Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Word of the Lord for December 2012

Word of the Lord for December 2012
By: Prophet Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas

“I have called upon you this day to witness my power and my glory. I am calling upon you this day to partake in my plan, and to complete my purpose in a world that has grown weary. I say to you today don’t give up because of the ground of great despair and worry. What many look upon as a breeding ground for destruction, anger and frustration—will now become the final birthing place for my army of sons that are rising up and are becoming mighty warriors, for victory and glory.”

“Trouble is coming in the midst of the winds of change and will cause a great shifting, even darkness will come upon the earth. But also know that before I return, I will raise up an end time kingdom of priest, with great power and glory. They will be an army of sons and all will know that the systems of greed and avarice will be destroyed. A time of kingdom government will come forth with a new glory of my presence to replace the despair with life and with spiritual strength, Godly integrity and honor. It will take form out of the patterns that I have set before you in my word. I am opening up treasures in the midst of famine, and that which has been lost will be recovered. I will replace what is known now as lack and loss with spiritual grace and mercy, strength and restoration. Too much has been relied upon by men who have not sought me on how to rebuild and replenish. When evil men begin to try to develop their plans based on mindsets that have no Godly vision and no spiritual resolve there is confusion and darkness.”

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.

“There will be a releasing of new life and light for healing in a time of weakness, there will be healing in a time of emptiness, and it will complete you in a time of uncertainty. So open up your eyes and heart as I minister to you inwardly with my mercy and my grace. Cry out for your loved ones. Cry out for this mercy and grace. My light will come to show you the way to go forward, even in times of darkness. In your cry I will speak to you, heal you, reveal you and raise you up. Come forth and allow me to transform you anew. Your cry is significant in this hour for this is what you have been prepared for and it is what I have called you to. So arise and take your place in the earth as my disciples of righteousness.”

“Approaching judgments have come as a result of a rebellious people and now the effects have been financial breakdowns, struggles of the nation’s stability, strife within the government, with pride in the leadership on many levels and on all sides. However the church also must bear responsibility for allowing the values of my word to be set aside. As they allowed the pride of man and the world system into the church and it has seriously compromised her and the nation’s values and beliefs followed suit. Men have brought forth a system that was been built like Babel and in the coming days you will see the fall of that kingdom before your eyes.”

“The key to seeing change will be from men coming together and praying, repenting, turning and changing their course. You must continue to Pray with power. You can turn the captivity of the people and land through prayer and walking out the apostolic and prophetic mandate of this hour without faltering. It is time to set yourselves over the nations praying, decreeing and declaring over kingdoms to root out, to pull down and to throw down, by destroying the present evil systems, and to build, and to plant everywhere the kingdom of God.”

“In my word you will see the importance of how my apostles released and walked out a strategy for kingdom building by planting and establishing sound doctrine, houses of prayer, while ushering in worldwide evangelism and laying the foundation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”

“In my word you will see the importance of how my prophets acted upon my instructions and keys were released to unlock mysteries and destroy the works of darkness and destruction. Know that I have set an appointed time and my timing is sure.”

“In my word you will see the enemy will rise up and in order to try to gain more power, they will challenge and fight even within their own ranks. They will fight each other, evil nation against evil nation, and evil kingdoms against evil kingdoms.”

Isaiah 19:2 I will set up the Egyptians against the Egyptians and they shall fight everyone with his brother, every one against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.

“Search out my word for my answers are there before you. I will open my word and it will speak to you in greater levels and dimensions of understanding than you have ever known. My people are ready and hungry for truth in this hour and I will meet with them in visitations and watching, says the Lord. So seek me and answer my call now as the time is fast approaching and the enemy is looking to usher in a new order but remember this is the hour of the birthing for my army of sons.”

Isaiah 23:11 He stretched out his hands over the sea, He shook the kingdoms, the Lord has given a command against the merchant city, to destroy it’s strongholds.

“It is also a time to understand that not only must you come into a new mindset of embracing my heavenly kingdom—but you also must come out of the thinking of the systems of this world in order to receive that which can only be acquired by my own hand. You must “come out from her” (the Babylonian system) and no longer rely on these things as your source for what you need. For even as my word says, that the kingdoms of this world will fall and will become the kingdoms of our God. These are the things which I have spoken to you about, so understand that you cannot cry for help from the effects of the worldly system while also allowing mammon to be your god. You must place your trust in me and the kingdom of God to provide for you and I will disperse from my hand that which you need.”

Matthew 6:24 No man serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

“And I shall even provide for you by taking the wealth of wicked systems and I will release it into the hands of the just. It is essential you understand these things because your provision that you truly seek comes from the endless resources of my riches in glory. The right to access has always been in my presence. There will be those who must change their thinking because their spiritual inheritance has always come from heaven and not from the world. The heavenly economy is far greater and has a never ending value to it. Embrace it now so that you may receive answers, open new resources, and you will be able to see beyond what the world has to offer which is short-lived. Many have been entangled by trying to hold on to something that they never really owned. Those things carry with them the faulty reasoning of having possessions no matter what the cost, which could cost you to a greater degree in the end. Know that I am your exceeding great reward and I am as a spring of living water in a dry place that will provide drink even in the darkest hours, says the Lord.”

