Past Doors Closing � Hope is Ahead, Not Behind
By Ron McGatlin
situations and relationships in our lives that were once open are
slamming shut, never to reopen again. Spiritual lines have been crossed
that cannot be uncrossed. Some opportunities that in the past had seemed
so hopeful are now forever closed. There is not time or energy given
from God to look back with hope that there will ever be a reopening. In
these situations, the past is truly past.
compassion or personal inner need may team up together to insist that
we must not move on, but rather wait for a glimmer of hope that the door
of the relationship or situation might crack open again. There have
been seasons of mercy in which it was the desire of God for us to wait
and pray for the reopening of a closed door. However, for many
situations in this season, the day of waiting has passed. Seek God for
clarity, and, if necessary to settle your heart, knock one more time on
that door of the past, but do not linger looking back at closed doors of
past opportunities. Seducing spirits will often try to convince us that
although God is saying move on, there is still a chance for the door to
open again.
powerful and extreme change is necessary to move from the current
season in which the mercy and goodness of God plead with His people to
turn to Him with their whole hearts, into the new season. The new season is characterized by an increased emphasis of God�s strong corrective judgment.
ourselves among ourselves is never wise. The Savior is the Judge, the
One who has provided all that is needed for our complete redemption; the
One who has all power and authority stands in holy perfection to reveal
and cleanse all remaining imperfections of His glorious Bride. Christ
Jesus is the standard by which all are measured. None who have refused
to allow His life, His way, and His provision to become their life will
measure up. Corrective judgment must pour out until there is nothing
that lifts itself against God in us or around us.
God is Opening Fresh New Doors
The season is desperately urgent. There
is not time to linger in the past and fail to step through the door God
is opening before us into a season of empowerment and glory, even while
earth-cleansing judgments are occurring at the same time. This is a
season of sharp clarity without unclear assumptions and a season of
extremes and final fulfillments.
is a season of miraculous supernatural provision and fulfillment, while
at the same time all that can be shaken is being shaken. Major testing
will come upon mankind and all that can be deceived will be deceived.
True holiness will be the order of the day.
The day of the manifested presence of Christ Jesus as King of Glory is
coming forth. The return of the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms
of God is the sought-after end or goal. All
of the severe and glorious works of the manifested presence of Christ
are fully proclaiming and fulfilling the glorious gospel of the kingdom
of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Even in the most severe judgment from God, there is mercy.
Mercy will cause many who know the Lord as Savior but who cannot
receive him as King from heaven now ruling in this world by His Spirit
in His people, will quickly pass from this life into heaven. While those
who have come through the narrow door into the fullness of the kingdom
of God on earth will remain through the time of trouble to bring forth
the rule from heaven on earth as Christ Jesus dwells in them by the Holy
Nothing that defiles will enter New Jerusalem.
playtime for carnal pleasure seekers and competitive game players
seeking to be number one is coming to an abrupt end. Those who worship
the creation above the creator will quickly come to know the Creator and
Lord of all and turn to Him with their whole hearts, or they will curse
God and die. They will curse God because of the destruction of their
pleasures. For those who turn to God with their whole hearts, the joy of
the Lord in pure holiness will replace the carnal pleasure-seeking of
the past (Rev 21:7).
Do not be among the deceived. God is not mocked; those who live righteously are righteous, those who live ungodly are unrighteous (1 John 3:6-8). Turn
to God with your whole heart and life now, and enter into the glorious
presence of God on earth. The fire of God that purges also brings the
most exciting powerful life of joy unspeakable and full of Glory.
Mixture is passing away.
middle ground of mixture, some of God and some of selfish carnality in
our lives, will rapidly disappear. The pure and holy life of Christ
Jesus is available by the Holy Spirit to fill us with God�s love, power,
and wisdom to live supernatural lives manifesting His glory into the
new world order. The New Jerusalem, Bride of Christ, life pattern is
coming down to earth from heaven to restore the life and ways of God and
His kingdom on earth (Rev 21).
all the fires of judgment and the cleansing of the land, the
pure-hearted holy children of God will emerge to restore the fullness of
the kingdom of God ruling unchallenged over the entire earth. The glory
of God shall fill the earth, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.
Amen and Amen.
spiritual kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven within God�s holy people,
will flow out to bring the righteousness and ways of God on earth as it
is in heaven. Thus the spiritual kingdom within becomes the natural
kingdom. Creation flows from God, and the world is ordered by God. All
things on or about Planet Earth will be fully under the feet of Christ
Jesus. The Spirit becomes manifested in the natural and all the world
shall be the kingdom of our God.
Ephesians 1:9-10: Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that
in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather
together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which
are on earth�in Him.
Revelation 11:15: Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, �The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!�
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin