Saturday, June 27, 2009


through Patricia Hamel

I am seeking out My intercessors. Do not say I cannot do it!
Do not say I do not have time! Give Me your time! Give Me
your all at this time for I am calling you. I am calling
you, I am calling you. It is time to come for I am looking
for intercessors to stand on the wall. I am calling you to
stand on the wall for the Nations. Each of you has at one
time been given assignments and many of those assignments
have not be fulfilled. I am calling you to fulfill that
commitment you made to Me. I have heard the deep desire
of your heart to be that intercessor in My hand. Come to
Me now and hear the heart of the Father. I will share My
heart with you and you will know My plans. You will hear
what I will do in the earth and you will hear the plans
that the enemy has for God's people and for the Nations
of the earth. You will surely know His plans and thwart
them with My sharp sword. Come before Me, in repentance,
humility and holiness and you will hear Me, says the Lord.

30"I searched for a man among them who would build up the
wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that
I would not destroy it; but I found no one.Ezekiel 22:30 (NASB)


Divine Connections
through Patricia Hamel

God is bringing His prophetic people who will hear the wind
of His Spirit together for such a time as this. Hear His call!
Hear the wind of the Spirit and know the way He is blowing.
God is speaking to His own and calling you to join ranks with
those that are His Divine connections for you in this hour.
Pray for Divine connections. Wait on Him and He will bring you
to them or them to you in His perfect timing. Press in and know
that the Lord has appointments for you in this hour. We are not
to walk alone but to be joined to His body. He is uniting us
together and the Spirit of Truth will be there in the midst.

20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will
believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one,
as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be
one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And
the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be
one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they
may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You
have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
John 17: 20-23 (NKJV)


Prophetic Download
through Patricia Hamel

The Lord says to you that He has looked upon you and seen the
hurt.God says no more. I am healing the hurt. I am taking you
to a new level and you will be transformed by the renewing of
your mind. Let go of the past and move forward because I
would transition you into your destiny. He is saying, let it
go and do not look back but look forward to what I am doing
in you. It is a new work, with My power and you will be used
to touch many. Spend time with Me now in the quiet place and
I will speak much into your Spirit. I am hearing,download and
the Lord is going to give you prophetic download into your
spirit and you will know that the Lord has spoken. Get ready
and be prepared to be positioned by Me, says the Lord for your
destiny will surely come to pass.


by Patricia Hamel

God looks down on those called to be His prophets
with such great joy. How He loves us. When one
knows that they are called to be a prophet of the
Lord such joy fills their heart. Then all too quickly
for the prophet the crushing begins. Little by little
the Lord continues to press in to remove all that
is not of Him. Many times the prophet will say
ouch and often moan and complain until they
realize that it really does no good but just takes
more energy than it is worth. We are told to be
good soldiers and endure hardness. The prophet
needs to be softened to have the heart of the Father
and yet toughened so they will not give in to pressure.

At the same time he or she needs to come to death
in their need of approval and have it stripped from their
lives. This needs to be to be removed from the prophets life.

Dying daily is the way of the prophet. Paul said, I
die daily. If you want to be a prophet get ready to
die!!! Get ready to lay all on the altar before Him and
move when He says move. You will learn to die quickly!

There will be times that you will move to an unknown
place. Little by little one realizes that their life is not
their own and Father is looking for a heart that obeys
out of love.

Some of us are more obedient than others. Then
there are those that are full of rebellion that He has
called and it all has to be dealt with.

The process is not easy. You will go through a lot of
rejection at the hands of others especially in the church.
Some will not understand your calling. Even those of
your own household will not always understand the high
standard God has called you to!

You will be mocked and ridiculed because you will not enter
into the things that they do. It is a lonely walk and often you
will want to hide you head in the sand. Alas, that does not
work either. Sometimes going to bed and pulling the covers
up over your head seems like the answer but that too is
short lived.

Plainly one comes to see that the life of the prophet is a
hard, disciplined life. Yet one would not change it for the world.
The true prophet loves the Lord with all their heart and has
a heart for His people. It is out of this that the prophet is born.

The Heart of the Father must be your heart beat. You must
love His church and not be critical of her but see her has the
Father sees her. You will be that intercessor with His heart
and you will also love His chosen people. You will hate sin but
learn to love the sinner.

You will be become one with whom He shares His secrets
and learn that you must keep confidences.
You will learn to intercede and pray the Word of God and
declare it into the earth. You will be His watchman. You will
learn to die to your flesh and get up at night when He calls you.

There will be little approval in this life for you. You will go
through life in the cave, live in a cocoon, in the wilderness
for a time and then one day you will be that beautiful butterfly
that God wants you to be! want to be a prophet! Be prepared to live in the fiery
furnace. Just when you think you got out of it, in you go again
for more refining. The Lord will lovingly refine you till you are
pure gold.

Do you feel that the Lord is calling you? Decide if you are willing
to pay the price! Spend time with Him and you will know in your
heart your calling as you wait on Him and hear His voice. He
will over time confirm it to you. This will be done through
others also who will recognize the gift that is in you. A mans
gift makes room for him.

Sometimes it takes years and yet others are told very
young that they are called the be a prophet. Jeremiah heard
early that he was called to be a prophet. There are others
who did not have it all revealed to them till midlife. They
look back and understand all the rejection and hardship they
have gone through and see that the Lord was preparing them.

God has a perfect plan. There is the prophetic gift, the
prophetic ministry and the prophetic office. Find out where you
are called.

Take time Beloved to seek Him and know for sure that He is
calling you to be one of His prophets. When you know this
press in with all His might and be all He has called you to be.
Realize that you will be in His school of learning for a long time
and that it can take even fifteen, twenty or thirty years to form
one who will one day walk in the office of the prophet and be
that gift to the body of Christ. want to be a read to die to all that you are
so that you can be all for Him. You will become His mouthpiece,
speak when He says speak and will learn through the things
you suffer. You will put your foot in your mouth along the way,
but He will put the horses bit in your mouth and you will learn to
bridle your tongue.

Speaking in tongues is a good solution to this and being filled
with the Holy Ghost daily is a must for God's prophet.

Be prepared to be groomed by the Lord Himself and He will
work in your heart and life and one day you will be seperated
by the Lord for this office. Then in His timing He will ordain you
usually through an apostle into the office of the prophet.

You will do what you have done all along and serve His body and
you will now be that gift to the body of Christ which will require
a much greater dying to all that you are so that His church
can be all that they will be.

Patricia Hamel


What Are You Doing With The Prophetic Word You Received?
by Patricia Hamel

What do you do with the prophetic word you received? Many
receive it and forget about it and others expect it to come
to pass instantly. I recall receiving My first prophetic
word and being so overjoyed by it. At that time I thought
it would be an instant thing but I soon came to learn that
God’s timing is not our timing. Often over time we have
received many words,that in time, put together a prophetic
picture of what the Lord is wanting to do in our life.
These words usually confirm what He has already spoken to
us or will soon speak to us out of His Word. The Rhema Word
will always agree with the written Word.

It is so very important to have a copy of the word given to
you as we forget parts or remember incorrectly what we have
heard. Write it out and keep it where you are able to read
it from time to time. Also like Timothy we are able to
wage war with it when the enemy comes along and tells us it
is not going to come to pass. Timothy is told to wage a
good warfare with the prophetic word he received.

18 This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to
the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them
you may wage the good warfare, 19 having faith and a good
conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the
faith have suffered shipwreck, 20 of whom are Hymenaeus
and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may
learn not to blaspheme. 1 Timothy 1:18-20 (NKJV)

All prophetic words that you receive are conditional to
your obedience. Does that mean that a word may never come
to pass? In some cases yes but in any case if you are not
obedient it will be delayed. God is merciful and I have
seen those that man would have written off still fulfill
their destiny. The Word they received was delayed though
for a long period of time and it brought much sorrow with
it. God does not break covenant with man but it is man who
breaks covenant with the Lord.

