Friday, July 31, 2009

Oasis For The Weary Prophet

Oasis For The Weary Prophet

God is looking and seeing your weariness and He is calling you to Himself. He sees that you are weary prophet of God! He sees that you have given and often feel that you have no more to give. I say to you that you have much to give but are in need of refreshing. Come to Me precious prophet of God and I will give you refreshing. I have spoken to you of the refreshing that is necessary for you to continue on in Me. I am calling you to come to Me and take time at My feet for I will refresh you with My love. I am drawing you and I am calling you to come to Me now. The hour is late and I would use you to touch so many. Take time now and often for you need food that is fresh for My people. The hour is late and My Word is an oasis waiting for you. Come!

Come to Me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Learn of Me
for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest in your soul for MY yolk is easy
and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

Do Not Let Go!

by Patricia Hamel

God says, there is a divine shifting. He says, DO NOT WORRY
about what it looks like right now. He is moving His key
players into position. God says He is on the move. What you
see now is far from the end result. This shift needs to
happen for Him to bring about His end time battle plan. In
the natural army men are put in key positions to maximize
their potential for harm to the enemy and bring about victory.

So it is in the Kingdom of God. He is moving those that are
in His army into place. All need to be in a place of prayer
and listening to their God. It is imperative to hear His
instructions. Take time in the quiet place so that you might
fellowship with Him and hear Him. Remember that He is Lord
and that it is He who instructs you and not you Him. God is
saying that He is raising up a mighty army. You are a great
weapon in His hand. Turn it all over to Him and stop worrying
for what you see now is not the end result. The picture you
see now will change many times and in the end will look very
different for you and your family. Hold on the Lord says, for
you are in for the ride of a lifetime! Hold on and do not let
go and God will hold you fast! You are steady and sure only
in Him so remember DO NOT LET GO! You are anchored in Him,
who is the author and finisher of your faith. Let Him finish
the good work He started in you.

What Is Coming Out Of Your Mouth?

What Is Coming Out Of Your Mouth?

God brought something to my attention glaringly this week.
I heard a negative confession out of the mouth of a believer
and they were confessing such negative words that it was
obvious to me that the Lord wanted me to speak about it!
Immediately a scripture came to mind. Death and life are in
the power of the tongue! If we are honest we have all put our
foot in our mouth at one time or the other and had to repent
after the words were out! Did that really come out of my mouth?
God is speaking and saying that, He is wanting to clean up
the mouths of His children! Out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaks. Ouch!!! We speak and our words are creative.
As soon as the Lord hears our words they are written down. One
day we will give an account to Him for every word we utter.
Ouch!!! The bible says so! How do we get hold of our mouth so
that it glorify's the Lord.

Daily we need to be filled with His Spirit. That infilling you got
ten years ago will not work for you. A fresh infilling will bring
forth living water, pure and crystal clean and His Words flowing
with it. Glory to God. In the beginning God spoke and the world
was created. There is such power in the spoken word that this is
one reason why the Lord wants you to use wisdom. Declaring His
Word and praying His word out loud will bring victory. His word
is life and you need His life flowing out of you to others.

The enemy cannot read your mind but observes all that you say
and do. Once he hears it he knows how to try and bring defeat
into your life. We are snared by the words of our mouth. We
often teach children to put mind in gear before opening their
mouth and speaking. We do need to think before we speak. One
thing I remember about my Dad was that he was slow to speak.
He thought before he spoke and anyone who had a conversation
with him could have gotten a little impatient and jumped in
with their words before he was done, if they did not have the
fruit of patience in their life. He was a man of wisdom. It
was not long in his presence before one knew they were talking
to a wise man.

God hears prayers that are from His Spirit so let's line our
mouth up with the Word today.We are told that if we ask for
wisdom without doubting that the Lord will give it to us. Have
you prayed for wisdom in all you do and say today? Open your
mouth with wisdom and let kind words flow from sanctified lips.
It will bring grace to those that hear you. God wants you to
be a blessing to others! What you say does affect them. You
have the power of God in you to bring about change in those
around you by your speech. Determine today to be slow to speak
and quick to hear His Word. God will then use you as a vessel
fit for the Masters service. Death and life are in the power
of the tongue. Choose life today.

A Call To Repentance For The United States Of America


through Patricia Hamel

America I am knocking at the door of your heart.
You are being called to serve Me.
You have been great and have been free.
Now you are entangled in the yoke of bondage.
Come back America to your first love.
Come back to Me.
I am entreating and drawing you who live in America
to turn your heart toward Me.
Give Me your life.
What do you have America if you gain the whole world and
loose your soul?
America once great, now small in the eyes of the world
turn again your heart to Me.
I am knocking, I am calling you to repentance. Your sins
are great and it is time to repent. The least and the greatest
of you must repent of sin. The sin in government is great and
those in leadership must rend their garments and see the evil
of their ways. America, America this is one last call to turn
your heart to your Father. I love you with an everlasting love.
I have looked on you as a Father does on a child and pitied
you many times. When you have done injustice to other Nations
I have waited for your repentance but found none. Now America
I will deal with you as a Father does with a very disobedient child.
Turn now to Me before it is too late. Come back to Me for I Jesus
Am your first love that died for each one of you. Come to Me
and I will forgive, I will wash you clean and restore you. Do not
wait but come to Me today! The hour is late!

It's Time To Move Forward!

It's Time To Move Forward!
by Patricia Hamel

Moses was dead! God had buried him and only he knew the place.
If the Israelites had known where Moses was buried they would
have camped there and not moved on. Things happen in life that
cause us to be stuck in one place.What is dead in your life?
What do you need to move on from to go to another level in the
Lord? Is something holding you where you are now? God gave the
Israelites thirty days to grieve and then told Joshua, Moses
my servant is dead,prepare for in three days you will move out
into your destiny.

He promised to be with Him and give him every place that his
foot would touch. Many times he was told to be strong and of
good courage and also to fear not for the Lord would be with
him everywhere he put his foot. God is wanting to lead you
forward today! Do not look back but place your confidence in
the Lord and He will lead, guide and direct you into your
promised land.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage;
be not afraid,neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God
is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9

Holy Hush

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I heard the words Holy Hush. I also heard the Lord say to take
time in the Holy Hush before the storm. Take time to be still
and know that He is the Lord. These precious moments come too
seldom and God is saying enter into them.

Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up
out of his holy habitation.Zech. 2:13

Word For Stale Prophets



There is a season to come aside from reading all of the
propheticwords out there and to hear Him. The Lord is
saying that it is time that His prophets hear His voice.
He is saying that if you spend too much time taking in
that which other prophets speak there is a danger in
prophetic contamination. You need to Hear Him. He so
desires to speak to you and the Word you put out must
be a fresh word teeming with new life. He is saying that
he does not want you putting out second hand food but
food from Him which is far better. It is the fresh meat
of the word that will refresh His people. It is the fresh
Word that will touch and stir hearts. Do not be satisfied
with that which is old and stale but come higher and
receive the Word of the Lord for His people. Arise and
hear what the Spirit is saying to His church. Dig deep
into My Word and hear My voice. I am calling you and
saying, come Higher. Dig deeper and hear the Word of the
Lord. My people deserve more from you who are My prophets.
They deserve the pure Word of God.

Fly higher and come into My presence. Be still before Me
and I will speak to you. You will hear Me and fellowship
with Me and I shall speak to you of things to come. I
will speak to you and teach you that you might teach
others to hear My voice. Come higher and dig deeper for
there is much that I will show you. There are eaglets that
must grow and you must have food to feed them. They must
be taught to search the scriptures. Man and woman of God
soar higher and find the food to feed My people. Only then
will you be satisfied and hear well done you good and
faithful servant.

5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is
renewed like the eagle's.
Psalm 103:5

Word For Those In Internet Ministry

Word For Those In Internet Ministry

The enemy would have My children spending many long hours on
the internet. I would that you would spend time with Me and
not so much time online. I will give you heavenly food as you
take time with Me to seek My face. Then your time online would
be more profitable for all and minister in a greater way to
the body of Christ. Take time with Me and seek My face and
come away with fresh food for those in need. Come away with
freshness in your spirit and a knowing that you have spent
time with your Lord. I am drawing all those that are mine
away from doing things that are just good to doing that which
I have called them to do. You are being called into My presence.
Hear the call of My Spirit those of you that bear My name.
Come up higher. Take time with Me. Take time to pray in the
Spirit and receive revelation that will touch My heart and
the hearts of many. I delight in you and want to spend time
with you. Come aside this day without delay for you do not
know what tomorrow holds. Today is the day of your salvation.
Today you need to be refreshed and ready for the battle that
lies ahead. Today you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Today I desire your fellowship. Today if you hear My voice
do not harden your hearts but come aside for I am calling
you, says the Lord.

