A Tribute To Apostle Curtis James Forbes
Went To Be With Jesus on January 29, 2011
This morning I am grieving the loss of a friend who has left behind a widow and four children. He was an upcoming apostle and a member of Apostles Today. Apostle Brett Wade was his spiritual Father. Curtis was on the cutting edge of what God was doing in His Kingdom. He was a now person, who often wowed the older ones with how God was using a younger generation. His prophetic gift was sharp and he just loved and lived a prophetic life. Loving Jesus with all of His heart one was not long on the phone with him where he was either listening attentively to you or expounding on something fresh from the Word of God. When my Dad died, he and his wife called my mom's home and prayed/prophesied to us. Earlier that year Curtis had given my Dad a call and had been deeply touched by my Dad's walk with the Jesus. I am so glad this older man and this younger one had a conversation that deeply touched both lives.
Curtis' fruit will live on! This morning I called our son to let him know of Curtis' death. Our son had visited NC and spent a few weekends over time in their home and Curtis had spoken many times into his life. Often through phone calls and emails Curtis patiently fellowshipped and talked about Jesus. He was a real genuine brother to me. To our son I said, the fruit Curtis bore will live on in what he has taught you and the things he spoken into my life and the lives of his family and others, too! He is now with Jesus and is fully healed of his battle with malignant melanoma. Free at last from this worlds encumbrances, free of suffering and pain, yesterday morning, he graduated to heavens hall of fame.
If Curtis could speak today his words would be, please pray for my dear wife and family whom I loved so very much. He spoke of them so often and they were treasures to him.
Today I sorrow but not as one having no hope. This brother deeply touched our lives and Proton Ministries touched so many. On Apostles Today there a tribute to Apostle Adrienne Hawthorne by Apostle Brett Wade. He penned the words so perfectly and so I have used them for Curtis' instead. They deeply say it all.
Curtis, I remember the pain of your departure, but by His hand I am healed with the joy of your remembrance.
In His Love,
Patricia Hamel