The prophetic word is speaking to your potential in Christ.
Often we receive a word that tells us something profound
and then God needs to iron out the wrinkles in our lives.
We need the character of Christ to be formed in us. So…you
might be told that you are called to ministry. What will
be your next step? You need to go before the Lord and
seek Him when you know you have received a sound word.
Ask Him how He would have you to prepare. Obviously you
will need much time in the word and prayer as a start to
any ministry calling. We are told to study to show
ourselves approved to God.

15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

How long can it take for a word to take place. It can
depend how quickly you line up with His word and also on
Gods timing for this word to unfold in your life.
Often I have seen ten years go by in some lives and yet
a word has not yet taken place and yet with one older
couple, I saw the prophetic word they received being to
happen two weeks later. God’s timing is perfect.

Take the prophetic words you have received and from time
to time go over them, listen to and read them. Claim
them in your life and do look and see if you missed
anything the Lord said to you. Wage war wisely with
them, continue to believe the Lord for Him to help you
to run the race and know that the Lord will bring the
prophetic word you received to pass in His perfect time.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7

Patricia Hamel
June 21, 2009


Think Divine Thoughts
by Patricia Hamel

No matter what you are going through today the Lord is wanting
you to know that His grace is sufficient for you. Paul said he
would rather boast in his infirmities that the power of Christ
would rest upon him. Many of you are rather, groaning under
the weight of the tests and trials and looking for a quick way
out. The truth is that the Lord will give you grace until His
Divine moment when you will be released by Him. It is never
easy going through trials and being on the potters wheel. It
does though work a more peacable fruit of righteousness in our

9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My
strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly
I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of
Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV)

There are times when God is bringing His Divine correction to
your life. None like the correction of the Lord but God loves
you too much to leave you the way you are. He sees your
potential in Christ. Do you see who you are able to be in Him?
If so, then you must desire to be like your maker and remain
on the potters wheel as long as necessary for the work to be
done. Ask for fresh vision and be encouraged today that
whatever is going on in your life, the Lord is very aware of
it. His eye is on you and He sees you in your situation today.

11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but
painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit
of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews
12:11 (NKJV)
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things
are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate
on these things Phil. 4:8 9 (NKJV)

It is time to bring all thoughts captivity to Christ. We are
admonished to think on things that are good pure and lovely.
This will lift you above your situation as you praise the Lord
and worship Him He will bring you to a new level of confidence
and trust in Him.

Rejoice this day and again I say, rejoice in the Lord.


My Glory Is Coming!
through Patricia Hamel

Do you not know that I am standing with you?
I am there with you in the storms of life!
I look and I see all that is going on and know all the
pressures you are under.
I the Lord am standing with you.
I have not run off and left you but am there with you
in the furnace of affliction. I am standing with
you in the fiery furnace and say, stay there with Me
and do not move until the work is complete.
Do not move, but allow Me to do the work.
I am doing a deep work in your heart.
It will be a lasting work and one that will ignite My glory
and it shall flow through you and start a fire in others.
My glory shall burn from one to the other and all those
that are touched by My glory will be forever transformed
into My image. Do not doubt that My glory is coming,
says the Lord.

9An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of
the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. Luke 2:9 (NKJV)


Is God Calling You?
by Patricia Hamel

God is preparing a people that will be willing to move when
He says to move. The Lord is saying, "that it is time to
move out of your comfort zone". He is saying,"that His
people are yet too comfortable to bring in the harvest". I
hear the Lord saying," that the fields are white to harvest".
Do you hear His call? Are you hearing the call of His Spirit?
The Lord is saying that the fields are white to harvest and
if the harvest is not brought in people will spend life
without Christ, forever lost for all eternity. Jesus is
knocking at the door of hearts and calling you to go and
bring in the precious harvest. He is saying, "that the
laborers are few". The precious harvest will be lost if
you do not go. Are you willing to count the cost? Are you
willing to put aside all that keeps you from His call on
your life? Are you willing to go into the highways and
biways and bid them to come to the marriage supper of the
Lamb? There are so very many excuses. Church we need to be
praying that the Lord of the harvest will send laborers
into His harvest. You may be one that cannot go but are
able to support those that do. Each has their part to do
and together we will enter into the joy of our salvation.