Prophetic Intercession
Two major concerns are the visions that I have seen concerning infighting in our nation of the US. This is not just an imagined possibility but could become a very strong reality. It is very important that we cover this possibility with a canopy of prayer and the blood of Jesus. Israel is a grave concern as well—we must be stable, strong and leveled headed if we are going to be a strong help to Israel. One’s destiny is as vital as the other. But if there is envy and strife there in our nation our effectiveness to protect Israel becomes compromised and we will see confusion and every evil work. It could hinder our ability to lend strength and affects the fervency of our prayers at a very important time. The enemy’s strategy is keep us off course and we must be sharper than this in our reactions to things that have happened. We must stand in the gap for her (Israel).
Earthquakes have been very active at this time. Storms will continue come and go as we wind down to the end of this year—continue to store up and gather important necessities during this time. Lately I have been troubled about the water systems—so pray around possible sabotage around water systems.

The prophetic alert around the major cities are still in place—Texas is still on the watch list along with the other cities mentioned in November’s list. I also look to hear some major feedback from the regions of Russia, North Korea, Iran and China to the United States that will be a flexing of muscles with major strength and challenges.
I will be in before the Lord for the rest of the year I have had a strong feeling that 2013 will begin with serious trouble. Be in prayer with us as we stay before His presence in this hour.

Please go to this link on you tube to listen to an vital message for this hour. It is on a scripture that the Lord gave me back in August.


Prophetic Word Nov 20, 2012

Prophetic Word Nov 20, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keep Dreaming - Eugene May.mp4

"The Wild Goose" Prophet Eugene May



8 developments this week you need to know about.

Joel C. Rosenberg

(Netanya, Israel, November 14, 2012) -- Night is falling here in the Holy Land. I was just emailing with a former U.S. presidential candidate about the latest developments here in Israel, and I thought I'd share the same information with you. Short version: it's been a challenging week. Here are 8 developments you need to know about.

1.) Syria and Israel have fired at each other multiple times for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

2.) More than 160 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israeli towns in the southern tier by Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorists in Gaza since last Saturday, and more than 40 Israelis have been wounded.

3.) Under pressure from Egypt, Hamas is being told to stop firing rockets - and in the last 24 hours or so the rocket fire has slowed significantly. That said, four rockets were fired at southern Israel today (Wednesday), apparently by terrorists operating in the Sinai Peninsula.

4.) Moments ago, news broke that a top Hamas military commander was just killed in an IAF air strike. Now Israelis in the south are awaiting a possible new barrage of rockets from Gaza in retaliation. Still, Israeli officials believe they need to reestablish a deterrence factor by assassinating top Hamas leaders and thus raising the cost of rocket attacks.

5.) Meanwhile, the Palestinian leadership which has lost control of Gaza is moving towards unilaterally declaring a state. It is seeking a U.N. General Assembly vote recognizing the state. At this point, the U.N. vote is set for November 29th, which is the anniversary of the U.N. Partition Plan vote in 1947. Such a unilateral step would be in violation of the Oslo Accords signed by the PLO and Israel which disallows unilateral actions such as this.

6.) The Obama administration is pressuring Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas not to take unilateral steps, including with a personal phone call by President Obama to Abbas.

7.) Some media reports here say the Israelis are threatening to topple Abbas if he takes such unilateral actions in defiance of signed agreements.

8.) If this all weren't enough challenges, a new IAEA report due out this week will indicate that Iran is steadily moving its nuclear program into deep underground facilities and that there are now 2,700 centrifuges to enrich uranium located in the Fordow facility, close to the religious city of Qom.

As I note in my recently released e-book, ISRAEL AT WAR: "The corridor between Tel Aviv and Tehran is the most dangerous corridor on the planet. And make no mistake: Iran is already at war with the State of Israel. The radical mullahs in Tehran declared war against the Jewish state in 1979. They have been killing Israelis and other Jews ever since. Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his senior advisors are engaged in a high stakes diplomatic, financial and covert war to neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat before the mullahs -- driven by an apocalyptic, genocidal End Times theology -- get the Bomb and the means to deliver it. Now the question is: Will Netanyahu soon order his nation into a full scale, all-out war with Iran that could set the entire Middle East on fire?"

All that said, it should be noted that God is sovereign. As we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in obedience to Psalm 122:6, the Lord continues to protect the people of Israel, and He loves all the inhabitants of the land, Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs, Palestinian Arabs, Christians and Muslims. What's more, while there are serious tensions on the Gaza and Syrian borders, most of Israel is very safe. Tourism this year is at an all-time high. Indeed, the number of tourists coming into Israel in September was an all-time record. I've been here since Friday speaking at a pastors conference and I've never felt in danger. The challenges are real, but keep them in context that most Israelis and Palestinians are going about their daily lives without fear or interference. But please keep praying for peace, for wisdom for the leaders here, and for the followers of Jesus Christ to be a blessing to all the people here.

Thanks. Lord willing, I'll continue to keep you updated as best I can.