38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain
village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into
her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also
sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was
distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and
said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to
serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you
are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing
is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will
not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42 (NKJV)

The Clear Prophetic Voice

The Clear Prophetic Voice
through Patricia Hamel

Many prophetic voices are speaking but these voices will
begin to come forth with more clarity. The sound of My
Spirit will cut through all sound barriers and have a
clear and distinct sound. My voice will resonate from
those who speak the true prophetic word. I am removing
the mix that is in My people. Many sounds have been
heard and much confusion has come to the body. Realize
that the lack of discerning has come from lack of time
in My presence. Begin to feed on My Word and you will
have more understanding. Pray that the discerning of
spirits to be sharpened in you. My sheep will know My
voice and not follow another. My body will be brought
to maturity and there will be the unity of My Spirit.
This will come out of need. My body will become one
even as I and My Father are one and need will
necessitate it. Prepare now, servants of the Lord for
I am going to use you to perfect the saints for the
work of ministry. The last and great harvest must be
brought into my storehouse. My arms are open and now
is the time to prepare for the fields are ripe to
harvest and the laborers are few. Pray that I will
send laborers into the harvest. I will do it and not
one of Mine will be plucked out of My hand, says the Lord.

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
follow me:

28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never
perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:27,28

A New Day For Prophets!

A New Day For Prophets!

As I called Abraham to go forward not knowing where he was
going, so I am calling you to put your foot forward into a
new place. This place will not always be a place of comfort
but it will be a place of new life. Everywhere you set your
foot shall be given to you as you claim it for Me. Go
forward and do not look back for this is a new day for My
prophet. This is a new day that will yield much fruit and
that fruit will remain long after you have gone to your
reward. Know I am walking with you and teaching you by My
Spirit. New things and fresh revelation will follow you as
you walk out your salvation with fear and trembling. I will
be with you even unto death, says the Lord so fear not to
go forward and conquor the land I the Lord your God give you.

Kingdom Finances

Kingdom Finances

The day is here when finances are being rearranged for My
Kingdom purposes. Finances in the Kingdom are for My Kingdom
work that the gospel might be preached to the ends of the
earth. Those that can be trusted with great their hands.
They will be tested with this wealth to see what they will
do with it. When it comes into your hands use it for My
purposes and not for selfish gain. All will be into place
to do My Word before I return. Pray that finances will be
brought in and that those with My heart will distribute
them wisely.

Remember the poor and the widow for My eye is on their
plight and I would have them cared for, says the Lord.

I am searching hearts even now and seeking whom I can trust.
If you have failed in areas of finances, repent. If you
have not been generous to My work. Repent. If you have not
given to Me what is do to Me repent and come back on track.

This race is not yet over and I am equipping My saints for
the work of ministry in all areas of their life. Be on guard
for the deceiver will seek to have you move ahead of time,
or not soon enough but be seeking My will and spend time with
Me. In doing so you will discern the times and seasons you
are walking in.

There are those that will walk with great wealth,and there
will be those that are poor. Do not despise one another but
bear one anothers burdens for it all belongs to Me and I
would have you to know the Father's heart. My heart was for
the poor and the multitudes but My heart also trusted certain
men with great riches. Search your heart for motives in wanting
riches. Know too that they can flee in a night and that no
man can take anything out of this world. You came into this
world without finances and will go out without them.

Use them wisely and build My Kingdom and desire My glory for
their is nothing that I will not give to the man who will walk
uprightly and who can be trusted.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all
things shall be added to you. You will reap what you sow so
sow bountifully in every area of your life. This does not just
pertain to finances but to all things. Let My love flow and
do not shut your heart to one another but let the anointing
arise in you and let it flow so that My Bride will come to
maturity. Time is short so do your first works and walk in
love discerning the Lord's body. Remember My death till I
come for behold I come quickly and the harvest must be
brought in. Much harvest is in the fields and it is white
to harvest so do what you can do in bringing it in. Precious
souls stand in the balance. A cup of cold water in My name
may be needed. A kind word may need to be spoken. Whatever
I have called you to do in a day do it with great joy. Some
may finance the journey and some may be home interceeding.
Each has their part in My Kingdom.

Remember also that today you have been blessed but tomorrow
you have need. Always walk with a heart that esteems others
better than yourself. If you have done it to the least of
these you have done it unto Me.

Above all seek Me and you will find Me when you seek Me with
your whole heart. I am just waiting for My children to take
time to seek Me so seek Me today while I may be found.