Doors are soon to be closed for all eternity. Now is the
day of salvation! Now is the time to bring in the precious
harvest.Hear the call of the Spirit today and ask Him to
speak to your heart about what He would have you do in
these end times. Softly and tenderly the Spirit is calling
and you need to spend time with Him and hear if He is
calling you!

Let your prayer today be Lord send me.

37Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is
plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38Pray ye therefore
the Lord of the harvest, that he will
send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37-38


through Patricia Hamel

This will be your finest hour as you arise and stand
on behalf of Israel. Yes, my people you need to arise
to the occasion and stand in the gap on her behalf. I
am calling you to intercession on a large scale. As My
people were called when Haman was going to destroy the
Jews so again the Spirit of Haman has arisen and has a
plan to destroy My people.

The enemy is heating up the oven hotter and has one
with that same spirit,who is planning to anniahiliate
My people. I say to you that I have a plan that was
ordained before the foundation of the world. There
is a plan of deliverance for My people. They shall be
delivered by My strong right arm. Yes, there shall be
a great battle and the signs of it are quickly arising
but I say to you that My people shall not be destroyed
but through all that is coming they shall come to know
Me their true Messiah. I Jesus am coming to avenge all
that is coming against My people. The plans of the enemy
will be thwarted. The Spirit of Haman will be brought
to nought and as Haman was hung on his own gallows so
the enemy will be made to eat the dirt of the ground.

I will have the last say. This shall come to pass and
my will is going to be done on earth in Israel as it is
in heaven as you My intercessors pray, fast,and intercede
on their behalf. You move My hand to bring My word to pass.
Intercessors much lies on what you do in this hour. This
is a clarion call to the prayer closet and be on vigil for
My people the Jews and you must stand with them.

Pray that the Nations of the earth stand with them. Those
that will divide My land I will divide says the Lord. You
that think you have the upper hand you plans will fail
for I am the Lord.

You are not fighting Israel but you are fighting the Lord
God of Heaven,the Lord of Armies and I will not stand by
but in the end you shall fight with Me.

Arise and shine church. Let those that are Mine come into
your destiny for you were engrafted into the vine. I am
calling you to come and ask Me for My burden and that you
carry the burden of the Lord.

Awake from your slumber and sleep. Wake up for the day
of your redemption draws near. Hear Me as I call you to
this plan of Mine for you as intercessors are My secret
weapons of war.

Fight the battle and win and My Kingdom will be ushered
in, says the Lord.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do Not Compromise!

Do Not Compromise!

You have taken a firm stand and the enemy is not happy.
You have chosen to take up your cross and follow Me. It
would be easier to give in but the outcome would not be
good. I have called you to a high standard and you must
not give in to the pressure being applied by the enemy.
He will use those that you to love to attempt to draw
you into the world. You have stood and are continuing
to stand and are saying no to watching even the movies
that seem good but the battle is on. You have chosen
to protect your eye gate and this is necessary and
pleasing to Me. Do not give in to the pleasures of sin
for a season. Stand fast dearly beloved and do not
compromise for I have called you to walk uprightly and
your calling is one that must be protected at all cost.
Do not give in but stand even in the face of this mild
persecution for many have had much worse in their lives.
Being sworn at is mild compared to the persecution of
many of your brothers and sisters so remember them in
prayer before Me. They need your intercession and so be
used of Me and pray for those that also persecute you.

Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of
God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Hebrews 11:25

To Everything There Is A Season

To Everything There Is A Season

Daily things are moving and changing in your life.
You do not see the changes but they are there if
you look closely with My eyes and see them. I
am moving you to a new level and the discomfort
you are feeling is the gentle nudge of My Spirit
moving you forward. One step at a time you will
put your foot in this new place. The past is dead
and you will move forward into this deeper place
where I have called you. It is the place of much
deeper intercession and you will not be satisfied
until you stay there in your prayer closet with Me.