[To read the full article on the blog -- or learn more about the new e-book, ISRAEL AT WAR; or to find links to the latest news and analysis of events and trends in the U.S., Israel, North Africa, Russia, and the Middle East -- please go to: http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/.]

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Preparing for Troubled Times - Part 3

Preparing for Troubled Times - Part 3

by Kriston Couchey

Divine Authority

Everyone in Christ has individually been given the power to walk in divine authority and also benefit from the divine authority God has placed within His body. Jesus did not come to the earth to simply give a nice message of the kingdom. He demonstrated the authority of the kingdom with having real answers for the troubles of men.He healed the sick, cast out devils, raised the dead, fed thousands of hungry people, commanded turbulent weather to cease, and rose from the dead.

There was no trouble Jesus was incapable of facing because he walked with the authority of heaven. And there is no trouble the sons of God are incapable of facing walking with the authority of heaven. Jesus said to His disciples, “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth.” This same Jesus who has all authority then gave it to men. He told the disciples, “I give to you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you…”

Binding and Loosing

Jesus told Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven.” (AMP)

Jesus has given us the keys of divine authority to forbid on earth that which is already forbidden in heaven and release on earth what is already released in heaven. Everything Jesus did and said originated from heaven, every miracle, healing, teaching, and even his death which in heaven happened before the foundation of the world; all were expressing the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. The same keys of authority given to you and I are also intended to release the kingdom of God in the particular places and ways Father has called each to exercise His Divine authority.

“…I’m also a man appointed under authority, with soldiers under me. I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and the servant does it.” ~The Centurion~

While some want to use the account of the centurion with great faith to inappropriately implement a worldly chain of command in the church, the point of this account was to show that great faith is knowing you are fully authorized under the authority of God Himself to exercise the divine authority of heaven. Divine authority carries with it all of the weight of heaven and flows from a rest that does not struggle to be executed, but confidently releases upon earth what is already established in heaven. If you have to work up faith, you don’t have the authority. If you have the authority, you simply command it to be and it is done.

Authority to Meet Needs

The kings of the Gentiles are lords over them, and those who have authority are given names of honour. But let it not be so with you; but he who is greater, let him become like the younger; and he who is chief, like a servant. For which is greater, the guest who is seated at a meal or the servant who is waiting on him? is it not the guest? but I am among you as a servant. ~Jesus~

Divine authority is not a hierarchal system built upon a chain of command, or dependent upon official titles of authority for its execution. Authority in the kingdom flows freely upon love relationships and not simply because of a titled position. Where the love of God has waned, titles become predominant, where the love of God flows titles are not predominant and men recognize and receive more easily TRUE divine authority.

Those with true divine authority do not need to relate to others based upon a position, but relate fulfilling a function of love and service. The exercise of Divine authority is to serve the needs of others as provision for them from Father in whatever their need may be. Jesus is the prime example of one who came to serve the unmet needs of men; exercising divine authority out of love and service to men.

Everything We Need

…his divine power has granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…

In Jesus Christ we have available to us everything we need. He is our divine wisdom, unity, provision, and authority; sufficient for all things and all times of trouble and need. Our preparation is to walk as sons in His rest that releases in us and through us the divine realities of His being.This is the kingdom of God; Christ in us manifesting His will and kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

To prepare for troubled times we need discernment to walk hearing and obeying the Spirit of God as to our own divine authority, not substituting positions or titles among men for true divine authority. We must also recognize and receive the divine authority that rests upon others. When we receive His divine authority upon the lives of others, we truly receive Him. As we personally execute and express divine authority upon the earth we are manifesting Him and His kingdom to men; which is what is truly needed in both peaceful times and troubled times.

In his Love

Kriston Couchey


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Times Of The Signs

Donna Raphael


We are living in the times of the signs. Happenings in the natural are now difficult if not impossible to understand with only physical senses. Now we shift to rely on our spiritual senses to not only see and understand these things, but to know what to do. God’s written word forewarns us of the times and the signs of the times. We are not left to our own humanly devices to get us through; nor are we destined to just get through, but to arise and shine in these times. We know the promises of the word. As it is written, so shall it be! Jesus is the King of kings and of His kingdom there shall be no end. Glory and Hallelujah!

I Chronicles 12:
32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

Luke 1:
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Prayers Can Change History

The 2012 Presidential Election will be a deciding factor on the course of the United States of America. Let us be praying up until the polls close that the Lord will have His way and have mercy on the United States.  Be prayerful about your vote and take some time with Father God to hear Him.  It is the most important election in U.S. history and America is standing in the balance.  We are admonished to pray for those in authority over us that we might live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life.  Let each one be a tool in God's hands and trust that as we do our part, God will have His way even in the storms of everyday life.

Continue to pray for those also who are going through great difficulty after Sandy and are still without power and the necessities of everyday life and that homes be found quickly for these people. It is at times like this that a Nation needs to come together and those in authority need to step up to the plate and serve.  The people of Staten Island and Hoboken, N.J. have been crying out for help and our hearts go out to them.  We pray that they and all affected have a speedy recovery.  JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO THE STORMS OF LIFE SO LET US BE QUICK TO CALL ON HIS NAME!

 2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:1-4