but Satan will. This releases an onslaught of witchcraft against the person targeted for prayer. They can feel an unexplainable spiritual/demonic heaviness/depression, they suffer from feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy and guilt and condemnation - nightmares, headaches, illnesses or unexplainable accidents.

Prayers prayed in an attempt to control another are prayed out of a spirit of control usually with pressure from fear, jealousy and accusation. So, naturally it is these evil spirits who will target the person they're attempting to control.

The enemy is sneaky. He likes to make us think we are working for God when, in actuality, we're working for Satan. He will target those who do have a genuine intercessory gift. Because he lacks the authority himself, he has to use those who do.

The enemy really has learned no new tricks. He uses good, religious acts like prayer meetings. Yes, nothing is off limits; he will pervert anything to try and bring destruction into our lives. And the negative power of soulish prayers is real. Indeed, it produces a curse,
not a blessing.
Yes, we are called to pray for those who are in genuine sin, through faith to see them come back to God. However, the Holy Spirit will not empower any prayers motivated by jealousy, selfishness or any fleshly attitudes (unforgiveness, anger, criticism or self-righteousness)... but the enemy loves them. Soulish prayers will not bring the results you desire, but will only add even greater difficulty for the one you are praying for and unleash hardness in your own heart.

Out of anger, fear or frustration, many pray to try to force something to happen. But what they don't realize is demons are taking full advantage of their frustration. The kingdom of darkness set them up to use them to hurt the victim of their soulish prayers as well as themselves. So, you may be praying for someone to do something you think they should, but what is actually happening is demons are sent to harass and condemn the person you are praying for. Our struggle is with the evil principalities in this world, taking authority over them (Ephesians 6:12). We do not wrestle with people - we love them. And through this love we show we belong to God (John 13:35).

The enemy has his own agenda and will not accommodate yours - soulish prayers will not get you what you want. No, in fact, quite the opposite, they will destroy your life. They feed off your negative attitudes, words and thoughts. The Word says you must "humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
Our Teacher, Comforter and FriendGod has set up His laws for prayer in His Word and even warns us that we're not to deviate from it or even our prayers can become an "abomination to Him" (Proverbs 28:9).

Maybe your thinking "Hey! I can ask anything in His name and it's mine!"

The Lord knew the weakness of our hearts and gave us a Teacher, Comforter and Friend to guide us through prayer. It is only by being submitted to the Holy Spirit and through Jesus that we can pray effectually. Only with the Holy Spirit's help can we pray with genuine authority.

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God" Romans 8:26-25.

Through Jesus, we have access by one Spirit - Holy Spirit - to the Father (Ephesians 2:18). To pray effectually and to guard against soulish prayers, we must wage war and seek to protect our hearts from the sneaky attitudes of the flesh. To guard against the enemy's manipulation of our prayers, we must ask for the Holy Spirit's help.

God has designed prayer to be a partnership of His Holy Spirit and our spirit. He's done this to draw us near to Him. We need Him and He knows it more than we do. Like children, we wander off on our own. It's His mercy that we can only do "all things through Him" (Philippians 4:13). And it's through humility and purity of heart that we can flow with the Holy Spirit. Remember: He's our teacher, we're the student.

I'm sure you are like me and you don't want to give the enemy any help. So, our prayers should sound something like this:

- Holy Spirit help me to pray! (and let Him cleanse you from any wrong motives or attitudes).

Father, thank you for __________. Thank you that they are a blessing, they are loved of God and are destined for great things in Christ. I thank you Lord that Your will will be accomplished in their life.
Genuine thanksgiving and appreciation for a person are absolute prayer transformers! They can transform your heart and mind and will open the door for the Holy Spirit to fill you with genuine love for them. Soulish (control and accusation) prayers, are relationship destroyers -
thanksgiving and appreciation are relationship restorers.
The Greatest PrayerThe greatest prayer you will ever pray for anyone is: THY WILL BE DONE! This simple, genuine prayer works like an explosion of grace and transformation in the spirit realm. By praying this and truly desiring to see HIS will overtake their lives, you will align yourself with your beloved heavenly Father and make His heart glad. You will feel the rest and confidence of trust rightly placed.

Jesus trusted His Father. He knew that God's will was always good, always right and always what He needed, even when it's difficult. So, Jesus put His life in His Father's hands on the night before His crucifixion and prayed: "not my will, but yours done" (Luke 22:42).

He showed us how to pray with the same beautiful, surrendered trust, but also with magnificent fire! Like an unassuming bomb, Jesus said, "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

Do you understand what you pray when you pray this prayer?

Think of what heaven is like! When you pray this, you release all God is and all He wants for us into the life of the person you are praying for. It's a glorious prayer that is never denied. When you truly want what He wants, He answers it, because He's waiting for you to ask Him to give you His will. He loves you and His will is always in your best interest - you can trust Him.

Do you need a miracle? Put a smile on your face and turn your face to heaven and say with great confidence in His unfailing love, "Father, let Your will be done!"

Please pray with me:
Dearest Father, please forgive me for any soulish, un-Godly prayers I have prayed. Please guide my prayers and make them what You need them to be. I don't want to be out of Your will, I want to live in You - completely enveloped by Your Holy Spirit. I need You!

I surrender any harmful emotions, any anger or fear and I ask You to uproot any controlling spirits or tendencies in me - I want to be completely Yours. Help me to close all doors to the enemy. I renounce any untruths I have aligned with. Protect all that You've birthed in me. Make me strong IN YOU!

Help me to forgive those who've prayed against me. Give me Your forgiveness for them - I choose to forgive them! And give me YOUR LOVE for them.

In Jesus' name, I come against every word-curse or soulish prayer prayed against me and I cancel its assignment against me. In Jesus' name, it will have no power to affect me in any way, shape or form. I declare it will not manifest in my life at all! Please, Lord, restore my soul.

Father, I ask that You would deliver those caught in the bondage of control. Redeem them and restore them - restore their soul. Pour out Your love on them and help them to fulfill their destiny in You. Make us one, Lord - one with You and in You and may we truly become a glorious, radiant example of Your goodness and power!

In Jesus' name we pray.