I am calling you aside in this season to meet with
Me and fellowship with Me for I have much to reveal
to you. Settle down with Me and know that it is
for the long haul and you will come out only at My
leading to do those things I call you to do. Rise
up to the occasion and press, press, press. The
enemy is bringing resistance but resist Him and He
will flee, says the Lord.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to
every purpose under the heaven:
Eccl. 3:1

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

Many are called to the place of deep intercession but few
find it! You are called to this place in this hour and know
that it is My plan for your life. Fellowship with man is
draining but fellowship with Me truly satisfies. Even time
online with others seems good but it can never be allowed
to take time away from Me. You are called into My presence
the deep presence of the Spirit of God.

Softly and tenderly I am calling and wooing you to come aside
and enjoy My presence. I am calling you to fight battles for
Nations. You are called to fight for My people and declare
My Word into the earth. I am calling you into that deep place
of intercession that few ever find. They do not find it because
they are not willing to pay the price. I see your heart and know
that you are willing to pay it. Call on Me and I will answer you.
You have found favor in My sight.

You will fulfil this calling in your life and all else will be
centered around this precious time with Me. All ministry will
flow from the centre of My will for as you spend this quality
time with Me you will indeed be in the center of My will.

Hear Me, for softly and tenderly I am calling you and saying,
come My daughter come into the presence of your King.
Come beloved of mine come and I will spread a table before you
in the presence of your enemies.

The enemy of best is good so never settle for less than I have
for you, says the Lord.

Prophets Of God!

Prophets Of God!

Prophets of God. You are unique and as individual as
your name. I have called you by My name and you will
never be like another. Do not try to be as other
prophets but be the one I have called you to be. You
have your own distinct characteristics and walk with
Me. When you are confident in who you are you will be
glad to walk as the one I have called you to be. Your
words are My words and they have My fingerprint through
you on each word. Each prophet is individually mine.
I take each one of you and have broken you and molded
you for My purposes. Hear the call of the Lord on your
life and do not look at another. If you try to be like
another you shall surely fail and I will not look on
you with great joy. Each one of you My prophets are My
sons and daughters who are individual and exceedingly
precious. Hear the voice of My Spirit and come up
higher and hear Me, says the Lord.

Victory Is Yours!

Victory Is Yours!

You have stood in the hard place and have continued
to stand. I say to you continue to stand in this
place of resistance and know that I am enabling you
to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of
your testimony. You are being strengthened day by
day and as you go through each trial you pass the test.
Yes you are passing the tests that you are going
through and as you do so you are being strengthened
in your inner man. You are becoming stronger and
able to handle greater battles and you are being
prepared for this time. Though the attacks come you
will stand against them and thwart the plans of the
enemy. Fear not for you are indeed that overcomer
called for such a time as this. Know that I the Lord
am giving you victory and you will take the spoils
of the enemy into your camp,says the Lord.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13

See Yourself Through My Eyes

See Yourself Through My Eyes

I say to you My daughter that before you were born I
knew you. I had plans for you that were ordained
before the foundation of the world. You were called
by Me to be a prophetess to the church. You were
called by Me and I will fulfill that which I have
called you to do. Fear not My daughter. You are
looking at your inadequacies but I would have you
to look at My power working in your life. Fear not
those that would speak against you. Fear not those
that would doubt your value and worth for I have
called you, says the Lord. You are called by My name.
You were called by Me and I will fulfill My promises
to you. You shall minister to many and those that
are hurting will be touched by you. Believe Me for
I am not a God that lies. I speak with you My
daughter as your Father who loves you and looks upon
you lovingly. I see you altogether lovely in My sight.
See yourself through My eyes. Look and behold the
daughter of the King. I have called you and your
calling is not a mistake but one divinely ordained by Me.

Prophet Of God, Search Your Heart

Prophet Of God, Search Your Heart
by Patricia Hamel

The Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah and told Him that He
was called before He was born and that He had ordained Him
to be a prophet to the Nations. Has God called you to serve
as one of His prophets? It is a noble calling but one that
will cost you everything. Jeremiah like many of us came up
with what He thought was a good excuse. Lord I am young and
cannot speak! What excuses have you given to the Lord when
He has called you to do something you feel inadeqauate about
doing? You need to be determined to fulfill your calling. The
Lord told Jeremiah that he would go and speak whatever the
Lord commanded him. He was told not to fear man but that the
Lord was there to deliver him. Do you fear man more than you
fear the Lord. Prophet of God search your heart, for the
Lord knows what is inside the deep recesses of your heart.
Do you fear man or do you fear the Lord? God is asking you
this deep and soul searching question. God is saying, that
He has put His words in your mouth and with His unction you
will speak them. God is asking you today to put total trust
in Him and He will fulfill His destiny in your life.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)

Seperating The Holy From The Profane

Seperating The Holy From The Profane

I am seperating the holy from the profane.
The light and the darkness are being seprated.
I am seperating the truth from the error and
exposing the works of the enemy.

Much is being spoken that is not from My Word.
Only My Word will stand forever.
Listen. Listen. Listen and hear My voice speaking
through the true prophetic Word.
Do you hear the voice of My Spirit.
Do you hear the sound of heaven.
Do you hear Me in the midst of the Word.
Discern what you are hearing for I am seperating
the holy from the profane.
I will seperate and the division will be clear.
Light and darkness do not mix.
Even darkness spoken of in a prophetic word will
be spoken of through my vessels which are light.
Without Me there is no life in the prophetic word.
I am Spirit and I am life.
The true prophet and the false prophet will become
more obvious as will those prophesying out of the
darkness that is in their heart.
Many prophesy out of their own hurt and pain when
they need to take time to be healed.
Take time to be healed for your words will be tainted
that you speak to the people. I will raise you up in
due time but prophet of God do not speak out of
your own hurt and pain.
Judge righteous judgment.
See that I am love and that I speak Words that breath
life and healing and deliverance.
I speak Words that give people hope even in the midst
of the darkest of times. Hear the sound of the Lord.
Hear the voice of My Spirit. My judgment is always
tempered with mercy. The hand of God is always
You who speak judgment without mercy will receive
the same. I bring life fresh life to My people.
I do not crush all hope.
The warnings I bring are to save, correct and instruct
and they will, edify, exort and comfort.
Speak Words of edification. Speak Words of comfort.
Speak Words of truth in love that though I judge
and chastise man I do so to bring about change.
Yes, the judge of the earth will do right. Even then there
will be the scarlett thread where salvation will come to
those that cry out to Me.
Hear Me. Babylon is being revealed as are the false
prophets. As you sit with Me you shall see the Lord.
I am coming quickly and you who will judge the angels
learn righteous judgment. Fear has come through
many words. I do not bring the fear of man but the fear
of the Lord. Many have stocked up because of fear
when and their cupboards are more full of food then
they are of Me. Be filled with the Lord and seek Him
and then you will hear what I am saying to the church.
Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and
all things will be added to you. Prepare as I say prepare
out of wisdom but not out of fear. Search your hearts
for many of mine fear the future. Fear only Me for I am
the Lord.

1 IF I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels,
but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual
devotion such as is inspired by God's love for and in us), I
am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2And if I have
prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will
and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and
mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have
[sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but
have not love (God's love in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody).

3 Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing]
food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order
that I may glory, but have not love (God's love in me), I gain

4 Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is
envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or
vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it
is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love
(God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its
own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or
fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done
to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].

6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but
rejoices when right and truth prevail.

7 Love bears up under anything and everything that comes,
is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its
hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures
everything [without weakening].

8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or
comes to an end]. As for prophecy the gift of interpreting
the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass
away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease;
as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value
and be superseded by truth].

9 For our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect),
and our prophecy (our teaching) is fragmentary (incomplete
and imperfect).

10 But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the
incomplete and imperfect will vanish away (become antiquated,
void, and superseded).

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like
a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a
man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.

12 For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim
(blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma],
but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and
face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I
shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the
same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and
understood by God].

13 And so faith, hope, love abide [faith--conviction and
belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things;
hope--joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation;
love--true affection for God and man, growing out of God's
love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these
is love. (AMP)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Word For Pastors

You Can Pastor The Church of Brotherly Love!
through Patricia Hamel
June 1, 2009

You Can Pastor The Church of Brotherly Love!

The book of Revelations speaks of the church of Philadelphia
and it being the church of brotherly love. (Rev. 3:7). There
were some qualities in this church that the others lacked.
The Lord had set before them an open door. Your church needs
to be a church with an open door to those that are hurting.
People need to be able to come to your church and get saved,
set free, fed the milk of the word and instructed in the
things of God till they grow up and are able to minister to
others. The church of Philadelphia has a little strength
left for they have given out to many but they know where
their strength lies. It lies in the name of the Lord who
will strengthen them to do the task the Lord has set before
them. This church (your church) has kept the Word of God
and not denied His name. The Lord promises that if you
keep the word of His patience that He will keep you in the
hour of temptation that is coming on the earth. How good
is our God. This church that the Lord is speaking to is
told to hold fast that no man takes their crown. You also
need to walk an overcoming life.

Todays Pastor must balance so many things. It is said
that few Pastors take time to pray. Your strength comes
from your times with the Lord. You need to take quiet
time with your Father for He will pour into you fresh
revelation needed to shepherd your sheep. Sheep do bite
and all of those that will come in are not coming in
dressed in Sunday best. God brings them in and then
He cleans them up. Older believers need to be reminded
of this. A church needs to be praying for the love of
the Father. Does your church have the love of the Father
or is it too big or too busy? Let all that you do
centre around His love. Be that example as one in that
fivefold ministry office.

God is calling His Pastors back to the basics. Your
ministry started out of a relationship with me, says
the Lord. Continue in My love and seek My face for
out of our relationship will flow My love from you
to others. 1 Cor. 13. I am calling you to check your
foundation for no other foundation will hold in this
hour other than that which is Jesus Christ. All
other ground will be sinking sand. Pastors you have
labored hard and long in My vineyard. Many of you
are weary and many of you have even thought of
quitting but the Lord says, do not quit, get up for
I have saved the best for last. He is saying, to
press in and learn to delegate authority to those
you can trust. Pray for discernment and let this be
a team work. There are no lone rangers in this hour.
Your wives need to know that they are loved and a
Pastor that has a strong home and family will
minister freely.
Time with your family will be rewarded. Likewise
women that Pastor be attentive to your family and
guard your femininity.

Be transparent. Be able to share that life is not
perfect and do not get to church feeling that you
need to put on your Sunday smile when you have just
had a disagreement at home. Let your people know
that there are difficult days for all that are
serving the Lord and let your congregation know
that you need their love and support. Know each
sheep by name and ask the Lord how you can be a
positive reinforcement in their lives. A kind
word to that irritable little old lady may be
all she needs to feel good about herself. A
word of wisdom spoken at the right time is like
apples of gold in a picture of silver.

Jesus was the only perfect shepherd. You are
not under any condenmation but are walking not
after the flesh but the Spirit. Let love, joy
and peace be the centre of all that you do.
When one of those three is missing it is time
beloved Pastor to come to My feet and spend
time with Me for you are in need of refreshing.
Times of refreshing in My presence are what
you need more than anything for it is out of
this that you minister to those that I have
entrusted to you. Guard your sheep against
intruders and know who it is that ministers
among you.

Have intercessors that will pray for you
and let them have someone (elders)in your
church to share with,m if the Lord shows them
something. Team work will get the job done.
Know that I the Lord am standing with you
as you put your trust in Me and preach
Christ and Him cruicified. Give room for
the gifts of the spirit to flow in your
gatherings for without them your will not
have the life of My Spirit. (1 Cor. 12 ).
Allow Me to breath My life into your
meetings. Let the wind of My Spirit blow
in your midst and you will get the job
done, says the Lord.